What Type of Noticer Are You?

How do YOU cultivate the art of noticing through your teacher's disposition?

Quiz Transcript

What Type of Noticer Are You?

How do YOU cultivate the art of noticing through your teacher's disposition?

Find Out

What is the first thing you notice when you walk into the classroom? 

how students greet you 


you notice nothing


when students go against the grain


objectives you have to meet for the day




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Which is your spirit animal?











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What is something you notice that you don't like?

when students put themselves down


cell phones


flaws in your lesson 


when you are agitated as a teacher form things outside of school 


3 / 5

What is something you notice that you enjoy the most?



when your lesson goes right 


when students speak their mind 


when students lives align with your own values ex politics, music 


4 / 5

WHY do you notice these things?

when help you to understand something you're trying to understand


when it makes you sad


when it connects to something else


when it makes your school a more humane place 


5 / 5



Making mistakes is something they feel needs to happen behind closed doors, something the students shouldn’t see. Flaws of themselves is what they notice, and what they don’t want others to notice. Reflection and emotion happens in secret, not in the classroom.

When students go against the grain, and decide to speak their mind and show who they are, it’s noticed, but not always in the best way. Some may think that’s a factor that went wrong in class that day.


What and who the interaction is with is noticed. Books, students, discussion, reading, writing. If there is no interaction, there is little noticing. Interaction is the main goal of teaching; to establish relationships and build a classroom culture. But, what do you do if a student doesn’t interact? Do you notice?


Priorities of the teacher comes with time and experience. Outside factors such as politics, friends, interests are considered when noticing and being your teacher self, however, it is usually subconsciously done