Which chakras do you need to balance?

Feeling blocked from your path? Take this quick quiz to find out which of your chakras needs a little TLC! Plus, I'll give you some transformative meditations and movements to raise your vibrations and unstop your energy's flow šŸ§˜šŸ•‰šŸ™

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Quiz Transcript

Which chakras do you need to balance?

Feeling blocked from your path? Take this quick quiz to find out which of your chakras needs a little TLC! Plus, I'll give you some transformative meditations and movements to raise your vibrations and unstop your energy's flow šŸ§˜šŸ•‰šŸ™

Take The Quiz

Which of these colours do you feel the least drawn to?Ā 







Donā€™t make me choose ā€” I love all the colors!


1 / 10

How grounded do you usually feel?

Iā€™m super grounded, but I still feel deeply connected to the divine.


Iā€™m grounded most of the time... Till I see my crush ā€” then my heart starts fluttering, and I donā€™t know what to do with myself.


Good question! I wouldnā€™t call myself ungrounded, but Iā€™ve also got really big dreams and have been described as having my head in the clouds.


Honestly, I donā€™t feel grounded very often at all...


2 / 10

What do you worry about most?Ā 

Iā€™m not much of a worrier. Sometimes things come up, but then I go for a walk, sit with them, or talk to someone I love, and I feel much calmer.Ā 


Where to find the money for rent, groceries, and the occasional splurge.


If Iā€™m ever going to feel truly connected to my spirit...


That Iā€™ll never find my soulmate.


3 / 10

How comfortable are you speaking your truth?

Iā€™m fine with it. And I know whenā€™s the right time and whenā€™s the wrong time.


Not bad. Sometimes it seems to come from an angry or aggressive place though.


Iā€™m fine with it for most things but I donā€™t really feel comfortable asking for what I need when it comes to love.


The worst? Speaking up makes me nervous AF.


4 / 10

I say willpower, you say:

Only if my heartā€™s in it.


Will who? What power?


Iā€™ve got loads of it... If only I could figure out what to focus all that power on.


I can access willpower when I need it, but what Iā€™m doing is usually aligned with my core values, so I hardly ever need to will my way through things.


5 / 10

Congratulations! You just won an all expenses paid trip to the retreat of your choice? Which do you choose?

Ooooh! I know! Letā€™s do a two week tropical cruise! Week 1: Heal Your Heart. Week 2: Speed Dating. How awesome would it be to meet a partner whoā€™s actually doing the work?!


Hmmm. Iā€™d love to go on a medicine journey in the jungle to help me figure out how to reconnect to my spirit and purpose.


Ok, hear me out: wouldnā€™t it be nice to go on a month long vacation to a luxury resort in the Mayan Riviera where you could eat and drink as much as you want without gaining any weight?


Honestly? Iā€™d be grateful no matter what. I can have a good time with anything. But who doesnā€™t love really good food and sunshine, am I right?


6 / 10

What kind of sickness do you usually have to deal with?

Headaches and anxiety mostly.


Digestion issues. You do NOT want me to go into details, I promise.


Asthma. Irregular heart rate. Upper back pain. So annoying.


I donā€™t get sick very often and when I do itā€™s kinda random.


7 / 10

Are you more into exercise or meditation?

Iā€™m pretty active AND I meditate on the regular. It took a fair bit of work to get here, though, thatā€™s for sure!


Um, neither? But I wouldnā€™t mind getting a bit more fit, thatā€™s for sure!


Depends on my mood and what Iā€™m trying to work through.


I realllllly wish I had a regular meditation practice.


8 / 10

How do you prefer to learn?

I love online courses that I can access any time I want.


I prefer in person workshops with like-minded people. Ā 


One on one, please and thank you!Ā 


9 / 10

How do you feel about pleasure?

Iā€™m all about it! If it doesnā€™t feel good, why do it?


To be honest, I actually have a bit of trouble accessing pleasure.


The most pleasurable thing in the world? Loving and being loved in return.


Iā€™m into it, but Iā€™m definitely more interested in raising my vibration and finally getting really good at meditation.


I like pleasure, but I donā€™t covet it, you know?


10 / 10

You need to balance your... Lower Triangle

Namaste, friend! By completing this quiz, youā€™ve proven youā€™re motivated to balance your chakras and raise your vibrations! Youā€™re awake and ready to do good work in this beautiful world. But first, youā€™ve got to give some time to balancing your first three chakras: Muladhara (Root), Svadhisthana (Sacral), and Manipura (Sacral).

The Muladhara chakra lies at the base of the spine and pelvic floor. When itā€™s unbalanced, you may feel insecure in your foundation and you may suffer from lower back pain, or problems with your feet or legs.

The Svadhisthana chakra is in the sex and reproductive organs. When itā€™s imbalanced, you may feel disconnected from your creativity and the ability to feel pleasure.

The Manipura chakra is in the navel center and represents the seat of the will. When itā€™s imbalanced, you may have trouble with digestion, accessing your personal power, and feeling motivated.

The good news? Once you balance your lower triangle, energy will be more able to flow through your heart and connect you to your own divinity. Read on for some easy and accessible tools to help you get those wheels spinning!

ā€œIf you hear yourself worrying about your health or your physical appearance, just notice your mind's ramblings and focus your attention on dancing with appreciation for what is right within you and your body.ā€ ā€” Kooch Daniels

3 Steps You Can Take to Align and Strengthen Your Lower Triangle

1. Practice Kapalbhati Breathing

This breath will give you more energy, light your inner fire and connect you more deeply with your body. Itā€™ll also help you strengthen your abs! Hereā€™s how you do it:

Place one hand on your belly and the other on your heart. Inhale fully and completely, filling your lungs from your belly, to your low ribs, all the way up to your heart and shoulders. Then exhale completely, feeling your belly move in towards your spine. Take a few full deep breaths.

Next, try exhaling quickly through your mouth, in short bursts, like youā€™re trying to blow out a candle. Exhale by pulling the belling in and up. Inhale by relaxing the belly. Try this a few times until you get comfortable in the rhythm of the breath.

Then, close your mouth but keep the same action, breathing through your nostrils. Keep your gaze soft, eyes closed. This breath can be done fast or slow. If you start to feel light headed, slow down and begin taking long deep breaths again.

After 30 seconds to five minutes, exhale completely then inhale completely and simply sit in the seat of your awareness. Enjoy any sensations that come up.

2. Get Physical

Whether youā€™re into yoga, or running, or swimming, or even just long walks on the beach, make the time to move your body regularly. This will help regulate your digestion, keep up your metabolism, keep those happy hormones flowing. If you havenā€™t exercised in a while, start slow and make sure to have total compassion for your body.

One exercise thatā€™s really great for connecting you with your center and grounding you into your body is Stretch Pose. Hereā€™s how you do it:

Set a timer for 30 seconds and lay down on the ground with your hands either lifted up above your thighs (advanced version) or underneath your sacrum.

Lift your feet and head about six inches off of the ground. Press your low back into the earth. Bring your gaze to your feet and point your toes.

Then start to practice kapalbhati breathing. If thatā€™s two hard at first, feel free to breathe long and deep instead. If your legs or abs get tired, feel free to lower one leg at a time. If itā€™s hard on your neck, clasp your hands behind your head in support.

Aim for 30 seconds at first, then work your way up to a minute or even three!

3. Get Your Finances in Order

Itā€™s hard to feel secure in your foundation if your finances are in a disarray. If youā€™re in a lot of debt, consider visiting a credit counselor. If you just feel like youā€™ve never got quite enough, start budgeting!

Write down everything you spend money on for one week. Then sit down with your fave calming tea and take a deep look. Make a list of the things youā€™re spending your money on that serve you and those that do not. Then, see if thereā€™s anywhere you can cut out the spending so that you can start to feel more secure in your finances.

Drinking a lot of lattes? Consider making your coffee at home, instead. Spending too much on clothes? Head to the thrift store the next time you get a hankering for a new style. Better yet! Go through your closet and see if thereā€™s anything you can consign. Going out for too much sushi? Invest in a sushi mat and some rice vinegar and learn how to make your own.

Who am I to Teach You How to Balance Your Chakras? Let Me Introduce Myself...

Namaste friend, Iā€™m Devi Kaur šŸ‘‹ A yoga teacher, ayurveda practitioner, and wellness coach. When Iā€™m not chanting mantras at the beach, Iā€™m helping beautiful humans like you expand their mindset and step into their most whole self.

Iā€™ve been trained in Iyengar, Kundalini, and Laughter yoga (yes! Thatā€™s a thing) and I know youā€™ve got what it takes to balance your chakras, wake up your energy, and do your part to raise the vibrations of this beautiful worldā€¦ Especially with my help!

Bonus Resources to Help You Balance All of Your Chakras? Look No Further šŸ‘‡

1. Check out this post on my blog The Secrets of An Awakened Soul. I breakdown all seven chakras and give you different practices to balance them all! Get ready for a wave of aligned energy!

2. Listen to this episode of my podcast. In it, I go deep about the energetics of astrology and the chakra system with one of my fave teachers, Sarah Solstice.

3. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel. I put out a full asana practice and meditation every week.

P.S. Expect to See Me in Your Inbox With a Free PDF Version of Your Results and a Few Other Practices to Help You Balance Your Chakras šŸŽ‰šŸ™ŒšŸ•‰

You need to balance yourā€¦ Heart ChakraĀ 

Namaste, friend! By completing this quiz, youā€™ve proven you are motivated to balance your chakras and raise your vibrations!

But first, youā€™ve got to balance your Anahata (heart) chakra!

The heart chakra governs both your heart and respiratory systems. It is also the connection point between your lower triangle (Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus) and your upper triangle (Throat, Third Eye, and Crown). When your heart chakra is blocked, energy has trouble flowing between your root and your crown.

You may find it hard to open your heart and share your feelings, or you may find yourself in constant heartache with your heart on your sleeve. This imbalance can lead to heart disease, upper back and shoulder pain, and problems with your respiratory system.

The good news? I see you, friend. And Iā€™m here to help you balance you strengthen your heart and get that energy flowing!

Read on for some easy and accessible tools to help you get those wheels spinning!

ā€œWhen your heart speaks, take good notes.ā€ ā€” Judith Campbell

3 Steps You Can Take to Align and Strengthen Your Lower Triangle

1. Practice Kapalbhati Breathing

This breath will give you more energy, light your inner fire and connect you more deeply with your body. Itā€™ll also help you strengthen your lungs! Hereā€™s how you do it:

Place one hand on your belly and the other on your heart. Inhale fully and completely, filling your lungs from your belly, to your low ribs, all the way up to your heart and shoulders. Then exhale completely, feeling your belly move in towards your spine. Take a few full deep breaths.

Next, try exhaling quickly through your mouth, in short bursts, like youā€™re trying to blow out a candle. Exhale by pulling the belling in and up. Inhale by relaxing the belly. Try this a few times until you get comfortable in the rhythm of the breath.

Then, close your mouth but keep the same action, breathing through your nostrils. Keep your gaze soft, eyes closed. This breath can be done fast or slow. If you start to feel light headed, slow down and begin taking long deep breaths again.

After 30 seconds to five minutes, exhale completely then inhale completely and simply sit in the seat of your awareness. Enjoy any sensations that come up.

2. Get Physical

Whether youā€™re into yoga, or running, or swimming, or even just long walks on the beach, make the time to move your body regularly. This will help regulate your digestion, keep up your metabolism, keep those happy hormones flowing. If you havenā€™t exercised in a while, start slow and make sure to have total compassion for your body.

One exercise thatā€™s really great for connecting you with and opening your heart is cobra pose. Hereā€™s how you do it:

Lay down on your belly and stretch your hands out in front of you. Then walk your hand in until your elbows are underneath your shoulders.

Your feet should be about hip width apart. Press down from the tops of your feet to your thighs. Pull your inner belly in and up to protect your lower back. Then externally rotate your shoulders to open your heart. Your chin can either be slightly tucked, to keep your neck in alignment, with your eyes gazing about a foot or two in front of you. Or you can carefully raise your gaze towards the spot where the ceiling meets the wall.

Breathe long and deep, filling your belly, low ribs and upper chest. Stay for at least 10 breaths. Then lower your forehead onto stacked fists and rest. If you need to, you can bend your knees and windshield wiper your feet from side to side.

Repeat two more times, then press back into a childā€™s pose or downward dog.

3. Start A Gratitude Practice

Fill your heart with things that make you happy - by noticing what youā€™ve already got to be thankful for. This is best practiced first thing in the morning or right before bed.

Take out your journal and start with a brain dump. Let all the thoughts running through your mind (good and bad!) out without any worries. Nobody will ever read this. You donā€™t even have to read it!

Then, once your mind is clear, write down 5-10 things you are truly grateful for. These can be as small as finding a rockstar parking spot or as large as being thankful for your family. Donā€™t just list the things your grateful for, get as detailed as possible and bask in the goodness of your life.

Let your heart fill with gratitude and breathe long and deep as you appreciate what you already have!

Who am I to Teach You How to Balance Your Chakras? Let Me Introduce Myself...

Namaste friend, Iā€™m Devi Kaur šŸ‘‹ A yoga teacher, ayurveda practitioner, and wellness coach. When Iā€™m not chanting mantras at the beach, Iā€™m helping beautiful humans like you expand their mindset and step into their most whole self.

Iā€™ve been trained in Iyengar, Kundalini, and Laughter yoga (yes! Thatā€™s a thing) and I know youā€™ve got what it takes to balance your chakras, wake up your energy, and do your part to raise the vibrations of this beautiful worldā€¦ Especially with my help!

Bonus Resources to Help You Balance All of Your Chakras? Look No Further šŸ‘‡

1. Check out this post on my blog The Secrets of An Awakened Soul. I breakdown all seven chakras and give you different practices to balance them all! Get ready for a wave of aligned energy!

2. Listen to this episode of my podcast. In it, I go deep about the energetics of astrology and the chakra system with one of my fave teachers, Sarah Solstice.

3. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel. I put out a full asana practice and meditation every week.

P.S. Expect to See Me in Your Inbox With a Free PDF Version of Your Results and a Few Other Practices to Help You Balance Your Chakras šŸŽ‰šŸ™ŒšŸ•‰

You need to balance your... Upper Triangle

Namaste, friend! By completing this quiz, youā€™ve proven you are motivated to balance your chakras and raise your vibrations!

But first, youā€™ve got to give some time to balancing your upper three chakras: Vishuddha (Throat), Ajna (Third Eye), and Sahasrara (Crown).

The fifth chakra exists in the throat and is represented by the color blue. When itā€™s imbalanced, you may have trouble speaking your truth and accessing self-expression. You may also suffer from sore throats, neck and shoulder pain, and feeling anxious about communication.

The sixth chakra resides between the eyebrows and is represented by the color purple. It governs vision, intuition, and your connection to wisdom. When itā€™s imbalanced, you may feel stuck in the day-to-day without being able to see the bigger picture, find it difficult to trust your intuition, and you may even reject the existence of the spiritual realm. You may also suffer from headaches, sinusitis, and poor vision.

The seventh chakra is located at the top of the head and is represented by the color white. It gives you access to higher states of consciousness and drives you to connect with the divine. When it is imbalanced, you may feel uninspired, disconnected from your body and the earth, and you may even find it difficult to empathize with others. You may also suffer from neurological disorders, insomnia, depression, and migraines.

The good news? Once you balance your upper triangle, energy will be more able to flow through your entire body and reconnect you to your own divinity.

Read on for some easy and accessible tools to help you get those wheels spinning!

ā€œKnowing others is wisdom, knowing the self is enlightenment.ā€ ā€” Lao Tzu

3 Steps You Can Take to Align and Strengthen Your Upper Triangle

1. Practice Kapalbhati Breathing

This breath will give you more energy, light your inner fire and connect you more deeply with your body. Itā€™ll also help you strengthen your lungs! Hereā€™s how you do it:

Place one hand on your belly and the other on your heart. Inhale fully and completely, filling your lungs from your belly, to your low ribs, all the way up to your heart and shoulders. Then exhale completely, feeling your belly move in towards your spine. Take a few full deep breaths.

Next, try exhaling quickly through your mouth, in short bursts, like youā€™re trying to blow out a candle. Exhale by pulling the belling in and up. Inhale by relaxing the belly. Try this a few times until you get comfortable in the rhythm of the breath.

Then, close your mouth but keep the same action, breathing through your nostrils. Keep your gaze soft, eyes closed, focused at the third eye. This breath can be done fast or slow. If you start to feel light headed, slow down and begin taking long deep breaths again.

After 30 seconds to five minutes, exhale completely then inhale completely and simply sit in the seat of your awareness. Enjoy any sensations that come up.

2. Sing!

Singing or chanting is a great way to open the throat chakra AND it has been proven by modern science to also help to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, or the rest, digest, and heal response. And the more relaxed you become, the easier it will be to trust into your intuition and connect more deeply with both the earthly and the spiritual realms.

Choose an uplifting song or ancient mantra and pour your heart into it. If youā€™re worried about what others may think of you, start by singing in your car, or in the shower, or even attending a Kundalini yoga class where youā€™ll be very likely to be guided in a chanting meditation.

If even that feels like too much, start by humming! Over time, your throat chakra will open, youā€™ll feel much more relaxed, and youā€™ll be more comfortable communicating your truth.

3. Meditate!

There are all sorts of meditations that you can choose from and any one of them will help you connect to your intuition and make it easier for you to sense the divine nature of all things.

One easier meditation to start out with is Trataka, or strong gaze. My favorite way to practice Trataka is to light a candle in a dark room and place it at eye level. Sit comfortably on a cushion or a chair and gaze at the flickering light of the candle. Let your breath be gentle and let your mind become soft. Concentrate on the flame and allow the rest of the world to fade away into the background.

You can set a timer for 5-30 minutes and simply give this time to yourself. If you become distracted by thoughts and stories, simply lovingly lead your attention back to the beautiful flickering of the light in front of you.

With consistent practice over time, your mind will become more still and you will feel more connected to your vision, intuition, and sacred wisdom.

Who am I to Teach You How to Balance Your Chakras? Let Me Introduce Myself...

Namaste friend, Iā€™m Devi Kaur šŸ‘‹ A yoga teacher, ayurveda practitioner, and wellness coach. When Iā€™m not chanting mantras at the beach, Iā€™m helping beautiful humans like you expand their mindset and step into their most whole self.

Iā€™ve been trained in Iyengar, Kundalini, and Laughter yoga (yes! Thatā€™s a thing) and I know youā€™ve got what it takes to balance your chakras, wake up your energy, and do your part to raise the vibrations of this beautiful worldā€¦ Especially with my help!

Bonus Resources to Help You Balance All of Your Chakras? Look No Further šŸ‘‡

1. Check out this post on my blog The Secrets of An Awakened Soul. I breakdown all seven chakras and give you different practices to balance them all! Get ready for a wave of aligned energy!

2. Listen to this episode of my podcast. In it, I go deep about the energetics of astrology and the chakra system with one of my fave teachers, Sarah Solstice.

3. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel. I put out a full asana practice and meditation every week.

P.S. Expect to See Me in Your Inbox With a Free PDF Version of Your Results and a Few Other Practices to Help You Balance Your Chakras šŸŽ‰šŸ™ŒšŸ•‰

Your chakras are... Balanced

Namaste, friend! By completing this quiz, youā€™ve proven you are motivated to balance your chakras and raise your vibrations!

Whether itā€™s through meditation, yoga, or just plain good living, your chakras are aligned and balanced. Youā€™re usually pretty content and at peace. You trust your inner guidance and are an incredible manifester.

Your body is healthy most of the time and you know how to take care of it when you do get sick. Youā€™re pretty good at speaking your truth and you know how to recognize good advice when you hear it.

Things arenā€™t always perfect, of course, but youā€™ve got the ability to see the goodness in every situation, without spiritually bypassing. Youā€™re an inspiration to the people around you and excel at uplifting your friends and family.

At this point, your spiritual work is all about maintenance and transcendence. Read on for tips to keep your chakras aligned, balanced, and open!

ā€œWhen you touch the celestial in your heart, you will realize that the beauty of your soul is so pure, so vast and so devastating that you have no option but to merge with it. You have no option but to feel the rhythm of the universe in the rhythm of your heart.ā€ ā€” Amit Ray

3 Steps You Can Take to Keep Raising Your Vibration

1. Practice Kapalbhati Breathing

This breath will give you more energy, light your inner fire and connect you more deeply with your body. Itā€™ll also help you keep your chakras aligned and balanced! Hereā€™s how you do it:

Place one hand on your belly and the other on your heart. Inhale fully and completely, filling your lungs from your belly, to your low ribs, all the way up to your heart and shoulders. Then exhale completely, feeling your belly move in towards your spine. Take a few full deep breaths.

Next, try exhaling quickly through your mouth, in short bursts, like youā€™re trying to blow out a candle. Exhale by pulling the belling in and up. Inhale by relaxing the belly. Try this a few times until you get comfortable in the rhythm of the breath.

Then, close your mouth but keep the same action, breathing through your nostrils. Keep your gaze soft, eyes closed. This breath can be done fast or slow. If you start to feel light headed, slow down and begin taking long deep breaths again.

After 30 seconds to five minutes, exhale completely then inhale completely and simply sit in the seat of your awareness. Enjoy any sensations that come up.

2. Get Physical

Whether youā€™re into yoga, or running, or swimming, or even just long walks on the beach, make the time to move your body regularly. This will help regulate your digestion, keep up your metabolism, keep those happy hormones flowing. If you havenā€™t exercised in a while, start slow and make sure to have total compassion for your body.

One exercise thatā€™s really great for connecting you with your center and grounding you into your body is Stretch Pose. Hereā€™s how you do it:

Set a timer for 30 seconds and lay down on the ground with your hands either lifted up above your thighs (advanced version) or underneath your sacrum.

Lift your feet and head about six inches off of the ground. Press your low back into the earth. Bring your gaze to your feet and point your toes.

Then start to practice kapalbhati breathing. If thatā€™s two hard at first, feel free to breathe long and deep instead. If your legs or abs get tired, feel free to lower one leg at a time. If itā€™s hard on your neck, clasp your hands behind your head in support.

Aim for 30 seconds at first, then work your way up to a minute or even three!

3. Start a Gratitude Practice

Fill your heart with things that make you happy - by noticing what youā€™ve already got to be thankful for. This is best practiced first thing in the morning or right before bed.

Take out your journal and start with a brain dump. Let all the thoughts running through your mind (good and bad!) out without any worries. Nobody will ever read this. You donā€™t even have to read it!

Then, once your mind is clear, write down 5-10 things you are truly grateful for. These can be as small as finding a rockstar parking spot or as large as being thankful for your family. Donā€™t just list the things you're grateful for, get as detailed as possible and bask in the goodness of your life.

Let your heart fill with gratitude and breathe long and deep as you appreciate what you already have!

Who am I to Teach You How to Balance Your Chakras? Let Me Introduce Myself...

Namaste friend, Iā€™m Devi Kaur šŸ‘‹ A yoga teacher, ayurveda practitioner, and wellness coach. When Iā€™m not chanting mantras at the beach, Iā€™m helping beautiful humans like you expand their mindset and step into their most whole self.

Iā€™ve been trained in Iyengar, Kundalini, and Laughter yoga (yes! Thatā€™s a thing) and I know youā€™ve got what it takes to balance your chakras, wake up your energy, and do your part to raise the vibrations of this beautiful worldā€¦ Especially with my help!

Bonus Resources to Help You Balance All of Your Chakras? Look No Further šŸ‘‡

1. Check out this post on my blog The Secrets of An Awakened Soul. I breakdown all seven chakras and give you different practices to balance them all! Get ready for a wave of aligned energy!

2. Listen to this episode of my podcast. In it, I go deep about the energetics of astrology and the chakra system with one of my fave teachers, Sarah Solstice.

3. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel. I put out a full asana practice and meditation every week.

P.S. Expect to See Me in Your Inbox With a Free PDF Version of Your Results and a Few Other Practices to Help You Balance Your Chakras šŸŽ‰šŸ™ŒšŸ•‰

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