Which headphones are the perfect fit for your listening style?

There’s nothing better than setting the vibes for your best life, but there are so many different types of headphones available! Take this short quiz to determine which headphones will help you level up the soundtrack to your life!

Quiz Transcript

Which headphones are the perfect fit for your listening style?

There’s nothing better than setting the vibes for your best life, but there are so many different types of headphones available! Take this short quiz to determine which headphones will help you level up the soundtrack to your life!

Take THE Quiz

How do headphones fit into your life?

Oh my gosh, I just love music SO much, I want to be immersed in the highest quality sound!


Without good tunes, I’m the worst at working out! Gimme a pair of headphones that will motivate me to get fit af!


I just like having my hands free while on a call, it’s the only time I get any chores done.


I am an audio professional!


1 / 10

Which of these locations have you worn your headphones in the most this month?









Running Errands


2 / 10

Where did you buy your last pair of headphones?

At the airport. I have a collection from replacing replacements.


Online — I like to research the best bargains.


A dedicated headphone/speaker/music shop.


At a convenience store.


3 / 10

How sweaty do you get using your headphones?

I sweat buckets! The better the music, the harder I work out.


My relaxing sound oasis is sweat-free.


Depends on the deadline.


Ew, gross, I just wanna check in with my bestie about her date last night!


4 / 10

We all lose headphones, so how often do you?

To lose my headphones, I’d have to lose my head.


In general? Or just this month?


Does my gym’s lost and found count?


Never, they are always plugged into my computer.


5 / 10

How many pairs of headphones did you buy in the last year?

ZERO, I take care of my gear.


One pair, I like updating to have the latest stuff.


Three pairs. Long story, well, two long stories.


No phones, but one charging case to keep listening at home and work.


6 / 10

Let’s talk sound quality. How important is it to you?

My job depends on professional sound.


I just need to hear who I am chatting with clearly.


I don’t want to hear sound, I want to feel it.


I need something louder than the comments about my yoga pants.


7 / 10

What would you spend on the perfect pair?

When I have my headphones on, I want everyone to know I’m getting the best sound possible.


I won’t drop big bucks on something I know I’ll destroy or misplace.


I don’t mind paying for good gear that will be an important part of my routine.


Having the best gear is an important investment for me, and a biz write-off.


8 / 10

What is your noise cancellation pref?

I like to tune the world out as I tune into my tunes.


None. I’m not sacrificing one of my five senses because Ye dropped a new album.


I like immersion, but not so much that I can’t hear an angry bicyclist asking me to get the heck out of their way


I need to know my levels are good, but I also need to hear my podcast guest’s voice.


9 / 10

How much did you spend on your last pair of headphones?

$300 - $600


$25 or less


$50 - $150


$149 - $299


10 / 10

Your perfect pair is... Monitor Headphones

You’ve got a sound-filled passion project or podcast. So these headphones are exactly what you need to get that pro sound quality you crave. Wired in and wired on, comfortable and clear.

These are the headphones you need to mix down that decibel goodness.

To isolate every flaw to make your sound as sweet as possible.

No potential glitches from batteries or bluetooth here, since they wire directly into your output for a consistent flow and can last your whole career.

No artificial sweetening or bass with these on-ear pups. What you hear is what you’re creating.

And since they don’t rest inside your ear, you can ensure the health of your eardrums while you ensure the quality of your project.


✨ A 3 Step Guide to choosing the best headphones✨

1. Your Dream Fit

Comfort is King — the wrong pair of headphones bring constant annoyance. You deserve listening bliss. It’s worth the time to find the right fit that will “hang in there” during your audio excursions!

You don’t know what you haven’t tried.

Over-ear headphones are secure on your ear and will stay put during heavy exercise, but do they make your particular ears go numb one episode into your latest podcast addiction?

In-ear headphones fit gently into your ear canals, and deliver great sound at the lowest cost. But is their comfort worth having to search for one that has fallen into the rattlesnake infested brush of your morning hike?

On-ear gives you the best sound quality, security, and cushiony comfort. You’ll look as good as your music sounds. But all that goodness may cause you to overheat. Is drowning out distractions with noise cancellation worth drowning in your own sweat?

Test different styles until you find the pair you love to jam out with.

2. Cut the Sound Outside to Enjoy the Sound Inside

Do you want that pure, golden, and all encompassing audio professional silence? Or would you prefer being able to hear what’s going on in the world outside?

Noise cancellation muffles the sound of clanking gym weights, but you need awareness of your surroundings on those evening walks. Find the pair that lets you get the sound you need - no matter where your life takes you.

Fun tip: In-ear and over-ear provide the option to use a solo headphone in one ear. Keep an ear free for background noise while doubling your battery life.

3. Headphone Losers can Still be Winners

Nobody is perfect - and it’s okay if you lose headphones on the reg!

Don’t be ashamed, and don’t overextend on an unnecessary financial gamble. There are plenty of low cost headphones that offer great quality sound and spare you the stress of opening the charging case to discover your buds have vanished.

Or perhaps you know what you like and are ready to invest in a high end dream pair.

Enjoy a lifetime of pleasurable listening on the same headphones that your grandchildren will someday listen to the audio recording of your memoir on.

Whatever your preference, remember, technology is always changing. The moment you get something new it can quickly feel obsolete.

Headphones are a great way to flex status, but wireless headphones only last as long as the rechargeable batteries powering them.

To meet all of your listening purposes, there’s a huge chance that several pairs of headphones will be in your past, present and future.

<<Find your perfect headphones!>>

And don’t forget to check your inbox because there’s a special deal comin’ atcha in 3… 2… 1…!

Your perfect pair is... Waterproof Workout Headphones

You care about your health and you love to use music to motivate your workout! But doesn’t it suck when your buds pop out of your ear?

Not to mention, you don’t want sweat to ruin your soundtrack!

Strap in and strap on, these buds give you the best sound possible without getting in the way of your workout. They won’t fall out of your ears, no matter how intense your routine.

You need comfort and stability – and the right pair of exercise headphones will give you both.

There are plenty of options to choose from that’ll give you that sound you’re craving, with just enough noise cancellation to keep you focused on your next set or lap.

If you want your listening locked in for the long haul, choose an over-ear set. If you need to remove them quickly without losing pace, get a pair with an added neck strap.


✨ A 3 Step Guide to choosing the best headphones✨

1. Your Dream Fit

Comfort is King — the wrong pair of headphones bring constant annoyance. You deserve listening bliss. It’s worth the time to find the right fit that will “hang in there” during your audio excursions!

You don’t know what you haven’t tried.

Over-ear headphones are secure on your ear and will stay put during heavy exercise, but do they make your particular ears go numb one episode into your latest podcast addiction?

In-ear headphones fit gently into your ear canals, and deliver great sound at the lowest cost. But is their comfort worth having to search for one that has fallen into the rattlesnake infested brush of your morning hike?

On-ear gives you the best sound quality, security, and cushiony comfort. You’ll look as good as your music sounds. But all that goodness may cause you to overheat. Is drowning out distractions with noise cancellation worth drowning in your own sweat?

Test different styles until you find the pair you love to jam out with.

2. Cut the Sound Outside to Enjoy the Sound Inside

Do you want that pure, golden, and all encompassing audio professional silence? Or would you prefer being able to hear what’s going on in the world outside?

Noise cancellation muffles the sound of clanking gym weights, but you need awareness of your surroundings on those evening walks. Find the pair that lets you get the sound you need - no matter where your life takes you.

Fun tip: In-ear and over-ear provide the option to use a solo headphone in one ear. Keep an ear free for background noise while doubling your battery life.

3. Headphone Losers can Still be Winners

Nobody is perfect - and it’s okay if you lose headphones on the reg!

Don’t be ashamed, and don’t overextend on an unnecessary financial gamble. There are plenty of low cost headphones that offer great quality sound and spare you the stress of opening the charging case to discover your buds have vanished.

Or perhaps you know what you like and are ready to invest in a high end dream pair.

Enjoy a lifetime of pleasurable listening on the same headphones that your grandchildren will someday listen to the audio recording of your memoir on.

Whatever your preference, remember, technology is always changing. The moment you get something new it can quickly feel obsolete.

Headphones are a great way to flex status, but wireless headphones only last as long as the rechargeable batteries powering them.

To meet all of your listening purposes, there’s a huge chance that several pairs of headphones will be in your past, present and future.

<<Find your perfect headphones!>>

And don’t forget to check your inbox because there’s a special deal comin’ atcha in 3… 2… 1…!

Your perfect pair is... Ultra-Modern Ear Buds

You need headphones that do a little bit of everything, just like you.

And you want universal use at a price point that lets you stay current with the latest release.

Or let’s be honest, replace them each time you lose a bud.

You'll still get great sound quality, and a long lasting portable charge. And don’t worry, your conversations will be heard clear as a bell on a headphone that does it all!

With endless styles and options, ear buds rest comfortably in your ear without the latches and straps that can irritate sensitive ears or become a clunky nuisance in your laptop carrier.

Because they’re so affordable, you can also pick up a pair as a handy backup for your go-to listening set without breaking the bank!


✨ A 3 Step Guide to choosing the best headphones✨

1. Your Dream Fit

Comfort is King — the wrong pair of headphones bring constant annoyance. You deserve listening bliss. It’s worth the time to find the right fit that will “hang in there” during your audio excursions!

You don’t know what you haven’t tried.

Over-ear headphones are secure on your ear and will stay put during heavy exercise, but do they make your particular ears go numb one episode into your latest podcast addiction?

In-ear headphones fit gently into your ear canals, and deliver great sound at the lowest cost. But is their comfort worth having to search for one that has fallen into the rattlesnake infested brush of your morning hike?

On-ear gives you the best sound quality, security, and cushiony comfort. You’ll look as good as your music sounds. But all that goodness may cause you to overheat. Is drowning out distractions with noise cancellation worth drowning in your own sweat?

Test different styles until you find the pair you love to jam out with.

2. Cut the Sound Outside to Enjoy the Sound Inside

Do you want that pure, golden, and all encompassing audio professional silence? Or would you prefer being able to hear what’s going on in the world outside?

Noise cancellation muffles the sound of clanking gym weights, but you need awareness of your surroundings on those evening walks. Find the pair that lets you get the sound you need - no matter where your life takes you.

Fun tip: In-ear and over-ear provide the option to use a solo headphone in one ear. Keep an ear free for background noise while doubling your battery life.

3. Headphone Losers can Still be Winners

Nobody is perfect - and it’s okay if you lose headphones on the reg!

Don’t be ashamed, and don’t overextend on an unnecessary financial gamble. There are plenty of low cost headphones that offer great quality sound and spare you the stress of opening the charging case to discover your buds have vanished.

Or perhaps you know what you like and are ready to invest in a high end dream pair.

Enjoy a lifetime of pleasurable listening on the same headphones that your grandchildren will someday listen to the audio recording of your memoir on.

Whatever your preference, remember, technology is always changing. The moment you get something new it can quickly feel obsolete.

Headphones are a great way to flex status, but wireless headphones only last as long as the rechargeable batteries powering them.

To meet all of your listening purposes, there’s a huge chance that several pairs of headphones will be in your past, present and future.

<<Find your perfect headphones!>>

And don’t forget to check your inbox because there’s a special deal comin’ atcha in 3… 2… 1…!

Your perfect pair is... Noise Cancelling On-Ear Headphones

Focus on your tunes, shows, games, or calls, with the rich bass you deserve.

These puppies block out the noise of the world around you so you can focus on that which matters most: escaping into the best soundscape possible.

If you don’t mind flaunting your top notch sound experience for all to see, the added bulk of these babies allows for cushiony comfort and more ear-pleasin’ features.

Active noise cancellation, noise isolation, a headphone amp and other advanced features that can only be found in the larger on-ear models for the true audiophile as an experience that goes way beyond just listening.

And no worries, when mom calls to break up your binge watching sesh, you can tell her you’ll hit her back right on your headphones without missing a beat.


✨ A 3 Step Guide to choosing the best headphones✨

1. Your Dream Fit

Comfort is King — the wrong pair of headphones bring constant annoyance. You deserve listening bliss. It’s worth the time to find the right fit that will “hang in there” during your audio excursions!

You don’t know what you haven’t tried.

Over-ear headphones are secure on your ear and will stay put during heavy exercise, but do they make your particular ears go numb one episode into your latest podcast addiction?

In-ear headphones fit gently into your ear canals, and deliver great sound at the lowest cost. But is their comfort worth having to search for one that has fallen into the rattlesnake infested brush of your morning hike?

On-ear gives you the best sound quality, security, and cushiony comfort. You’ll look as good as your music sounds. But all that goodness may cause you to overheat. Is drowning out distractions with noise cancellation worth drowning in your own sweat?

Test different styles until you find the pair you love to jam out with.

2. Cut the Sound Outside to Enjoy the Sound Inside

Do you want that pure, golden, and all encompassing audio professional silence? Or would you prefer being able to hear what’s going on in the world outside?

Noise cancellation muffles the sound of clanking gym weights, but you need awareness of your surroundings on those evening walks. Find the pair that lets you get the sound you need - no matter where your life takes you.

Fun tip: In-ear and over-ear provide the option to use a solo headphone in one ear. Keep an ear free for background noise while doubling your battery life.

3. Headphone Losers can Still be Winners

Nobody is perfect - and it’s okay if you lose headphones on the reg!

Don’t be ashamed, and don’t overextend on an unnecessary financial gamble. There are plenty of low cost headphones that offer great quality sound and spare you the stress of opening the charging case to discover your buds have vanished.

Or perhaps you know what you like and are ready to invest in a high end dream pair.

Enjoy a lifetime of pleasurable listening on the same headphones that your grandchildren will someday listen to the audio recording of your memoir on.

Whatever your preference, remember, technology is always changing. The moment you get something new it can quickly feel obsolete.

Headphones are a great way to flex status, but wireless headphones only last as long as the rechargeable batteries powering them.

To meet all of your listening purposes, there’s a huge chance that several pairs of headphones will be in your past, present and future.

<<Find your perfect headphones!>>

And don’t forget to check your inbox because there’s a special deal comin’ atcha in 3… 2… 1…!