Which IT discipline is best fit for you?

Networking, Cybersecurity, or maybe something else?

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Quiz Transcript

Which IT discipline is best fit for you?

Networking, Cybersecurity, or maybe something else?

Take THE Quiz!

What interests you?

Making a circuit


Getting two devices to work together


Identifying vulnerabilities in a network


Coding and computer languages


Data control and analysis


1 / 20

How do you like to pass your time?





Video Games




Physical Activities


2 / 20

How do you like to work with your hands?

Keyboard and Mouse




Writing and papers


3 / 20

What kind of place do you like to work in?

Open office




Travel around


Behind a locked door


4 / 20

What is your top priority?

Enjoyable career








Still deciding


5 / 20

How do you prefer to work?

As a specialist (know alot about one thing)


As a generalist (know alot about many things)




6 / 20

What are your strengths? 



Technical Skills (Math, Coding)






7 / 20

Do you have a preferred field?

Database Management


Cyber Security


Computer Science








8 / 20

Do you like coding?





No preference


9 / 20

Do you enjoy working on web design?





No preference


10 / 20

Would you rather work one a long project, or tackle short term issues?

Long term project


Short term project


11 / 20

Do you prefer a career field that is always evolving?





I don't like change


12 / 20

What do you want to learn more about?

Java, HTML, etc


Creating computer hardware


Connecting computers together


Maintaining important information across an entire company


I don't want to learn much about computers


13 / 20

Does hacking provide any interest?







14 / 20

Do you find satisfaction in fixing broken things?





15 / 20

How creative do you consider yourself to be?





Not at all


I don't know what creativity is


16 / 20

How are you motivated?

Self motivated (Intrinsic)


Incentive motivated (Extrinsic)


17 / 20

Would you rather ...

Fix a thing


Break a thing


Make a thing


Maintain a thing


18 / 20

Do you enjoy school?





I only do it because I have to


19 / 20

Has this quiz helped at all?





I already know what I wanted to do


20 / 20


Computer networking is an ever-evolving field and could be a great fit for you. With new technological advancements, computer management can be an exciting and rewarding career path. Computer networkers are the ones who make sure computer systems run smoothly. They can install operating systems, configure networks, back up servers, and manage network security. When users have trouble with their systems, these IT professionals are the ones who fix their problems.

Database Management

Database Management is a great fit for you. By accurately recording data, updating and tracking it on an efficient and regular basis, companies can address their challenges and make use of the potential offered by this career. By collecting minute and updated data, companies are using the said information to achieve their goals in a systematic way and empower their business in a strategic manner.


You love to find short cuts. You're always looking for the most efficient way to get something does. You try various ways home in order to find the quickest way to get home from school. You figure out quicker ways to get your chores done so you can go play.


You seem to enjoy the more technical side of things, you would make a good engineer. Every business that generates its own computer programs or needs to personalize third-party software needs engineers to write, edit and test programs. There are many different disciplines of engineering and each has its own strengths and weakness. Engineering is a rapidly changing field: training in is available at nearly all learning institutions, and most engineers continue to learn on the job, as languages and development environments evolve.

Computer Science

Other career

Another career field may be right for you, it doesn't seem you enjoyed too many of the aspects related to these jobs.

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