Which mala beads do your chakras need?

So, you’re delving into the world of meditation and chakra balancing. Take our quick quiz to reveal which stones and crystals you need to ally with for your meditation and manifestation journey.

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Quiz Transcript

Which mala beads do your chakras need?

So, you’re delving into the world of meditation and chakra balancing. Take our quick quiz to reveal which stones and crystals you need to ally with for your meditation and manifestation journey.

Take the Quiz

Close your eyes and think about what you long for right now! Feel the joyful sensations that go with the dream.

Nature, more time out in the wild would suit me fine.


Put down roots and create stability. A rolling stone gathers no moss.


There’s been something that’s been weighing heavily on my chest and I need to say it! I usually mess things up by speaking my truth.


I need to develop healthy habits like meditation and self-care.


I wish I could stop worrying about what other people think of me!


1 / 9

Which color resonates with you the most?

All the freshness of green grass and leaves, feels like spring!


Deep, rich, warm, passionate reds!


Moody blues are what my soul connects with!


Bright, sunny yellows make me feel hopeful and full of vitality!


Clean soft whites like the billowy clouds on a sunny day


2 / 9

What are you dreaming about manifesting more of in your life?

Passion, intimacy, health, and vitality.


Unconditional love and harmony in relationships.


I’d like to express myself and my truth better


Expand my intuition and know my higher purpose, reaching for the stars and deep within myself!


3 / 9

How is your energy level?

I’m tired most of the time, the treadmill of life is exhausting.


Mundane tasks drain me but I have lots of energy for the things I love!


I have lots of energy but not much direction.


It depends on if I sleep or not, some nights my mind is racing and anxiety gets the better of me.


4 / 9

When was the last time you bought some crystals and stones for the purpose of manifesting your heart’s desires?

I’ve honestly never bought crystals, I think it’s a load of hooey.


I have a few different crystals but I’d like to learn more about how they could support my spiritual journey.


I buy them as gifts for other people but haven’t bought them for myself.


My house is full of crystals, plants, incense, and candles.


5 / 9

Where’s your happy place?

Bed, definitely, even better with someone I love in there with me to cuddle.


Adventure baby, I’m fine with a backpack, a tent, and the wild unknown.


Deep meaningful conversation with like minded people around me.


Solitude and nature fill my soul.


6 / 9

What’s been holding you back from achieving complete happiness?

I’m having trouble finding the words to communicate what I want and need. Anxiety keeps me from connecting to others.


My body doesn’t feel aligned, I get sick a lot.


I feel pretty happy most of the time, but I worry about the state of the world and how so many people are sad.


I compare myself to others and it distracts me from what’s important.


7 / 9

You’re strolling through a Crowded street market. What catches your eye?

All the bright colors of the umbrellas with light filtering through them.


All the stray dogs and cats. Maybe I’ll get some food to feed them. I could save all the animals


It’s chaotic and crowded. I love the wild energy of all the people in one place.


Mystical books, stones and incense


8 / 9

Which quote resonates with you the MOST?

“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” Rumi


“There is deep wisdom within our very flesh, if we can only come to our senses and feel it.” Elizabeth A. Behnke


“What would you do with your one wild and precious life?” Mary Oliver


“Pursue what catches your heart, not what catches your eyes.” Roy T. Bennett


“Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching”. Charles Dickens


9 / 9

Your base chakras need grounding

Your heart and third eye chakras are open, which means that you're loving and intuitive but that can be kind of hard when you still need to balance your base chakras.

You may have trauma in your past and energy can get stuck if you ignore it. Your root chakra and Sacral chakra are responsible for vitality in your physical body. Build your foundation, your roots, for the rest of the chakra system to flow.

Your mala beads will support your base 2 chakras

Red Coral - It was once a living organism in the ocean. It assists in warding off sadness and depression. With its fiery red energy, Red Coral provides strength, willpower, and motivation. Connected to our Root Chakra, Red Coral stimulates our energy enabling us to reach our goals.

Black Obsidian - is a strong psychic protection stone. This stone has powerful metaphysical properties that will help to shield you against negativity.

Carnelian - a stone of physical pleasure and intimacy... It is the color of strength and vitality, both physical and spiritual.

Tiger’s Eye - grounding and protective energy and helps with confidence and courage, especially when it comes to taking action.

Crystals are amazing for energy focus and clear intention setting.

How to manifest whatever your heart desires...

Step 1: What are you trying to manifest?

Think of what you want to bring into your life. Be specific, grateful, and open. You are a magnet for more of what you desire.

Create your own chant, a single sentence, or use a Sanskrit mantra, like:

“Om Mani Padme Hum (ohm-mah-nee-pahd-may-huum).”

To give your busy mind something to focus on so your consciousness can travel deep within.

“Meditation is like going to the bottom of the sea, where everything is calm and tranquil. On the surface of the sea there may be a multitude of waves but the sea is not affected below. In its deepest depths, the sea is all silence.”

Sri Chinmoy

Tune into our YouTube Channel “Meditation Mantras”

where you can choose from a list of guided meditations to help ease you into your 108 prayer bead meditation.

Step 2: Create your ritual.

The most basic meditation ritual is to create a sacred space where you can be alone, speak your mantra, light a candle or incense, sprinkle some fragrant oils and sink into the present moment.

You can also place some related crystals, flowers, or herbs on your altar to amplify your vibe and deepen your meditation.

Visit us in store or check us out online for a vast selection of crystals, beads, guided meditations, and beautifully curated things to enhance your life and your practice.

Step 3: Set an intention for your meditation.

This time is for you and the divine moment.

Even if it’s the simplest, seemingly insignificant thought like, “I choose peace” or “I surrender”, going into your meditation with intention is the beginning.

You can even carve your mantra or specific words into a candle to help you visualize your goal even better.

Check our YouTube channel for Sanskrit mantras and their meanings.

Giving your mind something to focus on, as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, allows you to go deeper.

“Meditation is to dive all the way within, beyond thought, to the source of thought and pure consciousness. It enlarges the container, every time you transcend. When you come out, you come out refreshed, filled with energy and enthusiasm for life.”

David Lynch

Take a few deep breaths, let all your distractions flow away, and clear your mind.

Visualize your goal as if it’s already happened. Imagine how you’d feel and what life would look like. When your heart is full of that happy future and good vibes— Say your mantra and run a bead between your fingers.

Hey there, yogi!

I’m Bodhi, and I’m the proprietor of The Middle Way, shop for mystics and seekers.

At The Middle Way, we are committed to supporting your spiritual journey. From meditation props and jewelry, to books and tarot readings, this is the place to feel inspired and supported. Meet Janika in our bead lounge to have a mala made bespoke for you or learn to string and hand-knot your own, complete with a personal mantra! We have a wide variety of stones and vintage Indian findings to choose from.

We’ve been featured in publications L.A. NOW, The New York Journal, Modern Yogi, and have been guests on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday and Lewis Howes’ podcast, The School of Greatness.


Check out these resources to get started using your personalized mala and mantra!

Love a good daily meditation and connecting with like-minded people? Follow us on Instagram and we’ll share about new crystals, stones, and their meanings every week.

Subscribe to our Social Schedule and be the first to know about any events we, or our partners, will be hosting. Never be the last to know, or the one who hears about it the day after it happened! We always have new gurus contributing to our workshops and events.

Curious about meditation, stones, crystals, and energy updates? Check out our podcast, Prana with Bhodi, where we talk about our creative process and share our opinions on what’s a must-have stone for your specific healing desires.

“When you want something; all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” Paulo Coelho

Life has been feeling a little stagnant lately and you’re in desperate need of an infusion of ambition and direction.

If you want to receive a message about your true purpose in life, then open the channels of mindful intention that reside in the stones, and other gifts from Mother Earth.

It’s possible you’ve been feeling the rut that is the busy-ness of life.

Caught up in the day-to-day, always checking off the list, it’s time to be peaceful, cast your gaze inwards, see what brings you joy and abundance, and what’s dragging you down and depleting you.

By finding clarity on what’s actually serving you and getting clear on your purpose, you’ll be able to honestly and emphatically say yes to the things that will fill your cup, all the way to the brim!

Why there are 108 beads on a Japa Mala?

108 is considered a sacred number in Hinduism, Buddhism and yogic traditions. Malas or Japa beads come in a string of 108 and are used for devotional meditation, mantra and, prayer. With each bead, a mantra or prayer is repeated to meet a total of 108. The guru bead is the larger bead, and sometimes, tassel on the mala and is not part of the 108. It marks the beginning and end of the mala/chant/prayer/mantra.

Visit us in-store or check us out online for a vast selection of crystals, reiki- infused oils, and herb sticks to enhance your mindfulness ritual.

First, choose which mala and stones are right for the day (click here for our selection of Intention Oils, boosted with reiki energy.)

You can even carve your mantra or specific words into a candle or write it in your journal to help you visualize your goal even better.

Don’t be afraid to chant your mantra, and gentle prana (breathe), it’s just you and the altar here.

1. Take a few deep breaths, let all your distractions flow away, and clear your mind.

2. Visualize your goal as if it’s already happened. Imagine how you’d feel and what life would look like. When your heart is full of that happy future and good vibes— take another deep cleansing breath, feel the smooth, cool sensation of the beads between your fingers as you slide them along. Each bead is a repetition of the sacred sound you chant.

3. Now that you've got some insight into what mala beads would best inspire your meditation practice and meet you in your chakra balancing journey, check your inbox for our crystal insights weekly newsletter.

I'll be sharing more tips and tricks to enhance unlock the power of manifestation through meditation and intention.

Good intentions set for the day! Namaste

Shine a light on your middle chakras

Great work, your foundational chakras are flowing, but things can be kinda hard when you still need to bring some self-Love to your Solar Plexus and heart chakras.

You may have trauma in your relationships, energy can get stuck if you ignore it. Your Solar Plexus and Heart chakras are calling out for T.L.C. for the rest of your energy system to flow.

When there's a blockage in the heart and solar plexus chakras, you may experience difficulties in relating to others, such as excessive jealousy, codependency, or being closed down and withdrawn. Other traits can be low self-esteem, dominance, aggression, lack of purpose, and feelings of helplessness.

You need a mala made with these stones

Citrine - a premier stone of manifestation, imagination, and personal will. Carrying the power of the sun, it is warm and comforting, energizing, and life-giving. It stimulates the chakras like the sunlight of spring, clearing the mind and stirring the soul to action.

Amber - healing, comfort, and joy. It relieves pain and discomfort, eases stress, and invites relaxation. Bring on the positive energy, vitality, and good flow!

Rose Quartz - the stone of emotional healing and unconditional love. As a mala bead necklace, rose quartz is powerful because it's worn close to the heart. This enables the heart center to open and release any tensions or stresses.

Emerald - Known as the “Stone of Successful Love,” Emerald opens and nurtures the heart and the Heart Chakra. Its soothing energy provides healing to all levels of the being, bringing freshness and vitality to the spirit. A stone of inspiration and infinite patience, it embodies unity, and compassion.

Amazonite for truth and self expression. Helps those in a state of confusion find clarity and is wonderful for helping you express your heart when you communicate.

Crystals are amazing for energy focus and clear intention setting.

How to manifest whatever your heart desires...

Step 1: What are you trying to manifest?

Think of what you want to bring into your life. Be specific, grateful, and open. You are a magnet for more of what you desire.

Create your own chant, a single sentence, or use a Sanskrit mantra, like:

“Om Mani Padme Hum (ohm-mah-nee-pahd-may-huum).”

To give your busy mind something to focus on so your consciousness can travel deep within.

“Meditation is like going to the bottom of the sea, where everything is calm and tranquil. On the surface of the sea there may be a multitude of waves but the sea is not affected below. In its deepest depths, the sea is all silence.”

Sri Chinmoy

Tune into our YouTube Channel “Meditation Mantras”

where you can choose from a list of guided meditations to help ease you into your 108 prayer bead meditation.

Step 2: Create your ritual.

The most basic meditation ritual is to create a sacred space where you can be alone, speak your mantra, light a candle or incense, sprinkle some fragrant oils and sink into the present moment.

You can also place some related crystals, flowers, or herbs on your altar to amplify your vibe and deepen your meditation.

Visit us in store or check us out online for a vast selection of crystals, beads, guided meditations, and beautifully curated things to enhance your life and your practice.

Step 3: Set an intention for your meditation.

This time is for you and the divine moment.

Even if it’s the simplest, seemingly insignificant thought like, “I choose peace” or “I surrender”, going into your meditation with intention is the beginning.

You can even carve your mantra or specific words into a candle to help you visualize your goal even better.

Check our YouTube channel for Sanskrit mantras and their meanings.

Giving your mind something to focus on, as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, allows you to go deeper.

“Meditation is to dive all the way within, beyond thought, to the source of thought and pure consciousness. It enlarges the container, every time you transcend. When you come out, you come out refreshed, filled with energy and enthusiasm for life.”

David Lynch

Take a few deep breaths, let all your distractions flow away, and clear your mind.

Visualize your goal as if it’s already happened. Imagine how you’d feel and what life would look like. When your heart is full of that happy future and good vibes— Say your mantra and run a bead between your fingers.

Hey there, yogi!

I’m Bodhi, and I’m the proprietor of The Middle Way, shop for mystics and seekers.

At The Middle Way, we are committed to supporting your spiritual journey. From meditation props and jewelry, to books and tarot readings, this is the place to feel inspired and supported. Meet Janika in our bead lounge to have a mala made bespoke for you or learn to string and hand-knot your own, complete with a personal mantra! We have a wide variety of stones and vintage Indian findings to choose from.

We’ve been featured in publications L.A. NOW, The New York Journal, Modern Yogi, and have been guests on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday and Lewis Howes’ podcast, The School of Greatness.


Check out these resources to get started using your personalized mala and mantra!

Love a good daily meditation and connecting with like-minded people? Follow us on Instagram and we’ll share about new crystals, stones, and their meanings every week.

Subscribe to our Social Schedule and be the first to know about any events we, or our partners, will be hosting. Never be the last to know, or the one who hears about it the day after it happened! We always have new gurus contributing to our workshops and events.

Curious about meditation, stones, crystals, and energy updates? Check out our podcast, Prana with Bhodi, where we talk about our creative process and share our opinions on what’s a must-have stone for your specific healing desires.

“When you want something; all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” Paulo Coelho

Life has been feeling a little stagnant lately and you’re in desperate need of an infusion of ambition and direction.

If you want to receive a message about your true purpose in life, then open the channels of mindful intention that reside in the stones, and other gifts from Mother Earth.

It’s possible you’ve been feeling the rut that is the busy-ness of life.

Caught up in the day-to-day, always checking off the list, it’s time to be peaceful, cast your gaze inwards, see what brings you joy and abundance, and what’s dragging you down and depleting you.

By finding clarity on what’s actually serving you and getting clear on your purpose, you’ll be able to honestly and emphatically say yes to the things that will fill your cup, all the way to the brim!

Why there are 108 beads on a Japa Mala?

108 is considered a sacred number in Hinduism, Buddhism and yogic traditions. Malas or Japa beads come in a string of 108 and are used for devotional meditation, mantra and, prayer. With each bead, a mantra or prayer is repeated to meet a total of 108. The guru bead is the larger bead, and sometimes, tassel on the mala and is not part of the 108. It marks the beginning and end of the mala/chant/prayer/mantra.

Visit us in-store or check us out online for a vast selection of crystals, reiki- infused oils, and herb sticks to enhance your mindfulness ritual.

First, choose which mala and stones are right for the day (click here for our selection of Intention Oils, boosted with reiki energy.)

You can even carve your mantra or specific words into a candle or write it in your journal to help you visualize your goal even better.

Don’t be afraid to chant your mantra, and gentle prana (breathe), it’s just you and the altar here.

1. Take a few deep breaths, let all your distractions flow away, and clear your mind.

2. Visualize your goal as if it’s already happened. Imagine how you’d feel and what life would look like. When your heart is full of that happy future and good vibes— take another deep cleansing breath, feel the smooth, cool sensation of the beads between your fingers as you slide them along. Each bead is a repetition of the sacred sound you chant.

3. Now that you've got some insight into what mala beads would best inspire your meditation practice and meet you in your chakra balancing journey, check your inbox for our crystal insights weekly newsletter.

I'll be sharing more tips and tricks to enhance unlock the power of manifestation through meditation and intention.

Good intentions set for the day! Namaste

 Rev up intuition with your throat and third eye chakras.

Yay you, You’ve done the work to live a healthy life! Now it’s time to speak your truth and set some boundaries.

When your throat and third eye are out of balance, you tend to ignore your inner voice, feel afraid to express yourself, or have trouble listening. A blocked throat chakra can also store tension physically and cause a sore throat or neck and shoulder pain. Trust your inner voice and higher wisdom.

These stones would make the perfect mala for you

Turquoise - A sea-green stone of the ancients, represents wisdom, tranquility, protection, good fortune, and hope. Ancient peoples believed in its power to protect, as well as its tranquil energy and its association with enduring love.

Blue Lace Agate - a very cooling and calming stone, endowing us with a sense of peace and tranquility. A powerful throat healer, it assists with verbal expression of thoughts and feelings.

lapis lazuli - one of the most sought after stones in use since man's history began. Its deep, celestial blue remains the symbol of royalty and honor, spirit and vision. It is a universal symbol of wisdom and truth.

Sapphire - regarded as a stone of mental focus and order, inner vision and psychic awareness. In chakra theory, sapphire is said to help open the third eye to receive wisdom and insight, as well as the throat chakra, which allows you to communicate that vision to others.

Crystals are amazing for energy focus and clear intention setting.

How to manifest whatever your heart desires...

Step 1: What are you trying to manifest?

Think of what you want to bring into your life. Be specific, grateful, and open. You are a magnet for more of what you desire.

Create your own chant, a single sentence, or use a Sanskrit mantra, like:

“Om Mani Padme Hum (ohm-mah-nee-pahd-may-huum).”

To give your busy mind something to focus on so your consciousness can travel deep within.

“Meditation is like going to the bottom of the sea, where everything is calm and tranquil. On the surface of the sea there may be a multitude of waves but the sea is not affected below. In its deepest depths, the sea is all silence.”

Sri Chinmoy

Tune into our YouTube Channel “Meditation Mantras”

where you can choose from a list of guided meditations to help ease you into your 108 prayer bead meditation.

Step 2: Create your ritual.

The most basic meditation ritual is to create a sacred space where you can be alone, speak your mantra, light a candle or incense, sprinkle some fragrant oils and sink into the present moment.

You can also place some related crystals, flowers, or herbs on your altar to amplify your vibe and deepen your meditation.

Visit us in store or check us out online for a vast selection of crystals, beads, guided meditations, and beautifully curated things to enhance your life and your practice.

Step 3: Set an intention for your meditation.

This time is for you and the divine moment.

Even if it’s the simplest, seemingly insignificant thought like, “I choose peace” or “I surrender”, going into your meditation with intention is the beginning.

You can even carve your mantra or specific words into a candle to help you visualize your goal even better.

Check our YouTube channel for Sanskrit mantras and their meanings.

Giving your mind something to focus on, as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, allows you to go deeper.

“Meditation is to dive all the way within, beyond thought, to the source of thought and pure consciousness. It enlarges the container, every time you transcend. When you come out, you come out refreshed, filled with energy and enthusiasm for life.”

David Lynch

Take a few deep breaths, let all your distractions flow away, and clear your mind.

Visualize your goal as if it’s already happened. Imagine how you’d feel and what life would look like. When your heart is full of that happy future and good vibes— Say your mantra and run a bead between your fingers.

Hey there, yogi!

I’m Bodhi, and I’m the proprietor of The Middle Way, shop for mystics and seekers.

At The Middle Way, we are committed to supporting your spiritual journey. From meditation props and jewelry, to books and tarot readings, this is the place to feel inspired and supported. Meet Janika in our bead lounge to have a mala made bespoke for you or learn to string and hand-knot your own, complete with a personal mantra! We have a wide variety of stones and vintage Indian findings to choose from.

We’ve been featured in publications L.A. NOW, The New York Journal, Modern Yogi, and have been guests on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday and Lewis Howes’ podcast, The School of Greatness.


Check out these resources to get started using your personalized mala and mantra!

Love a good daily meditation and connecting with like-minded people? Follow us on Instagram and we’ll share about new crystals, stones, and their meanings every week.

Subscribe to our Social Schedule and be the first to know about any events we, or our partners, will be hosting. Never be the last to know, or the one who hears about it the day after it happened! We always have new gurus contributing to our workshops and events.

Curious about meditation, stones, crystals, and energy updates? Check out our podcast, Prana with Bhodi, where we talk about our creative process and share our opinions on what’s a must-have stone for your specific healing desires.

“When you want something; all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” Paulo Coelho

Life has been feeling a little stagnant lately and you’re in desperate need of an infusion of ambition and direction.

If you want to receive a message about your true purpose in life, then open the channels of mindful intention that reside in the stones, and other gifts from Mother Earth.

It’s possible you’ve been feeling the rut that is the busy-ness of life.

Caught up in the day-to-day, always checking off the list, it’s time to be peaceful, cast your gaze inwards, see what brings you joy and abundance, and what’s dragging you down and depleting you.

By finding clarity on what’s actually serving you and getting clear on your purpose, you’ll be able to honestly and emphatically say yes to the things that will fill your cup, all the way to the brim!

Why there are 108 beads on a Japa Mala?

108 is considered a sacred number in Hinduism, Buddhism and yogic traditions. Malas or Japa beads come in a string of 108 and are used for devotional meditation, mantra and, prayer. With each bead, a mantra or prayer is repeated to meet a total of 108. The guru bead is the larger bead, and sometimes, tassel on the mala and is not part of the 108. It marks the beginning and end of the mala/chant/prayer/mantra.

Visit us in-store or check us out online for a vast selection of crystals, reiki- infused oils, and herb sticks to enhance your mindfulness ritual.

First, choose which mala and stones are right for the day (click here for our selection of Intention Oils, boosted with reiki energy.)

You can even carve your mantra or specific words into a candle or write it in your journal to help you visualize your goal even better.

Don’t be afraid to chant your mantra, and gentle prana (breathe), it’s just you and the altar here.

1. Take a few deep breaths, let all your distractions flow away, and clear your mind.

2. Visualize your goal as if it’s already happened. Imagine how you’d feel and what life would look like. When your heart is full of that happy future and good vibes— take another deep cleansing breath, feel the smooth, cool sensation of the beads between your fingers as you slide them along. Each bead is a repetition of the sacred sound you chant.

3. Now that you've got some insight into what mala beads would best inspire your meditation practice and meet you in your chakra balancing journey, check your inbox for our crystal insights weekly newsletter.

I'll be sharing more tips and tricks to enhance unlock the power of manifestation through meditation and intention.

Good intentions set for the day! Namaste

Connect to your higher wisdom through your crown chakra

Wow, your energy is flowing like a river!

It’s time to dedicate some intention to the cosmic callings coming in.

When your Crown Chakra is blocked you may experience unwillingness to be open to other ideas, thoughts, or knowledge. Disconnect from the body, and feelings of being ungrounded are also manifested when the Crown Chakra is unbalanced.

Your mala needs to be made of:

Clear quartz - considered a “master healer.” Thought to amplify energy by absorbing, releasing, and regulating it. Aids concentration and memory. Physically, clear crystals are claimed to help stimulate the immune system and balance out your entire body.

Moonstone - Activates creative and intuitive feminine energy. It helps balance and cool down emotions and stress. It can also put us in tune with our feminine and feeling side. Moonstone energy is yin, introspective, receptive, and connected to our subconscious.

Amethyst - A protective stone. It activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition, and enhances psychic abilities. It has healing and cleansing powers. Encourages sobriety and can support recovery from addictions.

Crystals are amazing for energy focus and clear intention setting.

How to manifest whatever your heart desires...

Step 1: What are you trying to manifest?

Think of what you want to bring into your life. Be specific, grateful, and open. You are a magnet for more of what you desire.

Create your own chant, a single sentence, or use a Sanskrit mantra, like:

“Om Mani Padme Hum (ohm-mah-nee-pahd-may-huum).”

To give your busy mind something to focus on so your consciousness can travel deep within.

“Meditation is like going to the bottom of the sea, where everything is calm and tranquil. On the surface of the sea there may be a multitude of waves but the sea is not affected below. In its deepest depths, the sea is all silence.”

Sri Chinmoy

Tune into our YouTube Channel “Meditation Mantras”

where you can choose from a list of guided meditations to help ease you into your 108 prayer bead meditation.

Step 2: Create your ritual.

The most basic meditation ritual is to create a sacred space where you can be alone, speak your mantra, light a candle or incense, sprinkle some fragrant oils and sink into the present moment.

You can also place some related crystals, flowers, or herbs on your altar to amplify your vibe and deepen your meditation.

Visit us in store or check us out online for a vast selection of crystals, beads, guided meditations, and beautifully curated things to enhance your life and your practice.

Step 3: Set an intention for your meditation.

This time is for you and the divine moment.

Even if it’s the simplest, seemingly insignificant thought like, “I choose peace” or “I surrender”, going into your meditation with intention is the beginning.

You can even carve your mantra or specific words into a candle to help you visualize your goal even better.

Check our YouTube channel for Sanskrit mantras and their meanings.

Giving your mind something to focus on, as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, allows you to go deeper.

“Meditation is to dive all the way within, beyond thought, to the source of thought and pure consciousness. It enlarges the container, every time you transcend. When you come out, you come out refreshed, filled with energy and enthusiasm for life.”

David Lynch

Take a few deep breaths, let all your distractions flow away, and clear your mind.

Visualize your goal as if it’s already happened. Imagine how you’d feel and what life would look like. When your heart is full of that happy future and good vibes— Say your mantra and run a bead between your fingers.

Hey there, yogi!

I’m Bodhi, and I’m the proprietor of The Middle Way, shop for mystics and seekers.

At The Middle Way, we are committed to supporting your spiritual journey. From meditation props and jewelry, to books and tarot readings, this is the place to feel inspired and supported. Meet Janika in our bead lounge to have a mala made bespoke for you or learn to string and hand-knot your own, complete with a personal mantra! We have a wide variety of stones and vintage Indian findings to choose from.

We’ve been featured in publications L.A. NOW, The New York Journal, Modern Yogi, and have been guests on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday and Lewis Howes’ podcast, The School of Greatness.


Check out these resources to get started using your personalized mala and mantra!

Love a good daily meditation and connecting with like-minded people? Follow us on Instagram and we’ll share about new crystals, stones, and their meanings every week.

Subscribe to our Social Schedule and be the first to know about any events we, or our partners, will be hosting. Never be the last to know, or the one who hears about it the day after it happened! We always have new gurus contributing to our workshops and events.

Curious about meditation, stones, crystals, and energy updates? Check out our podcast, Prana with Bhodi, where we talk about our creative process and share our opinions on what’s a must-have stone for your specific healing desires.

“When you want something; all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” Paulo Coelho

Life has been feeling a little stagnant lately and you’re in desperate need of an infusion of ambition and direction.

If you want to receive a message about your true purpose in life, then open the channels of mindful intention that reside in the stones, and other gifts from Mother Earth.

It’s possible you’ve been feeling the rut that is the busy-ness of life.

Caught up in the day-to-day, always checking off the list, it’s time to be peaceful, cast your gaze inwards, see what brings you joy and abundance, and what’s dragging you down and depleting you.

By finding clarity on what’s actually serving you and getting clear on your purpose, you’ll be able to honestly and emphatically say yes to the things that will fill your cup, all the way to the brim!

Why there are 108 beads on a Japa Mala?

108 is considered a sacred number in Hinduism, Buddhism and yogic traditions. Malas or Japa beads come in a string of 108 and are used for devotional meditation, mantra and, prayer. With each bead, a mantra or prayer is repeated to meet a total of 108. The guru bead is the larger bead, and sometimes, tassel on the mala and is not part of the 108. It marks the beginning and end of the mala/chant/prayer/mantra.

Visit us in-store or check us out online for a vast selection of crystals, reiki- infused oils, and herb sticks to enhance your mindfulness ritual.

First, choose which mala and stones are right for the day (click here for our selection of Intention Oils, boosted with reiki energy.)

You can even carve your mantra or specific words into a candle or write it in your journal to help you visualize your goal even better.

Don’t be afraid to chant your mantra, and gentle prana (breathe), it’s just you and the altar here.

1. Take a few deep breaths, let all your distractions flow away, and clear your mind.

2. Visualize your goal as if it’s already happened. Imagine how you’d feel and what life would look like. When your heart is full of that happy future and good vibes— take another deep cleansing breath, feel the smooth, cool sensation of the beads between your fingers as you slide them along. Each bead is a repetition of the sacred sound you chant.

3. Now that you've got some insight into what mala beads would best inspire your meditation practice and meet you in your chakra balancing journey, check your inbox for our crystal insights weekly newsletter.

I'll be sharing more tips and tricks to enhance unlock the power of manifestation through meditation and intention.

Good intentions set for the day! Namaste

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