Which natural element are you?

Earth, water, fire, or air – take this two-minute quiz to find out which natural element matches your personality πŸŒΏπŸ’¦πŸ”₯πŸŒ€

Quiz Transcript

Which natural element are you?

Earth, water, fire, or air – take this two-minute quiz to find out which natural element matches your personality πŸŒΏπŸ’¦πŸ”₯πŸŒ€

Take The Quiz

Your best friend is in a funk, what do you do to get them out of it?

It's tough love time πŸ’•πŸ’ͺ I tell them to snap out of it – they just don't understand how much they've got going for them.


I encourage them to start a gratitude journal! When I'm feeling down, counting my blessings lifts me right back up.


I make them a steaming mug of chamomile tea, and we talk it out. Given an hour or two, I get to the bottom of all their worriesΒ πŸ΅βœ¨πŸ€—


I fill them in on my M.O.  – don't take life too seriously. When you stop and Β think about it, there's nothing worth stressing over.Β 


1 / 8

From 1-10, how outdoorsy are you?

1-4 – I like the outdoors... as long as it's on the other side of the my living room window.


5-8 – Β When I'm bogged down with to-dos, getting out in nature helps me clear my head.


8-10 – I'm outside more than inside! Biking, swimming, and hiking – I do it all.Β 


2 / 8

Which outfit is the most 'you'?

A long, flowing skirt, a simple top, and boho chic accessories.


I keep it easy and elegant with a palette of dark neutrals.


Laid back with pop of colour. When I arrive, people notice.


I dress dreamy! Tennis skirts and vintage sneaker – yes, please.


3 / 8

You've hit a roadblock, how do you bounce back?

Ahhh... I take a couple calming breaths to release my frustration. When I feel a bit more balanced, I gather my strength and give it another go.


I take a step back, regain myself, and power through. Slow but steady, slow but steady...


I gear myself up – I know one roadblock that's about to get smashed! Nothing comes between me and my goals.


4 / 8

Has anyone ever told you're a little loud?

I'M NOT YELLING – YOU'RE YELLING! Uhmmm, that'd be a yes.


Yeah... BUT what's the point of having a voice if you never use to?


Maybe once or twice πŸ€” I'm usually more on the mellow side, though.


No way – if anything, they have to tell me to speak up...


5 / 8

You've got dinner plans with a friend, but you don't feel like going – what do you do?

Tell them – if I don't feel like going, I don't feel like going. Plus the new season of Black Mirror just came out...


I pull myself together, put on some jeans and a cute top, and follow through with our plans.Β 


I hit them with the classic 'I've got a headache' excuse. IDK I just don't want to hurt their feelings.


Ummm plans – what plans?! I don't make plans...


6 / 8

What's your workout of choice?

Does lounging at the beach count as exercise?


Perfecting my yoga postures.


Trying out a new trail. I'm all about gettin' out and exploring.


A high energy cardio class. Sign me up for jazzercise, please!


7 / 8

How often do you lose your cool?

Rarely – it takes a lot to get me riled up.Β 


I only freak out when people hurt my friends and family. Usually I'm pretty good at keeping it together.


Sometimes – and when I do, it's pretty tricky to let go of...


Β I tend to lose my cool... BUT, hey, I'd rather let it out than hold on to resentment.


8 / 8

You are... Earth 🌿

As an earth personality, you're gifted at grounding down. When a crisis comes your way, you keep your composure. To others, it seems like you've got everything together – even when you may feel the opposite. You're a creative, critical thinker and rarely lose sight of what's truly important.

β€œIt takes a lifetime of practice, persistence, and commitment to unearth just a few elements of our personality.” – Prem Jagyasi

Ready to Reconnect with Yourself? Read on, Friend...

1) Journal

Get in touch with your thoughts by writing them down. It doesn't have to be a long, drawnout process, simply set aside 15-30 minutes in the evening to spell out your emotions without judgement. At first, it might feel like just another pesky task to cross off your to-dos, but I promise it'll be worth it – journaling is a powerful tool for relieving the negativity that might be clouding your vision.

2) Take a Digital Detox

Maybe you saw this tip coming – don't worry, taking a break from social media is less scary than it sounds. Facebook, Instagram, and similar networking sites make it SO easy to get caught up in self-criticism. We want our lives to look just as good as celebrities.' The next time you catch yourself in a spiral of comparison, shut your phone off and take a break for a couple hours. Nothing on the Net is worth your health and happiness.

3) Explore

Humans are made to move, friend – so lace-up your hiking boots or pull your bike out of storage, get out of the city, and hit the trails. Try mixing it up by exploring a new scene that stirs your imagination. It doesn't have to be on the other side of the country, sometimes the best hidden gems are right in our own backyards. Make a point of noticing all the little, easily taken for granted things: fresh air, chirping birds, and the smell of spruce.

Take a Break From Scrolling – Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hey there, I'm Heather Rogers, founder and CEO of Heather Healing Co. I help spirited folks reach their health goals. Whether its losing weight, sleeping deeper, or lowering levels of anxiety and stress, my 1:1 coaching services can make a life-changing difference.

If you're burnt out from chasing achievements and shiny objects, if you've woke to the truth that you deserve a healthy, happy life, this is the right place for you...

I offer a range of healing products to ease your restoration. My new lavender bath salts are sure to soothe your nervous system so you can get a full 8 hours of rest and give your body time to repair and recover.

Looking for a Little Extra Guidance? Check Out These 3 Resources

1) Read this post on my blog. It's a deep dive into my morning routine – I don't just tell you what I do, I give you the full why.

2) Download my free PDF grocery list. If you've ever felt overwhelmed while picking out your weekly fruits and veggies, this is for you!

3) Book a consultation with me. Think we'd be a perfect fit? Find out for sure by filling me in on your health goals in-person.

P.S. Expect to See Me in You Inbox With More Tips For Living in Alignment with Your Nature!

You are... WaterΒ πŸ’¦

Friend, you let the current pull you as it may. You trust life will bring to wherever you're meant to be, so you see no use in struggling against it. You're a natural healer, and take joy in helping your friends and family overcome their hardships. You treat them with compassion – your emotional depth means you're able to empathize with just about anyone.

β€œIt takes a lifetime of practice, persistence, and commitment to unearth just a few elements of our personality.” – Prem Jagyasi

Ready to Reconnect with Yourself? Read on, Friend...

1) Journal

Get in touch with your thoughts by writing them down. It doesn't have to be a long, drawnout process, simply set aside 15-30 minutes in the evening to spell out your emotions without judgement. At first, it might feel like just another pesky task to cross off your to-dos, but I promise it'll be worth it – journaling is a powerful tool for relieving the negativity that might be clouding your vision.

2) Take a Digital Detox

Maybe you saw this tip coming – don't worry, taking a break from social media is less scary than it sounds. Facebook, Instagram, and similar networking sites make it SO easy to get caught up in self-criticism. We want our lives to look just as good as celebrities.' The next time you catch yourself in a spiral of comparison, shut your phone off and take a break for a couple hours. Nothing on the Net is worth your health and happiness.

3) Explore

Humans are made to move, friend – so lace-up your hiking boots or pull your bike out of storage, get out of the city, and hit the trails. Try mixing it up by exploring a new scene that stirs your imagination. It doesn't have to be on the other side of the country, sometimes the best hidden gems are right in our own backyards. Make a point of noticing all the little, easily taken for granted things: fresh air, chirping birds, and the smell of spruce.

Take a Break From Scrolling – Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hey there, I'm Heather Rogers, founder and CEO of Heather Healing Co. I help spirited folks reach their health goals. Whether its losing weight, sleeping deeper, or lowering levels of anxiety and stress, my 1:1 coaching services can make a life-changing difference.

If you're burnt out from chasing achievements and shiny objects, if you've woke to the truth that you deserve a healthy, happy life, this is the right place for you...

I offer a range of healing products to ease your restoration. My new lavender bath salts are sure to soothe your nervous system so you can get a full 8 hours of rest and give your body time to repair and recover.

Looking for a Little Extra Guidance? Check Out These 3 Resources

1) Read this post on my blog. It's a deep dive into my morning routine – I don't just tell you what I do, I give you the full why.

2) Download my free PDF grocery list. If you've ever felt overwhelmed while picking out your weekly fruits and veggies, this is for you!

3) Book a consultation with me. Think we'd be a perfect fit? Find out for sure by filling me in on your health goals in-person.

P.S. Expect to See Me in You Inbox With More Tips For Living in Alignment with Your Nature!

You are... FireΒ πŸ”₯

You are loud, proud, and refuse to apologize for it – and why should you? How you feel is how you feel, and you don't see the point in fighting against that. Friends and family feel a pull to your bright, bold energy. You've got a knack for lighting up any room!

β€œIt takes a lifetime of practice, persistence, and commitment to unearth just a few elements of our personality.” – Prem Jagyasi

Ready to Reconnect with Yourself? Read on, Friend...

1) Journal

Get in touch with your thoughts by writing them down. It doesn't have to be a long, drawnout process, simply set aside 15-30 minutes in the evening to spell out your emotions without judgement. At first, it might feel like just another pesky task to cross off your to-dos, but I promise it'll be worth it – journaling is a powerful tool for relieving the negativity that might be clouding your vision.

2) Take a Digital Detox

Maybe you saw this tip coming – don't worry, taking a break from social media is less scary than it sounds. Facebook, Instagram, and similar networking sites make it SO easy to get caught up in self-criticism. We want our lives to look just as good as celebrities.' The next time you catch yourself in a spiral of comparison, shut your phone off and take a break for a couple hours. Nothing on the Net is worth your health and happiness.

3) Explore

Humans are made to move, friend – so lace-up your hiking boots or pull your bike out of storage, get out of the city, and hit the trails. Try mixing it up by exploring a new scene that stirs your imagination. It doesn't have to be on the other side of the country, sometimes the best hidden gems are right in our own backyards. Make a point of noticing all the little, easily taken for granted things: fresh air, chirping birds, and the smell of spruce.

Take a Break From Scrolling – Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hey there, I'm Heather Rogers, founder and CEO of Heather Healing Co. I help spirited folks reach their health goals. Whether its losing weight, sleeping deeper, or lowering levels of anxiety and stress, my 1:1 coaching services can make a life-changing difference.

If you're burnt out from chasing achievements and shiny objects, if you've woke to the truth that you deserve a healthy, happy life, this is the right place for you...

I offer a range of healing products to ease your restoration. My new lavender bath salts are sure to soothe your nervous system so you can get a full 8 hours of rest and give your body time to repair and recover.

Looking for a Little Extra Guidance? Check Out These 3 Resources

1) Read this post on my blog. It's a deep dive into my morning routine – I don't just tell you what I do, I give you the full why.

2) Download my free PDF grocery list. If you've ever felt overwhelmed while picking out your weekly fruits and veggies, this is for you!

3) Book a consultation with me. Think we'd be a perfect fit? Find out for sure by filling me in on your health goals in-person.

P.S. Expect to See Me in You Inbox With More Tips For Living in Alignment with Your Nature!

You are... AirΒ πŸŒ€

Friend, you take life as it comes. Instead of freaking out when roadblocks trip you up, you ease your way through them. You have faith that whatever is meant to be will be. On top of that, your imaginative and don't mind daydreaming the afternoon away. Friends and family find your free spirit inspiring. They come to you for an instant energetic lift.

β€œIt takes a lifetime of practice, persistence, and commitment to unearth just a few elements of our personality.” – Prem Jagyasi

Ready to Reconnect with Yourself? Read on, Friend...

1) Journal

Get in touch with your thoughts by writing them down. It doesn't have to be a long, drawnout process, simply set aside 15-30 minutes in the evening to spell out your emotions without judgement. At first, it might feel like just another pesky task to cross off your to-dos, but I promise it'll be worth it – journaling is a powerful tool for relieving the negativity that might be clouding your vision.

2) Take a Digital Detox

Maybe you saw this tip coming – don't worry, taking a break from social media is less scary than it sounds. Facebook, Instagram, and similar networking sites make it SO easy to get caught up in self-criticism. We want our lives to look just as good as celebrities.' The next time you catch yourself in a spiral of comparison, shut your phone off and take a break for a couple hours. Nothing on the Net is worth your health and happiness.

3) Explore

Humans are made to move, friend – so lace-up your hiking boots or pull your bike out of storage, get out of the city, and hit the trails. Try mixing it up by exploring a new scene that stirs your imagination. It doesn't have to be on the other side of the country, sometimes the best hidden gems are right in our own backyards. Make a point of noticing all the little, easily taken for granted things: fresh air, chirping birds, and the smell of spruce.

Take a Break From Scrolling – Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hey there, I'm Heather Rogers, founder and CEO of Heather Healing Co. I help spirited folks reach their health goals. Whether its losing weight, sleeping deeper, or lowering levels of anxiety and stress, my 1:1 coaching services can make a life-changing difference.

If you're burnt out from chasing achievements and shiny objects, if you've woke to the truth that you deserve a healthy, happy life, this is the right place for you...

I offer a range of healing products to ease your restoration. My new lavender bath salts are sure to soothe your nervous system so you can get a full 8 hours of rest and give your body time to repair and recover.

Looking for a Little Extra Guidance? Check Out These 3 Resources

1) Read this post on my blog. It's a deep dive into my morning routine – I don't just tell you what I do, I give you the full why.

2) Download my free PDF grocery list. If you've ever felt overwhelmed while picking out your weekly fruits and veggies, this is for you!

3) Book a consultation with me. Think we'd be a perfect fit? Find out for sure by filling me in on your health goals in-person.

P.S. Expect to See Me in You Inbox With More Tips For Living in Alignment with Your Nature!