Which Plant Are You?

Find out which Personality Plant fits you!

Quiz Transcript

Which Plant Are You?

Find out which Personality Plant fits you!

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How old are you?

Under 18 


19 - 23


24 - 27


28 - 30


Over 30


1 / 8

Where is your dream vacation?









Somewhere Cold


2 / 8

How social are you?

I mainly keep to myself


I like the company of small groups of friends


I enjoy socializing and spend most of my days surrounded by people


I have a wide circle of friends. I never spend time by myself.


3 / 8

How dependable are you?

I'm not very dependable or trustworthy


A little unpredictable, but I'm mostly honest


Usually reliable, I am dependent and honest.


Never lied a day in my life. Always honest, reliable, and trustworthy.


4 / 8

What weekend activity do you prefer?



Alone time


Reading a book


Binge watching my favorite shows


Hanging out with friends


Being outside


5 / 8

My dream job is...

Working for a non-profit


Being a professional chef


Starting my own business


Not having to work 


Working in a hospital


6 / 8

What's your favorite breakfast food?

Eggs + Bacon








Biscuits + Gravy




7 / 8

Which of the following is your favorite color?











8 / 8


You love spring and watching things bloom. You're sometimes forgetful, which makes the lilac a perfect plant for you because it only needs to be watered once a week. Purple lilacs symbolize spirituality and give off a beautiful, welcoming scent to your home.


You love spending time in the sun and helping others. The aloe plant will look great sitting in your kitchen window!


You like to be the center of attention. Like the anthurium, once you're in a comfortable space you thrive and add energy to the room.

Christmas Cactus

You love spending time with family and having guests over.

Spider Plant

You keep yourself busy and try to be everywhere at once. Must like the spider plant, you cover a lot of ground and sprawl in every direction.

Asparagus Fern

Small, but mighty. This plant is flexible in where it can be planted and moved from, but it much prefers to be by itself alone in a partially dark space. It grows rather quickly and blossoms small red and white flowers in the summer months.


Air Plant

Requires full sun and a light misting 2-3 times a week. Very low maintenance.