Case Study: 300% List Growth With Lindsay Scholz

“My client calendar is booked out for the next quarter because of this, and that’s a great feeling!”

Today we have the privilege of talking to Lindsay Scholz. Lindsay is a media and branding strategist who has used this quiz to triple her email list, let’s jump right in!

What problem does Interact help solve for your business?

When I launched my branding and social media strategy business, I immediately knew that growing a solid, loyal email list would be a challenge. It seemed like I had tried everything: pop-up welcome boxes on my website, opt-in freebies and more – and my list of leads wasn’t growing. As soon as I began using Interact, though, that all changed!

lindsay quiz

How much time/money did it take to get up and running with your quiz?

My initial investment primarily consisted of the time it took to brainstorm a quiz topic that would best serve my audience, which took 2-3 hours. From there, building out my “What’s Your Ideal Brand Aesthetic?” quiz took less than 2 hours – fun quiz results included!

What did it take to get the quiz implemented on your site?

First, I knew that I wanted my quiz to serve my audience with meaningful content that would add value to their businesses – even if they didn’t want to work with me right away. With that in mind, I came up with my “What’s Your Ideal Brand Aesthetic” quiz idea and ran with it. Next, I drafted up all of the copy that I would drop into my quiz, along with the copy and calls to action for each distinct quiz result. Once that was all in place, setting the quiz live and integrating it into my site was the final, simple step!

quiz question

What were your results? outcomes? leads? sales?

I’m not exaggerating when I say that my email list grew overnight – because it did. I went from struggling to capture meaningful leads to having a growing list full of 50 engaged and interested potential clients in a days’ time. Since then, my leads have tripled. Thanks to Interact, I’ve been able to share out relevant content with my leads and have even had the pleasure of taking some of them on as new clients. My client calendar is booked out for the next quarter because of this, and that’s a great feeling!

lindsay numbers

Josh Haynam

Hi I'm Josh, CEO and Co-Founder at Interact. My Co-Founders and I started interact with the idea that it should be easy for any business to create recommendation systems and benefit from the value of personalization for every customer interaction.

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