Forward-thinking financial services businesses are using quizzes to engage ideal customers and drive consultations where appropriate. This strategy is new in the space and is catching attention from customer bases. Let’s look at how it’s done.
Three primary benefits of using quizzes
- Driving consultations. If your primary onboarding funnel involves a consultation to get started with a new client, quizzes can capture the attention of a potential client and point them towards a consultation in a clever way.
- Increasing engagement. If your primary onboarding funnel is self-service, meaning there’s not a consultation before someone can sign up, you can use quizzes to get the attention of ideal customers and move them towards signing up for your services.
- Email List Growth. It’s an open secret that email lists are the most valuable asset your business can build apart from a paying customer base. With search and social platforms constantly shifting, having your own email list of customers you can warm up towards a sale is absolutely vital.
Consultation-Driving Quiz Strategy: Strategic Financial
Strategic Financial makes great quizzes to assess where clients are today and then presents an option to schedule a consultation. Let’s break down their Retirement Planning Quiz.
The quiz experience starts out embedded on a page on the website. Strategic financial has a series of really well done quizzes, check out the rest in the footer of their website.

When you click to take the quiz, it asks you relevant, personal, but not invasive questions about your plans for retirement. With financial services it’s important to walk a line between personal and overly personal. That’s a decision that relates back to your level of seriousness as a brand. You want your questions to reflect the ethos of how you show up as a company and be in relation to how you operate.

Questions vary from purely financial to lifestyle, to get a complete picture of how the quiz taker is thinking about retirement from a monetary and personal perspective.

At the end of the questions an optional opt-in form is presented. This allows for people to opt-in even if they’re not ready for a consultation right away. You can then use email marketing to warm up those leads until they are ready or life timing works out where they would want to seek out a financial consultation. Often-times people just aren’t ready for something right now but that doesn’t mean they aren’t interested forever and in fact they may want to work with you in the future so giving them an opportunity to join your email list means they can remember you when the time comes and they are ready for someone to help them with finances.

After the opt-in form you show the person their quiz outcome. In this case since the quiz was titled “Retirement Planning” it is a score based on how effective your retirement planning is. There is a button to contact and book a consultation right away if the quiz taker is ready to go right now.

Here’s what the Contact Us page looks like, giving the quiz taker an option to book a consultation or continue browsing depending on their readiness to being working with the firm.

Engagement Quiz Strategy: 1st Financial Bank
1st Financial Bank uses an engagement quiz strategy to connect with their ideal customers, in this case college students, and introduce those students to the product offerings that 1st Financial brings to the table.
Let’s look at an example titled “What is Your Credit Card IQ?” that lives on the 1st Financial Bank content hub.

The quiz asks great questions and I really like the design of the images they use on the questions. The use of the graphics makes a serious topic like credit more approachable and therefore more connecting to the target audience. Something key to note about quizzes is that they can be disarming in a good way, meaning that people feel comfortable answering quiz questions even if the topic of the quiz is more serious, because of the way the questions are phrased and the imagery used to represent the questions.

At the end of the quiz you can see your score, how many answers you got correct, and then retake the quiz if you are not satisfied with your score. This is honestly such a great way to engage the ideal customers who are thinking about credit for the first time potentially. Note: If you choose to, you can show the correct answer key within the quiz results.

Talk to an expert about creating your financial quiz today
Book a demo and see what your quiz strategy would look like