How to write the Best Quiz Titles with AI (OpenAI)

Since we started interact in 2013 one of the most consistent questions asked is “What’s the best quiz for my business?” Now, thanks to AI and OpenAI Playground, the answer is easy to find. Here is how you can use AI to pinpoint the best quiz title for your brand no matter what kind of business or use case you are implementing a quiz for.

How to write personality quiz titles with AI (ChatGPT)

Note: For this tutorial I am using OpenAI playground

OpenAI Playground Prompt: What are the top 25 [most popular] personality quizzes that [entrepreneurs] would want to take?

There are two variables to this OpenAI prompt in order to make the AI deliver useful quiz titles for your business. I’ve put them in brackets.

  1. The goal, in this case I put [most popular] because that is often the goal for people using personality quizzes, they want the quiz to be popular or go viral. AI indexes the internet and analyzes it, so you need to tell it what your goal is and it will provide you the best answers.
  2. Who the quiz is for, in this case I put [entrepreneurs]. OpenAI and most other AI systems are very good at speaking in the correct tone depending on who the title is meant for, so you must let it know who you are intending to have take this quiz.

I have the AI generate 25 options for quiz titles because it creates enough variation where you can usually get one or two that would really resonate with your particular audience.

If nothing comes up you can re-generate or change the temperature of the prompt to create more variation. (Temperature is the variability of the response, the higher the temperature the more variation you’ll get).

Here is the readout from OpenAI Playground

OpenAI generate personality quiz titles

How to write assessment titles with AI (OpenAI)

OpenAI Playground Prompt: What are the 25 [most popular] [manufacturing quizzes?]

This prompt follows a similar pattern to the personality AI prompt and has two variables.

  1. The purpose of the title. I went with most popular again because that’s what most people are aiming for, but you can change this to “most detailed” or “most research-based” things like that.
  2. This time instead of who the assessment is for, I went with what type of company is creating it. I’ve found that the AI has a better understanding of who is creating assessments since most assessments are used in a B2B context and it’s harder to know exactly who will take the assessment.

Here’s the OpenAI playground readout.

OpenAI generate assessment titles
OpenAI generate assessment titles

How to write trivia quiz titles with AI (OpenAI)

OpenAI Playground Prompt: What are the top 25 [most popular] [vegan food] trivia quizzes?

This prompt has the same variables but with the industry you want to be more specific and add a descriptor word to the industry. So instead of [food] trivia quizzes you want to add your unique industry description and say [vegan food] trivia quizzes.

Here’s what you get from the OpenAI playground.

OpenAI trivia quiz titles

Create quizzes with AI + Interact

If you’re looking to build out a full lead generating quiz to build your business you can use OpenAI + Interact to get up and running in minutes. Here’s the full guide on creating quizzes with AI.

What is the best quiz for you business?

Quizzes are super effective for lead generation and selling products. Find the best quiz for your business by answering a few questions.

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