Personal Stylist Quiz Examples

Personal stylists use quizzes as list builders, product recommendation tools, and for booking appointments. Let’s look at some great examples of quizzes created by personal stylists, I’ll include links to each one so you can actually go take the quiz and experience it yourself.

Color Analysis Quiz: Style by Terry Moon

Take the quiz here

The quiz starts from the home page where you can click a button to get your color analysis.

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The quiz asks relevant questions about you, your style, and your preferences

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It has great use of image and GIF questions so it feels very interactive and immersive

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At the end this quiz asks for your email address, which will add to Styled by Terry Moon’s email list if you choose to opt in

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Then you get to see your analysis right away

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And there’s a link to book a full consultation if you want to know more.

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Where are You at on Your Style Journey? Laurie Loo

Take this quiz

This is a beautifully executed quiz funnel for a lower ticket offer that leads into a higher ticket offer. It’s also a fun quiz that delivers value regardless of if the quiz taker purchases anything. It’s a good model for sites with higher traffic who want to monetize at each level.

The quiz starts off from the home page where you can click “Find My Style” or even better this quiz gets a ton of traffic from organic search. The quiz page is set up for SEO very well, here’s a guide on how to do that if you’re interested.

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Once you take the quiz it asks great questions that help guide you towards your style

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After the questions you get a result that is satisfying in the sense that it answers the question posed in the quiz. It gives you an analysis of where you are at in your style journey. Then it links to a workbook. For further assistance.

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The workbook loads in the same screen where the quiz was, and it’s priced at $8 which is the ideal price for a lower-priced tripwire product at the end of a quiz. We see $8-10 as the price point that works for delivering value, especially if you’re running paid media to your quiz this tripwire product helps offset the price of the traffic.

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I really like this quiz example because it shows the cross-section of delivering value but also making money with the lower priced product. It’s important to do both.

Josh Haynam

Hi I'm Josh, CEO and Co-Founder at Interact. My Co-Founders and I started interact with the idea that it should be easy for any business to create recommendation systems and benefit from the value of personalization for every customer interaction.

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