Quiz Case Study: 20,000 Leads With A Quiz

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Q&A With Leisa

What problem does Interact help solve for your business?  

The Money and Chakras quiz I built with Interact helps me not only attract more quality subscribers through an easy-to-use, automated quiz, but it’s also helped me designed a much more thorough email marketing funnel. There are 7 possible outcomes with the quiz which required me to really up my game when it came to talking to my ideal clients in a much more personalized way. It’s been a great way to understand their needs and to adapt my business to support what clients we’re showing me they were most interested in. It’s been a massive win-win for everyone!

How much time/money did it take to get up and running?  

I spent a lot more time than most people – probably a total of 20-30 hours figuring out how to talk to my clients based on the outcome of their quiz results. This was important to me because I am writing a book about the process that I help my clients through and this was a great step to help me define my target audience much better than I had done in the past.

Where do you use the quiz and how is it promoted?  

The quiz is promoted through an ad on Facebook that has been viewed over 320,000 times and completed over 20,000 times with email addresses being provided when people complete the quiz.

What did it take to get the quiz implemented?  

It was quite astounding how fast this all came together a year ago — I started with an idea for what the quiz would look like and how I would use it to better understand my target audience. It was a joint effort between figuring out how to promote the quiz on Facebook and also have the quiz provide meaningful results. The first time we tested it, the results were fair but I went back to Josh who suggested I use a woman smiling in the photo in the Facebook ad. I made that one change and results skyrockted immediately.

What are the results from your quiz so far (outcomes, leads, sales)?  

320,000+ impressions on Facebook  

20,000 leads — about 40% are unengaged and so we take them off the email list if they aren’t responding or opening emails that we sent out at least weekly.  

I typically sell high end money coaching services and so only a few clients a year would more than pay for all the costs involved in this campaign — I easily bring in triple the return on my investment if not more.  

I currently pay about $.21 per person (to Facebook) who complete the quiz and provides their email address — this is unheard of in the industry.

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Josh Haynam

Hi I'm Josh, CEO and Co-Founder at Interact. My Co-Founders and I started interact with the idea that it should be easy for any business to create recommendation systems and benefit from the value of personalization for every customer interaction.

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