Think about what gets you to click a link, video, or article – the few words that hook you in. It’s the same concept for your quiz title. Craft a clear, concise title that hooks your audience. In this article, we’ll spill our quiz title recipes you can use for your lead magnet quiz!

Let’s dive in!

Why the Right Title Matters

When your website visitor scrolls through your website, you have a few seconds to hook them in with your quiz title and enter them into your funnel. Without the right title to hook your audience, they won’t feel enticed to click “Take Quiz.”

Your title emulates the alignment between your quiz and your offerings. It invites your audience to start a conversation with you so you can help them (your customers). A lead magnet quiz is an introduction to your business and your audience’s first interaction with you. 

Recipes for the Perfect Quiz Title

Consider your goal in helping your audience and how that relates to your offerings or what you send to your email list. Then, use these quiz title recipes to craft the perfect title to capture your audience and enter them into your funnel. 

E-Commerce Titles

Which (product) is right for you?

What’s your (product) style?

Find your (product) match

Find the right (product) for you

What’s your (product category) type?

Assessment Titles

How (behavioral attribute related to quiz topic) are you?

Are you a (behavioral attribute related to quiz topic)?

What is your (behavioral attribute related to quiz topic) level?

Are you ready to (action related to quiz topic)?

Do you have what it takes to (action related to quiz topic)?

What’s the best next step (to achieve a goal related to the quiz topic)?

Personality Quiz Titles

What type of a (topic) are you?

What is your (topic) personality?

What is causing you to (topic)?

What is holding you back from (topic)?

What is blocking you from (topic)?

How (blank) are you?

Do you have what it takes to (blank)?

What’s your (blank) formula?

How to Get Quiz Titles from ChatGPT

Use the IAF Method to get quiz titles from ChatGPT.

  1. Give ChatGPT information about you and your business.

Prompt: [insert information about your business] What is the primary concept of what I do?

  1. Ask ChatGPT for quiz title ideas.

Prompt: What is the best quiz idea for my business to engage my website visitors and generate leads? Write the quiz idea as a question. Write one for each of these templates: [copy and paste quiz title recipes here]

Wrap Up Quiz Title Recipes

When your website visitor scrolls through your website, you have a few seconds to hook them in with your quiz title and enter them into your funnel. Craft a clear, concise title that hooks your audience. 

Consider your goal in helping your audience and how that relates to your offerings or what you send to your email list. Then, use the quiz title recipes to craft the perfect quiz title. Lastly, use the IAF method to get quiz title ideas. 

What is the best quiz for you business?

Quizzes are super effective for lead generation and selling products. Find the best quiz for your business by answering a few questions.

Take the quiz