Are you living in your comfort zone?

Stuck in a rut?  Find out how brave you are, and how to know when to step up your game!

Quiz Transcript

Are you living in your comfort zone?

Stuck in a rut?  Find out how brave you are, and how to know when to step up your game!

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Think about the scariest physical challenge you can imagine, from skydiving to trekking through a jungle.  What would be your approach to being invited to take part?

Heck yes!  Hold my jacket...


I would weigh up the pros and cons, but ultimately go with my gut decision.


I would weigh up the pros and cons, but still struggle to come to a decision I could feel good about.


I would consult my friends and family, talk to my colleagues at work, and still worry about making the wrong choice.


1 / 5

You dream of a career change, but are nervous about making the leap. Do you:

Set the ball in motion.  Life is short.


Plan out pros, cons, and your cost of living budget on a spreadsheet, and find a way to follow your heart.


Plan out pros, cons, and your cost of living budget on a spreadsheet, but still worry yourself silly over the possible consequences of a bad choice.


Feel paralysed by the fear of making the wrong choice, and worry about what others will say.


2 / 5

You've been unhappy in your relationship for some time and long to move on.  You make the decision by:

Listening to your gut instinct.


Weighing up the pros and cons, but ultimately listening to your gut.


Weighing up pros, cons, and opinions from friends and family.


Ask friends and family for advice, and lose a great deal of sleep over possibly making a decision you will regret.


3 / 5

You have been invited to speak about your career or business on stage at a local networking event.  Do you:

Feel nervous but flattered - let's give this a go!


Appreciate the opportunity and start researching material for your talk.


Appreciate the opportunity but wonder if this is something you would even enjoy.


Initially decline, but then wonder if you made a mistake.


4 / 5

Your work has given you the opportunity to travel for 6 months.  You feel: 

Awesome!  Where is my passport?...


So happy!  Time to start the careful planning.


Excited but nervous.  You might need to work on your language skills, get several travel vaccinations, or you may worry about your safety.  Can you really do this?


Overwhelmed!  The worry and "what ifs" far outweigh any enjoyment of this prospect.


5 / 5

You scored a 0

Rock star, don't leap too far!

Firstly, congratulations on your brave approach to life! I bet you have had some adventures, and could share a story or two around the camp fire!

But I've got to ask - do your decisions to leap out of your comfort zone always result in you landing the right way up? Or do you sometimes have regrets?

If so, I'd love to share my life hack for decision-making with you.

The trick is to know WHEN to leave your comfort zone - AND it might not always be when you think.

Taking that big leap outside of your comfort zone isn't always appropriate either, despite what some motivational speakers might preach.

I believe that the trick to knowing when leap, and also knowing when to go easy on yourself and stay safe, is to understand your core values...

When you truly know what makes you tick and is most important to you, then the decisions you make will come from a place of self-awareness. In my experience as a Life Coach, these decisions are the most authentic and the most satisfying.

You can ask the opinions of as many people as you like, but at the end of the day, this is your life to live. And the only person who is qualified to decide for you, is YOU.

If you would like to learn HOW to discover your core values, and how to USE them for decision-making, then I have a new book that I think you might like.

Pre-Order a copy of Working With Your Comfort Zone on Amazon for just £1.99, and get it delivered to your device when it launches on 1st December. Go into 2019 better prepared for any decision with effective tools in your pocket.

You scored a 9

Balanced and sensible

There is nothing wrong with caution, or with asking the opinions of others. But I wonder, might you be a bit bored, lonely, or frustrated with always being the sensible one?

There is a great big world out there to explore and you might be missing out on some great opportunities.

The trick isn't to throw caution to the wind and start being reckless - so don't worry!

The trick is to know WHEN to leave your comfort zone - AND it might not always be when you think.

Taking that big leap outside of your comfort zone isn't always appropriate either, despite what some motivational speakers might preach.

I believe that the trick to knowing when leap, and also knowing when to go easy on yourself and stay safe, is to understand your core values...

When you truly know what makes you tick and is most important to you, then the decisions you make will come from a place of self-awareness. In my experience as a Life Coach, these decisions are the most authentic and the most satisfying.
You can ask the opinions of as many people as you like, but at the end of the day, this is your life to live. And the only person who is qualified to decide for you, is YOU.

If you would like to learn HOW to discover your core values, and how to USE them for decision-making, then I have a new book that I think you might like.

Pre-Order a copy of Working With Your Comfort Zone on Amazon for just £1.99, and get it delivered to your device when it launches on 1st December. Go into 2019 better prepared for any decision with effective tools in your pocket.

You scored a 17

Caution is your super power!

There is nothing wrong with caution, or with asking the opinions of others. But I wonder, might you be a bit bored, lonely, or frustrated with always being the sensible one?

There is a great big world out there to explore and you might be missing out on some great opportunities.

The trick isn't to throw caution to the wind and start being reckless - so don't worry!

The trick is to know WHEN to leave your comfort zone - AND it might not always be when you think.

Taking that big leap outside of your comfort zone isn't always appropriate either, despite what some motivational speakers might preach.

I believe that the trick to knowing when leap, and also knowing when to go easy on yourself and stay safe, is to understand your core values...

When you truly know what makes you tick and is most important to you, then the decisions you make will come from a place of self-awareness. In my experience as a Life Coach, these decisions are the most authentic and the most satisfying.

You can ask the opinions of as many people as you like, but at the end of the day, this is your life to live. And the only person who is qualified to decide for you, is YOU.

If you would like to learn HOW to discover your core values, and how to USE them for decision-making, then I have a new book that I think you might like.

Pre-Order a copy of Working With Your Comfort Zone on Amazon for just £1.99, and get it delivered to your device when it launches on 1st December. Go into 2019 better prepared for any decision with effective tools in your pocket.