Could you have an underactive thyroid?

Take the quiz to find out whether you could have symptoms of hypothyroidism.

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Could you have an underactive thyroid?

Take the quiz to find out whether you could have symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Take the thyroid quiz to find out now

Do you have a family history of thyroid disorders, such as Hashimoto's disease, underactive thyroid, Graves' disease?





1 / 15

Do you or anyone in your family have an autoimmune disease (such as Coeliac disease, rheumatoid arthritis or vitiligo)?





2 / 15

Do you often feel unusually cold (e.g. compared to other people)?

Yes, all the time






3 / 15

Do you experience constipation?

Yes - all the time


Every now and then




4 / 15

Do you gain weight easily, or struggle to lose weight?

Yes, I often struggle with my weight


I sometimes struggle weight gain


No, my weight is relatively consistent


5 / 15

Do you feel tired, lethargic or low on energy?

Yes, all the time


Yes, some of the time


Not usually


6 / 15

Do you experience excessive hair loss or thinning hair?

Yes, a lot






7 / 15

Is your skin dry, dull or flaky?

Yes, very dry!


Somewhat dry and flaky




8 / 15

Is your hair dry, brittle and/or thin?





9 / 15

Are you forgetful? Do you struggle to concentrate?

All the time




Not really (or not at all)


10 / 15

Do you experience heavy menstrual bleeding?

Yes, every month


Some months


No, my periods are average or relatively light


No, I don't menstruate (e.g. males, post-menopausal women etc)


11 / 15

Do you experience body aches, such as sore joints, headaches and poor muscle recovery?

Yes, everyday


Yes, more than the average person


Not really (or not at all)


12 / 15

Have you experienced a drop in libido?





13 / 15

How would you rate your stress levels?







14 / 15

Have you ever had an elevated TSH or low T4 reading on a blood test?

Yes - I've experienced both an elevated TSH and low T4


Yes - I've experienced either an elevated TSH or low T4


No, my TSH and T4 have always been normal


I have not had my TSH or T4 tested


15 / 15

You scored a 0

Your results are not suggestive of an underactive thyroid

Your results are not suggestive of an underactive thyroid, as you display few (if any) of the signs and symptoms typically associated with thyroid hypofunction. This test is not intended to be used as a diagnostic tool however, so if you are concerned about your health or suspect you have an underactive thyroid, talk to a qualified healthcare professional.

You scored a 21

Your results may be suggestive of an underactive thyroid

Based on your score, it seems you have some of the symptoms of thyroid hypofunction and it may be worth investigating further. Typical symptoms of an underactive thyroid include weight gain, cold intolerance, constipation, fatigue, low energy, hair loss and more. It is important to remember however that there are many conditions and situations that can give rise to such symptoms (of which an underactive thyroid is one), so speak to your healthcare professional about whether a thyroid function blood test is appropriate for you.

This test is not a diagnostic tool, and should not be used to diagnose yourself (or anyone you know) with an underactive thyroid. If you have symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, consult a healthcare professional.

You scored a 29

Your results are highly suggestive of thyroid dysfunction

Based on your answers, you have many symptoms that may suggest an underactive thyroid. Examples may include weight gain, constipation, dry skin, fatigue, poor concentration, hair loss and more. Given these results, it is worth investigating your thyroid function further, by speaking to a qualified health professional.

Note: This test is not a diagnostic tool, and should not be used to diagnose yourself (or anyone you know) with an underactive thyroid. If you have symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, consult a healthcare professional.

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