Do you have what it takes to make your blog blast-off?
Set yourself up for blogging success by seeing where your know-how stands — no worries if you don’t have the answers, you will soon!
Quiz Transcript
Do you have what it takes to make your blog blast-off?
Set yourself up for blogging success by seeing where your know-how stands — no worries if you don’t have the answers, you will soon!
What percent of peeps’ Internet time is spent on blogging and social media?
About 25%
Wait — a blog is, like, an article… . . right?
1 / 10
What strategies do you use to build your current blog?
Don’t I need a blog before I can start strategizing?
From audience analytics to SEO optimization, I got everything covered. Plus I stick to my schedule!
I try to write compelling posts on trending topics. But sometimes I let a week — or three — slide between entries.
2 / 10
Which blog post do you think had the highest engagement rate?
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3 / 10
Blogs influence consumers’ purchasing decisions?
Not really — they’re more for entertainment.
Of course — blogs allow businesses to build relationships with their audiences, which sways purchasing decisions big-time.
So-so — they’re about as convincing as your average salesperson.
4 / 10
What type of blog is most visually appealing?
Clean and well-organized for sure! Maybe a neutral palette and a few inspiring (but relevant) pics 📸
I like a lil' pizzazz . Bright colours and lots of different pages to pick from with different flavours of content!
The basics. Lots of text. I've got to give people the necessary info, you know?
5 / 10
What’s the big ‘why’ behind your blog?
I think blogs are a big business asset. I want to connect with my audience while selling services and products I stand behind 100%.
I’m genuinely interested in my niche and want to share my expertise while building out an online brand.
It seems like the trendy thing to do, and I don’t want to miss out.
6 / 10
Blogs build credibility and authority?
7 / 10
What site do you have blog envy for?
Hyperbole and a Half — I love its witty sense of humour and unique articles.
Huffpost — I appreciate its in-depth coverage of breaking news. Plus it sold for $315 million only 5 years after its founding.
I don’t know what either of these are… I’m more of a newspaper kinda person.
8 / 10
What ingredient is missing when it comes to building your blog’s audience?
I’m starting from scratch here. I need to pick a topic, a title, and set up my site.
I need to review my outreach strategies. I have a decent following but I’ve hit a bit of a lull in traffic.
I’ve started my blog, but I need to develop a more engaging voice — a voice people’ll really listen to.
9 / 10
Think you need help blasting-off your blog?
Hmm… I think I’ve got it covered.
I could defs use a nudge in the right direction.
YES! Please break it down for me.
10 / 10
You scored a 0
You’re A... Blogging Newbie
There’s no shame in your game — we all have to start somewhere! You’re dedicated to building your blog. And even if that takes a lil’ learning, you know it’s so worth it long-term…
Your curiosity and crazy amazing ambition are assets in online biz. Successful bloggers (looking at you, Arianna Huffington) experiment their way to popularity!
It’s all about knowing what your audience craves and serving it with style. Have no idea who your audience is let alone what they want from your blog? That’s where I can help...
“Don’t focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers.” — Brian Clark
Light Up The Net With These Three Easy To Try Blogging Tips!
1) Set your site up for success. You want your blog’s visitors to feel welcome, right? My words of wisdom…
When it comes to design, stick to the basics! Choose a clean, easily navigable layout. Then use bright, compelling pictures to tailor it to your unique niche.
2) Get familiar with your ideal reader. Whatever step you’re at on your blogging path, knowing your audience is so necessary.
Would it make sense to write a trendy fashion blog in the voice of a sports commentator? Not likely… So make note of what words and phrases your audience actually uses.
3) Set a schedule and stick to it. Even one unexplained missed post can jeopardize your reader’s interest.
They’re unlikely to check back if they can’t count on finding something new. So make a realistic, maintainable schedule. And get posting, friend!
Want To Hear How I Made My Blog A Must-Read...

Hey, lovely 👋 My name’s Angelica Carter, and I help peeps boost their brands through social media marketing!
I got my start back in 2013 with the launch of my lifestyle blog Silver & Sage. After building my dream audience, I launched an ethically-sourced skincare line!
Without my online presence, my launch could’ve fallen smack on its pretty face. But instead it sold out in a matter of hours!
Think I’m my case is an exception? Nu-huh, friend. Thousands of driven individuals (just like you) have used blogs to build their following and launch their biz — ready to blast-off? I’m with you there!
Simple Steps To Boost Your Blogging Game? Look No Further...
1) Download my free list 50 Blog Posts for a quick hit of inspiration. I know more than I’d like to about creative blockages. These easy to pull-off ideas are going to keep you lit up with excitement!
2) Shocker here — check out my blog. Nope, I don’t just blog about blogging. I cover all things social media. From what to hashtag your selfie for high-engagement to use the coolest new fonts, I got the d-low.
3) Listen to this episode on my podcast. I chat-up entrepreneur Jennifer Simpson. Spoiler alert: she spills the (jelly)beans on how she bumped her biz up to six-figures through blogging!
I’ve got your back, friend. Expect to see me in your inbox slinging top tips on accelerating your online biz!
You scored a 11
You’re A... Blogging Buff
Congrats, friend! You’ve got what it takes to build a brilliant blog. You’ve got a grip on who you’re writing for and why. Plus you’ve got a good-deal of knowledge to work with.
That doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement...
Your next step? I suggest a mindset switch-up. Don’t think of this as a hobby ‘cause someday — sooner than you think — it could be a crazy lucrative career.
“The first thing you need to decide when you build your blog is what you want to accomplish with it, and what it can do if successful.” — Ron Dawson
Light Up The Net With These Three Easy To Try Blogging Tips!
1) Set your site up for success. You want your blog’s visitors to feel welcome, right? My words of wisdom…
When it comes to design, stick to the basics! Choose a clean, easily navigable layout. Then use bright, compelling pictures to tailor it to your unique niche.
2) Get familiar with your ideal reader. Whatever step you’re at on your blogging path, knowing your audience is so necessary.
Would it make sense to write a trendy fashion blog in the voice of a sports commentator? Not likely… So make note of what words and phrases your audience actually uses.
3) Set a schedule and stick to it. Even one unexplained missed post can jeopardize your reader’s interest.
They’re unlikely to check back if they can’t count on finding something new. So make a realistic, maintainable schedule. And get posting, friend!
Want To Hear How I Made My Blog A Must-Read...

Hey, lovely 👋 My name’s Angelica Carter, and I help peeps boost their brands through social media marketing!
I got my start back in 2013 with the launch of my lifestyle blog Silver & Sage. After building my dream audience, I launched an ethically-sourced skincare line!
Without my online presence, my launch could’ve fallen smack on its pretty face. But instead it sold out in a matter of hours!
Think I’m my case is an exception? Nu-huh, friend. Thousands of driven individuals (just like you) have used blogs to build their following and launch their biz — Ready to blast-off? I’m with you there!
Simple Steps To Boost Your Blogging Game? Look No Further...
1) Download my free list 50 Blog Posts for a quick hit of inspiration. I know more than I’d like to about creative blockages. These easy to pull-off ideas are going to keep you lit up with excitement!
2) Shocker here — check out my blog. Nope, I don’t just blog about blogging. I cover all things social media. From what to hashtag your selfie for high-engagement to use the coolest new fonts, I got the d-low.
3) Listen to this episode on my podcast. I chat-up entrepreneur Jennifer Simpson. Spoiler alert: she spills the (jelly)beans on how she bumped her biz up to six-figures through blogging!
I’ve got your back, friend. Expect to see me in your inbox slinging top tips on accelerating your online biz!
You scored a 21
You’re A... Blogging Braniac
If there was a mathletes for bloggers, you’d be team captain. You’ve done the research, crunched your numbers. And maybe you’ve built up a bit of a following, too. Your dedication deserves celebration!
You’ve got a clear image of what you want to accomplish and the drive it takes to get you there. So what’s the hold-up?
Why aren’t you seeing the same high-engagement rates your competitors boast? It’s time to do a little realignment. Don’t get so caught up in the numbers that you forget that your audience picked you to read.
“There are tons of different factors that go into ranking well, but the biggest is high-quality content.” — David Sinick
Light Up The Net With These Three Easy To Try Blogging Tips!
1) Set your site up for success. You want your blog’s visitors to feel welcome, right? My words of wisdom…
When it comes to design, stick to the basics! Choose a clean, easily navigable layout. Then use bright, compelling pictures to tailor it to your unique niche.
2) Get familiar with your ideal reader. Whatever step you’re at on your blogging path, knowing your audience is so necessary.
Would it make sense to write a trendy fashion blog in the voice of a sports commentator? Not likely… So make note of what words and phrases your audience actually uses.
3) Set a schedule and stick to it. Even one unexplained missed post can jeopardize your reader’s interest.
They’re unlikely to check back if they can’t count on finding something new. So make a realistic, maintainable schedule. And get posting, friend!
Want To Hear How I Made My Blog A Must-Read...

Hey, lovely 👋 My name’s Angelica Carter, and I help peeps boost their brands through social media marketing!
I got my start back in 2013 with the launch of my lifestyle blog Silver & Sage. After building my dream audience, I launched an ethically-source skincare line!
Without my online presence, my launch could’ve fallen smack on its pretty face. But instead it sold out in a matter of hours!
Think I’m my case is an exception? Nu-huh, friend. Thousands of driven individuals (just like you) have used blogs to build their following and launch their biz — Ready to blast-off? I’m with you there!
Simple Steps To Boost Your Blogging Game? Look No Further...
1) Download my free list 50 Blog Posts for a quick hit of inspiration. I know more than I’d like to about creative blockages. These easy to pull-off ideas are going to keep you lit up with excitement!
2) Shocker here — check out my blog. Nope, I don’t just blog about blogging. I cover all things social media. From what to hashtag your selfie for high-engagement to use the coolest new fonts, I got the d-low.
3) Listen to this episode on my podcast. I chat-up entrepreneur Jennifer Simpson. Spoiler alert: she spills the (jelly)beans on how she bumped her biz up to six-figures through blogging!
I’ve got your back, friend. Expect to see me in your inbox slinging top tips on accelerating your online biz!
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