What kind of blog will lead to your next big breakthrough?
Discover what style of blog best suits your online brand and bolster your bank account in the process.
Quiz Transcript
What kind of blog will lead to your next big breakthrough?
You’ve got an hour to kill before heading to work — how do you spend it?
It’s time to scope some street style — I sip a cappuccino in a cute café while making mental notes of the latest trends.
I scroll through the latest #travelinsp on Insta. That beachside cocktail in Sri Lanka is tempting…
Is an hour enough time to catch a bite at the new Korean-fusion place downtown? I’ve heard their homemade kimchi is off the charts.
I hang-out at home catching up on ESPN’s latest. What can I say — I’m a bit of a sportsaholic.
1 / 10
What do you wish someone had told you a long time ago?
Not to over-beat my meringue topping. ‘Easy as pie’ ain’t as easy as it sounds…
That vertical stripes are way more flattering than horizontal.
Not to bet on the underdog ‘just because.’
That backpacking through Europe is easier when your backpack doesn’t weigh fifty-seven ibs…
2 / 10
Which cocktail are you most likely to sip and why?
Does Budweiser count as a cocktail... I like to keep it easy and low-key. No fuss for me.
A flight of wine for me! I want to try a little bit of everything. Novelty is my second name.
A timeless gin and tonic with a twist of lime. I like drinks that — like me — never go out of style.
I’ll take a Bees Knees, please: gin, lemon, and honey. The flavours are so complimentary. And hard to mess up.
3 / 10
What strategies are you currently using to up your biz-game?
Honestly, I’ve kind of hit a road-block. I don’t know how much higher I can climb in my current line of work. But the money makes gutting hard.
I’m making my online presence known! I’ve just published my first website and am interested in starting a blog.
Not many… Where I’m at is good enough for now. I’m making enough income to satisfy my basic needs. But my work doesn’t really excite me.
My game is on-point. Business is booming. And better yet I’m happy putting in the work!
4 / 10
Which hashtag are you most likely to use?
5 / 10
What’s holding you back from blogging?
Self-doubt… Why would someone spend time reading what’s on my mind?
Nothing! I’ve been blogging up a storm. But whether people are reading is another question. Maybe I need to work on building my audience.
It’s so hard for me to stay on schedule. Every time I’ve tried, I’ve ended up missing a day and giving up altogether.
Straight up? I don’t know what to say...
6 / 10
What makes you (yeah, you) awesome?
I can recite last season’s NFL stats like poetry.
I know how to find the cheapest, cleanest hostels known to (wo)man kind!
I’m up-to-date on the hottest make-up trends. Glossy lids? I’m thinking yes!
Restaurant recommendations af! Whatever cuisine you’re into, I’ve got you covered.
7 / 10
Describe your feelings towards your current job with an emoji!
🥀 - I use to like it a lot more. These days I just find it depressing.
🍰 - Easy as cake and just as tasty!
🤬 - If I told you honestly, I’d get kicked off the Internet...
💤 - I need two cups of coffee just to make it to the office.
8 / 10
Are you happy with the moolah you’re making?
I mean...I’m not totally unhappy. It’s enough to get by. But if I want to start a family, something’s going to need to change.
I’m comfortable—I can afford to treat myself while still managing to save for a mortgage down payment + retirement.
My parents may have had to send me $500 this morning…Definitely don’t feel great about that.
I couldn’t imagine being much happier. I make enough to never spend a day worrying!
9 / 10
What was your favorite subject in school and why?
P.E. — I got to show-off my muscles of steel. Plus I already knew the rules for every sport!
English — I’ve always been a creative thinker. And writing essays allowed me to work through my complex thoughts while honing my personal style.
Chemistry — It was fascinating discovering how the world works on a molecular level. It taught me why the muffins I baked were always burnt on the sides and raw in the middle...
Social Studies — I’ve always been fascinated with the practices of diverse cultures. There’re so many wonderful ways of living!
10 / 10
You’re an... Ultra-Fab Fashion Blogger!
From this season’s hottest heel to what avant-garde designer is about to blow-up online, you’ve got the scoop. And you serve it with effortlessly chic style!
Yep, clutch your pearls, Kate Middleton — There’s a new fashion icon on the block...
Your friends come to when they need honest input on their #OOTDs. You’re sensitive to color palettes and material. Plus you pull-off drop-crotch joggers without looking like you’ve just finished spin class. If that’s not winning, what is?
Here’s the catch — no one’s paying for your two cents. Yet! You’ve got the passion, but you’re waiting for the right platform...
“Blogging is good for your career. A well-executed blog sets you apart as an expert in your field.” — Penelope Trunk
Ready to transform your interest into a rewarding career? Start with these three simple steps!
1) Set a schedule and stick to it. The number one factor separating superstar bloggers from the Internet’s b-list is — yep, you guessed it — consistency. Your audience will lose interest if they check back to find you haven’t posted since they found your page three weeks ago.
2) Be yourself! O.K. this sounds like a no-brainer. But it’s definitely easier said than done. Nobody wants to read a knock-off BuzzFeed article. You’re better than that. Trust your voice to shine.
3) Know your niche inside n’ out. While you never want to rip-off your competition, it’s a good idea to get a lay of the land. Research similar blogs — see what posts perform better than others. This’ll help you get crystal clear on how to succeed + stand-out online!
And who am I to tell you?

Hey, hi, hello! I’m career coach Annalise McMillian ✨
When I’m not helping highly-motivated individuals — yep, just like you — turn their passions into profits, you can find me pruning my award-winning garden...
I started my first blog The Fanatic Florist back in 2008. The results wowed me! I went from selling bouquets out of my backyard to opening my first storefront in three short months. Today I have five locations in California alone.
Blogging allowed me to connect with the audience I never knew I had. Now I’m paying it forward by helping you kick-off your own high-traffic website! Think you could never do it...
Think again! Your passions are an asset. Through my coaching service, I’m going to share with you everything I learned along my journey to help you accomplish bigger and better!
Where To Go From Here? Check These Quick Tasks off Your To-Dos!
1) Connect with me on Instagram for daily tips to maximize your biz. Every Monday, I post the week’s top five trending blog post topics to keep you inspired + fired up!
2) Download my free workbook. It’s going to help you soul-search your way to new revenue streams. What’re your heart-felt hobbies? Yep, I’m going to show you how to turn them into a rewarding career!
3) Book a consultation with yours truly! Want to see if we’re a peanut butter and chocolate level match? In only fifteen minutes, I’m going to open your eyes to new possibilities, friend. Your next step starts... NOW!
Expect to see me in your inbox with more tips to transform your biz. Together, we got this!
You’re a... Full-Hearted Food Blogger!
When it comes to trendy snacks, you’ve got the scoop — Heck, you’ve got the knife and fork, too. You’re so well-versed in French cuisine that you’re basically bilingual. Chardonnay avec escargot? Oui, merci!
Unlike your friends, you probably look forward to throwing big dinner parties. To you, a meal is an event! You pick complementary courses. And spice them exclusively with what’s in-season...
Here’s the thing. Your love of all things food doesn’t have to stay in the kitchen. There’s a world of bloggers cooking their passion into paychecks!
“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” — Virginia Woolfe
Ready to transform your interest into a rewarding career? Start with these three simple steps!
1) Set a schedule and stick to it. The number one factor separating superstar bloggers from the Internet’s b-list is — yep, you guessed it — consistency. Your audience will lose interest if they check back to find you haven’t posted since they found your page three weeks ago.
2) Be yourself! O.K. this sounds like a no-brainer. But it’s definitely easier said than done. Nobody wants to read a knock-off BuzzFeed article. You’re better than that. Trust your voice to shine.
3) Know your niche inside n’ out. While you never want to rip-off your competition, it’s a good idea to get a lay of the land. Research similar blogs — See what posts perform better than others. This’ll help you get crystal clear on how to succeed + stand-out online!
And who am I to tell you?

Hey, hi, hello! I’m career coach Annalise McMillian ✨
When I’m not helping highly-motivated individuals — yep, just like you — turn their passions into profits, you can find me pruning my award-winning garden...
I started my first blog The Fanatic Florist back in 2008. The results wowed me! I went from selling bouquets out of my backyard to opening my first storefront in three short months. Today I have five locations in California alone.
Blogging allowed me to connect with the audience I never knew I had. Now I’m paying it forward by helping you kick-off your own high-traffic website! Think you could never do it...
Think again! Your passions are an asset. Through my coaching service, I’m going to share with you everything I learned along my journey to help you accomplish bigger and better.
Where To Go From Here? Check These Quick Tasks off Your To-Dos!
1) Connect with me on Instagram for daily tips to maximize your biz. Every Monday, I post the week’s top five trending blog post topics to keep you inspired + fired up!
2) Download my free workbook. It’s going to help you soul-search your way to new revenue streams. What’re your heart-felt hobbies? Yep, I’m going to show you how to turn them into a rewarding career!
3) Book a consultation with yours truly! Want to see if we’re a peanut butter and chocolate level match? In only fifteen minutes, I’m going to open your eyes to new possibilities, friend. Your next step starts... NOW!
Expect to see me in your inbox with more tips to transform your biz. Together, we got this!
You’re a... Jet-Setting Travel Blogger!
From Taipei to Tampa, you’ve been there n’ done that. You’ve seen more of the world than most. But you never let that get to your head. For every city you’ve explored, there are ten more waiting…
Your love of travel says a lot about you. You thrive in unexpected circumstances. And you’re impressively adaptable. You appreciate cultural diversity and always want to learn more.
But travel ain’t cheap, am I right? You probably have to scrimp and save in other areas of life to support your wanderlust. What if I told you you could make money by — instead of for — traveling?
You heard it here first, friend. Travel blogs are where it’s at. Take this as your ticket to transforming passion into paychecks!
“Don’t get so busy living that you forget to make a life” — Dolly Parton
Ready to transform your interest into a rewarding career? Start with these three simple steps!
1) Set a schedule and stick to it. The number one factor separating superstar bloggers from the Internet’s b-list is — yep, you guessed it — consistency. Your audience will lose interest if they check back to find you haven’t posted since they found your page three weeks ago.
2) Be yourself! O.K. this sounds like a no-brainer. But it’s definitely easier said than done. Nobody wants to read a knock-off BuzzFeed article. You’re better than that. Trust your voice to shine.
3) Know your niche inside n’ out. While you never want to rip-off your competition, it’s a good idea to get a lay of the land. Research similar blogs — see what posts perform better than others. This’ll help you get crystal clear on how to succeed + stand-out online!
And who am I to tell you?

Hey, hi, hello! I’m career coach Annalise McMillian ✨
When I’m not helping highly-motivated individuals— yep, just like you — turn their passions into profits, you can find me pruning my award-winning garden...
I started my first blog The Fanatic Florist back in 2008. The results wowed me! I went from selling bouquets out of my backyard to opening my first storefront in three short months. Today I have five locations in California alone.
Blogging allowed me to connect with the audience I never knew I had. Now I’m paying it forward by helping you kick-off your own high-traffic website! Think you could never do it...
Think again! Your passions are an asset. Through my coaching service, I’m going to share with you everything I learned along my journey to help you accomplish bigger and better!
Where to go from here? Check these quick tasks off your to-dos!
1) Connect with me on Instagram for daily tips to maximize your biz. Every Monday, I post the week’s top five trending blog post topics to keep you inspired + fired up!
2) Download my free workbook. It’s going to help you soul-search your way to new revenue streams. What’re your heart-felt hobbies? Yep, I’m going to show you how to turn them into a rewarding career!
3) Book a consultation with yours truly! Want to see if we’re a peanut butter and chocolate level match? In only fifteen minutes, I’m going to open your eyes to new possibilities, friend. Your next step starts... NOW!
Expect to see me in your inbox with more tips to transform your biz. Together, we got this!
You’re a... Superstar Sports Blogger!
You’re the rain (wo)man of last night’s scores! Not only do you know what team made the hottest hoop or greatest goal, but you know how and why it went down...
Wipe the sweat off your brow, friend. You’re a hole-in-one when it comes to athletics! Your friends love watching the latest matches with you for your keen insights and witty commentary.
It’s time to take your passion a step further. Being a coach-side commentator doesn’t make the cut. Luckily, starting a blog ain’t the Olympics. I’m going to show you how to get it done!
“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.” — Andrew Sullivan
Ready to transform your interest into a rewarding career? Start with these three simple steps!
1) Set a schedule and stick to it. The number one factor separating superstar bloggers from the Internet’s b-list is — yep, you guessed it — consistency. Your audience will lose interest if they check back to find you haven’t posted since they found your page three weeks ago.
2) Be yourself! O.K. this sounds like a no-brainer. But it’s definitely easier said than done. Nobody wants to read a knock-off BuzzFeed article. You’re better than that. Trust your voice to shine.
3) Know your niche inside n’ out. While you never want to rip-off your competition, it’s a good idea to get a lay of the land. Research similar blogs — see what posts perform better than others. This’ll help you get crystal clear on how to succeed + stand-out online!
And who am I to tell you?

Hey, hi, hello! I’m career coach Annalise McMillian ✨
When I’m not helping highly-motivated individuals— yep, just like you — turn their passions into profits, you can find me pruning my award-winning garden...
I started my first blog The Fanatic Florist back in 2008. The results wowed me! I went from selling bouquets out of my backyard to opening my first storefront in three short months. Today I have five locations in California alone.
Blogging allowed me to connect with the audience I never knew I had. Now I’m paying it forward by helping you kick-off your own high-traffic website! Think you could never do it...
Think again! Your passions are an asset. Through my coaching service, I’m going to share with you everything I learned along my journey to help you accomplish bigger and better!
Where to go from here? Check these quick tasks off your to-dos!
1) Connect with me on Instagram for daily tips to maximize your biz. Every Monday, I post the week’s top five trending blog post topics to keep you inspired + fired up!
2) Download my free workbook. It’s going to help you soul-search your way to new revenue streams. What’re your heart-felt hobbies? Yep, I’m going to show you how to turn them into a rewarding career!
3) Book a consultation with yours truly! Want to see if we’re a peanut butter and chocolate level match? In only fifteen minutes, I’m going to open your eyes to new possibilities, friend. Your next step starts... NOW!
Expect to see me in your inbox with more tips to transform your biz. Together, we got this!
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