What type of blog should you write?

Take this two-minute quiz to find out what kind of blog you should rock! Plus, get insider info about writing courses, coaching services and masterminds to up-level your blogging chops… Let’s get started!

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What type of blog should you write?

Take this two-minute quiz to find out what kind of blog you should rock! Plus, get insider info about writing courses, coaching services and masterminds to up-level your blogging chops… Let’s get started!

Take the Quiz

In your wildest blog success dreams you imagine...

Getting a call from a publisher who wants to turn your musings into a best-selling anthology.


Being a regular guest blogger for Fast Company.


Connecting and engaging in life-altering dialogues with my people.


Getting a reputation for being the daily dish — the go-to source of what’s happening in the world.


1 / 9

Of all your writing skills you’re most confident in your ability to...

Craft concise, impactful stories about interesting topics.


Wax poetic about pretty much any subject.


Research and prioritize! You dig deep and pull the gold out.


Write great headlines, you can make the most mundane of topics turn into audience engagement.


2 / 9

If your writing interests were a fine wine, what would it be?

You’re an intense, chewy, dry red — you make people think about the nuances of a specific topic.


You’re a spicy, refreshing Gewurztraminer with a hint of effervescence.


You’re a chardonnay at lunch with colleagues — reliable and consistent.


You’re port — perfectly paired with a cigar and the daily paper.


3 / 9

Which quote most inspires you?

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect." — Anaïs Nin


"Substitute 'damn' every time you're inclined to write 'very;' your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be." — Mark Twain


“Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming.” — Richard Branson


“Bad news travels fast. Good news takes the scenic route.” — Doug Larson


4 / 9

 What brain-bully is holding you back from getting your blog going?

Resistance.... you don’t even know what’s holding you back, it’s like there’s a foot on the gas and the brakes at the same time.


Imposter syndrome… it says, “you don’t know $#!T about F@^*”


Money blocks… “No one will ever pay me for this stuff.”


Anxiety about putting my stuff into the public eye.


5 / 9

Which of these headlines would suit your dream blog?

“How I learned about true love from...”


“Everything you need to know about startups in the year 2022”


“The most important thing you need to know about … (your niche here).”


“People of ... shocked by announcement”


6 / 9

What best describes your writing wheelhouse?

You’ve been dabbling in different types of writing but you keep hearing “niche down” from the experts.


You have a gift for spinning current events into informative edu-tainment.


Turning my experiences of life into bite-sized anecdotes.


The world of business fascinates you enough to expose topics and educate your readership.


7 / 9

 How long have you been thinking about turning your interests into a blog?

You’ve been researching a specific topic for a year or so and thought it might make a great blog.


A little over 6 months, I love to read and write about everyday life and human interest stories. Life imitating art!


You’ve been writing in the workplace for more than 5 years and you’re ready to turn it into a business blog.


You’re a bit of a news junkie and have years of journal entries about current events to prove it!


8 / 9

What, if anything, is holding you back from launching your blog right away?

I have a plan partially nailed down but I need someone to help me niche down and refine things.


I’d like to take a copywriting course to learn the specifics of writing for the internet.


I’m a good writer and I’ve been interested in starting a blog but I haven’t a clue where to start!


Nothing can stop me now — I’m ready to hit the launch button!


9 / 9

My word... You should write a personal blog!

You are a powerhouse of prose and inspiring extraordinaire with a gift for gripping readers with your musings about everyday life.

Sylvia Plath said, "Let me live, love, and say it well in good sentences."

You’re masterful in the art of turning the ordinary into stories that your readers don’t want to end.

It’s time to make your personal essays resonate with your audience!

You’ve learned through hard work, trial and error. Don’t underestimate the storehouse of gems that have come from your journey.

Examples of successful personal blogs:

Southern Curls and Pearls

Love That Max

Tech Savvy Mama

"Read, read, read. Read everything -- trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You'll absorb it. Then write. If it's good, you'll find out. If it's not, throw it out of the window."

— William Faulkner

💫 Born to Blog 💫

3 Tips to Get Your Blog Launched…

1. Give your experiences a voice with the daily practice of mind dump journal entries

Crack open a new journal, find your favorite pen, and do some stream of consciousness writing. Collect a cache of your own content that you can draw from whenever you need blog inspiration. We all have those dreaded stretches of time where it feels like the writing well is dry — going back in your journals can get your ideas popping like corn… Hurry, get out the bowl and butter!!!

Check out this blog post of 55 writing prompts.

2. New Mastertype podcast episodes drop on Fridays. Find them wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts and don’t forget to subscribe on Youtube. Nothing’s off limits with Mari’s gritty leading edge interviews —Brace yourself for controversy and juiciness!

3. Still trying to narrow down your niche and get intimate with the right audience? Take this quick assessment to Discover Your Blog Niche Blueprint. It’s way easier than you thought it would be to get in your groove.

“It’s none of their business that you have to learn how to write. Let them think you were born that way.”

— Ernest Hemingway

So, you need some launching inspo?

🖋️ Welcome Wordsmith 📜

I’m Mari Mastertype, niche blogger turned copywriting consultant and agent for some of the hottest names in on-line media. In the past 7 years I’ve helped over 100 boot-strapped bloggers go from a pie-in-the-sky idea to meteoric rise.

I saw a need to get good bloggers seen and read instead of writing in a vacuum hoping for the best.

I assembled a team of copywriters from multiple contemporary industries and formed The Hemingway Co-Op. Whether you need to learn to write show stopping content for your own media, you want to break into the freelance market, or you’re polishing up your skills to join existing media groups…

Let’s get you started.

Got questions?... I’m at your service.

Keep reading...

👇🏾 more career boosting goodies below 👇🏾

1. Get exclusive access to the Hemingway Co-op writer’s Forum

A community that keeps you up to date and plugged in to the latest in blogging and copywriting.

Let’s face it, the world of digital marketing and E-commerce are changing at warp speed. We figured you needed a central place where you can hear from industry leaders on every topic imaginable. Fully integratable with Google Suite so you can keep on top of the talk and your biz organized.

It’s like Clubhouse for copywriters... and so much more!

2. Download my ‘10 steps to getting your blog seen’ booklet. Let me fast track your content and copywriting career!

3. Schedule a free 15-minute call.

Still trying to decide if Hemingway Co-op is for you? We’ve got you covered… compile all your questions and jump on a call.

You’ve got nothing to lose!

P.S. Expect to see me in your inbox, weekly, with up-to-date insider information about trending topics in the digital news and marketing space. 📭

There’s no such thing as writer’s block when you’ve got Mari on your team!

Hone in hotshot... You should have a niche blog! 

If a natural born artist and a nerdy scientist had a baby you’d be their love-child. You have the ‘it’ qualities to write and edit dazzling content: passion and a hunger for research in a specific area.

You’re intuitive enough to interpret the big picture of a specific topic, then decipher and edit it into concise, engaging content.

You tend to want to be behind the scenes and are known to emerge after long hours at your computer. Tip: set an alarm to remind yourself to get up and stretch.

Let’s face it, friend, there’s a lot of competition out there. Niching down tight is a great way to get noticed!

Examples of successful niche blogs:

Oh She Glows

Cold Climate Gardening

Where’s Mollie

“Really good content is unsurpassed at building rapport, delivering a sales message without feeling “salesy,” and getting potential customers to stick around.”

— Copyblogger

💫 Born to Blog 💫

3 Tips to Get Your Blog Launched…

1. Give your experiences a voice with the daily practice of mind dump journal entries

Crack open a new journal, find your favorite pen, and do some stream of consciousness writing. Collect a cache of your own content that you can draw from whenever you need blog inspiration. We all have those dreaded stretches of time where it feels like the writing well is dry — going back in your journals can get your ideas popping like corn… Hurry, get out the bowl and butter!!!

Check out this blog post of 55 writing prompts.

2. New Mastertype podcast episodes drop on Fridays. Find them wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts and don’t forget to subscribe on Youtube. Nothing’s off limits with Mari’s gritty leading edge interviews —Brace yourself for controversy and juiciness!

3. Still trying to narrow down your niche and get intimate with the right audience? Take this quick assessment to Discover Your Blog Niche Blueprint. It’s way easier than you thought it would be to get in your groove.

“It’s none of their business that you have to learn how to write. Let them think you were born that way.”

— Ernest Hemingway

So, you need some launching inspo?

🖋️ Welcome Wordsmith 📜

I’m Mari Mastertype, niche blogger turned copywriting consultant and agent for some of the hottest names in on-line media. In the past 7 years I’ve helped over 100 boot-strapped bloggers go from a pie-in-the-sky idea to meteoric rise.

I saw a need to get good bloggers seen and read instead of writing in a vacuum hoping for the best.

I assembled a team of copywriters from multiple contemporary industries and formed The Hemingway Co-Op. Whether you need to learn to write show stopping content for your own media, you want to break into the freelance market, or you’re polishing up your skills to join existing media groups…

Let’s get you started.

Got questions?... I’m at your service.

Keep reading...

👇🏾 more career boosting goodies below 👇🏾

1. Get exclusive access to the Hemingway Co-op writer’s Forum

A community that keeps you up to date and plugged in to the latest in blogging and copywriting.

Let’s face it, the world of digital marketing and E-commerce are changing at warp speed. We figured you needed a central place where you can hear from industry leaders on every topic imaginable. Fully integratable with Google Suite so you can keep on top of the talk and your biz organized.

It’s like Clubhouse for copywriters... and so much more!

2. Download my ‘10 steps to getting your blog seen’ booklet. Let me fast track your content and copywriting career!

3. Schedule a free 15-minute call.

Still trying to decide if Hemingway Co-op is for you? We’ve got you covered… compile all your questions and jump on a call.

You’ve got nothing to lose!

P.S. Expect to see me in your inbox, weekly, with up-to-date insider information about trending topics in the digital news and marketing space. 📭

There’s no such thing as writer’s block when you’ve got Mari on your team!

BOOM... You should write a business blog!

You’re fired up to be part of the digital era of marketing and have a gift for harnessing the power of the online realm for business.

You’re one of those rare technical creatives that can strategize with tags, text, and anecdotes. As much as you have a grasp on concise storytelling and social technology, your readers connect with you because you’re out on the front edge of what’s driving the economy. In our new world of marketing, blogging is a powerful cog in the wheel of connecting virtually.

Examples of successful business blogs:


I Will Teach You to Be Rich

Social Media Examiner

"Don't focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that's great for your readers."

— Brian Clark

💫 Born to Blog 💫

3 Tips to Get Your Blog Launched…

1. Give your experiences a voice with the daily practice of mind dump journal entries

Crack open a new journal, find your favorite pen, and do some stream of consciousness writing. Collect a cache of your own content that you can draw from whenever you need blog inspiration. We all have those dreaded stretches of time where it feels like the writing well is dry — going back in your journals can get your ideas popping like corn… Hurry, get out the bowl and butter!!!

Check out this blog post of 55 writing prompts.

2. New Mastertype podcast episodes drop on Fridays. Find them wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts and don’t forget to subscribe on Youtube. Nothing’s off limits with Mari’s gritty leading edge interviews —Brace yourself for controversy and juiciness!

3. Still trying to narrow down your niche and get intimate with the right audience? Take this quick assessment to Discover Your Blog Niche Blueprint. It’s way easier than you thought it would be to get in your groove.

“It’s none of their business that you have to learn how to write. Let them think you were born that way.”

— Ernest Hemingway

So, you need some launching inspo?

🖋️ Welcome Wordsmith 📜

I’m Mari Mastertype, niche blogger turned copywriting consultant and agent for some of the hottest names in on-line media. In the past 7 years I’ve helped over 100 boot-strapped bloggers go from a pie-in-the-sky idea to meteoric rise.

I saw a need to get good bloggers seen and read instead of writing in a vacuum hoping for the best.

I assembled a team of copywriters from multiple contemporary industries and formed The Hemingway Co-Op. Whether you need to learn to write show stopping content for your own media, you want to break into the freelance market, or you’re polishing up your skills to join existing media groups…

Let’s get you started.

Got questions?... I’m at your service.

Keep reading...

👇🏾 more career boosting goodies below 👇🏾

1. Get exclusive access to the Hemingway Co-op writer’s Forum

A community that keeps you up to date and plugged in to the latest in blogging and copywriting.

Let’s face it, the world of digital marketing and E-commerce are changing at warp speed. We figured you needed a central place where you can hear from industry leaders on every topic imaginable. Fully integratable with Google Suite so you can keep on top of the talk and your biz organized.

It’s like Clubhouse for copywriters... and so much more!

2. Download my ‘10 steps to getting your blog seen’ booklet. Let me fast track your content and copywriting career!

3. Schedule a free 15-minute call.

Still trying to decide if Hemingway Co-op is for you? We’ve got you covered… compile all your questions and jump on a call.

You’ve got nothing to lose!

P.S. Expect to see me in your inbox, weekly, with up-to-date insider information about trending topics in the digital news and marketing space. 📭

There’s no such thing as writer’s block when you’ve got Mari on your team!

READ ALL ABOUT IT!... You should write a news blog! 

You appreciate the fast paced, ever changing, wild world of daily news. Politics meets human interest meets controversy is your jam!

You don’t shy away from intensity and drama — in fact — you run into it like a fire fighter into a burning building! Where there’s a story worth telling you’ll find a way to get there and spin it into news.

You have a passion about a particular area of the news and tireless energy to research the nuances of it. The world needs your viewpoint, my friend. Where would we be without the Carl Bernsteins, Bob Woodwards, or the Katie Courics of reporting? We’d be in the dark, that’s where.

So, get your voice out into the light!

Examples of successful news blogs:



The Daily Beast

"Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It's quite simple, really: Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn't at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can lean from it, so go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because remember that's where you will find success."

— Thomas J. Watson

💫 Born to Blog 💫

3 Tips to Get Your Blog Launched…

1. Give your experiences a voice with the daily practice of mind dump journal entries

Crack open a new journal, find your favorite pen, and do some stream of consciousness writing. Collect a cache of your own content that you can draw from whenever you need blog inspiration. We all have those dreaded stretches of time where it feels like the writing well is dry — going back in your journals can get your ideas popping like corn… Hurry, get out the bowl and butter!!!

Check out this blog post of 55 writing prompts.

2. New Mastertype podcast episodes drop on Fridays. Find them wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts and don’t forget to subscribe on Youtube. Nothing’s off limits with Mari’s gritty leading edge interviews —Brace yourself for controversy and juiciness!

3. Still trying to narrow down your niche and get intimate with the right audience? Take this quick assessment to Discover Your Blog Niche Blueprint. It’s way easier than you thought it would be to get in your groove.

“It’s none of their business that you have to learn how to write. Let them think you were born that way.”

— Ernest Hemingway

So, you need some launching inspo?

🖋️ Welcome Wordsmith 📜

I’m Mari Mastertype, niche blogger turned copywriting consultant and agent for some of the hottest names in on-line media. In the past 7 years I’ve helped over 100 boot-strapped bloggers go from a pie-in-the-sky idea to meteoric rise.

I saw a need to get good bloggers seen and read instead of writing in a vacuum hoping for the best.

I assembled a team of copywriters from multiple contemporary industries and formed The Hemingway Co-Op. Whether you need to learn to write show stopping content for your own media, you want to break into the freelance market, or you’re polishing up your skills to join existing media groups…

Let’s get you started.

Got questions?... I’m at your service.

Keep reading...

👇🏾 more career boosting goodies below 👇🏾

1. Get exclusive access to the Hemingway Co-op writer’s Forum

A community that keeps you up to date and plugged in to the latest in blogging and copywriting.

Let’s face it, the world of digital marketing and E-commerce are changing at warp speed. We figured you needed a central place where you can hear from industry leaders on every topic imaginable. Fully integratable with Google Suite so you can keep on top of the talk and your biz organized.

It’s like Clubhouse for copywriters... and so much more!

2. Download my ‘10 steps to getting your blog seen’ booklet. Let me fast track your content and copywriting career!

3. Schedule a free 15-minute call.

Still trying to decide if Hemingway Co-op is for you? We’ve got you covered… compile all your questions and jump on a call.

You’ve got nothing to lose!

P.S. Expect to see me in your inbox, weekly, with up-to-date insider information about trending topics in the digital news and marketing space. 📭

There’s no such thing as writer’s block when you’ve got Mari on your team!

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