Do you know your brand's core values?

Your brand's core values are a big deal! Knowing them allows you to better connect with your ideal customers and clients. Take this quick quiz to find out whether your values speak for themselves.

Quiz Transcript

Do you know your brand's core values?

Your brand's core values are a big deal! Knowing them allows you to better connect with your ideal customers and clients. Take this quick quiz to find out whether your values speak for themselves.

Take The Quiz

How do you want your brand to make potential customers and clients feel?

Like they are setting out on a new adventure: optimistic, curious, and excited to see what's around the corner.


Umm... Like they really, really want to spend money... You can't go wrong with that, right?


Safe and sound! I want them to know that they can trust my business to help them reach their goals.


1 / 9

Tell me about your brand colours?

Oh, I've got them on-lock 🔒 I'm talking a perfectly balanced palette of 3-5 shades that feel just right for my brand.


Hmm... I have a general idea of what colors would communicate my brand's personality, but I still have to nail down the specifics (BTW what's a hex code?!)


Let me do a little research, and I'll get back to you on that... Wait! What should I Google first? Maybe "what are brand colors?"


2 / 9

Which of the following brand building strategies are you most confused about?

Getting to know my ideal customers and clients.


Nailing down a name, logo, and tagline.


Coming up with a kick-butt content marketing plan. 


3 / 9

When did you start dreaming up your brand?

My brand has been a lifetime in the making...


Maybe a year or two back 🤔


Just recently — we all have to start somewhere, right?


4 / 9

Agree or disagree: “People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou

Sounds about right!


I beg to differ...


5 / 9

What’s your biggest branding struggle?

My market is saturated AF! The competition for clients and customers is FIERCE — how am I supposed to stand out?


The decision fatigue is real 😪 I'm sooo over positioning my products and services one way then pulling a 180...


Cross-platform consistency... Is it even possible to sound the same over FB, Insta, AND email? Yeah, didn't think so. 


6 / 9

True or false time! 80% of consumers forget branded content after 3 days...

Sad but so true...


No freaking way...


7 / 9

What question do you ask yourself most?

What are my ideal customers and clients really looking for?


How can I keep up with the competition?


Why isn't my brand bringing in the big bucks?


8 / 9

What stage of brand metamorphosis are you at now?

Crawling *quickly* forward.


Just chillin' in my cocoon...


Spreading my precious wings!


9 / 9

You scored a 0

You are a brand values... Beginner!

Woohoo, friend! By finishing this quiz, you've shown just how dedicated you are to implementing your brand's core values, which will boost its cross-platform consistency and make it more memorable over time. According to your responses, you are a beginner...

You may be new to the world of business and not have spent much time thinking about how you want your brand to feel. Because of that, you might not be able to communicate your values through visuals and messaging.

No matter how well you know your values, it's always beneficial to delve a bit deeper. By doing so, you'll be better able to connect with your ideal customers and clients and create a truly unforgettable brand experience. Not sure where to start? That's where I come in...

"Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time." — Elon Musk

3 Tips to Help You Hone in on Your Brand's Core Values? Read on, Friend...

1. Seek Out Inspiration

If you aren't sure where to start searching for your core values, make a list of the brands that light you up, but don't stop there! Take it a step further and actually jot down what you admire about their visuals and messaging. The more specific you can be the better.

2. Reflect

Take a second and think about what your brand's current strengths are and how you can play them up in your marketing. Maybe you go out of your way to make your customers and clients feel excited if so, speak to that.

3. Learn from Experience

Think back to the last time you fell out of love with a brand. What happened? How did they make you feel? Now go ahead and ask yourself what the opposite of that negative emotion is. The positive emotion you have just named is a jumping-off point into your brand values.

Slow Your Scroll — Let Me Introduce Myself!

Hey there, and welcome — I'm Tamara Addicott, Branding Consultant! I'm here to help passionate entrepreneurs (just like you) brand their products and services, market their messages, and build money-making businesses.

On top of 1:1 consulting (Psst... Click here to check out my testimonials!), I offer a variety of DIY courses to help you create a marketing plan on your own terms 👉 Whatever your needs, I've got your back, friend!

Bonus Resources to Jumpstart Your Brand Building Journey? I've Got Your Back!

1. Download my free guide Your Branding Blueprint: Build Out Your Business in 6 Simple Steps. It'll give you the structure you need to start reaching out and connecting with your ideal customers and clients.

2. Follow me on Instagram. From pinning down your messaging to picking out a brand palette, I post content on everything marketing.

3. Fill out this form to book a 15-minute consultation with me. If you're ready to collaborate and let a seasoned pro help build out your brand, this is just for you. You've got nothing to lose and SO much to gain!

P.S. Thought I'd Leave You High and Dry? Not a Chance, Friend! I'll Be in Your Inbox Tomorrow with Marketing Tips 👏

You scored a 8

You're a brand values... Novice!

Woohoo, friend! By finishing this quiz, you've shown just how dedicated you are to implementing your brand's core values, which will boost its cross-platform consistency and make it more memorable over time. According to your responses, you are a novice...

You might have spent some time thinking about how you want your brand to feel but aren't quite able to translate that into the compelling visuals and messaging that could set you apart from the competition.

No matter how well you know your values, it's always beneficial to delve a bit deeper. By doing so, you'll be better able to connect with your ideal customers and clients and create a truly unforgettable brand experience. Not sure where to start? That's where I come in...

"Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time." — Elon Musk

3 Tips to Help You Hone in on Your Brand's Core Values? Read on, Friend...

1. Seek Out Inspiration

If you aren't sure where to start searching for your core values, make a list of the brands that light you up, but don't stop there! Take it a step further and actually jot down what you admire about their visuals and messaging. The more specific you can be the better.

2. Reflect

Take a second and think about what your brand's current strengths are and how you can play them up in your marketing. Maybe you go out of your way to make your customers and clients feel excited if so, speak to that.

3. Learn from Experience

Think back to the last time you fell out of love with a brand. What happened? How did they make you feel? Now go ahead and ask yourself what the opposite of that negative emotion is. The positive emotion you have just named is a jumping-off point into your brand values.

Slow Your Scroll — Let Me Introduce Myself!

Hey there, and welcome — I'm Tamara Addicott, Branding Consultant! I'm here to help passionate entrepreneurs (just like you) brand their products and services, market their messages, and build money-making businesses.

On top of 1:1 consulting (Psst... Click here to check out my testimonials!), I offer a variety of DIY courses to help you create a marketing plan on your own terms 👉 Whatever your needs, I've got your back, friend!

Bonus Resources to Jumpstart Your Brand Building Journey? I've Got Your Back!

1. Download my free guide Your Branding Blueprint: Build Out Your Business in 6 Simple Steps. It'll give you the structure you need to start reaching out and connecting with your ideal customers and clients.

2. Follow me on Instagram. From pinning down your messaging to picking out a brand palette, I post content on everything marketing.

3. Fill out this form to book a 15-minute consultation with me. If you're ready to collaborate and let a seasoned pro help build out your brand, this is just for you. You've got nothing to lose and SO much to gain!

P.S. Thought I'd Leave You High and Dry? Not a Chance, Friend! I'll Be in Your Inbox Tomorrow with Marketing Tips 👏

You scored a 16

You're a brand values... Expert!

Woohoo, friend! By finishing this quiz, you've shown just how dedicated you are to implementing your brand's core values, which will boost its cross-platform consistency and make it more memorable over time. According to your responses, you are an expert...

You've probably spent a considerable amount of time thinking about how you want your brand to feel and are skillful at communicating that through compelling visuals and messaging.

No matter how well you know your values, it's always beneficial to delve a bit deeper. By doing so, you'll be better able to connect with your ideal customers and clients and create a truly unforgettable brand experience. Not sure where to start? That's where I come in...

"Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time." — Elon Musk

3 Tips to Help You Hone in on Your Brand's Core Values? Read on, Friend...

1. Seek Out Inspiration

If you aren't sure where to start searching for your core values, make a list of the brands that light you up, but don't stop there! Take it a step further and actually jot down what you admire about their visuals and messaging. The more specific you can be the better.

2. Reflect

Take a second and think about what your brand's current strengths are and how you can play them up in your marketing. Maybe you go out of your way to make your customers and clients feel excited if so, speak to that.

3. Learn from Experience

Think back to the last time you fell out of love with a brand. What happened? How did they make you feel? Now go ahead and ask yourself what the opposite of that negative emotion is. The positive emotion you have just named is a jumping-off point into your brand values.

Slow Your Scroll — Let Me Introduce Myself!

Hey there, and welcome — I'm Tamara Addicott, Branding Consultant! I'm here to help passionate entrepreneurs (just like you) brand their products and services, market their messages, and build money-making businesses.

On top of 1:1 consulting (Psst... Click here to check out my testimonials!), I offer a variety of DIY courses to help you create a marketing plan on your own terms 👉 Whatever your needs, I've got your back, friend!

Bonus Resources to Jumpstart Your Brand Building Journey? I've Got Your Back!

1. Download my free guide Your Branding Blueprint: Build Out Your Business in 6 Simple Steps. It'll give you the structure you need to start reaching out and connecting with your ideal customers and clients.

2. Follow me on Instagram. From pinning down your messaging to picking out a brand palette, I post content on everything marketing.

3. Fill out this form to book a 15-minute consultation with me. If you're ready to collaborate and let a seasoned pro help build out your brand, this is just for you. You've got nothing to lose and SO much to gain!

P.S. Thought I'd Leave You High and Dry? Not a Chance, Friend! I'll Be in Your Inbox Tomorrow with Marketing Tips 👏