How do you communicate under stress?

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How do you communicate under stress?

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I express my points clearly and objectively when I'm angry and without losing my shit.

Most of the time yes.


I often lose my shit.


1 / 15

In an argument, I'm generally able to take in what another person is communicating.

Most of the time yes.


I often struggle to take in what the other person is saying.


2 / 15

Feelings matter in a relationship and I'm pretty good at guessing how others are feeling. 

Most of the time I can tune into others' feelings.


I often struggle to know how others are feeling.


3 / 15

People feel free to approach me candidly about struggles they might be having with me.

Yes, people feel free to approach me most of the time.


People are often uncomfortable approaching me.


4 / 15

I'm pretty good at not getting defensive in challenging conversations or arguments.

I can keep any defensiveness in check most of the time.


I often get defensive in arguments.


5 / 15

I don't engage in manipulative or stonewalling tactics when I'm angry.

Definitely not my style to do that.


I have often resorted to manipulative and stonewalling tactics.


6 / 15

I am willing to speak up about important issues even when it's uncomfortable for me.

Yes I usually speak up.


I typically shut down and remain silent.


7 / 15

I'm willing to consider that I might be wrong about my assessments and understandings.

Yes I can admit to being wrong.


I rarely admit to being wrong.


8 / 15

I don't hold grudges. I address conflict directly in order to keep my relationships open and honest.

Yes you're describing me.


I am someone who holds grudges.


9 / 15

I am willing to apologize to others when I've been wrong or when I've hurt someone.

Yes I prefer to apologize.


I don't usually apologize.


10 / 15

I can usually understand why a person is angry even when I don't agree with their reasoning. 

Yes it's easy for me to get why a person is angry.


No I usually don't understand why a person is angry.


11 / 15

I'm able to practice compassion and empathy even when people have done terrible things. 

I would say yes most of the time.


I am not typically compassionate or empathic.


12 / 15

I understand the impact of language and I make it a point to choose my words wisely.

Yes I choose my words wisely.


I don't typically reflect on the words I use.


13 / 15

I understand the difference between toxic destructive anger and healthy productive anger. 

Yes the difference is clear to me.


No I don't really know the difference.


14 / 15

I recognize that conflict is part of life and I invest time in learning how to address it effectively.

I have read books and/or taken courses on how to address conflict.


I have invested very little time in learning how to address conflict.


15 / 15

You scored a 0

You need some work...

Your communication suffers under stress. You may find that you feel overwhelmed by your emotions, especially in stressful situations. You probably say things you later regret or avoid conflict altogether because you don't have the skills to effectively navigate it. You probably also find it hard to calm down after you've been upset. If you'd like things to be different, you will need to become proactive. Click below to find out how you can develop the necessary skills to more effectively navigate conflict when it arises.

You scored a 6

You manage to get by.

You communicate moderately well under stress. You probably have good relationships with some people, but other important relationships may suffer. The good news is that you can improve those relationships by developing the necessary skills to help you more effectively address conflict when it arises. Click below to get started.

You scored a 11

Great! You've got higher than average skills when it comes to relating & managing conflict.

You communicate fairly well under stress more often than not. You are skillful in your relationships, and you probably find that people approach you for advice. However, when so many people admire your people skills, it can be easy to lose sight of your own needs or develop compassion fatigue. You might wish to learn how to better assert yourself in some situations. It's also likely that you would make an effective leader or coach. If you'd like to fine tune your skills, or gain insight into that one relationship that causes you grief, or learn more about supporting yourself and others in managing conflict and building strong relationships, click below.

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