How much do you know about antibiotics?

Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections, take this quiz and find out just how much you know about antibiotics!

Quiz Transcript

How much do you know about antibiotics?

Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections, take this quiz and find out just how much you know about antibiotics!

Take the Quiz

Superbugs (Bacteria that have extreme resistance to antibiotics) are killing more than 700,000 people each year, and If we don’t find new antibiotics they will become a leading cause of death worldwide by 2050, killing more people than cancer and diabetes combined.

A. True


B. False


1 / 18

Antibiotics can be used for viral infections such as the flu or the common cold.

A. True


B. False


2 / 18

Antibiotics help reduce diseases in seafood (such as shrimp or fish) that is a financial benefit for farmers. Therefore we should encourage the use of antibiotic in aquaculture.

A. True


B. False


3 / 18

It is okay to not take a the full dosage of antibiotics prescribed to you as long as you are feeling better.

A. True


B. False


4 / 18

Antibiotics are produced by microorganisms, such as fungi, in either soil or damp environments.

A. True


B. False


5 / 18

Some Antibiotics are more effective at killing virus than at killing fungi. Amycomicin and vancomycin are good examples of broad spectrum antibiotics that inhibit retrovirus infections.

A. True


B. False


6 / 18

When an antibiotic doesn’t work, infections can last longer and can possibly lead to severe illnesses.



B. False


7 / 18

My friends was sick and went to the doctor. She took the antibiotics that was prescribed to her and felt better. I started to experience similar symptoms like she did so it’s okay for me to take her leftover antibiotics. 





8 / 18

Hospital sewer system can accelerate antibiotic resistance rate if not treated properly because bacteria can encounter antimicrobial drugs excreted by patients and become resistant.  

A. True


B. False


9 / 18

Antibiotics may have no effect on bacterial genes that have mutations protecting themselves against the antibiotic.

A. True


B. False


10 / 18

It is ok for me to take antibiotics so I don’t get more sick anytime I have symptoms like a runny nose, sore throat, or fever. 

A. True


B. False


11 / 18

Antibiotic and antibacterial mean the same thing

A. True


B. False


12 / 18

The use of regular hand soap and water would be good enough to get rid of germs from your hand. 

A. True


B. False


13 / 18

Antibiotic Resistance is when human bodies become resistant to an antibiotics and is no longer effective in treating them. 

A. True


B. False


14 / 18

The use of efflux pumps embedded in the Peptidoglycan layer of antimicrobial resistant organisms is a common method of inactivation in gram negative bacteria.

A. True


B. False


15 / 18

I am having a strep throat due to bacterial infection and decided to take a large amount of amoxicillin in hope of speed recovery. This antibiotics should do no harm to my good gut bacteria.  

A. True


B. False


16 / 18

All bacterial infections require an immediate doctor visit to receive prescribed antibiotics for prompt treatment. 

A. True


B. False


17 / 18

The antibiotic resistance is becoming an issue in the U.S. healthcare system recently because antibiotic-resistant bacteria generate $16.6 billion to $26 billion per year in extra costs to the U.S. healthcare system. 

A. True


B. False


18 / 18

Thank you for trying our antibiotic quiz! Hopefully you learned more and now can step into the world with knowledge about antibiotic resistance!!

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Thank you for trying our antibiotic quiz! Hopefully you learned more and now can step into the world with knowledge about antibiotic resistance!!

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Thank you for trying our antibiotic quiz! Hopefully you learned more and now can step into the world with knowledge about antibiotic resistance!!

See correct answers below

Thank you for trying our antibiotic quiz! Hopefully you learned more and now can step into the world with knowledge about antibiotic resistance!!

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