Is Your Offer Ready to Sell?

Creating the perfect offer for your business will ensure you'll hit those 5-figure months, no problem. But, before you can market your offer, you have to go through the F.U.N. phases of selling! Which phase are you in?

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Is Your Offer Ready to Sell?

Creating the perfect offer for your business will ensure you'll hit those 5-figure months, no problem. But, before you can market your offer, you have to go through the F.U.N. phases of selling! Which phase are you in?

Find out!

Are you happy with your visual brand?

No, I keep changing it up because I get bored with it quickly


It could be better, but that's a project for the future


I love it and don't have plans of rebranding for a long time!


I'm currently going through a rebrand


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How connected do you feel to your ideal customer?

I have spent a lot of time researching and curating an audience of my ideal customers 


I'm still learning and researching who they are


I feel completely lost on who they are and how to reach them!


I'm currently transitioning who my ideal customer is so while I have an audience of loyal followers, they aren't my true ideal customers.


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Do you currently have an offer that your audience goes gaga over?

I have an idea for one, but I haven't created it yet


Yes! (I might even have a few!)


I've created offer after offer and mostly gotten crickets


I'm trying to figure out what my next offer should be


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Where do your clients/customers go to purchase your offer?

I manually send them an invoice


My sales page/ shop where they click a button and the rest happens automatically


Through a CRM system (like Honeybook)


I don't currently have a workflow set up for this yet


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How often do you create new offers?

I create a new offer every time one flops (which is often!) 


Usually a couple of times a year


I mostly just relaunch my current offers


I'm currently creating a new one now so....


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F | Focus Your Brand

An amazing offer is an ON-BRAND offer 🎉

It looks like you aren't quite sure of the direction you're wanting your brand to go. And no good offers are born on uncertainty!

So, before you can sell an offer (or even create one for that matter!), you must first make sure your brand direction is on point. This means curating a cohesive brand across all platforms and mediums that then can overflow into the offer you create!

You must first define your why (for your business, or for the offer you're hoping to create), research your target market, and define your messaging!

U | Uncover Your Offer

You're ready to create (or refine) your offer 🎉

You have your brand direction down- you even have a vision for the future! And now you're ready to put all that knowledge about your ideal client and mission for your business, into a tangible offer that your audience will love!

This means it's time to get down and dirty and create that strategic offer and refine your customer process!

N | Network + Market

It's selling time, sister! 🎉

You already have an offer created that aligns with your brand, speaks to your ideal customer, and it even has a home (sales page/shop/etc) where your peeps can buy it.

But, now? It's time to get it in front of more eyeballs! Ya know, create a launch plan, network with others, and create content to take that 'ish to the next level audience-wise.

This is where social media campaigns, joint ventures, email funnels, and content marketing come into play!

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