What Direct Support Professional Role is Best for You?

Rate each statement based on how much you agree/disagree to find out the role you’d fit best

Quiz Transcript

What Direct Support Professional Role is Best for You?

Rate each statement based on how much you agree/disagree to find out the role you’d fit best


I am comfortable helping clients with personal care.

Fully agree


Somewhat agree


Somewhat disagree


Fully disagree 


1 / 10

I enjoy higher-intensity situations

Fully agree


Somewhat agree


Somewhat disagree 


Fully disagree 


2 / 10

I like the idea of being a full time ambassador for Rise and its clients.

Fully agree


Somewhat agree


Somewhat disagree 


Fully disagree 


3 / 10

I like preforming home-keeping tasks, like laundry and cleaning, as well as building relationships.

Fully agree


Somewhat agree


Somewhat disagree


Fully disagree


4 / 10

I think the ideal home is clean and welcoming.

Fully agree


Somewhat agree


Somewhat disagree


Fully disagree


5 / 10

 I enjoy organizing activities, like outings and craft projects.

Fully agree


Somewhat agree


Somewhat disagree


Fully disagree


6 / 10

I can consistently lift 25+ pounds





7 / 10

I’m comfortable with loud noises

Fully agree


Somewhat agree


Somewhat disagree


Fully disagree 


8 / 10

I like the idea of preparing meals for clients

Fully agree


Somewhat agree


Somewhat disagree


Fully disagree


9 / 10

I am comfortable with the idea of administering client’s medication 

Fully agree


Somewhat agree


Somewhat disagree


Fully disagree


10 / 10

Center Based DSP

A job as a Center Based DSP will have you on your feet, assisting your clients while doing the same work with them. If you like working with your hands as well as building relationships, this is a perfect role for you

Site Based DSP

If you like working in a loud, faster-paced environment while assisting clients in a community based production site, a role as a Site Based DSP could be perfect for you.

Residential DSP

Working with people in their home environment seems best for you, which is exactly what you would do as a Residential DSP.

Adult Day DSP

If you like participating in and planning activities with your clients like crafts, YMCA visits, or trips out into community, as well as assisting your clients in building relationships with those around them, being an Adult Day DSP seems right up your alley.