What does your poop say about your health?
đź’© We all do it... hopefully once a day! đźš˝ But did you know your daily go could be whispering (or yelling) secrets at you about your health? Take this quiz to reveal the hidden messages behind your poop.
Quiz Transcript
What does your poop say about your health?
đź’© We all do it... hopefully once a day! đźš˝
But did you know your daily go could be whispering (or yelling) secrets at you about your health? Take this quiz to reveal the hidden messages behind your poop.
If your visits to the throne had a name, what would it be?
Smooth Operator. Things are regular in the elimination department.
Oh Deer. Seriously, only a few tiny pellets at a time.
Speedy. Yikes, sometimes I’m scared to leave the house for fear of filling my boots.
Kingda Ka, the famous Six Flags roller coaster. I never know what to expect, sometimes slow and sometimes whooooaaa!
1 / 7
If your guts got a review on Trip Advisor, what would it look like?
2 stars. Somewhere between Niagara Falls and the Sahara Desert I decided to call in for supports.
4 Stars. I never give out 5 stars even though it was a good time. Smooth sailing most days with the scent of tropical flowers around every corner!
3 stars. Not too bad. The service was kinda slow. Will most likely return even though it was only marginally satisfying.
1 star. I destroyed every bathroom I made it to, and there was that sketchy search for new underwear. Must have been something I ate!
2 / 7
What is your biggest concern about your gut health?
I think I’m sensitive to something I’m eating but I’m not sure what?
Constipation plagues me and I’m worried about it causing big problems down the line.
I’m not too concerned about anything but just want to be sure I’m on the right track.
I’m wondering about parasites and imbalances in my microbiome due to prescriptions and illness.
3 / 7
What, if any, supplements or medicine do you take for your tummy?
I take a lot of Psyllium and fibre based remedies.
I take magnesium citrate.
I’ve resorted to getting prescriptions from my doctor.
I don’t take any tummy remedies.
I take digestive enzymes and things to help with excess gas.
4 / 7
Do you have any general health concerns?
I’ve been struggling with various autoimmune conditions… Apparently, when you get one you tend to get more.
I really have trouble with cravings and addictive behaviours.
I’m healthy for the most part but have concerns about aging related ailments.
I have headaches and low energy.
5 / 7
Which quote sums up your loo time?
“I came, I saw, I conquered.” – Julius Caesar.
"Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." - The Wizard of Oz
"May the Force be with you." - Star Wars
"What we've got here is failure to communicate." - Cool Hand Luke
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning." - Apocalypse Now
6 / 7
How much do you know about an optimal poop schedule?
Honestly, not that much. I’m just happy on the days things actually move on through.
I don’t think about it much, generally things are good in that department.
I wish I was on one, things are unpredictable.
I have heard that we should go anywhere from 3 times a day to 3 times a week.
7 / 7
Your poop is telling you… Your diet needs some tweaking!
Aw, hunny... have things been unpredictable? Some days no loaf to pinch and others WHOOOA, you can’t leave the house!?
You’re not alone and there’s definitely a light at the end of the tunnel.
You’ve known there might be some food sensitivities at the bottom of it, but it’s hard to know where to start.
It can all feel a little daunting and lonely to figure out the culprit, but your struggles are about to lessen. The crazy thing is it’s often so-called healthy foods that cause problems.
I mean, for sure get rid of obvious ones, like highly processed junk but don’t forget to investigate whole grains and plant foods as well.
Many a sufferer has been surprised by the grief they experienced being caused by kale and almonds! 🤯
By acting now you can mitigate inflammation related health issues like autoimmune and many other chronic conditions.
By noticing changes like regularity, consistency, and whether you have “stinky sinkies”, “fluffy floaties, or “gassy gushers”, you’ll be able to keep your body systems in balance by tweaking a few simple things.
You’re in the right place if you want to take a new approach to overall health that’s tried and true.
“you aren't what you eat - you are what you don't poop.”
— Wavy Gravy
Here’s a couple of ideas to keep your visits to the throne on track... 🚽
Water and electrolytes — Did you know there’s a right and a wrong way to up your water game? As tempting as it is to start your day with coffee, try implementing this water schedule instead:
• First thing upon rising, drink 2 cups of warm water
• Then a glass before and during each meal
• One more glass mid morning and mid afternoon.
• Stop drinking water by 7 pm so your bladder doesn’t wake you up. Hydrating earlier in the day is much more effective!
Keep in mind that when you drink lots of water you’re flushing out essential minerals that can cause unwanted symptoms, like muscle cramps, headaches, insomnia, and irregularity if depleted.
Here’s a link to the Easy Dissolve Blend of electrolytes. Use code Hydrate-10 to get 10% off your first container.
Understand your digestion and metabolism — You’ll know your diet needs to be addressed when your bowel movements show signs of change. Staying away from inflammatories like sugars, alcohol, grains, and dairy will help to keep your guts in line. It’s a great idea to get food sensitivity tests like this one.
There are, of course, many possible food allergies and sensitivities to discuss with your health care professional. Don’t be in the dark when it comes to your unique metabolism!
It’s a great idea to do an annual elimination diet so you know for sure how different foods agree with your guts.
Reduce stress — Cortisol and adrenaline levels caused by stress can mess with all of your body systems, and your gut is no exception. The trifecta of flight, fight or freeze is your indicator that you’re producing stress hormones. Getting real about managing stress, no matter how small you think it is, can have a huge positive impact on your health.
Slow down your meals and build in some energy burning, even if it’s just a short walk. Put on a mediation recording for 10 minutes and sit.
The stress of travel can be a real bummer. Lack of hydration and exercise is at the bottom of most traveler’s constipation. Of course, things can go to the other extreme due to different environments; a change in food and water can have you on the run.
Check out this blog post for ways to prepare your tummy for vacation.
“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food”
— Hippocrates
When it comes to your overall health and happiness, what you put in your mouth is everything.
The famous quote by Greek physician, Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” has stood the test of time... the power of food to heal and restore remains, but the message has become distorted and messy. Good nutrition can be individual but there are some basic rules we can all follow.
Things to avoid.
Sugar, Grains, and Seed Oils (omega 6) have become widely recognized as inflammatory for most people. In large part due to the way they are produced and refined. Your organs and gut lining will pay you back with calmness when you take a break from them.
Download our Gut Guide Resource book and The Elimination Diet Cookbook and get on your way to feeling fantastic.
Alcohol – The load on your liver can really throw a wrench into your overall well being. Your liver’s job is to detox from your everyday environment but if it’s busy cleaning up after your frequent indulgences in alcohol and sugar it will lose efficiency.
Fatty liver is a much more common issue than most realize and sets you up for future autoimmune problems. Here’s a podcast episode where we go in depth about keeping your liver in top condition.
Things to add in to your daily regime
Healthy Fats – Coconut, Avocado, and Extra Virgin Olive oils are where it’s at… loaded with omega 3’s that your entire body is craving. These rich gifts from nature restore many bodily functions. They are satiating so you’re less likely to want to binge on refined carbs.
Castor Oil Packs - The therapeutic use of castor oil packing was first discovered by Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) and is now regarded by naturopaths around the world as a very effective tool for liver detox.
The essential fatty acids, in particular the ricinoleic acid that castor oil contains, encourages movement of chemical energy within the body, resulting in a detoxifying effect. Castor oil contains the colours of the spectrum and colour & light are crucial to energy production and movement within the body.
Castor oil packing may have many benefits including:
• Elimination of waste
• Pain relief
• Improved digestion
• Reduced inflammation
• Relaxation
• Immune building benefits
Here’s a link to the simple starter guide to Castor Oil packing
Order our easy to use liver wrap castor oil bundle today. Use code Cleanse-10 to get 10% off your first order!
💩 Poop, let’s talk about it! 💩

Hey there, I'm Dr. Mari Wonderment, ND. In my practice, I started noticing a common barrier to good health… gut troubles. Many of my patients came in with a gamut of debilitating symptoms that could all be traced to how well things were functioning on the bottom end.
I dedicated much of the last 5 years to learning about ways to optimize elimination and, holy shit, people’s lives began to change for the better!
đźš˝ Break Taboo and Talk About Poo! đź‘‘
Follow us and find balance in your body
Follow us on Instagram. Helpful hacks, to recipe reels and Q&A Lives, let us get you on the right track for overall body health and have a few laughs along the way.
Listen to my weekly Podcast “The Royal Squat” I share my passion for everything about good gut health, including my own battle with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and a family member’s scare with bowel cancer.
Book a consultation with me. We’ll not only assess your symptoms, we’ll look at your whole lifestyle and find ways to better support and regulate your health and wellness.
Now that you've got a few tricks to get started, keep an eye on your inbox with more in-depth quiz results.
Your poop is telling you… Your body’s on an even keel!
Your body is operating optimally, your gut health is balanced, and your daily dump is smooth sailing!
Setting your movements by the clock is a secretly coveted condition for half the population, It’s estimated that only 47% of people experience regular elimination.
So, consider yourself blessed!
But that doesn't mean you’ve completely dodged a bullet. Making sure things stay on track is an essential part of caring for your body as a whole.
It’s good to take a peek at the bowl every time you go. I know, gross! But the same way you have to check the oil in your engine, it’s a good idea to know what’s going on in your guts.
But because your poop is predictably regular, it makes it even more important to pay attention when things go a little sidewise.
By noticing changes like regularity, consistency, and whether you have “stinky sinkies”, “fluffy floaties, or “gassy gushers”, you’ll be able to keep your body systems in balance by tweaking a few simple things.
You’re in the right place if you want to take a new approach to overall health that’s tried and true.
“you aren't what you eat - you are what you don't poop.”
— Wavy Gravy
Here’s a couple of ideas to keep your visits to the throne on track... 🚽
Water and electrolytes — Did you know there’s a right and a wrong way to up your water game? As tempting as it is to start your day with coffee, try implementing this water schedule instead:
• First thing upon rising, drink 2 cups of warm water
• Then a glass before and during each meal
• One more glass mid morning and mid afternoon.
• Stop drinking water by 7 pm so your bladder doesn’t wake you up. Hydrating earlier in the day is much more effective!
Keep in mind that when you drink lots of water you’re flushing out essential minerals that can cause unwanted symptoms, like muscle cramps, headaches, insomnia, and irregularity if depleted.
Here’s a link to the Easy Dissolve Blend of electrolytes. Use code Hydrate-10 to get 10% off your first container.
Understand your digestion and metabolism — You’ll know your diet needs to be addressed when your bowel movements show signs of change. Staying away from inflammatories like sugars, alcohol, grains, and dairy will help to keep your guts in line. It’s a great idea to get food sensitivity tests like this one.
There are, of course, many possible food allergies and sensitivities to discuss with your health care professional. Don’t be in the dark when it comes to your unique metabolism!
It’s a great idea to do an annual elimination diet so you know for sure how different foods agree with your guts.
Reduce stress — Cortisol and adrenaline levels caused by stress can mess with all of your body systems, and your gut is no exception. The trifecta of flight, fight or freeze is your indicator that you’re producing stress hormones. Getting real about managing stress, no matter how small you think it is, can have a huge positive impact on your health.
Slow down your meals and build in some energy burning, even if it’s just a short walk. Put on a mediation recording for 10 minutes and sit.
The stress of travel can be a real bummer. Lack of hydration and exercise is at the bottom of most traveler’s constipation. Of course, things can go to the other extreme due to different environments; a change in food and water can have you on the run.
Check out this blog post for ways to prepare your tummy for vacation.
“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food”
— Hippocrates
When it comes to your overall health and happiness, what you put in your mouth is everything.
The famous quote by Greek physician, Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” has stood the test of time... the power of food to heal and restore remains, but the message has become distorted and messy. Good nutrition can be individual but there are some basic rules we can all follow.
Things to avoid.
Sugar, Grains, and Seed Oils (omega 6) have become widely recognized as inflammatory for most people. In large part due to the way they are produced and refined. Your organs and gut lining will pay you back with calmness when you take a break from them.
Download our Gut Guide Resource book and The Elimination Diet Cookbook and get on your way to feeling fantastic.
Alcohol – The load on your liver can really throw a wrench into your overall well being. Your liver’s job is to detox from your everyday environment but if it’s busy cleaning up after your frequent indulgences in alcohol and sugar it will lose efficiency.
Fatty liver is a much more common issue than most realize and sets you up for future autoimmune problems. Here’s a podcast episode where we go in depth about keeping your liver in top condition.
Things to add in to your daily regime
Healthy Fats – Coconut, Avocado, and Extra Virgin Olive oils are where it’s at… loaded with omega 3’s that your entire body is craving. These rich gifts from nature restore many bodily functions. They are satiating so you’re less likely to want to binge on refined carbs.
Castor Oil Packs - The therapeutic use of castor oil packing was first discovered by Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) and is now regarded by naturopaths around the world as a very effective tool for liver detox.
The essential fatty acids, in particular the ricinoleic acid that castor oil contains, encourages movement of chemical energy within the body, resulting in a detoxifying effect. Castor oil contains the colours of the spectrum and colour & light are crucial to energy production and movement within the body.
Castor oil packing may have many benefits including:
• Elimination of waste
• Pain relief
• Improved digestion
• Reduced inflammation
• Relaxation
• Immune building benefits
Here’s a link to the simple starter guide to Castor Oil packing
Order our easy to use liver wrap castor oil bundle today. Use code Cleanse-10 to get 10% off your first order!
💩 Poop, let’s talk about it! 💩

Hey there, I'm Dr. Mari Wonderment, ND. In my practice, I started noticing a common barrier to good health… gut troubles. Many of my patients came in with a gamut of debilitating symptoms that could all be traced to how well things were functioning on the bottom end.
I dedicated much of the last 5 years to learning about ways to optimize elimination and, holy shit, people’s lives began to change for the better!
đźš˝ Break Taboo and Talk About Poo! đź‘‘
Follow us and find balance in your body
Follow us on Instagram. Helpful hacks, to recipe reels and Q&A Lives, let us get you on the right track for overall body health and have a few laughs along the way.
Listen to my weekly Podcast “The Royal Squat” I share my passion for everything about good gut health, including my own battle with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and a family member’s scare with bowel cancer.
Book a consultation with me. We’ll not only assess your symptoms, we’ll look at your whole lifestyle and find ways to better support and regulate your health and wellness.
Now that you've got a few tricks to get started, keep an eye on your inbox with more in-depth quiz results.
Your poop is telling you… Your microbiome needs some love!
Hey, friend, sounds like things have been challenging!
Are you feeling a bit like a car who’s wheels are falling off and the engine’s about to blow?
It’s important to remember that you’re a whole being, if one part’s a bit off chances are good the whole of you is.
At the depths of human health is the mysterious microbiome. Science is only recently coming up to speed with this complex community that lives in us and on us.
What’s being discovered is nothing short of miraculous.
I know, the sound of billions of bacteria inside your bowels is a little gross and for a long while medicine was on a mission to kill the tiny microbes.
As tough as it’s been for you to navigate the complex world of general malaise things can turn around.
With the right investigation and support you can get your tiny allies cohabitating peacefully and have a bright future.
By noticing changes like regularity, consistency, and whether you have “stinky sinkies”, “fluffy floaties, or “gassy gushers”, you’ll be able to keep your body systems in balance by tweaking a few simple things.
You’re in the right place if you want to take a new approach to overall health that’s tried and true.
“you aren't what you eat - you are what you don't poop.”
— Wavy Gravy
Here’s a couple of ideas to keep your visits to the throne on track... 🚽
Water and electrolytes — Did you know there’s a right and a wrong way to up your water game? As tempting as it is to start your day with coffee, try implementing this water schedule instead:
• First thing upon rising, drink 2 cups of warm water
• Then a glass before and during each meal
• One more glass mid morning and mid afternoon.
• Stop drinking water by 7 pm so your bladder doesn’t wake you up. Hydrating earlier in the day is much more effective!
Keep in mind that when you drink lots of water you’re flushing out essential minerals that can cause unwanted symptoms, like muscle cramps, headaches, insomnia, and irregularity if depleted.
Here’s a link to the Easy Dissolve Blend of electrolytes. Use code Hydrate-10 to get 10% off your first container.
Understand your digestion and metabolism — You’ll know your diet needs to be addressed when your bowel movements show signs of change. Staying away from inflammatories like sugars, alcohol, grains, and dairy will help to keep your guts in line. It’s a great idea to get food sensitivity tests like this one.
There are, of course, many possible food allergies and sensitivities to discuss with your health care professional. Don’t be in the dark when it comes to your unique metabolism!
It’s a great idea to do an annual elimination diet so you know for sure how different foods agree with your guts.
Reduce stress — Cortisol and adrenaline levels caused by stress can mess with all of your body systems, and your gut is no exception. The trifecta of flight, fight or freeze is your indicator that you’re producing stress hormones. Getting real about managing stress, no matter how small you think it is, can have a huge positive impact on your health.
Slow down your meals and build in some energy burning, even if it’s just a short walk. Put on a mediation recording for 10 minutes and sit.
The stress of travel can be a real bummer. Lack of hydration and exercise is at the bottom of most traveler’s constipation. Of course, things can go to the other extreme due to different environments; a change in food and water can have you on the run.
Check out this blog post for ways to prepare your tummy for vacation.
“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food”
— Hippocrates
When it comes to your overall health and happiness, what you put in your mouth is everything.
The famous quote by Greek physician, Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” has stood the test of time... the power of food to heal and restore remains, but the message has become distorted and messy. Good nutrition can be individual but there are some basic rules we can all follow.
Things to avoid.
Sugar, Grains, and Seed Oils (omega 6) have become widely recognized as inflammatory for most people. In large part due to the way they are produced and refined. Your organs and gut lining will pay you back with calmness when you take a break from them.
Download our Gut Guide Resource book and The Elimination Diet Cookbook and get on your way to feeling fantastic.
Alcohol – The load on your liver can really throw a wrench into your overall well being. Your liver’s job is to detox from your everyday environment but if it’s busy cleaning up after your frequent indulgences in alcohol and sugar it will lose efficiency.
Fatty liver is a much more common issue than most realize and sets you up for future autoimmune problems. Here’s a podcast episode where we go in depth about keeping your liver in top condition.
Things to add in to your daily regime
Healthy Fats – Coconut, Avocado, and Extra Virgin Olive oils are where it’s at… loaded with omega 3’s that your entire body is craving. These rich gifts from nature restore many bodily functions. They are satiating so you’re less likely to want to binge on refined carbs.
Castor Oil Packs - The therapeutic use of castor oil packing was first discovered by Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) and is now regarded by naturopaths around the world as a very effective tool for liver detox.
The essential fatty acids, in particular the ricinoleic acid that castor oil contains, encourages movement of chemical energy within the body, resulting in a detoxifying effect. Castor oil contains the colours of the spectrum and colour & light are crucial to energy production and movement within the body.
Castor oil packing may have many benefits including:
• Elimination of waste
• Pain relief
• Improved digestion
• Reduced inflammation
• Relaxation
• Immune building benefits
Here’s a link to the simple starter guide to Castor Oil packing
Order our easy to use liver wrap castor oil bundle today. Use code Cleanse-10 to get 10% off your first order!
💩 Poop, let’s talk about it! 💩

Hey there, I'm Dr. Mari Wonderment, ND. In my practice, I started noticing a common barrier to good health… gut troubles. Many of my patients came in with a gamut of debilitating symptoms that could all be traced to how well things were functioning on the bottom end.
I dedicated much of the last 5 years to learning about ways to optimize elimination and, holy shit, people’s lives began to change for the better!
đźš˝ Break Taboo and Talk About Poo! đź‘‘
Follow us and find balance in your body
Follow us on Instagram. Helpful hacks, to recipe reels and Q&A Lives, let us get you on the right track for overall body health and have a few laughs along the way.
Listen to my weekly Podcast “The Royal Squat” I share my passion for everything about good gut health, including my own battle with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and a family member’s scare with bowel cancer.
Book a consultation with me. We’ll not only assess your symptoms, we’ll look at your whole lifestyle and find ways to better support and regulate your health and wellness.
Now that you've got a few tricks to get started, keep an eye on your inbox with more in-depth quiz results.
Your poop is telling you… Your system is sluggish.
Well that’s just crappy…
A slowed down system can really stink!
All jokes aside, though, being in a constipated state can cause big problems down the road. The fact that you find yourself reading this is a big step in the right direction and you’d be surprised how simple it is to fix.
The thing is, friend, it’s time to flush the old remedies down the toilet and try something new, wouldn’t you agree?
Chronic constipation can not only cause problems it’s a sign that something deeper is off. Things like thyroid conditions, food sensitivities, liver and hormone problems can all be at the root of your discomfort. Extra fiber is definitely not the answer yet it’s most commonly prescribed by general practitioners.
So, Let’s get to the bottom of it...
By noticing changes like regularity, consistency, and whether you have “stinky sinkies”, “fluffy floaties, or “gassy gushers”, you’ll be able to keep your body systems in balance by tweaking a few simple things.
You’re in the right place if you want to take a new approach to overall health that’s tried and true.
“you aren't what you eat - you are what you don't poop.”
— Wavy Gravy
Here’s a couple of ideas to keep your visits to the throne on track... 🚽
Water and electrolytes — Did you know there’s a right and a wrong way to up your water game? As tempting as it is to start your day with coffee, try implementing this water schedule instead:
• First thing upon rising, drink 2 cups of warm water
• Then a glass before and during each meal
• One more glass mid morning and mid afternoon.
• Stop drinking water by 7 pm so your bladder doesn’t wake you up. Hydrating earlier in the day is much more effective!
Keep in mind that when you drink lots of water you’re flushing out essential minerals that can cause unwanted symptoms, like muscle cramps, headaches, insomnia, and irregularity if depleted.
Here’s a link to the Easy Dissolve Blend of electrolytes. Use code Hydrate-10 to get 10% off your first container.
Understand your digestion and metabolism — You’ll know your diet needs to be addressed when your bowel movements show signs of change. Staying away from inflammatories like sugars, alcohol, grains, and dairy will help to keep your guts in line. It’s a great idea to get food sensitivity tests like this one.
There are, of course, many possible food allergies and sensitivities to discuss with your health care professional. Don’t be in the dark when it comes to your unique metabolism!
It’s a great idea to do an annual elimination diet so you know for sure how different foods agree with your guts.
Reduce stress — Cortisol and adrenaline levels caused by stress can mess with all of your body systems, and your gut is no exception. The trifecta of flight, fight or freeze is your indicator that you’re producing stress hormones. Getting real about managing stress, no matter how small you think it is, can have a huge positive impact on your health.
Slow down your meals and build in some energy burning, even if it’s just a short walk. Put on a mediation recording for 10 minutes and sit.
The stress of travel can be a real bummer. Lack of hydration and exercise is at the bottom of most traveler’s constipation. Of course, things can go to the other extreme due to different environments; a change in food and water can have you on the run.
Check out this blog post for ways to prepare your tummy for vacation.
“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food”
— Hippocrates
When it comes to your overall health and happiness, what you put in your mouth is everything.
The famous quote by Greek physician, Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” has stood the test of time... the power of food to heal and restore remains, but the message has become distorted and messy. Good nutrition can be individual but there are some basic rules we can all follow.
Things to avoid.
Sugar, Grains, and Seed Oils (omega 6) have become widely recognized as inflammatory for most people. In large part due to the way they are produced and refined. Your organs and gut lining will pay you back with calmness when you take a break from them.
Download our Gut Guide Resource book and The Elimination Diet Cookbook and get on your way to feeling fantastic.
Alcohol – The load on your liver can really throw a wrench into your overall well being. Your liver’s job is to detox from your everyday environment but if it’s busy cleaning up after your frequent indulgences in alcohol and sugar it will lose efficiency.
Fatty liver is a much more common issue than most realize and sets you up for future autoimmune problems. Here’s a podcast episode where we go in depth about keeping your liver in top condition.
Things to add in to your daily regime
Healthy Fats – Coconut, Avocado, and Extra Virgin Olive oils are where it’s at… loaded with omega 3’s that your entire body is craving. These rich gifts from nature restore many bodily functions. They are satiating so you’re less likely to want to binge on refined carbs.
Castor Oil Packs - The therapeutic use of castor oil packing was first discovered by Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) and is now regarded by naturopaths around the world as a very effective tool for liver detox.
The essential fatty acids, in particular the ricinoleic acid that castor oil contains, encourages movement of chemical energy within the body, resulting in a detoxifying effect. Castor oil contains the colours of the spectrum and colour & light are crucial to energy production and movement within the body.
Castor oil packing may have many benefits including:
• Elimination of waste
• Pain relief
• Improved digestion
• Reduced inflammation
• Relaxation
• Immune building benefits
Here’s a link to the simple starter guide to Castor Oil packing
Order our easy to use liver wrap castor oil bundle today. Use code Cleanse-10 to get 10% off your first order!
💩 Poop, let’s talk about it! 💩

Hey there, I'm Dr. Mari Wonderment, ND. In my practice, I started noticing a common barrier to good health… gut troubles. Many of my patients came in with a gamut of debilitating symptoms that could all be traced to how well things were functioning on the bottom end.
I dedicated much of the last 5 years to learning about ways to optimize elimination and, holy shit, people’s lives began to change for the better!
đźš˝ Break Taboo and Talk About Poo! đź‘‘
Follow us and find balance in your body
Follow us on Instagram. Helpful hacks, to recipe reels and Q&A Lives, let us get you on the right track for overall body health and have a few laughs along the way.
Listen to my weekly Podcast “The Royal Squat” I share my passion for everything about good gut health, including my own battle with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and a family member’s scare with bowel cancer.
Book a consultation with me. We’ll not only assess your symptoms, we’ll look at your whole lifestyle and find ways to better support and regulate your health and wellness.
Now that you've got a few tricks to get started, keep an eye on your inbox with more in-depth quiz results.
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