What Lightsaber Color Are You?

Using questions based on Star Wars lore and personality traits, we'll determine your best lightsaber color!

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What Lightsaber Color Are You?

Using questions based on Star Wars lore and personality traits, we'll determine your best lightsaber color!

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Which of the following would you most likely subscribe to?

The Jedi Order (light side)


The Gray (force neutral)


The Sith (dark side)


1 / 21

Which of the following would be your focus

Saber abilities


Force abilities


Tech abilities (e.g., pilot, devices, explosives, environmental manipulation, etc.)




2 / 21

What is your primary goal in dealing with conflict?

Effective compromise


Ensure justice


Protect others


Best to avoid conflict




3 / 21

Which of the following are you most naturally driven by?









4 / 21

Whats your greatest drive to fight?

Protecting others


Protecting myself


Becoming a hero


Besting my enemy


5 / 21

Socially, what do you prefer?

Large groups


Small groups




To be in the spotlight


Depends on my mood


6 / 21

When you get in argument, you tend to:

Agree to disagree


Find a common ground


Agree with the other's position (to avoid arguing)


Respectfully tell them they're wrong


Argue until they change their mind


7 / 21

Do you like sand?



I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating... and it gets everywhere.


8 / 21

What experience would you most enjoy?

Achieving a difficult goal


Falling in love


Jumping out of a plane


Chilling on a private beach


Winning a competition


9 / 21

Which of the following do you value most?





Critical Thinking




10 / 21

Are you willing to fight dirty to protect others?





If I am in total control of my emotions


11 / 21

When I get stressed, I tend to:

Take a deep breath and center my thoughts


Do a physical activity (e.g., punching bag, run, etc.)


Tell (and believe) myself that "it'll be fine"


Perseverate (get stuck on) on what's wrong


12 / 21

Which of the following is your favorite Star Wars movie?

Revenge of the Sith


The Empire Strikes Back


A New Hope


Star Wars Holiday Special


13 / 21

When things get hard, how do you tend to cope?

I avoid/repress it (e.g., video games, work too much, alcohol)


I go talk to a friend 


I try to systematically problem-solve it


I lash out at others


I exert myself physically


14 / 21

When it comes to focus:

I can do it if I put my mind to it


I struggle when I'm emotional


If I'm interested, I can hyperfocus


I excel


15 / 21

I'm prone to engaging in:

Future-thinking (frequent planning, organizing, "what ifs")


Present-thinking (spontaneous, sensation-seeking, mood-based)


Past-thinking (regrets, nostalgia, gratitude)


16 / 21

When solving a problem, I prefer to:

Collaborate with others


Lead/control others


Solve it on my own


Have someone tell me the answer


17 / 21

When it comes to spirituality, I am:

A member of a religion (or atheist church)


An atheist


A theist




18 / 21

Who Shot First?

Han Solo


Han Solo


Han Solo


Han Solo


Han Solo


Greedo.                                                                                                                                                                              Is dead because Han shot first.


19 / 21

What characters do you tend to play?

Tanks (powerful, tough)


Healers (cleric, buffers)


Support (powerful ranged abilities)


Rogue (stealth, dexterity)


Pyromancer (part tank, part support)


20 / 21

What is your moral/ethical alignment?

Lawful good (Qui-Gon Jinn)


Neutral good (Ahsoka)


Chaotic good (Han Solo, Doctor Aphra)


Lawful neutral (Uncle Owen)


True neutral (Boba Fett)


Chaotic neutral (DJ)


Lawful Evil (Darth Vader)


Neutral Evil (Jabba)


Chaotic Evil (Darth Maul)


21 / 21

Green Kyber Crystal

GREEN—Consulars, Qui-Gon, Luke, Yoda

Green crystals are favorable to those who avoid confrontation but will fight with great resolve when need be. They’ll likely let insults roll off their shoulders, but should others interfere with social peace, will become strong and assertive. They tend to be socially savvy, have extroverted traits, good self-control and motivation, and high mental integrity, though may lean towards black-and-white thinking (e.g., “Do, or do not — there is no try”). They also have great force abilities.

Blue Kyber Crystal

BLUE—Obi-Wan, Anakin, Guardians, combat

Blue users tend to be social warriors for the light side, those who fight, with passion, against those who dare attempt to oppress the good or weak. They are caring and largely empathetic, which may interfere with their own ability to stop themselves from making emotional decisions, despite otherwise being ambitious. They may pursue high highs and experience low lows. They also favor lightsaber skills over force abilities.

Red Kyber Crystal

RED—Sith Lords, Kylo Ren

Neurotic and controlling, with rigid and emotional thinking, red crystal users thrive on confrontation and have a low emotional cut-off. People with a low emotional cut-off tend to cut people out of their lives — even those they share intimate relationships with — over petty things.
Though they may have high emotional intelligence, they use that to their gain, as they are often very narcissistic and Machiavellianistic; these people feel as though they can use people easily without feelings of guilt.
This is very similar to a common CEO profile, and for better or worse, makes them brutally powerful.

Yellow Kyber Crystal

YELLOW—Sentinels, Plo Koon

Yellow crystals often benefit users who prefer stealth and strategy, as well as a hard lean towards technology and environmental supports. They do not put high stakes into self-pride — thus often keeping their force powers on the down low. These individuals are more about the bottom line of getting things done, as they may do things other light-side users will not in this regard. They will pursue indirect confrontation and will meet direct confrontation with creative problem solving if need be.

Orange Kyber Crystal

ORANGE—Mandalorian Knights

Orange users often prefer stealth and strategy, as well as a hard lean towards technology and environmental supports. They do not put high stakes into self-pride — thus often keeping their force powers on the down low. These individuals are more about the bottom line of getting things done, as they may do things other light-side users will not in this regard. They will pursue indirect confrontation and will meet direct confrontation with creative problem solving if need be. They are similar to yellow crystal users, but with more of an emphasis on negotiation and combat.

Purple Kyber Crystal

PURPLE—Mace Windu, Mara Jade Skywalker

Perhaps best interpreted as a mix of blue and red, purple crystals may be befitting of an aggressive Gray, in that they use both light and dark side force techniques (e.g., Mace often attacks from above with his saber). They may be the bad guy who is bad for good reasons, or vice versa. They tend to be aggressive and confrontational, but with a sense of righteous indignation and stubbornness. These users tend to be the vigilantes. Batman would probably be a purple user.
*Cue the rage-fueled Reddit argument.*

Silver Kyber Crystal

SILVER—Imperial Knights

This crystal color was the color of the Imperial Knight saber — force practitioners who vehemently rejected the dark side whilst passively avoiding the light side — who subscribe to the “Gray” side of the force (e.g., Grey Jedis). Silver crystal users often value loyalty, reasoning, and balance—hence why they reject extremes of “light” or “dark.”

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