What's your dosha?

Take this two-minute quiz to discover your Ayurvedic dosha type: Pitta, Vata, or Kapha. On top of that, I'm going to teach you how to get back in balance πŸ™πŸŒΏβœ¨

Quiz Transcript

What's your dosha?

Take this two-minute quiz to discover your Ayurvedic dosha type: Pitta, Vata, or Kapha. On top of that, I'm going to teach you how to get back in balance πŸ™πŸŒΏβœ¨

Take The Quiz

Would you rather be too hot or too cold?

Too hot – It takes two sweaters and a pair of wool socks to keep me cozy. Plus sweating up a storm might help me cut down on my heating bill.Β 


Too cold – I'm basically a human furnace πŸ”₯ My inner fire doesn't need any extra kindling, thank you very much.


Both options suck equally... My temperature usually adjusts to my surroundings, so I don't have an obvious answer to this Q.Β 


1 / 9

Which outfit are you most likely to rock on a casual day off?

Give me calming colours and flowing outfitsΒ  Β  πŸŒŠπŸ™πŸŒΏ


I don't do 'casual.' You can count on me to make a statement!


Comfort comes before all else: jeans and a soft t-shirt πŸ™Œβœ¨πŸ₯°


2 / 9

From 1-10, how good are you at staying on taskΒ πŸ€“πŸ“šβœοΈ

1-4 – I can only focus in short bursts. My mind is too busy with innovative ideas to zero in on just one.


5-7 – If it's a task I'm genuinely interested in, I can stay focussed... otherwise my thoughts tend to wander.


8-10 – I'm a champ at staying on task! I keep my eyes on the prize no matter what distractions tempt me πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š


3 / 9

Which best describes your body type?

Long 'n lean – I'm naturally thin.


Full o' curve – I got it in all the right places.


Athletic – I'm built beyond belief.


4 / 9

Do you usually reach your goals?

Heck yes – I'm a goal-crushing machine. When I set my sights on a target, I don't stop working towards it till IT'S MINE!


If I'm genuinely committed, I can achieve my goals! I've got enough drive to keep going through thick and thin.


Ermm, I don't really get down with goals πŸ™…β€β™€οΈβœ‹ I've tried to set 'em in the past, but I usually just end up feeling a bit bored and guilty for not following through.


5 / 9

What's your workout of choice?

Yoga! I follow the instructor's flows and stretch my stress away.


High energy cardio classes! I'm ready to sweat it outΒ πŸ”₯πŸ’ͺ


Uhmm, does a sleepy breakfast in bed count as exercise...Β 


6 / 9

What's your dream get away ✈️🌟

A yoga retreat on Koh Phangan, Thailand. A vinyasa on the beach? Yasss!


A luxurious trip to Dubai! Massages in the morning, artisan cocktails at nightΒ πŸ₯‚


A remote cabin smack dab in the middle of nowhere – I need a lil' me-time...


7 / 9

At a cocktail party, you're most likely to be...

Chatting with family, friends, and perfect strangers! I'm bubblier than a flute of champagne ✨πŸ₯‚


I find a seat at the bar and get comfy. I don't chase after people... Plus I've got enough on my mind to keep myself happily occupied.


I eye out the most influential folks in the room and make a point of introducing myselfΒ πŸ‘‹πŸ€©πŸ’•


8 / 9

Which are you most likely to fill your planner with?

To-dos galore! I write out all the pesky tasks I've been putting off – that way I can get them done lightning fast.


Glittery stickers, doodles of shooting stars and hearts, and pics of my friends and family.


I jot down a couple things I'd like to get done, but it's no big deal if I can't get to them... Everything in good time, right?


9 / 9

Your dosha is... Pitta

Your fire burns hot, friend! You're driven, determined, and hardworking as heck. Friends look up to you for your focus 'cause when you've got a target in your sights, you don't stop till you've struck it. This means you've likely achieved more than most peeps your age.

So what's your hold up? Your fire can burn out fast if you don't give it enough fuel. Sometimes you get so locked onto your big goals you forget to cover the basics, too: eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising.

Bring Yourself into Balance with These Three Tips...

1) Practice Saying "No"

Like any other skill, saying 'no' can be difficult at first. You may feel that you owe your time and energy to others – even those who leave you feeling drained as a swimming pool in September. If you're in need of a little extra TLC, try cutting out all those activities that aren't 100% necessary. A part of you might want to help your cousin pack up her possessions and move across the city, but if doing so is going to take an emotional or physical toll on you, kindly decline. You owe that to yourself, friend!

2) Cut Out the Toxins

And I'm not just talking about processed food and chemical-laden cleaning products. Think bigger! Set aside some quiet time to reflect on the relationships in your life that might be weighing you down. Maybe your current friend group has been acting a bit more snarky than usual – whenever you hangout, you feel yourself mentally leaning away from their influence. In situation like that, it might be time to take a step back and meet some more positive, optimistic peeps. I promise they're out there!

3) Listen to Your Body

Maybe you've heard this tip more times than you can count, but have you ever made a point of actually acting on it? Of tuning into your body's needs, so you can make healthy lifestyle changes? It's so easy to take our physical well-being for granted. And unless something is going wrong in a really obvious way, you might be tempted to ignore it. Instead of waiting for a crisis to strike, do what you can to get enough sleep, eat clean, and move your body.

Wait Up a Sec – Let Me Introduce Myself

Hey, friend πŸ‘‹ My name's Jessie! I'm a yoga teacher and certified Ayurvedic health coach from Seattle, WA. After honing my technique in Mumbai, I began my own private practice. My mission is to bring balance into your life, which looks a little different for each of my clients.

With my guidance you can expect to sleep deeper, lose weight, and cut out the stress and anxiety that may be holding you back from living in alignment with your truth. You so deserve a happy, healthy life πŸ™Œ

Looking for a Little Extra Guidance? Read on, Friend!

1) Download my free PDF worksheet on the Ayurvedic clock. It's going to help you align your habits with Earth's daily rhythms. Get ready for high energy levels!

2) Read this post on my blog. I spell out some of the most common unhealthy habits and how your brain might be tricking you into believing that you need them to cope.

3) Book a 15 minute consultation with yours truly. If you think we might be a match, don't hesitate to reach out. On this introductory call, you'll fill me in on everything "you."

P.S. Expect to See Me in Your Inbox Tomorrow With More Resources Curated Just for You!

Your dosha is... Vata

Friend, you know how to go with the flow. No matter the circumstance, you make the most of it by surrendering. You trust your creative intuition to take you in the right direction. Friends and family look up to you for your accepting attitude – there's a place in the world for everyone, am I right?

So what's your hold up? Sometimes your thoughts move so quickly you might have trouble keeping up. You want to do a little bit of everything then become overwhelmed. Try grounding down by meditating in the morning or practicing gentle hatha yoga.

Bring Yourself into Balance with These Three Tips...

1) Practice Saying "No"

Like any other skill, saying 'no' can be difficult at first. You may feel that you owe your time and energy to others – even those who leave you feeling drained as a swimming pool in September. If you're in need of a little extra TLC, try cutting out all those activities that aren't 100% necessary. A part of you might want to help your cousin pack up her possessions and move across the city, but if doing so is going to take an emotional or physical toll on you, kindly decline. You owe that to yourself, friend!

2) Cut Out the Toxins

And I'm not just talking about processed food and chemical-laden cleaning products. Think bigger! Set aside some quiet time to reflect on the relationships in your life that might be weighing you down. Maybe your current friend group has been acting a bit more snarky than usual – whenever you hangout, you feel yourself mentally leaning away from their influence. In situation like that, it might be time to take a step back and meet some more positive, optimistic peeps. I promise they're out there!

3) Listen to Your Body

Maybe you've heard this tip more times than you can count, but have you ever made a point of actually acting on it? Of tuning into your body's needs, so you can make healthy lifestyle changes? It's so easy to take our physical well-being for granted. And unless something is going wrong in a really obvious way, you might be tempted to ignore it. Instead of waiting for a crisis to strike, do what you can to get enough sleep, eat clean, and move your body.

Wait Up a Sec – Let Me Introduce Myself

Hey, friend πŸ‘‹ My name's Jessie! I'm a yoga teacher and certified Ayurvedic health coach from Seattle, WA. After honing my technique in Mumbai, I began my own private practice. My mission is to bring balance into your life, which looks a little different for each of my clients.

With my guidance you can expect to sleep deeper, lose weight, and cut out the stress and anxiety that may be holding you back from living in alignment with your truth. You so deserve a happy, healthy life πŸ™Œ

Looking for a Little Extra Guidance? Read on, Friend!

1) Download my free PDF worksheet on the Ayurvedic clock. It's going to help you align your habits with Earth's daily rhythms. Get ready for high energy levels!

2) Read this post on my blog. I spell out some of the most common unhealthy habits and how your brain might be tricking you into believing that you need them to cope.

3) Book a 15 minute consultation with yours truly. If you think we might be a match, don't hesitate to reach out. On this introductory call, you'll fill me in on everything "you."

P.S. Expect to See Me in Your Inbox Tomorrow With More Resources Curated Just for You!

Your dosha is... Kapha

Friend, you're deeply grounded – once you spread your roots, you're hard to move. You value consistency and slow, persistent progress. You know that small steps forward are just as valuable as a short-lived sprint. On top of that, you're an unfailingly loyal friend. You never leave loved ones behind.

So what's your hold up? Sometimes you're a little too stable. You tend to get stuck in routines even if they no longer serve you. You may also avoid physical activity – you prefer to sit back and watch circumstances unfold. Try introducing exercise into your lifestyle with a gentle yoga class.

Bring Yourself into Balance with These Three Tips...

1) Practice Saying "No"

Like any other skill, saying 'no' can be difficult at first. You may feel that you owe your time and energy to others – even those who leave you feeling drained as a swimming pool in September. If you're in need of a little extra TLC, try cutting out all those activities that aren't 100% necessary. A part of you might want to help your cousin pack up her possessions and move across the city, but if doing so is going to take an emotional or physical toll on you, kindly decline. You owe that to yourself, friend!

2) Cut Out the Toxins

And I'm not just talking about processed food and chemical-laden cleaning products. Think bigger! Set aside some quiet time to reflect on the relationships in your life that might be weighing you down. Maybe your current friend group has been acting a bit more snarky than usual – whenever you hangout, you feel yourself mentally leaning away from their influence. In situation like that, it might be time to take a step back and meet some more positive, optimistic peeps. I promise they're out there!

3) Listen to Your Body

Maybe you've heard this tip more times than you can count, but have you ever made a point of actually acting on it? Of tuning into your body's needs, so you can make healthy lifestyle changes? It's so easy to take our physical well-being for granted. And unless something is going wrong in a really obvious way, you might be tempted to ignore it. Instead of waiting for a crisis to strike, do what you can to get enough sleep, eat clean, and move your body.

Wait Up a Sec – Let Me Introduce Myself

Hey, friend πŸ‘‹ My name's Jessie! I'm a yoga teacher and certified Ayurvedic health coach from Seattle, WA. After honing my technique in Mumbai, I began my own private practice. My mission is to bring balance into your life, which looks a little different for each of my clients.

With my guidance you can expect to sleep deeper, lose weight, and cut out the stress and anxiety that may be holding you back from living in alignment with your truth. You so deserve a happy, healthy life πŸ™Œ

Looking for a Little Extra Guidance? Read on, Friend!

1) Download my free PDF worksheet on the Ayurvedic clock. It's going to help you align your habits with Earth's daily rhythms. Get ready for high energy levels!

2) Read this post on my blog. I spell out some of the most common unhealthy habits and how your brain might be tricking you into believing that you need them to cope.

3) Book a 15 minute consultation with yours truly. If you think we might be a match, don't hesitate to reach out. On this introductory call, you'll fill me in on everything "you."

P.S. Expect to See Me in Your Inbox Tomorrow With More Resources Curated Just for You!