Which essential oil is right for you?

Lavender, vetiver, myrrh, oh my!! With so many to choose from, there’s practically an essential oil for any and every ailment. Whether you’re looking to rest easy, soothe your nerves or smell divine, take this quiz to learn what essential oil is calling your name.

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Which essential oil is right for you?

Lavender, vetiver, myrrh, oh my!! With so many to choose from, there’s practically an essential oil for any and every ailment. Whether you’re looking to rest easy, soothe your nerves or smell divine, take this quiz to learn what essential oil is calling your name.

Take Quiz

What scene are you most drawn to?

A hot bath


Wide open forest


A field of flowers


The desert


1 / 10

Pick the photo that best describes you…


2 / 10

You’re most likely to be found...

Soaking up the fresh air of the great outdoors


Relaxing on a beach with your favourite book. There’s a strong potential for an afternoon nap here!


Romancing myself with a good book and maybe an afternoon facial


Giving palm readings at a music festival


3 / 10

What is an ailment you often struggle with?

Eczema, acne, inflammation of the skin


Keeping your heart open and embracing those complicated things called emotions


Feelings of depression and cold like symptoms


Getting a good night’s sleep, and other issues related to anxiety


4 / 10

Choose the word you most resonate with...









5 / 10

When it comes to self care, your top priority is...

Tending to my body! I work hard and often experience inflammation. Give me a hot bath with something to soothe my achy joints.


My spirit! Self care time for me looks like yoga, meditation and anything else that takes me on an inward journey.


My heart. A hot bath, face mask and a tear-jerking podcast should do the trick!


Rest! Sleep defefit? Ain't nobody got time for that! Give me an eye mask and a do not disturb sign so I can catch up on my beauty sleep please.


6 / 10

When it comes to choosing an essential oil, you consider...

Scent. Essential oils double as perfume for me


Usage. Is this going to solve a problem or ailment for me?


Therapeutics. How will this lower my anxiety and bring me more quality rest?


My libido! I’m all about that natural aphrodisiac type vibe.


7 / 10

Your close friends would describe you as…

A hopeless romantic


Laid back and notoriously “chill”


Independent and a visionary


Creative and eccentric


8 / 10

Your favourite season is:









9 / 10

When it comes to purchasing essential oils, you’re willing spend:

$100 and up. If it’s pure and the quality is there, I’m here for it.


$10-$40. Nothing fancy for me, just a generic blend is all good!


$20-$150. It’s a broad range, but I could go either way!


As cheap and accessible as possible.


10 / 10

You need... Rose Oil

There’s no doubt about it—you, my friend, are a lover, through and through. Most likely to wear your heart on your sleeve and flowers in your hair, you are a sucker for romance and an expert in matters of the heart.

When it comes to how you like to live, it’s the finer things all the way! You relish in luxurious self care days and love an evening saunter through the streets, admiring the city’s art.

When choosing the oil that’s right for you, it’s crucial that you honour and channel your inner Aphrodite. Rose offers a warm, fragrant and floral scent that connects you to your sacred domain of the heart. It also acts as a wonderful aid to brightening your skin and a natural perfume without being overzealous. This oil will surely check all the boxes of your oh so romantic checklist.

Romance yourself in our Ravishing Rose Oil

Rich in romance and with a scent that will have you feeling that #glowup—dab a couple drops of our Ravishing Rose blend and be swept away to a fantasyland. You’ll love taking in these floral scents that offer both a warm and highly feminine allure.


Start with the basics! Create your very own essential oil arsenal

Western medicine can take a back seat for a moment here. When it comes to truly owning your health and vitality, let’s remember that your plant allies are the ultimate (and ancient) healers.

Going as far back as the age of Egyptians (yes, that’s B.C my friends,) we have been intuitively drawn to the use of essential oils as a natural and earth centred remedy. Whether it be for medicinal properties, aromatics or some simple beauty techniques, oils have been tried, tested and true since long before any modern day wellness trend.

Here’s a few must haves to get your collection started.

Peppermint - Most well known for aiding headache symptoms, this versatile oil has more than just a couple tricks up its sleeve. Use this oil either topically or internally when dealing with digestive issues, inflammation or muscle pain. The scent itself is ultra energizing and adds a nice cooling touch!

Arnica - Practically known as the mother of all oils. Every mother with an adventurous toddler likely has some of this stored somewhere in the medicine cabinet. Known for its ability to quickly reduce bruising and pain, Arnica offers a fast track healing for sprains, pulls, muscle aches and several other injuries.

Bergamot - Not only does it smell ahhh-mazing, the scent will instantly bring you from your funkiest of funks to some higher elevation in a jif! Bergamot is the most delicate of the citrus plants and offers up a sweet, uplifting and rejuvenating essence. Use this bad boy when you’re feeling stressed or lethargic and feel instantly renewed in both mind and body.

Learn more about the history and components of these oils by clicking here.

Visit our website where you can browse our wide selection of oils, rollers, scented candles and more! Skip the pharmacy and build your own natural medicine cabinet from the ground up.

Three steps to creating a ritual with your essential oils...

Step 1: Make the space sacred.

The first step to making even the most mundane feel ceremonious? Create the space. It doesn’t have to be complicated—a few candles, maybe an altar, and a cup of tea set out in your favourite room of the house will do. Setting the scene is the first step to feeling safe and held enough to drop into your innermost self.

2. Set an intention.

Intention is so powerful! Energy will always flow where your attention goes—which is exactly why having a clear intention is a vital aspect of ritual. Once you’ve set the space and grounded into it, choose an intention that you’d like to work with. You can even infuse your oils into your intention in a way that feels sacred to you. For example, if your intention is to open your heart to more love, you may choose to incorporate your rose oil into your ritual.

Check out this blog and learn more about how to infuse essential oils into your personal daily rituals.

3. Sing, meditate, dance, celebrate!

Now that you have your space set and your intention clear, it’s time to bring it all to life through the power of your offering!

There are a number of ways you can bring forth your intention in the way of ritual—you may choose to write out your feelings and burn them in a ceremonious way.

Maybe you choose to dance and sing mantra and celebrate what you’re calling in! Or perhaps you simply sit and breathe—allowing yourself to feel, cry, let go or laugh off any emotion that arises. Whatever it may be, the choice is yours and yours alone. Empower yourself through the art of ritual.

Check out our podcast, Essentials of Wellbeing where we talk about spirituality and wellbeing as a science and a way of life. We dive into earth based practices and how to infuse the elements into our daily lives.

Damn, you smell good!

Hey there! I’m Juan Halico and it’s been my soul’s highest mission to recover our most basic natural healing abilities since 2002.

Having spent the first half of my life in the hustle and bustle of advertising, I certainly wasn’t always one to “listen to my body.” Half the time, I was hopped up on lorazepam to deal with my crippling anxiety and a Zoloft cocktail was a Friday night regular for me.

It wasn’t until I had a nasty wake up call in 1999 when I was called to visit the Peruvian jungle and sit with plant medicine. The healing I experienced was immense and profound. In that defining moment of my life, I felt the pull to explore plant medicine, holistic remedies and the art of essential oils as a modern day healing modality.

Through my obsessive research and obscene curiosity, I’ve experimented now with thousands of different blends, using my body as my temple and my playground for natural healing. As my healing progressed, my vision for service became more clear, and in 2002 Essential Life was born!

It’s my dream and honour to help people heal and to inspire each person that crosses my path through the art of essential oils.

Whether you’re looking for just the right blend to treat your pain, or simply looking to oils as a pathway to better health, I am here for you! I look forward to meeting you and working together.

Let’s stay in touch…!

Tune into our Essential Life YouTube Channel.

Our channel is packed with guided meditations, the history behind herbs, and all the tools you need to keep your practice fresh and exciting.

Join #Essentialites! A supportive and like-minded group of herbal enthusiasts looking to a natural way of life.

Now that we’re connected...

Be sure to check your inbox for our monthly newsletter!

I'll be sharing endless tips and tricks, weekly specials and much more...

“The beauty of the natural world lies in the details” - Natalie Angier

You need… Lavender

Chilllll... the living’s easy over here in the Lavender fields! You, my friend, are a lover of all things relaxed and full of ease. When it comes to an oil that best serves your needs and personality, rest is best. The naturally calming effects of Lavender are perfectly suited to your respect of a good night’s sleep and a mellow nervous system. You live for the low key life, and hold close to what matters most in your life—your solitude, your circadian rhythm and your closest people.

Chill out with our Lavender Lace blend.

Feel as floaty as a cloud with the scent of our Lavender Lace blend! This gorgeous scent is rich in relaxing properties and offers an aromatic that will have you feeling ready for dreamland in no time. Dab a couple of drops on your temples or power up your diffuser before bed and you’re set for some serious rest.


Start with the basics! Create your very own essential oil arsenal

Western medicine can take a back seat for a moment here. When it comes to truly owning your health and vitality, let’s remember that your plant allies are the ultimate (and ancient) healers.

Going as far back as the age of Egyptians (yes, that’s B.C my friends,) we have been intuitively drawn to the use of essential oils as a natural and earth centred remedy. Whether it be for medicinal properties, aromatics or some simple beauty techniques, oils have been tried, tested and true since long before any modern day wellness trend.

Here’s a few must haves to get your collection started.

Peppermint - Most well known for aiding headache symptoms, this versatile oil has more than just a couple tricks up its sleeve. Use this oil either topically or internally when dealing with digestive issues, inflammation or muscle pain. The scent itself is ultra energizing and adds a nice cooling touch!

Arnica - Practically known as the mother of all oils. Every mother with an adventurous toddler likely has some of this stored somewhere in the medicine cabinet. Known for its ability to quickly reduce bruising and pain, Arnica offers a fast track healing for sprains, pulls, muscle aches and several other injuries.

Bergamot - Not only does it smell ahhh-mazing, the scent will instantly bring you from your funkiest of funks to some higher elevation in a jif! Bergamot is the most delicate of the citrus plants and offers up a sweet, uplifting and rejuvenating essence. Use this bad boy when you’re feeling stressed or lethargic and feel instantly renewed in both mind and body.

Learn more about the history and components of these oils by clicking here.

Visit our website where you can browse our wide selection of oils, rollers, scented candles and more! Skip the pharmacy and build your own natural medicine cabinet from the ground up.

Three steps to creating a ritual with your essential oils...

Step 1: Make the space sacred.

The first step to making even the most mundane feel ceremonious? Create the space. It doesn’t have to be complicated—a few candles, maybe an altar, and a cup of tea set out in your favourite room of the house will do. Setting the scene is the first step to feeling safe and held enough to drop into your innermost self.

2. Set an intention.

Intention is so powerful! Energy will always flow where your attention goes—which is exactly why having a clear intention is a vital aspect of ritual. Once you’ve set the space and grounded into it, choose an intention that you’d like to work with. You can even infuse your oils into your intention in a way that feels sacred to you. For example, if your intention is to open your heart to more love, you may choose to incorporate your rose oil into your ritual.

Check out this blog and learn more about how to infuse essential oils into your personal daily rituals.

3. Sing, meditate, dance, celebrate!

Now that you have your space set and your intention clear, it’s time to bring it all to life through the power of your offering!

There are a number of ways you can bring forth your intention in the way of ritual—you may choose to write out your feelings and burn them in a ceremonious way.

Maybe you choose to dance and sing mantra and celebrate what you’re calling in! Or perhaps you simply sit and breathe—allowing yourself to feel, cry, let go or laugh off any emotion that arises. Whatever it may be, the choice is yours and yours alone. Empower yourself through the art of ritual.

Check out our podcast, Essentials of Wellbeing where we talk about spirituality and wellbeing as a science and a way of life. We dive into earth based practices and how to infuse the elements into our daily lives.

Damn, you smell good!

Hey there! I’m Juan Halico and it’s been my soul’s highest mission to recover our most basic natural healing abilities since 2002.

Having spent the first half of my life in the hustle and bustle of advertising, I certainly wasn’t always one to “listen to my body.” Half the time, I was hopped up on lorazepam to deal with my crippling anxiety and a Zoloft cocktail was a Friday night regular for me.

It wasn’t until I had a nasty wake up call in 1999 when I was called to visit the Peruvian jungle and sit with plant medicine. The healing I experienced was immense and profound. In that defining moment of my life, I felt the pull to explore plant medicine, holistic remedies and the art of essential oils as a modern day healing modality.

Through my obsessive research and obscene curiosity, I’ve experimented now with thousands of different blends, using my body as my temple and my playground for natural healing. As my healing progressed, my vision for service became more clear, and in 2002 Essential Life was born!

It’s my dream and honour to help people heal and to inspire each person that crosses my path through the art of essential oils.

Whether you’re looking for just the right blend to treat your pain, or simply looking to oils as a pathway to better health, I am here for you! I look forward to meeting you and working together.

Let’s stay in touch…!

Tune into our Essential Life YouTube Channel.

Our channel is packed with guided meditations, the history behind herbs, and all the tools you need to keep your practice fresh and exciting.

Join #Essentialites! A supportive and like-minded group of herbal enthusiasts looking to a natural way of life.

Now that we’re connected...

Be sure to check your inbox for our monthly newsletter!

I'll be sharing endless tips and tricks, weekly specials and much more...

“The beauty of the natural world lies in the details” - Natalie Angier

You need.... Patchouli

There are only a few essentials you need, hippie child—your vinyl record collection, your tarot deck and your patchouli roll on! A lover of all things earthy, woodsy and oh so sweet and spicy, this oil covers all your aromatic baselines.

Patchouli offers a strong and intoxicating scent and has often been referred to as sharing the smell of wet soil. It might sound a bit off putting, but for those looking to ground down, this oil makes for the perfect companion.

Aside from it’s grounding effects, Patchouli has been known to aid in depression symptoms, colds, headaches, and some mild skin conditions.

Ground down in our Perfect Patchouli blend

Like Pachamama’s little sis—our Perfect Patchouli blend is as close to the earth as you can get (scent wise anyway!) This warm and intoxicating blend is the perfect combination of sweet and spicy, with just a touch of muskiness to give it that nostalgic feel. Dab some of this on your wrists when you’re feeling flighty and be prepared to feel your root.


Start with the basics! Create your very own essential oil arsenal

Western medicine can take a back seat for a moment here. When it comes to truly owning your health and vitality, let’s remember that your plant allies are the ultimate (and ancient) healers.

Going as far back as the age of Egyptians (yes, that’s B.C my friends,) we have been intuitively drawn to the use of essential oils as a natural and earth centred remedy. Whether it be for medicinal properties, aromatics or some simple beauty techniques, oils have been tried, tested and true since long before any modern day wellness trend.

Here’s a few must haves to get your collection started.

Peppermint - Most well known for aiding headache symptoms, this versatile oil has more than just a couple tricks up its sleeve. Use this oil either topically or internally when dealing with digestive issues, inflammation or muscle pain. The scent itself is ultra energizing and adds a nice cooling touch!

Arnica - Practically known as the mother of all oils. Every mother with an adventurous toddler likely has some of this stored somewhere in the medicine cabinet. Known for its ability to quickly reduce bruising and pain, Arnica offers a fast track healing for sprains, pulls, muscle aches and several other injuries.

Bergamot - Not only does it smell ahhh-mazing, the scent will instantly bring you from your funkiest of funks to some higher elevation in a jif! Bergamot is the most delicate of the citrus plants and offers up a sweet, uplifting and rejuvenating essence. Use this bad boy when you’re feeling stressed or lethargic and feel instantly renewed in both mind and body.

Learn more about the history and components of these oils by clicking here.

Visit our website where you can browse our wide selection of oils, rollers, scented candles and more! Skip the pharmacy and build your own natural medicine cabinet from the ground up.

Three steps to creating a ritual with your essential oils...

Step 1: Make the space sacred.

The first step to making even the most mundane feel ceremonious? Create the space. It doesn’t have to be complicated—a few candles, maybe an altar, and a cup of tea set out in your favourite room of the house will do. Setting the scene is the first step to feeling safe and held enough to drop into your innermost self.

2. Set an intention.

Intention is so powerful! Energy will always flow where your attention goes—which is exactly why having a clear intention is a vital aspect of ritual. Once you’ve set the space and grounded into it, choose an intention that you’d like to work with. You can even infuse your oils into your intention in a way that feels sacred to you. For example, if your intention is to open your heart to more love, you may choose to incorporate your rose oil into your ritual.

Check out this blog and learn more about how to infuse essential oils into your personal daily rituals.

3. Sing, meditate, dance, celebrate!

Now that you have your space set and your intention clear, it’s time to bring it all to life through the power of your offering!

There are a number of ways you can bring forth your intention in the way of ritual—you may choose to write out your feelings and burn them in a ceremonious way.

Maybe you choose to dance and sing mantra and celebrate what you’re calling in! Or perhaps you simply sit and breathe—allowing yourself to feel, cry, let go or laugh off any emotion that arises. Whatever it may be, the choice is yours and yours alone. Empower yourself through the art of ritual.

Check out our podcast, Essentials of Wellbeing where we talk about spirituality and wellbeing as a science and a way of life. We dive into earth based practices and how to infuse the elements into our daily lives.

Damn, you smell good!

Hey there! I’m Juan Halico and it’s been my soul’s highest mission to recover our most basic natural healing abilities since 2002.

Having spent the first half of my life in the hustle and bustle of advertising, I certainly wasn’t always one to “listen to my body.” Half the time, I was hopped up on lorazepam to deal with my crippling anxiety and a Zoloft cocktail was a Friday night regular for me.

It wasn’t until I had a nasty wake up call in 1999 when I was called to visit the Peruvian jungle and sit with plant medicine. The healing I experienced was immense and profound. In that defining moment of my life, I felt the pull to explore plant medicine, holistic remedies and the art of essential oils as a modern day healing modality.

Through my obsessive research and obscene curiosity, I’ve experimented now with thousands of different blends, using my body as my temple and my playground for natural healing. As my healing progressed, my vision for service became more clear, and in 2002 Essential Life was born!

It’s my dream and honour to help people heal and to inspire each person that crosses my path through the art of essential oils.

Whether you’re looking for just the right blend to treat your pain, or simply looking to oils as a pathway to better health, I am here for you! I look forward to meeting you and working together.

Let’s stay in touch…!

Tune into our Essential Life YouTube Channel.

Our channel is packed with guided meditations, the history behind herbs, and all the tools you need to keep your practice fresh and exciting.

Join #Essentialites! A supportive and like-minded group of herbal enthusiasts looking to a natural way of life.

Now that we’re connected...

Be sure to check your inbox for our monthly newsletter!

I'll be sharing endless tips and tricks, weekly specials and much more...

“The beauty of the natural world lies in the details” - Natalie Angier

You need... Pine

Mountaintops, Fir trees and fresh air! These are likely just a few things that come to mind when you think of your ideal remedy.

You, my friend, take comfort in the medicine of the great outdoors. You likely will choose a brisk hike up a mountain to shake an oncoming panic attack, long before you reach for a bottle of anything. Scents of pine bring you an instant sense of feeling at home in your body and in your mind.

Pine offers a woodsy, fresh and rejuvenating scent that is both uplifting and grounding at the same time. This oil is often used topically to soothe inflammation, control excessive perspiration and prevent fungal infections.

Priced on the lower scale, this oil acts as a handy and affordable tool to have in your essential oil’s toolbelt.

Feel fresh with our Pinnacle Pine blend

Ahhh, the great outdoors. Nothing like the scent of fresh greenery to get your spirit pumping!

Our Pinnacle Pine offers an incredibly fragrant scent that will have you feeling like you’ve been forest frolicking all day.

Known as one of the most powerful natural healers, Pinnacle Pine is an essential bedside companion to help aid everything from headaches and head colds to muscle aches and sunburns. Hold this one close!


Start with the basics! Create your very own essential oil arsenal

Western medicine can take a back seat for a moment here. When it comes to truly owning your health and vitality, let’s remember that your plant allies are the ultimate (and ancient) healers.

Going as far back as the age of Egyptians (yes, that’s B.C my friends,) we have been intuitively drawn to the use of essential oils as a natural and earth centred remedy. Whether it be for medicinal properties, aromatics or some simple beauty techniques, oils have been tried, tested and true since long before any modern day wellness trend.

Here’s a few must haves to get your collection started.

Peppermint - Most well known for aiding headache symptoms, this versatile oil has more than just a couple tricks up its sleeve. Use this oil either topically or internally when dealing with digestive issues, inflammation or muscle pain. The scent itself is ultra energizing and adds a nice cooling touch!

Arnica - Practically known as the mother of all oils. Every mother with an adventurous toddler likely has some of this stored somewhere in the medicine cabinet. Known for its ability to quickly reduce bruising and pain, Arnica offers a fast track healing for sprains, pulls, muscle aches and several other injuries.

Bergamot - Not only does it smell ahhh-mazing, the scent will instantly bring you from your funkiest of funks to some higher elevation in a jif! Bergamot is the most delicate of the citrus plants and offers up a sweet, uplifting and rejuvenating essence. Use this bad boy when you’re feeling stressed or lethargic and feel instantly renewed in both mind and body.

Learn more about the history and components of these oils by clicking here.

Visit our website where you can browse our wide selection of oils, rollers, scented candles and more! Skip the pharmacy and build your own natural medicine cabinet from the ground up.

Three steps to creating a ritual with your essential oils...

Step 1: Make the space sacred.

The first step to making even the most mundane feel ceremonious? Create the space. It doesn’t have to be complicated—a few candles, maybe an altar, and a cup of tea set out in your favourite room of the house will do. Setting the scene is the first step to feeling safe and held enough to drop into your innermost self.

2. Set an intention.

Intention is so powerful! Energy will always flow where your attention goes—which is exactly why having a clear intention is a vital aspect of ritual. Once you’ve set the space and grounded into it, choose an intention that you’d like to work with. You can even infuse your oils into your intention in a way that feels sacred to you. For example, if your intention is to open your heart to more love, you may choose to incorporate your rose oil into your ritual.

Check out this blog and learn more about how to infuse essential oils into your personal daily rituals.

3. Sing, meditate, dance, celebrate!

Now that you have your space set and your intention clear, it’s time to bring it all to life through the power of your offering!

There are a number of ways you can bring forth your intention in the way of ritual—you may choose to write out your feelings and burn them in a ceremonious way.

Maybe you choose to dance and sing mantra and celebrate what you’re calling in! Or perhaps you simply sit and breathe—allowing yourself to feel, cry, let go or laugh off any emotion that arises. Whatever it may be, the choice is yours and yours alone. Empower yourself through the art of ritual.

Check out our podcast, Essentials of Wellbeing where we talk about spirituality and wellbeing as a science and a way of life. We dive into earth based practices and how to infuse the elements into our daily lives.

Damn, you smell good!

Hey there! I’m Juan Halico and it’s been my soul’s highest mission to recover our most basic natural healing abilities since 2002.

Having spent the first half of my life in the hustle and bustle of advertising, I certainly wasn’t always one to “listen to my body.” Half the time, I was hopped up on lorazepam to deal with my crippling anxiety and a Zoloft cocktail was a Friday night regular for me.

It wasn’t until I had a nasty wake up call in 1999 when I was called to visit the Peruvian jungle and sit with plant medicine. The healing I experienced was immense and profound. In that defining moment of my life, I felt the pull to explore plant medicine, holistic remedies and the art of essential oils as a modern day healing modality.

Through my obsessive research and obscene curiosity, I’ve experimented now with thousands of different blends, using my body as my temple and my playground for natural healing. As my healing progressed, my vision for service became more clear, and in 2002 Essential Life was born!

It’s my dream and honour to help people heal and to inspire each person that crosses my path through the art of essential oils.

Whether you’re looking for just the right blend to treat your pain, or simply looking to oils as a pathway to better health, I am here for you! I look forward to meeting you and working together.

Let’s stay in touch…!

Tune into our Essential Life YouTube Channel.

Our channel is packed with guided meditations, the history behind herbs, and all the tools you need to keep your practice fresh and exciting.

Join #Essentialites! A supportive and like-minded group of herbal enthusiasts looking to a natural way of life.

Now that we’re connected...

Be sure to check your inbox for our monthly newsletter!

I'll be sharing endless tips and tricks, weekly specials and much more...

“The beauty of the natural world lies in the details” - Natalie Angier

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