What's your season of balance?

Take the quiz to find out what balance looks like for you in this season.

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What's your season of balance?

Take the quiz to find out what balance looks like for you in this season.

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Which one best describes your roles:

I’m a business owner, hustling hard.


I’m a business owner + a mama, doing both roles as best I can.


I’m just a mama who’s trying to figure it all out.


1 / 7

When you have a lot on your plate, how do you handle it?

Run and hide!


Do a brain dump and create a schedule that makes time for everything.


Take it one day at a time and one thing on the list at a time.


2 / 7

You run your business:

By yourself, unless the dog counts.


By outsourcing a few of the most important things that you can’t handle yourself. 


With a team of others who each have their own role.


3 / 7

Which do you believe most:

You can’t do it all and do it well. 


Go with the flow kind of gal


There’s time for everything kind of gal


4 / 7

Your day is not complete without

Doing all the things on your list


Getting in a 30-minute workout


Making sure you tend to your business and still sit down for dinner with the family


5 / 7

How much time do you spend working?

All the time


My schedule office hours of 9-5


When I can manage to get to a computer


6 / 7

When you’re not working you are:

Not working? When am I not working?


Spending time with the fam and filling your schedule with all the hobbies and adventures you can


Taking time for yourself to do what you enjoy and getting some alone, quiet time to think


7 / 7

Work Heavy Season

Balance is never 50:50 and changes as our seasons of life change. Some seasons are meant to be more work heavy and some more life heavy, but balance comes from looking at it over time, not just one day. Here’s what season of balance you are in now: Work Heavy.

You are in a season of balance that requires more work. Sometimes we have busier business seasons and that’s ok. Just because you might be working more hours now doesn’t mean you have to always. Embrace this season knowing that you still have balance in your life because you are being intentional about how you spend your time as a whole.

Life Heavy Season

Balance is never 50:50 and changes as our seasons of life change. Some seasons are meant to be more work heavy and some more life heavy, but balance comes from looking at it over time, not just one day. Here’s what season of balance you are in now: Life heavy.

Right now you are spending more time away from the computer and living your life! In some seasons we find ourselves with more free time to so what we love and enjoy our life. You’re still spending time working intentionally, but you’ve made it a priority to live your life well too. Even if you feel like you should be working more, remember that there will be seasons of more work too.

Right in the middle

Balance is never 50:50 and changes as our seasons of life change. Some seasons are meant to be more work heavy and some more life heavy, but balance comes from looking at it over time, not just one day. Here’s what season of balance you are in now: Right in the middle.

You’ve found yourself in that sweet spot. Although balance is never 50:50, you’ve gotten pretty close and in this season you have about the same amount of work and life gracing your calendar.

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