What Type of #MomBoss Are You?

Are you a Cool Mom, A Picture-Perfect Mama or are you a Mom With #NoFilter? And how can this ? Take the short quiz to find out!

Quiz Transcript

What Type of #MomBoss Are You?

Are you a Cool Mom, A Picture-Perfect Mama or are you a Mom With #NoFilter? And how can this ? Take the short quiz to find out!

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When someone asks you what you do, you say something like:

I help people


I share stories


I inspire people


1 / 7

What phrase best describes your life perspective?

Every cloud has a silver lining


A goal without a plan is just a wish


Relationships are the heart and soul of life


2 / 7

When people see one of your posts, you hope they feel:

like they've been talking to a friend


like they've figured something out


uplifted and ready to take on the day


3 / 7

If someone gives you negative feedback, you're most likely going to:

try to present a different, more positive, perspective


ask them why they feel that way


show them links/data to back up your view


4 / 7

Which image best represents how you want others to feel when they see your Instagram feed?


5 / 7

Which option below best describes the majority of content you like to read?

Personal thoughts, stories and opinions


Helpful step-by-step tutorials


Big picture ideas and motivational content


6 / 7

In your opinion, which profession is the most important?



Life Coach




7 / 7

Cool Mom

You are an optimist, a natural leader and you've got the "cool" factor when it comes to overseeing your business.

From your perspective, there is no valley too deep to climb out of or mountain too big to conquer. Your positivity is infectious and has great potential for impacting the lives of others--especially your followers and/or clients.

WHY it matters to your blog or business: When it comes to social media, you have a very specific aesthetic that your followers find to be aspirational. You are a curator extraordinaire--you know exactly how to tell your story visually and in a way that looks chic and cool.

Since you often see life from a "big picture" perspective, in terms of your business, it's important for you to break your ideas down into actionable items that you can really tackle.

This will help you to accomplish everything you want to without biting off more than you can chew. It will also help you to stay focused and in turn, your followers and/or clients will continue to be inspired by all that it is you do.

Picture-Perfect Mama

You've always been able to make friends easily and you authentically care about people. You have no problem sharing your personal stories, struggles and experiences when it comes to your blog, family and/or business and that makes it easy for people to feel connected to you.

WHY it matters to your business and/or blog: Since you often write in a casual and personal way and/or conduct business in this way too, it will be important for you to remember to include some kind of lesson or "takeaway" into your blog posts and/or business.

In this way, your readers or clients will come away feeling like your post or services benefited them in a long-lasting way. In turn, they'll build a strong bond and trust with you and your brand and they will keep coming back for more.

#NoFilter Mama

When it comes to the 'gram, you don't spend countless hours trying to perfect the color scheme of your feed, the flow of the photos and you definitely don't have time to curate the perfect flatlays. Let's face it: ain't nobody got time for that with kiddos running around and having to do all the things all the time.

Instead, you pride yourself in sharing the real, #unfiltered moments of your life--the good, the bad and the adorable.

Life on your feed is the real deal and your followers love you for that. Your hair is rarely perfectly coiffed, your kids may have food all over their faces and your life is simply not insta-perfect. But at the end of the day, your photos are the most organic and when it comes to documenting all the chaos and living to tell the tale, you've got this.

WHY it matters to your Business and/or Blog: Since your natural inclination is to share real snapshots of your life, it's important for you to continue to infuse as much of "you" in your posts and/or your business as you can. Your captions can showcase your personality as well as your own experiences, stories and struggles when it comes to surviving mom life. Your followers will see themselves in you and you will create an especially strong bond with them if you continue to be yourself.