What type of supplement should you be taking?

You’ve heard it since the dawn of time — you are what you eat! Sometimes you need a little extra vitamins and minerals to keep your health in check and your energy levels high. Take this quiz to find out which supplement you need to take your health to new heights!

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What type of supplement should you be taking?

You’ve heard it since the dawn of time — you are what you eat! Sometimes you need a little extra vitamins and minerals to keep your health in check and your energy levels high. Take this quiz to find out which supplement you need to take your health to new heights!

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Which photo describes how you feel right now?

It's bloat city, baby!


I need a nap...


Stressed to the max!


All is well over here...


1 / 9

In terms of nutrition, what do you wish you had more of in your life?

Time to fit everything in! I eat pretty well, when I can. But sometimes I’m just so on the go I can’t check all the boxes.


Energy. I feel like my feet are dragging from the moment I wake up in the morning.


Healthier digestion! My bowels and I are not friends right now…


Balanced emotions. I feel so up and down these days, so some consistency would be nice.


2 / 9

When it comes to living your best and healthiest life, where do you stand?

I’m 100% committed to a healthy life.


I want to be healthy, AND I know I can’t say no to a burger. It’s all about balance.


I’m on and off. I do what I need to do to get myself back on track but I know I tend to slip.


I’m ready to start.


3 / 9

Which exercise regime sounds the most like yours?

I’m too tired for workouts these days! It’s restorative yoga and a nap a day for me.


Gym time all the time! I rarely get outside for my workout routine.


An early morning light walk with my pooch is best for me.


I should really lay off the coffee and start exercising more!


4 / 9

How old are you?







45 +


5 / 9

It’s important to have an aim! What health goal are you prioritizing right now?

Endurance. I would love to hit that 10k mark for my running goals.


Immune function. Colds come around just a little too often for my liking.


Overall health. Maintenance is key for me.


Energy! I want to kick this fatigue for good.


6 / 9

When budgeting for health products, how much are you looking to invest?

No shame in my game! I place some seriously high value on the organic aisle. If it works, give me all of it!


Keepin’ it healthy on a budget! I do what I can but if there’s a bargain bin, I’ll take it.


If it’s the right thing and it solves my problem, I’ll splurge for it!


7 / 9

Which one of these images is pretty well non-existent in your world?


8 / 9

What do you struggle with most when it comes to your diet?

Consistency! I eat on the run a lot and tend to miss meals.


Eating enough. My stress levels run high these days and I’m a notorious carb binger when I do eat.


Keeping my energy levels up. You can find me at my naturopath monthly gettin’ dat IV shot.


I like what I like! I’m a meat and potatoes kind of person and it’s tough for me to branch out into other food options.


9 / 9

Your ideal supplement is… The Magic Multi

Oh hey there friend, I see you and your consistent ways. ;)

When it comes to living your best life, you’re someone who knows who you are and you know what you like!

You’ve made it to a point in life where your routines feel dialed and you’re really in the market for good healthy maintenance. You’ve likely taken the time to fine tune your habits — meaning you’ve probably wisened up and cut the late night fast food runs. Now, you simply need a supplement you can count on to fill in those nutritional gaps.

Your biggest crux? Those consistent ways of yours can make for a bit of a double edged sword in the healthy eats department. Sure, you may love to eat the same meat and potatoes type meal every day, but chances are that “same same” attitude is causing you to miss out on some vitamin K somewhere.

But fear not, my friend! Our Magic Multi is soon to become your energy boosting bestie and will make up for all those heads of broccoli you’d have to eat to keep up.

This jam packed capsule is full of all your trusted vitamins and minerals to keep your hair long, your nails strong and your spirit high!


✨3 tips to maximize your healthy lifestyle ✨

1. Check your “food-tude”

Mindset is everything! And when it comes to living your best and healthiest life, the last thing you need is a poor attitude.

It’s easy to confuse a healthy lifestyle with cutting calories and watching the numbers on the scale like it’s your day job. The reality is that to truly live in health, you have to get your mind right.

Life is meant to be enjoyed! Make meal time a sacred ritual where you can enjoy and savor every bite, rather than shame yourself for eating that heap of pasta. The key here is in the balancing act of it all.

Keep your food ‘tude high and your diet mostly rich in nutrient dense foods, and you’re well on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

2. Exercise daily

Get your steps in, folks! Implementing some healthy movement into your daily routine is gonna set you up for some feel good success.

Daily exercise is the medicine we could all use a little more of — it increases healthy hormone secretion, improves lean muscle, and can actually reduce all the biomarkers of aging! All that from a hike up the mountain sounds pretty worth it, right?

If you want to live well, you have to get that movement in! We get it — life is full, so keep it simple and add it in where you can. Walk to work if you can, take the stairs, invest in a gym membership, whatever it takes! Your body and your mind will thank you.

3. Sleep is your friend

A good night’s rest is an essential piece of living long and living well. When we sleep, our bodies’ cells have a chance to regenerate. Our natural healing process begins, giving us a chance to fight off disease and improve our brain function.

Seems like a pretty good reason to catch a few extra z’s, don’t you think?!

Make sleep a priority by getting a minimum of 6-7 hours consistently. A nighttime routine is your best friend here — shut off the electronics, drink some chamomile tea, and make your bedroom space a sanctuary you can melt into. Your body and your mind will thank you.

Your ideal supplement is… Basic B’s

You, my friend, are in need of some serious vitamin B! By the sounds of it, you’re falling asleep on the subway daily and can hardly make it through your morning emails without an extra large coffee (or 2!)

It sounds like your situation is nothing that a little extra boost of the B’s can’t fix! B’s are one of the trickiest vitamins to source enough from food alone, especially if your diet is primarily a plant based one.

If you struggle to eat a diet that’s rich in dairy products, red meat, liver, or dark leafy vegetables, chances are you’re not cutting it in the B department.

But fear not, my fatigued friend — our Basic B formula is packed with all your basic b’s to keep your cells functioning, your metabolism boosting, and your energy levels high.


✨3 tips to maximize your healthy lifestyle ✨

1. Check your “food-tude”

Mindset is everything! And when it comes to living your best and healthiest life, the last thing you need is a poor attitude.

It’s easy to confuse a healthy lifestyle with cutting calories and watching the numbers on the scale like it’s your day job. The reality is that to truly live in health, you have to get your mind right.

Life is meant to be enjoyed! Make meal time a sacred ritual where you can enjoy and savor every bite, rather than shame yourself for eating that heap of pasta. The key here is in the balancing act of it all.

Keep your food ‘tude high and your diet mostly rich in nutrient dense foods, and you’re well on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

2. Exercise daily

Get your steps in, folks! Implementing some healthy movement into your daily routine is gonna set you up for some feel good success.

Daily exercise is the medicine we could all use a little more of — it increases healthy hormone secretion, improves lean muscle, and can actually reduce all the biomarkers of aging! All that from a hike up the mountain sounds pretty worth it, right?

If you want to live well, you have to get that movement in! We get it — life is full, so keep it simple and add it in where you can. Walk to work if you can, take the stairs, invest in a gym membership, whatever it takes! Your body and your mind will thank you.

3. Sleep is your friend

A good night’s rest is an essential piece of living long and living well. When we sleep, our bodies’ cells have a chance to regenerate. Our natural healing process begins, giving us a chance to fight off disease and improve our brain function.

Seems like a pretty good reason to catch a few extra z’s, don’t you think?!

Make sleep a priority by getting a minimum of 6-7 hours consistently. A nighttime routine is your best friend here — shut off the electronics, drink some chamomile tea, and make your bedroom space a sanctuary you can melt into. Your body and your mind will thank you.

Your ideal supplement is… Pro B Blend

Spending a little more time in your head and on the toilet these days? You, my friend, are likely in need of some tummy reinforcements!

Based on your results, it sounds like you’ve been living life in the fast lane and could benefit from a slower pace and some deep belly breaths. Feeling scattered, stressed and frankly all over the map? Probiotics are going to be your source of refuge in the health department.

Our guts are the epicenters of our lives! When our guts are healthy, our intuition is intact, hormones can function properly and our bodies can stave off disease. But when it’s out of whack, we’re frazzled, fatigued and probably feeling some serious indigestion.

How to reverse this, you ask? There’s a few different ways! Food is always going to be your friend in this area, so be sure to add lots of fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut to your diet, and a good greek yogurt is always your best ally.

For the heavy reinforcements, our Pro B Blend has got your back (and your belly).


✨3 tips to maximize your healthy lifestyle ✨

1. Check your “food-tude”

Mindset is everything! And when it comes to living your best and healthiest life, the last thing you need is a poor attitude.

It’s easy to confuse a healthy lifestyle with cutting calories and watching the numbers on the scale like it’s your day job. The reality is that to truly live in health, you have to get your mind right.

Life is meant to be enjoyed! Make meal time a sacred ritual where you can enjoy and savor every bite, rather than shame yourself for eating that heap of pasta. The key here is in the balancing act of it all.

Keep your food ‘tude high and your diet mostly rich in nutrient dense foods, and you’re well on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

2. Exercise daily

Get your steps in, folks! Implementing some healthy movement into your daily routine is gonna set you up for some feel good success.

Daily exercise is the medicine we could all use a little more of — it increases healthy hormone secretion, improves lean muscle, and can actually reduce all the biomarkers of aging! All that from a hike up the mountain sounds pretty worth it, right?

If you want to live well, you have to get that movement in! We get it — life is full, so keep it simple and add it in where you can. Walk to work if you can, take the stairs, invest in a gym membership, whatever it takes! Your body and your mind will thank you.

3. Sleep is your friend

A good night’s rest is an essential piece of living long and living well. When we sleep, our bodies’ cells have a chance to regenerate. Our natural healing process begins, giving us a chance to fight off disease and improve our brain function.

Seems like a pretty good reason to catch a few extra z’s, don’t you think?!

Make sleep a priority by getting a minimum of 6-7 hours consistently. A nighttime routine is your best friend here — shut off the electronics, drink some chamomile tea, and make your bedroom space a sanctuary you can melt into. Your body and your mind will thank you.

Your ideal supplement is… D-liteful Living

Well my friend, by the sounds of it, you could use a healthy dose of Vitamin D!

If you’ve been feeling the sads on the regular (and we’re not talking about the February blues alone), chances are you could use an uptick of this sunshine in a bottle.

Vitamin D is your trusted companion when it comes to good bone health, emotional regulation, and immune system function. Its purpose is so dang’ important that your body will naturally produce it on it’s own, but by the sounds of it — you could use a little boost!

If you’re not super privy to oily fish products, eggs or nut butters — you may not be getting enough D.

And if your lifestyle is that of an “indoor only” kind of deal, you’re really not getting enough D!

Sunlight is a surefire way to give your body what it needs to produce this magical vitamin, so be sure to get outside and breathe in that fresh air as much as you can! And for the days when it’s hermit mode, our D-liteful living supplement has got you covered.


✨3 tips to maximize your healthy lifestyle ✨

1. Check your “food-tude”

Mindset is everything! And when it comes to living your best and healthiest life, the last thing you need is a poor attitude.

It’s easy to confuse a healthy lifestyle with cutting calories and watching the numbers on the scale like it’s your day job. The reality is that to truly live in health, you have to get your mind right.

Life is meant to be enjoyed! Make meal time a sacred ritual where you can enjoy and savor every bite, rather than shame yourself for eating that heap of pasta. The key here is in the balancing act of it all.

Keep your food ‘tude high and your diet mostly rich in nutrient dense foods, and you’re well on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

2. Exercise daily

Get your steps in, folks! Implementing some healthy movement into your daily routine is gonna set you up for some feel good success.

Daily exercise is the medicine we could all use a little more of — it increases healthy hormone secretion, improves lean muscle, and can actually reduce all the biomarkers of aging! All that from a hike up the mountain sounds pretty worth it, right?

If you want to live well, you have to get that movement in! We get it — life is full, so keep it simple and add it in where you can. Walk to work if you can, take the stairs, invest in a gym membership, whatever it takes! Your body and your mind will thank you.

3. Sleep is your friend

A good night’s rest is an essential piece of living long and living well. When we sleep, our bodies’ cells have a chance to regenerate. Our natural healing process begins, giving us a chance to fight off disease and improve our brain function.

Seems like a pretty good reason to catch a few extra z’s, don’t you think?!

Make sleep a priority by getting a minimum of 6-7 hours consistently. A nighttime routine is your best friend here — shut off the electronics, drink some chamomile tea, and make your bedroom space a sanctuary you can melt into. Your body and your mind will thank you.

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