Where are You in your Blogging journey?

find out if you're on the right track!

Quiz Transcript

Where are You in your Blogging journey?

find out if you're on the right track!

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Do you have a presence on the main social media platforms?

Yes on more than 4 platforms


I only really do a couple...


Social Media what?!


1 / 8

Do you have a good understanding of SEO?

Yes I pick appropriate keywords & optimize my posts


Yes, but I need to work on it more


SEO - say what?!


2 / 8

Do you have a list of email subscribers?

Absolutely! It's so important


Yes a few, but I've no idea what to do with them


Blogger's don't need email lists


3 / 8

Do you have an opt in freebie on your blog?

I have multiple! BOOM!


I have one or two


I have an idea but no idea how to implement it.


Now you're confusing me? Opt in?


4 / 8

Do you have clarity in your brand vision?

Yes, I know exactly what I stand for & who I serve


Partly, I need to work on this though


Do I need a brand vision?


I have no idea what you're talking about!


5 / 8

Do you have clear blogging goals?

Yes for the next 2-5 years


Yes for the next 12 months


I don't really know my options


I don't like to plan


6 / 8

Do you have more than one type of income stream?

Yes I have sponsored posts & affiliate income


I work with brands, but that's it


Nope but I need to


7 / 8

Be objective... what is the design like on your blog..?

Sleek and professional


Amateur, but professional enough


Looks like an explosion in a clip art factory..


Design..? What design?


8 / 8

You need planning!

You're early on in your blogging journey or have had limited time to put into your blog so far. Life gets in the way huh?! You really want your blog to turn into a business, but you can find doing ALL THE THINGS overwhelming at times. The list of 'blog tasks' seems huge and it can be tricky to figure out the next thing you should be focused on.

You need traffic!

You're on the right track to taking your future into your own hands by building your blog. There are a few things holding you back, though. Maybe you're scared about the risk or have trouble staying optimistic when growth seems slow. You know you need more traffic, but you're not always 100% sure how to encourage new readers.

You mean business!

You've got what it takes to blaze your own trail. Surround yourself with a strong support system and you'll go far. You have got so many systems in place and feel like you are finally getting there.