Where are you on your clean eating journey?

Find out how your eating habits stack up and get actionable tips to take you from Clean Food Noob to Clean Food Guru!

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Where are you on your clean eating journey?

Find out how your eating habits stack up and get actionable tips to take you from Clean Food Noob to Clean Food Guru!
Take the quiz!

What's your ideal breakfast?


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How many glasses of water do you drink on the daily?

8 big ones! I know how important hydration is to release toxins.


Hmmm. Water, eh? Does coffee count? What about soda? Cocktails? No? Then I guess maybe a couple?


I’ve been trying to drink more, but I keep on forgetting. I’d say at least 3 though. And I’ve really been loving fresh pressed juices since that new juice truck started showing up around town.


I drink a big glass of water every morning and whenever I work out, but I could probably add some more hydration to my routine.


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How many meals do you eat out each week? (Yes, UberEats counts. And so does grabbing a snack with your to-go coffee!)

Only on special occasions or work meetings. You never know what those restaurants are hiding in your meals.


It’s not my fault I’m addicted to those delicious little snacks at my local cafe! But I do cook most of my meals at home.


Yup! I’ve been eating out almost twice a day for a while now. Life’s busy and grabbing food on the go helps me keep up. Not to mention, a dinner date with my best friends is one of my fave ways to spend an evening.


Honestly? I’m really not into cooking. Sometimes I’ll make a smoothie or heat up something from the freezer, but I really can’t be bothered to cook. I’ve got stuff to do, yo!


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When's the last time you had fast food?

Years ago. I banned that stuff from my diet long before the Supersize Me movie came out.


I’ve had a couple of veggie burgers in the last six months or so. Mostly on road trips.


Almost weekly. I often hear the call of those deliciously salty burgers and onion rings as I drive past my fave spot, but I only indulge once in a while. 


Ok. Like not everyday. But not not everyday either. And usually more than twice a week.


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How many servings of greens do you eat daily?

Greens? Every day? C’mon now, I like salad. But it’s not a meal. I probably munch down on that rabbit food a couple of times a week.


1-3: I know it’s important to get your greens in but they kinda bore me, to be honest.


3-6: I usually eat a big, couple of servings of greens, salad for lunch. And add in something green to my dinner too.


7+: I put chlorella drops in my first-thing-in-the-morning citrus water, wilted spinach in my breakfast scramble, eat a salad for lunch, snack on celery, and make sure my dinner plate is 50% covered in all things green. Yum!


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What's your stance on eating meat?

Um! Yum! Gimme all the BBQ! Burgers! NY Steaks done medium rare! Fried chicken!  Baaaacon! 


I eat a bit of meat most days. I don’t need much, but it helps me to stay full. And is so satisfying.


I hardly ever buy or cook with it, and when I do, I make sure that it came from a small, local, organic farm.


I haven’t eaten meat for a long time. I think the last time was Christmas dinner at my grandma’s. And only because I didn’t want to offend her. 


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How many colors do you eat most days?

All of them! (Candy counts, right?)


Mmmm… Beige! (Nothing beats fried food, friend!)


As many as I can. I’m alllll about those antioxidants!


Sometimes: all the colors! Other days: gimme those beige baguettes, fettuccine alfredo, and crispy french fries! (Nothing beats the best of all worlds: veggies and noodles, mmmmm!)


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Do you have any clean eating goals?

Hmmm. Good question. Maybe… start eating those bagged salads I sometimes shove into my basket at the grocery store?


Heck yes! I’m trying to eat whole foods as much as possible, and I’ve already cut out refined sugars and most gluten.


I used to. But I’ve been at it so long that eating clean has become totally integrated into my life.


I have health goals (eat more veggies, exercise more, etc.) but I wouldn’t call them “clean eating” goals.


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How are your food prep skills?

I’m a knife wielding machine. Once or twice a week I spend a couple of hours slicing, dicing, shredding, roasting, and packing my meals into color coded containers. 


Food prep? Isn’t that a job for a high school student?


Oh, I’m prepared! Prepared to meet my buddies for beer and wings!


It’s important for me that my fridge is full of all sorts of fresh foods, but I prefer to decide what to eat based on how I feel each day. 


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What healthy living goals do you have for the next year? 

I want to lose the stubborn 20 extra pounds I’ve been carrying around for 2 years. 


I want more energy, I feel so drained by the end of the day. 


I want to feel fewer aches and pains.


To keep getting healthier and healthier as I grow older and wiser.


10 / 11

 Which of the following sounds most appealing: 

Getting personal coaching to reach my health goals. 


Being part of a group of other like minded people who want to get healthy.


Having access to a step-by-step clean eating course to take on my own time.


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You scored a 0

Clean Food Noob

You’re at the beginning of your clean food journey. And let me tell you, friend, that’s a great place to be!

Sure, you may be eating out a little bit more than you like — and hitting up the drive-thru slightly more than you should.

But what that means is that all you’ve got to do is make a few small changes in your daily food choices and you’ll start to see huge results in your health and energy!

Keep reading to learn how you can take your clean eating score up a few notches with 3 simple changes.

'Good habits once established are just as hard to break as are bad habits' - Robert Puller

Start adding in more brightly colored foods and drinking more water, on the daily!

1. Drink a full glass of room temperature citrus water every morning, before your coffee. This will uplevel your hydration game AND get your digestion started on the right track.

2. Add at least 3 servings of greens into your daily routine. Easy way to do it? Throw some berries, kale, and yogurt into a blender for a green smoothie, wilt some spinach into your pasta sauce, or maybe even order a side salad when you hit up your favorite drive thru.

3. Eat more (and varied) fruit! Go to the grocery store and choose whichever fruits are calling to you (bonus points for different colors!). Then, bring them with you when you leave the house and snack on them first, before you decide to grab a croissant or some french fries to tide you over. This will keep you full, regulate your blood sugar, and seriously amp up your nutritional intake!

Hi! I'm Cassie, a nutritionist and coach for people who want to improve their eating habits. My clients know that my goal is to give them nutritious, delicious recipes that they can make at home.

As a Clean Food Noob, I know the thought of making clean food at home can be scary, so I want make things as easy for you as I can!

That's why I've got three great resources to start you out.

1. Join my clean-eating newsletter to get tips that you can use to start your clean eating journey.

2. Read this post on my blog to learn my top five must-haves for a clean eating diet.

3. Consider working one on one with me to help you develop a custom clean-eating plan that works for you and your lifestyle.

P.S. If you would like to book a session with me, click the button below.

You scored a 10

Clean Food Enthusiast

Whether it’s getting your greens, making sure that you’re drinking enough water, or cooking from scratch: your clean eating journey is on the right track!

Sure, you might indulge in a chocolate croissant for breakfast every once in a while, or hit up that drive-thru for a salty pick-me-up after a long day at work.

But wellness is important to you and the habits you’ve already picked up will go a long way to help you level up your health and energy!

And don’t worry, friend, I’ve got some ideas for you to help you fast-track your way to clean food guru status!

You’ve been playing the clean food game for awhile now and are starting to feel the results of your efforts.

Now all you have to do is keep going!

“If you keep good food in your fridge, you will eat good food.” – Errick McAdams

Get serious about hydration and meal prep, and make sure you’ve always got healthy snacks around!

1. Drink a full glass of room temperature citrus water every morning, before your coffee. This will uplevel your hydration game AND get your digestion started on the right track.

2. Amp up your mornings with a delicious smoothie filled with berries and greens. There’s nothing like supercharging your morning with antioxidants to make you ready for whatever the world throws at you!

3. Meal prep: it’s not just for vegans and crossfitters anymore! Commit to cooking (from scratch!) at least two big meals a week. Then put the leftovers into some nice BPA free containers for easy lunches at work, or quick dinners.

Hi! I'm Cassie, a nutritionist and coach for people who want to improve their eating habits. My clients know that my goal is to give them nutritious, delicious recipes that they can make at home.

As a Clean Food Enthusiast, I know you're passionate about maintaining a healthy eating habits!

That's why I've got three great resources to help you stay the course.

1. Join my clean-eating newsletter to get tips that you can use on your clean-eating journey.

2. Read this post on my blog for my top five must-haves for a clean eating diet.

3. Consider working one on one with me to help you perfect a custom clean-eating plan that works for you and your lifestyle.

P.S. If you would like to book a session with me, click the button below.

You scored a 20

Clean Food Aficionado

You’ve been on the clean eating train for a while now and it shows!

You’re getting (almost!) enough greens, you’re mostly plant-based, and you often cook whole foods from scratch!

One of the best parts about where you’re at in your clean food journey?

You understand that balance is key.

Which means it’s totally fine to have a chocolate croissant or some locally cured, sulfite free bacon for brunch every once in a while.

“You know, I use organic products, but I get [laser treatments]. It’s what makes life interesting, finding the balance between cigarettes and tofu.” – Gwyneth Paltrow

Get serious about hydration and meal prep, and make sure you’ve always got healthy snacks around!

1. Drink a full glass of room temperature citrus water every morning, before your coffee. This will uplevel your hydration game AND get your digestion started on the right track.

2. Amp up your mornings with a delicious smoothie filled with berries and greens. There’s nothing like supercharging your morning with antioxidants to make you ready for whatever the world throws at you!

3. Meal prep: it’s not just for vegans and crossfitters anymore! Commit to cooking (from scratch!) at least two big meals a week. Then put the leftovers into some nice BPA free containers for easy lunches at work, or quick dinners.

Hi! I'm Cassie, a nutritionist and coach for people who want to improve their eating habits. My clients know that my goal is to give them nutritious, delicious recipes that they can make at home.

As a Clean Food Aficionado, I know you're passionate about maintaining a healthy eating habits!

That's why I've got three great resources to help you stay the course.

1. Join my clean-eating newsletter to get advanced tips that you can use on your clean-eating journey.

2. Read this post on my blog for unique ways to add variety in your clean-eating.

3. Consider working one on one with me to help you perfect your custom clean-eating plan.

P.S. If you would like to book a session with me, click the button below.

You scored a 30

Clean Food Guru

You’ve got clean eating down to a science and it shows!

You’re a master at meal prep, pretty much always cook whole foods from scratch, and have practically eliminated refined sugars and animal products from your diet.

When your friends have a question about healthy eating, they come to you first. You’re always happy to share your wisdom. And your Vitamix recipes.

So, what’s lacking?

Balance! Pleasure! And a little bit of self-indulgence!

“But at the same time, you want deliciousness, you want a fun life—pleasure! You're going to have a baguette-and-cheese-and-red-wine frenzy sometimes—but you want it to be a choice you're awake to: ‘I know this might not make me feel great, but today I'm choosing it anyway’." — Gwyneth Paltrow

Give yourself permission to relax and indulge every once in a while!

1. Take up dark chocolate! It’s filled with antioxidants and it gives you a natural serotonin boost: winning!

2. Next time you go out for dinner with your besties, order whatever you want! You’ve earned it, friend, and you’ve got the will power not to make it an every day thing.

3. Congratulate yourself on being awesome — and then work on mastering a couple of new, clean, recipes, just to add some variety to your life (hint! I might have a couple of them heading towards your inbox right now…)

Hi! I'm Cassie, a nutritionist and coach for people who want to improve their eating habits. My clients know that my goal is to give them nutritious, delicious recipes that they can make at home.

As a Clean Food Guru, you've got the clean-eating knowledge!

That's why I've got three great resources to help you stay the course.

1. Join my clean-eating newsletter to get advanced tips that you can use on your clean-eating journey.

2. Read this post on my blog for unique ways to add variety in your clean-eating.

3. Consider working one on one with me to help you perfect your custom clean-eating plan.

P.S. If you would like to book a session with me, click the button below.

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