Which biohacking technique will take your energy to the next level?

Are you ready to optimize your BOD? ✨ Take this quiz to get to know the leading edge biohacks for your stubborn symptoms. Discover ways to unlock your personal powerhouse of health, vitality, and joy!

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Quiz Transcript

Which biohacking technique will take your energy to the next level?

Are you ready to optimize your BOD? ✨ Take this quiz to get to know the leading edge biohacks for your stubborn symptoms. Discover ways to unlock your personal powerhouse of health, vitality, and joy!

Take the Quiz

How have you been feeling, really?

Sluggish and low energy.


My moods are all over the place. Ugh, Anxiety, depression, and worry.


I can’t put my finger on it, I just feel off. Stomach is upset, I have headaches occasionally and I tend to get sick a lot.


I feel decent most of the time but sometimes skin mysteriously reacts to everything.


1 / 8

What is your most annoying symptom?

Weight management. I admit it, I’m a little obsessed with my weight.


My moods are getting the better of me and I worry about things out of my control.


My gut isn’t happy, I can’t be far from a toilet just in case.


Insomnia makes it hard to keep going some days, I wish I had a magic answer to get better rest.


Cravings for junk food, I can’t stop eating stuff I know is bad for me.


2 / 8

Of all the things you’ve tried to optimize your health, which has taken most of your effort?

Diet and exercise have mystified and occupied my thoughts.


I’ve been talking to doctors trying to find a magic pill.


I’ve been devouring books and listening to podcasts on the subject of healthy living.


I haven’t really focused on my health at all, just living my life and hoping for the best.


3 / 8

Which song best reflects the way you feel about your health?

“Doctor, doctor. Give me the news” Robert Palmer


“I want a new drug” Hewy Lewis and The News


“Stayin alive” The Bee Gees


“Starting right now I’ll be strong, I’ll play my fight song” Rachel Platten


4 / 8

What's your biggest struggle and confusion when it comes to nutrition?

I'm often flat-out exhausted. All I want is coffee.


I'm super sensitive to a bunch of foods, I wish I knew which ones.


There are so many mixed messages when it comes to healthy food and lifestyle. How am I supposed to know which are right?!


I'm often overwhelmed by my cravings. They're so strong, sometimes I can't do anything but binge on junk.


5 / 8

Which aspect of health are you most eager to learn about?

I’d love to get the truth about the best diet for my metabolism!


Mental health, I wish I knew how to stabilize my emotions.


Gut health and how it’s at the root of many conditions.


Longevity, I’d love to live a long and healthy life.


6 / 8

What does a successful life look like to you?

A life filled with joy, magic, and laughter. I want to ignite joy in everyone I meet.


A successful life of helping others and working hard.


A life where I have the energy to travel and go on adventures.


A life of passion, love, and crushing my dreams. I want to reach my health goals and then help others do the same.


7 / 8

You're looking in a crystal ball. Inside you see a comforting message from your future. What does your dream message say?

Your body is completely healed. You now move with ease and grace.


You bounce out of bed excited to wear one of your new outfits and seize the day.


Anxiety, depression and low energy are a thing of the past. You're living in a new level of peace.


You've fully embraced your path as a healer. You are serving the world and being seen.


8 / 8

Your best body biohack is Intermittent Fasting!

You've been working so hard to manage your health, weight, and energy and just getting more of the same.

Packing around stubborn extra pounds, feeling sluggish, less than vital, and can’t figure out why.

It’s not your fault, you did everything you were told. Much of the information about nutrition is outdated and general medicine hasn’t caught up yet. Once we define a tried and true roadmap the adventure toward health can truly begin.

Are you sick of figuring out what healthy food looks like for your unique metabolic system? Even when you eat the way your doctor recommends and get plenty of exercise you just can’t seem to budge the scale?

Be so proud for never giving up on yourself, it’s all about to pay off for you!

I see you, friend, you’re SO not alone.

The thing is, when you eat lots of small meals or graze all day you give your body the message that it needs to keep pumping out insulin. Insulin is known as the fat storage hormone. So when there’s too much flowing, your body makes fat cells to store it.

Excess insulin causes a whole host of problems which I can fill you in on when you book your free consultation!

When you hold off eating for short, controlled periods of time and stop the steady influx of insulin you’re actually training your body to burn the stored fat as energy!

Are you ready to become a fat burner? Let’s do this!

"Diet is Batman and exercise is Robin. Diet does 95 percent of the work and deserves all the attention; so, logically, it would be sensible to focus on diet. Exercise is still healthy and important—just not equally important. It has many benefits, but weight loss is not among them.”

— Dr. Jason Fung


Here Are the 3 Tools You Need to get started on your radical wellness journey.

1. Set the stage, start at the beginning!

It might sound elementary but starting at the beginning might be the most important thing to keep in mind when embarking on a health journey! Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs has basic physical needs at it’s foundation. Let’s face it, if you’re living in stressful situations and your foundation is shaky you’re destined to fail at your big lofty health goals.

Setting the stage:

Surround yourself with healthy spaces and people! Clean your kitchen of toxins and purge the clutter so you love coming home.

Prioritize and build self-care into your schedule like your life depends on it! (because it does)

Dust off that journal, pick up your favorite pen, and write down your dreams and goals. You are 42% more likely to achieve the goals you write down!

Health is happiness, and vice versa!

2. Meditation

The essential first step of making big lifestyle changes is developing a strong mindset. So you can make informed decisions and stick to them. Once your mind makes a commitment, nothing can stand in your way. Meditation is a powerful way to listen to your body’s wisdom.

A great meditation ritual is to create a sacred space where you can be alone and peaceful for small chunks of time everyday. Make it a daily ritual by lighting a candle, incense, or diffuse some grapefruit and peppermint essential oils.

Sink into the present moment!

Visit the Sweet Spot Body Coaching Youtube channel to find over 100 guided meditations specifically for healing mindset.

“Fear does not go away by itself. You have to confront your fear, mold it, then learn to control it in it's own irrational reality. Every human being has the power to do just that. To go deep within and confront your inner being is a powerful act. Going deep and developing the will power is the only way.”

― Wim Hof, Becoming the Iceman

3. Check out my ever growing list of experts to learn from.

One of my top tips for success in a new lifestyle is “never stop learning”. Knowledge is a powerful force field when navigating complex healing decisions.

Let me introduce myself!...

Hey curious bio-hacker! I'm Evelyn Birch, the face behind Sweet Spot Body Coaching. I’m a nutritionist and biohacking researcher turned passionate women’s health coach.

I've been where you are, going doctor to doctor trying to figure out why I had so many weird ailments and never getting any traction! I developed challenging autoimmune conditions after my first child was born. That led me to seeking for answers as my body slowly broke down. Not one to ever give up having the best quality of life I could, I began researching the miraculous results many biohackers were having.

After years of experimenting I’m thrilled to report I am healthy, strong, and vibrant. I’ve been able to live my best life as a mom, a friend, and a coach.

Through workshops and 1-on-1 healing sessions, I've helped 1000s of people to find more happiness and vitality. My specialty is helping people with auto-immune disorders improve their quality of life. Check out the miracles page to read my clients' success stories!

If you're struggling with chronic illness, it's my intention that this work helps you to feel healthy, strong, and happy. 🍏💗

💖 Tune In With these Resources!👇💖

Tune in to my Sweet Spot Body Coaching Podcast. You'll learn my easy to understand healing tricks to feel better fast. I share several of the secret tools I've held close for the last decade. 😉 Let me figure out the science so you can feel fantastic.

Use this 50% off coupon for comprehensive genetic testing. Get the full picture of what your body is desperately trying to tell you. Having a road map to health takes all the guess-work out of it.

Book a free 15-minute session with me. We'll start by discussing your top 3 stubborn symptoms you’d like to address. Then I'll help you create a plan of action so you can get started feeling better as soon as possible.

“Physician, heal thyself: then wilt thou also heal thy patient. Let it be his best cure to see with his eyes him who maketh himself whole.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche

OH WAIT, there’s more...

Check your email for your foundational wellness toolkit! I'll be sharing more healing techniques with you over the next several days, so you can get inspired. 🌻✨

For many of my students, health concerns were the catalyst to dive deep into healing all aspects of their life. Many of my past students and clients have gone on to be healers and coaches after following my comprehensive healing plan.

If you are struggling with physical, emotional, or mental health… chances are that a tailor made nutrition protocol will start you out positively transforming all areas of your life.

🌈 Here's to healing, body, mind, and soul! 🌈

Your best body biohack is an Autoimmune Protocol Diet!

I know, I know, that sounds overwhelming but hear me out...

You have been standing strong on your own long enough, my friend. You’ve been a determined warrior in the face of adversity. Receiving a diagnosis of an autoimmune condition after living with crippling symptoms can be enough to crush your spirit.

A big part of chronic illness is how it affects your mental health causing your resolve and strength to spiral downward.

What if I told you that together we could put our detective hats on and figure out which food sensitivities are at the root of your suffering?

You have a strong mind, a strong will, and a passionate outlook on life. You're super honest and open about your symptoms and you trust your body as a teacher and a guide.

You don't give up, and you don't give in.

Let the healing begin!


Here Are the 3 Tools You Need to get started on your radical wellness journey.

1. Set the stage, start at the beginning!

It might sound elementary but starting at the beginning might be the most important thing to keep in mind when embarking on a health journey! Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs has basic physical needs at it’s foundation. Let’s face it, if you’re living in stressful situations and your foundation is shaky you’re destined to fail at your big lofty health goals.

Setting the stage:

Surround yourself with healthy spaces and people! Clean your kitchen of toxins and purge the clutter so you love coming home.

Prioritize and build self-care into your schedule like your life depends on it! (because it does)

Dust off that journal, pick up your favorite pen, and write down your dreams and goals. You are 42% more likely to achieve the goals you write down!

Health is happiness, and vice versa!

2. Meditation

The essential first step of making big lifestyle changes is developing a strong mindset. So you can make informed decisions and stick to them. Once your mind makes a commitment, nothing can stand in your way. Meditation is a powerful way to listen to your body’s wisdom.

A great meditation ritual is to create a sacred space where you can be alone and peaceful for small chunks of time everyday. Make it a daily ritual by lighting a candle, incense, or diffuse some grapefruit and peppermint essential oils.

Sink into the present moment!

Visit the Sweet Spot Body Coaching Youtube channel to find over 100 guided meditations specifically for healing mindset.

“Fear does not go away by itself. You have to confront your fear, mold it, then learn to control it in it's own irrational reality. Every human being has the power to do just that. To go deep within and confront your inner being is a powerful act. Going deep and developing the will power is the only way.”

― Wim Hof, Becoming the Iceman

3. Check out my ever growing list of experts to learn from.

One of my top tips for success in a new lifestyle is “never stop learning”. Knowledge is a powerful force field when navigating complex healing decisions.

Let me introduce myself!...

Hey curious bio-hacker! I'm Evelyn Birch, the face behind Sweet Spot Body Coaching. I’m a nutritionist and biohacking researcher turned passionate women’s health coach.

I've been where you are, going doctor to doctor trying to figure out why I had so many weird ailments and never getting any traction! I developed challenging autoimmune conditions after my first child was born. That led me to seeking for answers as my body slowly broke down. Not one to ever give up having the best quality of life I could, I began researching the miraculous results many biohackers were having.

After years of experimenting I’m thrilled to report I am healthy, strong, and vibrant. I’ve been able to live my best life as a mom, a friend, and a coach.

Through workshops and 1-on-1 healing sessions, I've helped 1000s of people to find more happiness and vitality. My specialty is helping people with auto-immune disorders improve their quality of life. Check out the miracles page to read my clients' success stories!

If you're struggling with chronic illness, it's my intention that this work helps you to feel healthy, strong, and happy. 🍏💗

💖 Tune In With these Resources!👇💖

Tune in to my Sweet Spot Body Coaching Podcast. You'll learn my easy to understand healing tricks to feel better fast. I share several of the secret tools I've held close for the last decade. 😉 Let me figure out the science so you can feel fantastic.

Use this 50% off coupon for comprehensive genetic testing. Get the full picture of what your body is desperately trying to tell you. Having a road map to health takes all the guess-work out of it.

Book a free 15-minute session with me. We'll start by discussing your top 3 stubborn symptoms you’d like to address. Then I'll help you create a plan of action so you can get started feeling better as soon as possible.

“Physician, heal thyself: then wilt thou also heal thy patient. Let it be his best cure to see with his eyes him who maketh himself whole.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche

OH WAIT, there’s more...

Check your email for your foundational wellness toolkit! I'll be sharing more healing techniques with you over the next several days, so you can get inspired. 🌻✨

For many of my students, health concerns were the catalyst to dive deep into healing all aspects of their life. Many of my past students and clients have gone on to be healers and coaches after following my comprehensive healing plan.

If you are struggling with physical, emotional, or mental health… chances are that a tailor made nutrition protocol will start you out positively transforming all areas of your life.

🌈 Here's to healing, body, mind, and soul! 🌈

Your best body biohack is to Heal Your Gut!

You are one brave Wahine! You never give up on yourself and you KNOW there’s better health around the corner.

You just need someone to partner with you to get the results you’ve been dreaming of. Don’t lose hope now, freedom from symptoms is in your future!

A big part of chronic illness is how it affects your mental health causing your resolve and strength to spiral downward.

What if I told you that together we could put our detective hats on and figure out what’s at the root of your gut issues and which tests will shine a light in dark places.💩

You have a strong mind, a strong will, and a passionate outlook on life. You're super honest and open about your symptoms and you trust your body as a teacher and a guide.

Let the healing begin!


Here Are the 3 Tools You Need to get started on your radical wellness journey.

1. Set the stage, start at the beginning!

It might sound elementary but starting at the beginning might be the most important thing to keep in mind when embarking on a health journey! Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs has basic physical needs at it’s foundation. Let’s face it, if you’re living in stressful situations and your foundation is shaky you’re destined to fail at your big lofty health goals.

Setting the stage:

Surround yourself with healthy spaces and people! Clean your kitchen of toxins and purge the clutter so you love coming home.

Prioritize and build self-care into your schedule like your life depends on it! (because it does)

Dust off that journal, pick up your favorite pen, and write down your dreams and goals. You are 42% more likely to achieve the goals you write down!

Health is happiness, and vice versa!

2. Meditation

The essential first step of making big lifestyle changes is developing a strong mindset. So you can make informed decisions and stick to them. Once your mind makes a commitment, nothing can stand in your way. Meditation is a powerful way to listen to your body’s wisdom.

A great meditation ritual is to create a sacred space where you can be alone and peaceful for small chunks of time everyday. Make it a daily ritual by lighting a candle, incense, or diffuse some grapefruit and peppermint essential oils.

Sink into the present moment!

Visit the Sweet Spot Body Coaching Youtube channel to find over 100 guided meditations specifically for healing mindset.

“Fear does not go away by itself. You have to confront your fear, mold it, then learn to control it in it's own irrational reality. Every human being has the power to do just that. To go deep within and confront your inner being is a powerful act. Going deep and developing the will power is the only way.”

― Wim Hof, Becoming the Iceman

3. Check out my ever growing list of experts to learn from.

One of my top tips for success in a new lifestyle is “never stop learning”. Knowledge is a powerful force field when navigating complex healing decisions.

Let me introduce myself!...

Hey curious bio-hacker! I'm Evelyn Birch, the face behind Sweet Spot Body Coaching. I’m a nutritionist and biohacking researcher turned passionate women’s health coach.

I've been where you are, going doctor to doctor trying to figure out why I had so many weird ailments and never getting any traction! I developed challenging autoimmune conditions after my first child was born. That led me to seeking for answers as my body slowly broke down. Not one to ever give up having the best quality of life I could, I began researching the miraculous results many biohackers were having.

After years of experimenting I’m thrilled to report I am healthy, strong, and vibrant. I’ve been able to live my best life as a mom, a friend, and a coach.

Through workshops and 1-on-1 healing sessions, I've helped 1000s of people to find more happiness and vitality. My specialty is helping people with auto-immune disorders improve their quality of life. Check out the miracles page to read my clients' success stories!

If you're struggling with chronic illness, it's my intention that this work helps you to feel healthy, strong, and happy. 🍏💗

💖 Tune In With these Resources!👇💖

Tune in to my Sweet Spot Body Coaching Podcast. You'll learn my easy to understand healing tricks to feel better fast. I share several of the secret tools I've held close for the last decade. 😉 Let me figure out the science so you can feel fantastic.

Use this 50% off coupon for comprehensive genetic testing. Get the full picture of what your body is desperately trying to tell you. Having a road map to health takes all the guess-work out of it.

Book a free 15-minute session with me. We'll start by discussing your top 3 stubborn symptoms you’d like to address. Then I'll help you create a plan of action so you can get started feeling better as soon as possible.

“Physician, heal thyself: then wilt thou also heal thy patient. Let it be his best cure to see with his eyes him who maketh himself whole.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche

OH WAIT, there’s more...

Check your email for your foundational wellness toolkit! I'll be sharing more healing techniques with you over the next several days, so you can get inspired. 🌻✨

For many of my students, health concerns were the catalyst to dive deep into healing all aspects of their life. Many of my past students and clients have gone on to be healers and coaches after following my comprehensive healing plan.

If you are struggling with physical, emotional, or mental health… chances are that a tailor made nutrition protocol will start you out positively transforming all areas of your life.

🌈 Here's to healing, body, mind, and soul! 🌈

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