Which camera best suits your photography style?

Every eye sees a different angle, and it’s important for you to capture your vision with the best equipment for the job. Take this fun quiz to find out what should be in your camera bag!

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Quiz Transcript

Which camera best suits your photography style?

Every eye sees a different angle, and it’s important for you to capture your vision with the best equipment for the job. Take this fun quiz to find out what should be in your camera bag!

Take the Quiz

What are you most likely to photograph?

I like to take artsy, vintage looking photos of interesting subjects. I really like it when the images feel timeless, but old.


Whatever I can see when I’m off on an adventure! I love snapping pics, but filming the action leaves me lots of footage to pick great stills from.


Anything from portraits to landscapes, still life to sports photos. I like to be flexible and ready to switch up lenses and presets at the drop of a hat.


I like capturing the good times at parties, and then instantly sharing them with the friends I’m with it, old skool style, not on The ‘Gram.


1 / 9

Which picture resonates with you most?

Intense High Def action! You can almost feel the breeze!


A true work of art. You can tell the photographer really understands aperture and the allure of soft focus.


Who doesn’t love a candid shot? haha so meta.


It perfectly shows how truly awesome and flexible digital photography and editing can be!


2 / 9

Which movie photographer is most like you?

Leon from A Midnight Meat Train. An out of work photographer takes his Digital Camera to the Subway Systems of New York, trying to capture the darker side of the city. Little does he know what’s waiting for him at the end of the line.


Sean O’Connel in Secret Life of Walter Mitty. His love of 35 mm film is what leads to Walter finally living the life of his daydreams, one epically photographer adventure after another. It’s not a porpoise!


Hardcore Henry. Not so much any individual character, it’s the First Person POV shot entirely with a chest mounted GoPro that really tickles your fancy.


Leonard from Memento. Struck with short-term memory loss as result of past trauma, he attempts to track down his wife’s murder using an antricate system of Polaroid photographs and tattoos with crucial information.


3 / 9

How do you like to edit your photos?

I usually just wave them around until they develop.


Get me in the darkroom. I love to pop a freshly finished roll out of my camera and retreat to the red light sanctuary.


It’s all about picking the right stills from the action footage.


Just me, a gallon of coffee, and my computer. I love to take my raw images and process them in Photoshop. The wonders of digital, right?


4 / 9

What’s most important to you when you pick out a camera?

I need something that doesn’t require a lot of knowledge to take really nice quality pictures.


I want to be able to see and share my pictures immediately! Instant nostalgia!


I need something small and super portable but able to capture all the adventures I go on.


I love film. Shooting it, processing it, making my own prints. Film is my life.


5 / 9

On a scale from 1 to Annie Liebowitz, how experienced are you in photography?

1 - I have a hard time not cropping people’s heads out of photos. Help!


4 - I can take a decent iPhone Photo if I need to.


7 - People always ask me to take pictures; I seem to have a natural eye and it’s easy to find information online about how to take better photos.


Annie Liebowitz should call me. Not to toot my own horn, but I’m a bit of a big deal when I’ve got a camera in my hands. Always happy to learn more, though!


6 / 9

What would you love to learn more about photography?

I’d love to learn more about all the latest technology! New gadgets are totally my jam!


Everything about film. Especially darkroom work!


Where to get more film for my Instant camera!


I’d love to learn how to capture on the go!


7 / 9

How would your friends describe your photography style?

Always rolling, always ready to roll!


Careful and meticulous. Every shot counts when you’re shooting on film.


Flash Ninja! Always looking around any corner to snap a quick candid and wave it in your face after.


Tech wizard! Always the latest and greatest in digital cameras, and you’re killer on photoshop, too!


8 / 9

Which quote about cameras resonates with you the MOST?

“If you see something that moves you, and then snap it, you keep a moment.” — Linda McCartney


“Essentially what photography is is life lit up.” — Sam Abell


“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.” — Marc Riboud


“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” — Ansel Adams


9 / 9

You should shoot on a… 35mm SLR!

For you, nothing but film can convey your love of image capture. And you aren’t fussy about which kind of film camera you can get your hands on. From an old skool Brownie (with hard to find film and grainy picture quality) to the best before-digital Nikon SLR, you can’t wait to get your finger on the shutter button.

Your heroes, classic photographers like Ansel Adams and Dorothea Lange, inspire you to take your trusty rig and a few rolls of film on every hike, vacation, and family event you can, to capture those moments in time and unforgettable memories.

And the fun doesn’t stop there! Once you fill a roll with all the beauty you can handle, you can’t wait to retreat to the darkroom and see what kind of magic you can work in the red light and chemical haze.

The entire process is your church, and you show up for humble worship with a keen eye for detail and nuance.

And you aren’t counting on photoshop to enhance your prints, so every step of the way is one of careful consideration and planning.

Remember: The older the camera, the less help you get in the field.

New cameras come with light meters, image stabilizers, in-camera enhancement features, and some even have 360° capability.

But when you like to kick it old skool, you’re a much larger part of the equation. Mastering your lenses, aperture, F-Stop, and composition are only the beginning when you decide to take a picture and preserve a memory forever.

Consider taking a class to really familiarize yourself with each camera that you work with, as well as the film you load. The more you know about your equipment, the less likely you are to be surprised in the darkroom.

“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”

— Aaron Siskind

📷Zoom, Focus, Shoot📷

How to capture like a pro!

An image is worth a thousand words…

...but for every truly extraordinary image out there, more than a thousand practice photos needed to be taken before the skills and mastery were developed enough to make it happen.

Here are a few things to remember when you pick up your camera to capture that one breathtaking moment for eternal preservation.

1. Shoot everything. Every. Single. Day. – Practice makes Better. So even if you’re just snapping away on your smartphone, don’t let any day be a zero.

2. Light It Up – Photography literally means ‘drawing with light,’ so make the most of mother nature’s magic lighting hours when you can, but for everything else, investing in the proper lighting equipment. Check out our online shop for Lighting Kits, from flashes to softboxes and everything in between to deck out your studio.

3. Invest in Knowledge – Photography courses, equipment seminars, even spending some time in photography enthusiast chat rooms will bring you the knowledge you need to make the most out of the camera you pick up. Try one of our online workshops, ranging from Mastering the Trinity – Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO to Composition 101 and more!

4. Identify your subject and use it to tell a story – Be selective of your subject and think before you shoot. The quicker you can be at assessing light and composition, the better you’ll be able to capture the story as it’s happening.

5. Edit. Edit. Edit – Don’t rely completely on photoshop to save a lackluster shot, but don’t dismiss it as the perfect polishing tool that it is. Playing with saturation, value, and tone can take a good image and turn it into a masterpiece.

Bonus Tip: Experiment – Constantly stepping out of your comfort zone is the key to creative development. So try a new subject, check out a new venue, play around with angles. But always keep it fresh.

📸Capture Those Moments📸

Hey there, shutterbug! I’m Alice Adams, (no relation to Ansel) and I’m the owner and curator of Aperture, camera store, photography hub, and education center.

At Aperture, we want to create a community for photographers to mingle, learn, and inspire each other as they explore the world through the lenses of their chosen cameras.

We offer everything from Guest Star Masterclass Workshops, to in-house Dark Room Studios and supplies, to everything Camera Gear related. We carry the top brands in the latest equipment, and some of the more fun, obscure vintage pieces, too.

We’ve been featured in “Zoom&Focus” magazine and many of our alumni have been featured as experts on podcasts such as “ShutterShocked,” and “Capture.”

Check out these resources to focus your vision!

1. Surrounding yourself with other shutterbugs can teach you more than any book or tutorial can. Follow us on Instagram where we’ll share photo hacks, favorite sessions spots, and what’s new in the Aperture Online Shop.

2. Always on the hunt for a great location? Get on our Shoot Schedule and be the first to know about any local scouting events we’ll be coordinating. Never be the last to know, or the one who hears about it the day after it happened! We’re always on the lookout for the next beautiful vista, even if we need to hike to get there.

3. Curious about specific cameras or lighting setups? Check out our blog, Zoom&Focus where we share the latest equipment, and our reviews. We even do a side-by-side breakdown of the latest Top Brands.

Inspiration Station

Now that you've got some insight into what camera is right for you and how to use it to it’s best potential, focus on your inbox for some custom curated camera recommendations based on your quiz results.

Over the next week, I’ll be sending you more fantastic photography hacks and camera tips, and maybe even a discount code or two.

“Photography is truth.”

— Jean-Luc Godard

You should shoot on a… GoPro!

You’re always in the center of the action, and you need to make sure you get every angle you possibly can. A GoPro or 180° HD camera can keep up with your adventures – and capture your memories and triumphs as you go.

You need a camera that can take a beating, ‘cause where you’re going, there’s no room for fragile lens systems and bulky tripods.

With a variety of mounts, harnesses, and selfie sticks, high action HD cameras can follow you as you spelunk, bungee jump, free-climb, and deep sea dive, all without the slightest hiccup.

Great for capturing time lapse videos of events, and epic wide angle shots of vast vistas, the image quality of these little digital wonders is truly amazing! Still pulled from your footage will have people asking if you work for Nat Geo. #nobigdeal

But it isn’t all just plug and play.

Learning how to properly use your action camera is vital for getting the recordings you dream of.

Just strapping it to your chest before you jump out of a plane could result in a bunch of blue sky footage and nothing of interest.

Likewise, mounting it to your helmet can lead to troublesome clearance issues in tight cave systems.

Invest in the right accessories to make the most out of your groovy little adventure buddy, then sit back and enjoy the awesome footage once your feet hit the ground again.

“Essentially what photography is is life lit up.”

— Sam Abell

📷Zoom, Focus, Shoot📷

How to capture like a pro!

An image is worth a thousand words…

...but for every truly extraordinary image out there, more than a thousand practice photos needed to be taken before the skills and mastery were developed enough to make it happen.

Here are a few things to remember when you pick up your camera to capture that one breathtaking moment for eternal preservation.

1. Shoot everything. Every. Single. Day. – Practice makes Better. So even if you’re just snapping away on your smartphone, don’t let any day be a zero.

2. Light It Up – Photography literally means ‘drawing with light,’ so make the most of mother nature’s magic lighting hours when you can, but for everything else, investing in the proper lighting equipment. Check out our online shop for Lighting Kits, from flashes to softboxes and everything in between to deck out your studio.

3. Invest in Knowledge – Photography courses, equipment seminars, even spending some time in photography enthusiast chat rooms will bring you the knowledge you need to make the most out of the camera you pick up. Try one of our online workshops, ranging from Mastering the Trinity – Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO to Composition 101 and more!

4. Identify your subject and use it to tell a story – Be selective of your subject and think before you shoot. The quicker you can be at assessing light and composition, the better you’ll be able to capture the story as it’s happening.

5. Edit. Edit. Edit – Don’t rely completely on photoshop to save a lackluster shot, but don’t dismiss it as the perfect polishing tool that it is. Playing with saturation, value, and tone can take a good image and turn it into a masterpiece.

Bonus Tip: Experiment – Constantly stepping out of your comfort zone is the key to creative development. So try a new subject, check out a new venue, play around with angles. But always keep it fresh.

📸Capture Those Moments📸

Hey there, shutterbug! I’m Alice Adams, (no relation to Ansel) and I’m the owner and curator of Aperture, camera store, photography hub, and education center.

At Aperture, we want to create a community for photographers to mingle, learn, and inspire each other as they explore the world through the lenses of their chosen cameras.

We offer everything from Guest Star Masterclass Workshops, to in-house Dark Room Studios and supplies, to everything Camera Gear related. We carry the top brands in the latest equipment, and some of the more fun, obscure vintage pieces, too.

We’ve been featured in “Zoom&Focus” magazine and many of our alumni have been featured as experts on podcasts such as “ShutterShocked,” and “Capture.”

Check out these resources to focus your vision!

1. Surrounding yourself with other shutterbugs can teach you more than any book or tutorial can. Follow us on Instagram where we’ll share photo hacks, favorite sessions spots, and what’s new in the Aperture Online Shop.

2. Always on the hunt for a great location? Get on our Shoot Schedule and be the first to know about any local scouting events we’ll be coordinating. Never be the last to know, or the one who hears about it the day after it happened! We’re always on the lookout for the next beautiful vista, even if we need to hike to get there.

3. Curious about specific cameras or lighting setups? Check out our blog, Zoom&Focus where we share the latest equipment, and our reviews. We even do a side-by-side breakdown of the latest Top Brands.

Inspiration Station

Now that you've got some insight into what camera is right for you and how to use it to it’s best potential, focus on your inbox for some custom curated camera recommendations based on your quiz results.

Over the next week, I’ll be sending you more fantastic photography hacks and camera tips, and maybe even a discount code or two.

“Photography is truth.”

— Jean-Luc Godard

You should shoot on a… Polaroid!

What you see is what you get, instantly! And you’re the kind of photographer who revels in the no second chances, in-the-moment capture that reveals every fault, and beautiful detail, with a slowly appearing image.

Ever the staple of a good party, instant cameras like Polaroids and Instamatic will take a brief, one of a kind, never to be duplicated or edited photo and frame it in that classic white border, just waiting to be tacked to a cork board or magnetized to a fridge.

The classic camera for nostalgic scenes in movies, you know you’re going to see something memorable when you recognize that thick, stiff yet flexible, white and black backed photograph.

You aim the comically clunky camera in the general direction of your subject, pull back on the cheap shutter button, then FLASH, and that sweet, mechanical sound fills the room.

Out comes the blank photo, to be wildly shaken and then left to uncover it’s secret. What a rush!

But the fun doesn’t stop there!

The chemicals contained inside the instant photo can be manipulated while they’re processing. #betchadidntknowthat

By taking a toothpick, or especially fine fingernail, you can trace images, add text, and even create little speech bubbles, but there’s a trick to it.

Because you have to tweak while the chemicals are active, you have to remember how your picture was framed and composed, so you can make these clever adjustments without seeing the finished image.

Think you’re up to the challenge?

“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.”

— Marc Riboud

📷Zoom, Focus, Shoot📷

How to capture like a pro!

An image is worth a thousand words…

...but for every truly extraordinary image out there, more than a thousand practice photos needed to be taken before the skills and mastery were developed enough to make it happen.

Here are a few things to remember when you pick up your camera to capture that one breathtaking moment for eternal preservation.

1. Shoot everything. Every. Single. Day. – Practice makes Better. So even if you’re just snapping away on your smartphone, don’t let any day be a zero.

2. Light It Up – Photography literally means ‘drawing with light,’ so make the most of mother nature’s magic lighting hours when you can, but for everything else, investing in the proper lighting equipment. Check out our online shop for Lighting Kits, from flashes to softboxes and everything in between to deck out your studio.

3. Invest in Knowledge – Photography courses, equipment seminars, even spending some time in photography enthusiast chat rooms will bring you the knowledge you need to make the most out of the camera you pick up. Try one of our online workshops, ranging from Mastering the Trinity – Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO to Composition 101 and more!

4. Identify your subject and use it to tell a story – Be selective of your subject and think before you shoot. The quicker you can be at assessing light and composition, the better you’ll be able to capture the story as it’s happening.

5. Edit. Edit. Edit – Don’t rely completely on photoshop to save a lackluster shot, but don’t dismiss it as the perfect polishing tool that it is. Playing with saturation, value, and tone can take a good image and turn it into a masterpiece.

Bonus Tip: Experiment – Constantly stepping out of your comfort zone is the key to creative development. So try a new subject, check out a new venue, play around with angles. But always keep it fresh.

📸Capture Those Moments📸

Hey there, shutterbug! I’m Alice Adams, (no relation to Ansel) and I’m the owner and curator of Aperture, camera store, photography hub, and education center.

At Aperture, we want to create a community for photographers to mingle, learn, and inspire each other as they explore the world through the lenses of their chosen cameras.

We offer everything from Guest Star Masterclass Workshops, to in-house Dark Room Studios and supplies, to everything Camera Gear related. We carry the top brands in the latest equipment, and some of the more fun, obscure vintage pieces, too.

We’ve been featured in “Zoom&Focus” magazine and many of our alumni have been featured as experts on podcasts such as “ShutterShocked,” and “Capture.”

Check out these resources to focus your vision!

1. Surrounding yourself with other shutterbugs can teach you more than any book or tutorial can. Follow us on Instagram where we’ll share photo hacks, favorite sessions spots, and what’s new in the Aperture Online Shop.

2. Always on the hunt for a great location? Get on our Shoot Schedule and be the first to know about any local scouting events we’ll be coordinating. Never be the last to know, or the one who hears about it the day after it happened! We’re always on the lookout for the next beautiful vista, even if we need to hike to get there.

3. Curious about specific cameras or lighting setups? Check out our blog, Zoom&Focus where we share the latest equipment, and our reviews. We even do a side-by-side breakdown of the latest Top Brands.

Inspiration Station

Now that you've got some insight into what camera is right for you and how to use it to it’s best potential, focus on your inbox for some custom curated camera recommendations based on your quiz results.

Over the next week, I’ll be sending you more fantastic photography hacks and camera tips, and maybe even a discount code or two.

“Photography is truth.”

— Jean-Luc Godard

You should shoot on a… Digital SLR

You want the absolute most out of your camera, and a digital SLR is the only way you can get the highly customizable results you need. From interchangeable lenses, high pixel integrity, and maximum light sensitivity, your camera needs to optimize for you while you’re using your eyes to spot the perfect shot.

And taking the shot is just the beginning for your trusty SLR. The newer rigs come with wifi and instant web uploading technology, so you can share your raw photos and back them up online, wherever you go.

With built-in light meters, image stabilizers, and auto face recognition, these luxury machines deliver a photography experience like no other.

And once you get those RAW files uploaded to your laptop, it’s time to photoshop your work into a masterpiece.

But don’t be fooled by the point and shoot simplicity of the mighty Digital SLR.

While shooting in Auto Mode lets you achieve proper exposures without no knowledge required on your part– you’ll have to give up all control over how the image looks in exchange.

By selecting your aperture, you control depth of field – but your auto setting could assume you want the most clarity in your foreground, when what you really want is the sculpture in the middle ground.

A faster shutter speed needs more light, but your picture clarity will edge towards grainy if you’re not careful.

And no image stabilizer in the world can make up for poor lighting.

So put down your camera and pick up your manual before you take your first shot.

“The camera makes you forget you’re there. It’s not like you are hiding but you forget, you are just looking so much.”

— Annie Leibovitz

📷Zoom, Focus, Shoot📷

How to capture like a pro!

An image is worth a thousand words…

...but for every truly extraordinary image out there, more than a thousand practice photos needed to be taken before the skills and mastery were developed enough to make it happen.

Here are a few things to remember when you pick up your camera to capture that one breathtaking moment for eternal preservation.

1. Shoot everything. Every. Single. Day. – Practice makes Better. So even if you’re just snapping away on your smartphone, don’t let any day be a zero.

2. Light It Up – Photography literally means ‘drawing with light,’ so make the most of mother nature’s magic lighting hours when you can, but for everything else, investing in the proper lighting equipment. Check out our online shop for Lighting Kits, from flashes to softboxes and everything in between to deck out your studio.

3. Invest in Knowledge – Photography courses, equipment seminars, even spending some time in photography enthusiast chat rooms will bring you the knowledge you need to make the most out of the camera you pick up. Try one of our online workshops, ranging from Mastering the Trinity – Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO to Composition 101 and more!

4. Identify your subject and use it to tell a story – Be selective of your subject and think before you shoot. The quicker you can be at assessing light and composition, the better you’ll be able to capture the story as it’s happening.

5. Edit. Edit. Edit – Don’t rely completely on photoshop to save a lackluster shot, but don’t dismiss it as the perfect polishing tool that it is. Playing with saturation, value, and tone can take a good image and turn it into a masterpiece.

Bonus Tip: Experiment – Constantly stepping out of your comfort zone is the key to creative development. So try a new subject, check out a new venue, play around with angles. But always keep it fresh.

📸Capture Those Moments📸

Hey there, shutterbug! I’m Alice Adams, (no relation to Ansel) and I’m the owner and curator of Aperture, camera store, photography hub, and education center.

At Aperture, we want to create a community for photographers to mingle, learn, and inspire each other as they explore the world through the lenses of their chosen cameras.

We offer everything from Guest Star Masterclass Workshops, to in-house Dark Room Studios and supplies, to everything Camera Gear related. We carry the top brands in the latest equipment, and some of the more fun, obscure vintage pieces, too.

We’ve been featured in “Zoom&Focus” magazine and many of our alumni have been featured as experts on podcasts such as “ShutterShocked,” and “Capture.”

Check out these resources to focus your vision!

1. Surrounding yourself with other shutterbugs can teach you more than any book or tutorial can. Follow us on Instagram where we’ll share photo hacks, favorite sessions spots, and what’s new in the Aperture Online Shop.

2. Always on the hunt for a great location? Get on our Shoot Schedule and be the first to know about any local scouting events we’ll be coordinating. Never be the last to know, or the one who hears about it the day after it happened! We’re always on the lookout for the next beautiful vista, even if we need to hike to get there.

3. Curious about specific cameras or lighting setups? Check out our blog, Zoom&Focus where we share the latest equipment, and our reviews. We even do a side-by-side breakdown of the latest Top Brands.

Inspiration Station

Now that you've got some insight into what camera is right for you and how to use it to it’s best potential, focus on your inbox for some custom curated camera recommendations based on your quiz results.

Over the next week, I’ll be sending you more fantastic photography hacks and camera tips, and maybe even a discount code or two.

“Photography is truth.”

— Jean-Luc Godard

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