Which seasonal segment sums up your life?

Discover which of the eight seasonal segments (inspired by the Wheel of the Year) best sums up your life at this moment in time.

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Which seasonal segment sums up your life?

Discover which of the eight seasonal segments (inspired by the Wheel of the Year) best sums up your life at this moment in time.

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What is most important to you right now?

My core beliefs


Solitude and peace


The possibility of change




New projects / ideas


Moving forwards






1 / 12

What do you currently crave?

A peaceful life


Time to process my life and the world around me


New opportunities


The tools to move forwards 


Time out from my to-do list


A reminder to look at how far I've come


The courage to step back and pause


A little more self-care


2 / 12

My favourite food...

Baked potato


Root vegetable stew


Rhubarb crumble


Spinach and wild garlic soup


Radish and broad bean omelette


Halloumi and pepper kebabs


Warm bread and corn on the cob


Apple pie


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What does you to-do list look like this week?

Full of new things I haven't done before


Not too much on there this week


One or two key things, and a handful of smaller tasks


A mix of work, family stuff, housework etc.


All the things


Too many things to handle


I've crossed a few things off because I couldn't cope anymore


Finally feels a bit lighter this week


4 / 12

How would you describe your social life at the moment?

Have lots of things I could be doing, but saying no to a lot


Very empty - not a lot going on


Just a couple of important things with family or close friends


A mix of things with family and friends


Filling up quite fast!


Very busy - lots going on


Full but starting to wish it wasn't


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Which image appeals to you most?


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Which would you rather do?

Read in front of the fire


Journal or write


Go for an early morning walk


Yoga session and brunch


Meet friends for lunch


Have a siesta in the sunshine


Go away for the night by yourself


Cook a meal to enjoy with loved ones


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Which sounds most familiar?

I'm starting to realise I need to slow things down


I'm starting to get to know myself better


I'm looking for a fresh start


I'm ready to move forwards with my life


I'm ready to embrace change


I'm busy and reaching my limits


I'm grateful for all that has happened recently, but am ready for a quieter period


I'm gradually moving towards 'less'


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If I were a woodland creature I would be a...

















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Which tree do you feel drawn to?


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Which stage of the life cycle looks most like your life right now?


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Finally, choose 1-3 of the following words that you feel drawn to.

















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Right now you feel very connected to your roots, and are holding your values close. Intuition is very important to you, and sometimes you may find you know what to do, even if you can't explain it. At this point in your life, you crave inner stillness and peace to be able to process and interact with the world around you.

Winter Solstice

Right now you are enjoying moving slowly through life. Often sensing the need for quiet reflection, everything you do is carried out with heartfelt purpose. You may be working through some intense feelings or emotions, but know that light and transition is on the horizon.


You are emerging from a period in your life of deep reflection and inner stillness. Though you may still need to pause for a little while longer, you are starting to feel as though change may be possible. Be open to transformation and embrace this gradual movement towards your intentions.

Spring Equinox

You are currently in a period of growth and transition, and are beginning to truly understand what is possible in your life. In this time of change, you may also be craving balance, so don't forget to rest as you begin new projects and manifest your intentions.


You are currently going through a very busy period in your life. Plans and intentions are coming to fruition, and you can feel this underlying energy guiding you every step of the way. Make sure to check in with your values in this season of growth.

Summer Solstice

You may feel as though you are close to finishing a project or reaching a goal, like the end is almost in sight. You may be starting to find it difficult to keep going at such a pace, and though your energy levels are still high, you may begin to crave a time to pause. This period in your life is one of celebration: step back and look at how far you've come!


You have been going through an intense period of transition and growth, and are now feeling the effects. You might feel ready to close the door on one chapter in your life, and move forward with more ease and less speed. This is a time for gratitude and taking stock.

Autumn Equinox

Recently you may have started to question certain elements of your life or work. You may also find you have been craving more balance, and more stillness. Celebrate your achievements, and reflect on how you would like to move forwards. Which elements of your life might need nurturing?

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