Interact customers have been using our software to create attachment style quizzes for years, here are a few great examples you can see live.
Create your own attachment style quiz
Make an attachment style quiz specific to your approach
Step 1: Set up attachment style results.
There are four attachment styles that are well established. Here are some overviews, courtesy of The Cleveland Clinic.
- Secure attachment style
- People with a secure attachment style are more readily able to form long-lasting and healthy relationships with others. They’re more likely to trust their partner and be emotionally available to them
- Anxious attachment style
- A partner with an anxious attachment style may be seen as “clingy,” “needy” or not trusting. People with an anxious attachment style can be consumed with concern that their loved ones will abandon them, and they may seek constant reassurance that they’re safe in their relationship.
- Avoidant attachment style
- Adults with an avoidant attachment style can be seen as self-reliant and emotionally guarded. They’re unlikely to seek emotional comfort or understand how to comfort their partner.
- Disorganized attachment style
- Adults with disorganized attachments are likely to live with mental health disorders or personality disorders that prevent them from developing healthy relationships with others. They’re likely to crave close relationships but push others away when they show them attention.
In order to set up your attachment style results, you’ll want to personalize the attachment styles to your approach in helping people with attachment. So if that means it’s attachment style in relationships, between a parent and a child, with yourself, whatever it is, you can customize it. I recommend creating results landing pages on your own site and redirecting to them from your quiz.
Here’s an example result from Jessica Baum
And here’s another example from The Gay Men’s Brotherhood
Step 2: Create questions to determine the quiz taker’s attachment style
There are different ways you can create questions for an attachment style quiz, in any case you’ll be using personality quiz logic which means that every answer choice for every question has a correlation to one or more of the attachment styles. As someone takes the quiz they’ll be getting correlations, or +1’s for the attachment styles, and the attachment style shown to the quiz taker is the one they got the most correlations for.
Here are some great examples of how to ask questions in an attachment style quiz.
True/False question type
Agree/Disagree question type
Multiple choice question type
People often ask about best practices for their attachment style quiz questions. The truthful answer is it really depends on what your audience prefers. I’ve seen quizzes with 40+ questions and others with 15-20. I would say generally in that range is good, but make sure to test a lot with your actual audience members to see what resonates with them and what they prefer.
Step 3: Set up lead generation to collect emails from quiz takers
With Interact you can connect your email marketing software so your quiz can collect emails from people who take your quiz and want to continue learning from you. Here are examples of what that opt-in form looks like for an attachment style quiz.
The direct approach – “Enter your email to get your results”
The bonus approach – “You’ll get an extra bonus if you opt-in”
Additional resource – “Opt-in to get another resource related to your quiz result”
I wrote a guide specifically on the quiz opt-in form. Over the years we’ve seen that this form is also very contingent on your audience and their preferences. If people like a simple form then go with that, if people like to know they’re getting more value if they opt-in then go with that. You can always see your analytics with Interact, but it’s best to check with real people as you build.
Step 4: Send Follow-Up Emails to Your New Quiz Leads
After someone chooses to opt-in, make sure to reward them right away by sending a follow-up with a re-iteration of their quiz result and additional value as a thank for them joining your list. Here’s an example of what that looks like.
Conclusion: Start with the basic attachment styles and make the quiz your own
Attachment styles are a great platform for sharing your own unique way of helping people. Think of them as a base layer from which you can operate to assist people in a simple but profound way. I’ve seen so many versions of attachment style quizzes, each unique and each powerful.
Create your own attachment style quiz
Engage your audience and build connection