Personality Quiz Examples

Personality quizzes are an excellent way to engage your audience, on your website or through social media, and convert people from followers into leads. Check out these great examples to see how a personality quiz can be used in a variety of situations to drive leads for your business.

Jenna Kutcher: What’s your secret sauce?

This is a flagship quiz that determines your “Secret Sauce” I.E. business personality type, so you can know how to best build a business.

Jenna Kutcher secret sauce quiz

The quiz asks relevant and fun questions to guide you towards the right “Secret Sauce” that will help you grow your business and your life.

Jenna kutcher secret sauce quiz question

At the end of the quiz you see an opt-in form that asks if you’d like to join the email list, this has already accounted for over 100,000 opt-ins.

Jenna Kutcher Secret Sauce Quiz Opt In Form

And at the end you see your results with detailed explanations about which result is yours. Jenna is using custom result landing pages to add lots of super valuable information here.

Jenna Kutcher secret sauce quiz result

My People Patterns: Parenting Style Quiz

This quiz helps parents find their parenting style to increase self-understanding and better connect with their children. “Knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom” as Socrates would say, and this quiz aims to help parents know themselves in the context of how they parent their children.

Parenting style quiz

The quiz asks very relevant and pertinent questions for parents, offering up situations that come up in daily life so the parents can reflect on how they typically respond when things arise in their parenting lives.

parenting style quiz question

Questions range to all aspects of parenting, including more serious topics like what kinds of values you want to instill in your children. Questions are designed to determine which type someone is and it looks like it’s loosely based on logic from the Myers Briggs and Enneagram.

Parenting style quiz question 2

At the conclusion of the questions in this quiz there is an opt-in form for collecting email addresses of people who would like to hear from My People Patterns about parenting types. It’s a simple but applicable ask at this point in the quiz where people would have spent upwards of three minutes answering quiz questions.

Parenting style quiz opt in form

After the opt-in form, whether the quiz taker chooses to opt in or not, there is a breakdown of which results you are most like. This gives you an picture of which ones you are most similar to and lets you see for yourself which one truly applies the most in your own view.

Parenting style quiz results breakdown

You can click into each result for a more detailed breakdown. There are various parts to each of these results, from an overview to details on how you parent. Then there is a button to learn even more about the result and get a breakdown.

Parenting style quiz result detail

Once you click through to the detailed breakdown there is a ton of information about the result. This is a best practice for quiz results, because people are infinitely curious to learn about themselves and this is one of the absolute best ways to drive engagement, especially with brand new potential customers.

Parenting style quiz result detail 2

Harley Jordan: Are you a Bunny, Deer, Cat, or Fox?

Harley is a brand builder and agency founder who helps multi passionate entrepreneurs scale their businesses. Her quiz is a unique spin on a personality quiz, identifying if someone is most like a Bunny, Cat, Deer, or Fox. It’s brought in over 50,000 new leads according to Harley and it strikes a hard to pull off balance of fun and practicality.

bunny deer cat fox quiz harley jordan

Questions ask about everything from feelings on one end.

harley jordan quiz question about hard feelings

To your role in the friend group.

Harley Jordan quiz question about friendships

And your travel style. All questions are engaging, and this quiz has 15 questions, which is truly a testament to how well written the questions are and how much the questions resonate with her audience.

Harley jordan quiz question about traveling

At the end there is an opt in form for people to fill out if they want to hear more from Harley.

Harley Jordan quiz opt in form

And then you see your results, which are very well written, conversational, fully stylized, but not pedantic.

Harley jordan quiz result part 1

The quiz results are complete and thorough, at the end of each result there is a link to listen to Harley’s podcast.

Harley jordan quiz question part 2
Josh Haynam

Hi I'm Josh, CEO and Co-Founder at Interact. My Co-Founders and I started interact with the idea that it should be easy for any business to create recommendation systems and benefit from the value of personalization for every customer interaction.

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