What Genre Should I Explore Next?


Quiz Transcript

What Genre Should I Explore Next?



I have a lot of time to read new things.


I read a few hours a week, pretty consistently.


I try to read at least one day a week.


Free time? What's that?


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I'm very open to new things and experiences


I could do with some adventure


I have to be in the the right mood for surprises


Vanilla is my favorite flavor. It's the only flavor, obviously


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I would describe myself as... Clever




Geeky and proud of it


Extroverted and fun


Detail oriented


3 / 5


My soul is as dark as a bad disney villain


I can handle a little bit of everything: body horror, the grotesque, profanity, violence


I don't mind walking on the wild side if it serves the plot


No gross outs or extreme violence please. 


Awww my eyes, my sensitive eyes!!!


4 / 5


The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can't. Not without your help...


It's turtles all the way down


'Cause we were like, "woaaaah.", and I was like, "woaaaah." and you were like, "woaaahh..."


And I thought, you know, that kid, he's bigger than me. He's stronger than me. But you're gonna like this, he had this turtle. The most important part is he loved this turtle. And I thought, you know, I'm bigger than a turtle. I'm stronger than a turtle. And do you know the sound a turtle makes when you, uh, crush it? It screams. Now you're catching my drift, right?


Awww cute!


What is happening right now cause I have no idea.


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Try Mysteries or Adrenaline

You don't have a lot of time to devote to reading but this quick moving genre will keep pace with your busy lifestyle.

The Mysteries and Adrenaline genre provides every reader ample opportunties for up-late-at-night page turning goodness. This genre has the excitement you crave.

Try Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn or Hide by Lisa Gardner to get started in this genre.

Try Horror

Do you secretly root for the killer, things that go bump in the night and the macabre?

Horror sounds like the right genre for you.

Try out the Monster of Elendhaven by Jennifer Giesbrecht to wrap yourself with the warm comfort of darkness.

Try Urban Fiction

Are you hip deep in that Pepto and got five on it like Ben Folds cause breakfast, lunch and dinner's for beginners... fools don't even know?

Urban fiction might give you the rep you're craving for. This genre bleeds authenticity and gives voice to the people.

Try Never Go Home Again by Shannon Holmes to get started.

Try Romance

Is that love, however you define it, in the air... dear reader?

Try out something new in the Romance genre as you might be surprised how some of the newer authors break with tradition by subverting expectations and breaking old stereotypes.

Soulless by Gail Carriger is a great example of how to bring romance to a whole new generation of readers.

Try Historical Fiction

Do you read historical monographs for fun? Does tracking down references in Chicago style footnotes make for a great Saturday night?

Sounds like Historical Fiction would be right up your alley. This genre is dense with accurate settings and details right down to the number of snaps on a petticoat... and that's the way you like it.

Try Fingersmith by Sarah Waters for a good entry into this genre.

Try Fantasy or Science Fiction

Craving a new possible future? Or perhaps you're looking to ride some dragons or delve into some dungeons?

These genres are known for blending up reality and serving it up in new and exciting ways. Leave your perception at the door and go for a ride!

Try Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir or Recursion by Blake Crouch to get started.