Does Your Brand Fit Your Personality?

If your brand doesn't jive with who you really are, you are leaving $$ on the table.

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Does Your Brand Fit Your Personality?

If your brand doesn't jive with who you really are, you are leaving $$ on the table.

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Choose the answer that best fits your Brand right now:

You know your ideal customers in depth. You know their age and gender and their likes and dislikes. You know what makes them tick!


You're starting to understand more about who your ideal customers are, but you still need to do some more investigating.


You sorta, kinda know the age of your ideal customers... maaaaybe?


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When it comes to your Brand, how often do you share on social media?

Every once in a while when you get a really cool idea but never consistently


Multiple times a day and on a regular basis


You share consistently several days a week


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When it comes to people interacting with your Brand, where are you right now?

You get a comment here and a comment there, but you'd like to have more interaction from your followers.


No one comments or asks questions or even says hi. You feel like you're shouting into the void.


People comment often on your blog and on your social media channels. You get responses from people via email and/or direct message.


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When it comes to your offerings (products and services) which of the following is the most true?

You have several offerings for sale on your website and you bring in consistent sales


You have several offerings for sale but you don't make a lot of sales


You have a few offerings and your sales are pretty consistent


You have a few offerings but your sales could be better


You don't really have anything for sale right now


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When you talk about your products or services, how do people respond?

They get what it is that you offer and they are excited to purchase


They sorta get what you're offering, but they tend to ask a lot of questions and seem a little hesitant to buy


You don't get a response, let alone sales


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When it comes to your fonts, colors, textures, patterns, etc. you:

Use consistent branding on every single platform


Have different fonts on different platforms and have different colors that you choose between depending on your mood


Aren't really sure about fonts, colors, textures, patterns or anything when it comes to your branding. (You might not even have a website or logo at this point.)


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When you share your content (blog posts, social media posts, links to products, etc.) which of the following is true?

You share the link alone with no text or photos


You share the link with great copy but you fail to share any sort of photos/graphics with the content


Share? Why would you do that?


You share the link with great copy, photos, graphics, and/or videos


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When it comes to your Brand, do you share things that are unique to you as an individual (like your creative hobbies, the things you like, or certain words or phrases that you only use with your real life friends)?

Yes, often.


Not at all.


Sometimes, but you could do better.


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Branding makes you feel:

Excited! You want to continue to strengthen your Brand Personality.


Confused. You have heard that it's something that you should do, but you're not sure where to get started.


Confident. You know what you're doing and you are constantly trying to strengthen your brand.


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You're a Budding Brand!


As the name implies, a budding brand is one that is just coming into it's own.

Your website may look great, and your brand may even be cohesive - but it lacks a real connection to you and your personality.

Might I suggest the following to help you infuse a little more of YOU into your website:

  • Make a Pinterest board of anything that inspires you.
  • Closely examine the websites of people you admire (But no copy cats!). The goal is to emulate without replicating.
  • Rethink the way you are presenting yourself and don't be afraid to really be YOU.
  • Find ways to let your attitude and outlook on life shine through in your copy.

And if you need help - reach out to a branding/design person that you trust.

You're a Blooming Brand!


As the name implies, a blooming brand is well on it's way to being exactly what you need it to be - an online version of you.

You are doing a good job of infusing your personality into your brand...but you might need a little help polishing it up

  • Keep doing what you are doing.
  • Make a Pinterest board of stuff that inspires you.
  • Closely examine the websites of people you admire (But no copy cats!)
  • Find ways to let your attitude and outlook on life shine through in your copy.

And if you need help - reach out to a branding/design person that you trust.

You're a Blossoming Brand!


As the name implies, a blossoming brand is well, chances are you are doing alright.

When people land on your website, they GET you. And that's exactly what you want to happen.

If you notice a disconnect or drop off in sales, try these tactics to get your mojo back.

  • Keep doing what you are doing.
  • Make a Pinterest board of stuff that inspires you.
  • Closely examine the websites of people you admire (But no copy cats!)
  • Find ways to let your attitude and outlook on life shine through in your copy.

And if you need help - reach out to a branding/design person that you trust.

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