How Coaches can Attract Clients with a Personality Quiz

A business coach, a life coach, and a health coach all walk into a bar…

You can probably guess what happens next.


Not quite…

They all vent about how difficult it can be to attract clients with their marketing.

It’s understandable! Personal coaching is a one-billion-dollar industry (yes, that’s billion with a “b”) and continues to grow every year.

The demand for coaches is huge (yay!), but that also means the competition is more fierce than ever (boo!).

Don’t be discouraged.

There are people who are actively looking to work with a coach like you, someone who can help them alleviate their stress and effectively solve a problem in a sustainable way that works for them.

You just need to help them find you.

One of the best ways to do that is to invest in your email marketing. It gives you the opportunity to build a loyal tribe of potential clients who are interested in what you do.

The work you do is important in the world, and the people on your email list just “get” you in a way that others don’t. But how do you go about finding these gems and convincing them to join your email list in the first place?

(Psst… it rhymes with “frizz” and “whiz”…)

You guessed it… a personality quiz!

Ready to start building? Sign up for your Interact account today!

Step 1: Build an email list to attract coaching clients

As you grow your email list, you’ll be looking to incentivize your ideal clients to join. This means offering something of value for free.

Wait, why give it away for free?

Aren’t we in business to make money?

Of course, but in order to improve your sales and work with more of your ideal clients, you need to build their trust. Each potential client is looking to work with an expert coach who can help them get from point A to well beyond point B.

Offering something valuable at no cost (besides their email address) gives them a taste of what it’s like to work with you. This is helpful in the decision-making process when someone is ready to hire a coach or consultant.

As a coach, you can give new email subscribers an incentive for joining your email list through lead magnets. Lead magnets let you trade a freebie in exchange for someone’s email address.

The more valuable the lead magnet is, the more email subscribers will join your list. There are dozens of lead magnet types, and we recommend testing multiple types to see which lead magnet is most successful in attracting more coaching clients.

As you consider which lead magnets to start with, we want to make a case for why personality quizzes should be in the running.

Step 2: Make your own personality quiz to attract clients

As a coach, you need a way to stand out from other competitors who offer similar services. No one can offer the exact same client experience as you, making it one of your strongest differentiators.

With a quiz, you can bring more of that client experience into your quiz marketing strategy. From the words you use to the imagery you include, every aspect of your quiz can be customized and personalized to your ideal client.

Quizzes will help you make a memorable impression because it gives your audience an interactive way to learn more about themselves. Since this is the goal of coaching on its own, quizzes are a natural fit for coaches of any niche.

If you’re ready to start generating leads with a quiz, we have tips, tricks, and some examples from other coaches who have done the same. Get ready to feel inspired and take action!

Choose a quiz topic that relates to your coaching niche

Some of you may already have a quiz topic in mind that will work seamlessly with your coaching services. Others need more help in brainstorming topics. You’re not alone!

If you’re not sure what kind of quiz topic you should choose, you can scroll through our full library of quiz templates to help you get started. You’ll see hundreds of options to choose from.

screenshot of dashboard with 6 quiz covers

In the left sidebar of the quiz template library, you’ll also notice there are dozens of possible coaching niches you can choose from to narrow down your search results. Simply click the “coaching” checkbox to show all of the coaching-related quiz templates.

You can also check other boxes depending on what coaching industry you’re in. You’ll find topics for business, health and wellness, parenting, lifestyle, career, marketing, and other kinds of coaching. (Here’s even more coaching quiz topic ideas!)

interact quiz examples

Inside your Interact account, you can customize the quiz questions, answers, title, and descriptions so it effortlessly fits your brand voice and accomplishes your goals. The template copy, design, and imagery are only there to help you get started.

Once you have chosen a quiz topic, it’s time to create a quiz title. It’s nice if you can create something catchy and memorable, but make sure it is concise. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel here!

Here a few quiz title formulas we recommend using for your coaching quiz:

  • What Kind of [Blank] Are You?
  • What is Your [Blank] Personality Type?
  • What Does Your [Blank] Say About You?
  • Is [Blank] Working For You?
  • Do You Have a [Blank] Mindset?
  • What is Your [Blank] Style?

With your quiz topic and title in mind, let’s jump into the next step: writing your personality quiz result descriptions to attract more coaching clients.

Create personality quiz results

Before you write your quiz questions and answers, it can be helpful to know what quiz personality results each answer will lead to. When you choose personality types for your quiz, you’ll want to give your audience around 3-5 potential personality options. If you give too many, you might run the risk of overwhelming your audience.

Take it from Kaye Putnam. She’s a brand strategist and business coach who created a massively successful quiz but regrets having to create enough information to satisfy all 12 personality types (based on archetypes she pulled from a book).

Her one piece of advice to other coaches who are creating a quiz for the first time? To NOT choose a dozen personality types like she did and to save yourself the headache.

Having more quiz personality types only complicates the process. Keeping it simple with 3-5 results will be best. You’ll thank us later.

As you write your personality result descriptions, try to keep them to 3-5 sentences long. It should give your audience a taste of what their quiz personality is without revealing everything. You can give them more information when you send a follow-up email sequence based on their personality type, but we’ll talk about that later.

For now, write personality quiz results that are easy to digest and skim. You can also add a call-to-action (CTA) button on your results page so quiz takers can be directed to a page of your choice.

Since you are creating a quiz to generate leads for your coaching business, the button can lead to a specific coaching package that fits each quiz personality type or to your main services page. You’ll see that in Studio Co Creative’s personality result page, their CTA button brings quiz takers to their coaching program page.

foot with a high heel on a pink fluff and quiz results

The same is true for Valeri of Built to Soar Coaching. When she created her Business Flight Test quiz, her main goal was to generate leads for her coaching business by building her email list and driving traffic to her services page.

The blue button that says “Let’s chat about your results” gives her audience a chance to connect with her based on their personality quiz results. Using the quiz result, Valeri can create what she calls a “flight plan” which will help potential clients understand what next steps they need to take in their business.

When her leads have more confidence in the direction they’re headed in, they’ll be more likely to work with Valeri as a coach because she was a guide along their self-discovery process. This helps her increase sales while running her quiz on autopilot.

hummingbird in flight and quiz results

As you write the copy of your personality quiz results, keep these best practices in mind:

Be positive. Even if you address your quiz taker’s current struggles, try to present them in an optimistic way to show the possibilities of their quiz personality type. This will help you create a stronger bond and get them more excited about the opportunity to work with you as their coach.

Be useful. Your potential coaching client took the time to take your quiz. You want to thank them by providing useful information that educates and equips them for the next step on their self-discovery journey. If you do it right, you’ll be able to build trust with them that can lead to them hiring you.

Provide extra value. Whenever possible, give recommended resources that can help your audience understand their quiz personality type. Personalized recommendations get clicked on 2.3x more than your average product link, so it’s worth it to include resource recommendations in your personality description. If you don’t have room to add them to your initial result description, you can also add them to your follow-up email sequence.

Need more help? We have a personality quiz content worksheet to use so you can check this task off your to-do list. Once you write one personality description, the rest will come easily. You’ve got this!

Write engaging quiz questions and answers

Let’s get the logistics out of the way by tackling them first.

The most successful quizzes typically have around 6-10 questions with 3-5 potential answers each. This helps your audience stay engaged as they take your quiz without asking them to answer too many prompts.

It’s best if every quiz answer can easily connect to one of your personality types. This makes creating your quiz logic really simple. Your quiz logic is just a fancy term to describe how you will connect each answer to the related personality type in order to give your audience accurate personality results.

Keep your ideal coaching clients in mind when you write your questions. Think about what kind of questions they are already asking themselves in terms of the topic.

Here are a few prompts that could inspire your next quiz question:

  • What do your ideal clients want to know more about?
  • What do they struggle with?
  • What makes them feel disconnected from where they want to go?
  • What would make them feel the way they want to feel?
  • What solutions are they in search of?
  • What helps them feel seen, heard, and understood?

The way you write your questions should feel like a conversation between two people. This is so important since the work you do as a coach is very personal. Speak as casually and conversationally as you do in real life. You’ll attract clients that way.

No matter what your coaching niche is, you can write quiz questions that your audience will enjoy answering. Some quiz topics are more entertaining and fun by nature, but you can still work your personality into any quiz topic.

Don’t believe us?

Just look at these lead generating quizzes to see how each coach took a more serious topic and turned it into an interactive quiz their audience loves:

Now that you’ve seen a few examples, we’ll give you an inside look into how other coaches have strategically written their quiz and answers.

The marketing consulting and business coaching duo behind Studio Co Creative decided to create simple, straight-forward questions that helped them assess where each quiz taker is at with their branding and marketing.

While the quiz topic of “How Well Does Your Brand Attract Your Ideal Clients?” may not seem like the most entertaining choice, it does its job by helping their audience qualify if they are the right fit for Studio Co Creative’s services and coaching program.

quiz question on have you defined your dream client

To add some personality to their quiz, the duo added casual and light-hearted language in their answers to enhance the quiz experience. They traded a simple “no” answer for “um, no, is this something I should do?!” to stay consistent with their brand voice to attract clients.

Quiz question on font colors and usage from Studio Co Creative

No matter what your quiz topic is, you can always include an extra dose of pizzazz and personality with your quiz copywriting. Another way you can do this is by adding questions to your quiz that are just for fun.

Annie Kip, a business consultant, included two fun questions in her quiz in between other more serious questions to help lighten the mood. It also helps her create a more personal quiz.

Since Annie’s quiz is all about helping introverts understand what their superpower is, she has some creative freedom when writing her quiz questions and answers.

question about perfect cupcake with images

You can also add imagery to your quiz answers to help them pop! This usually works best when your answers are short and concise. If you have a long question, a long answer, AND an image for each answer, it makes the quiz feel crowded and too busy. This light-hearted quiz question example from Annie is a perfect example of how to do it right.

quiz question about how to celebrate your birthday with image choices

After your imagery is chosen and all of your quiz content is uploaded into Interact, you’ll want to think about what happens after someone completes your quiz.

Step 3: Follow up with an email sequence

At the end of your quiz, give quiz takers the opportunity to join your email list. This is one of the main reasons why coaches build quizzes, after all.

You’ll want to connect your email service provider (ESP) to your quiz as you set it up in Interact. We have dozens of tool integrations (like ConvertKit, MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, Drip, and more) so you’ll be able to easily automate your email marketing with your quiz.

After you collect a potential client’s email address, then what happens?

The most common question we hear about post-quiz email marketing is “what in the world do I send my new audience of email subscribers?” If you’re not sure what kind of email content you should be sending them, we’ve got you covered.

The best way to nurture the relationship with your new email subscribers is to create a quiz-specific email sequence. This personalized email series can then be automated and sent to your subscribers whenever they complete your quiz.

While your quiz serves as the real first impression, your first few emails must sustain your audience’s excitement for what you offer in order to make a lasting impression.

Let’s start with what emails you should be sending your subscribers after they take your quiz. You can make customizations to this list, but it’s a great place to start.

  • Email 1: Re-introduce their personality quiz result and add a link to their result page.
  • Email 2: Give extra value by including additional personalized resources for their type.
  • Email 3: Introduce yourself and share a personal story that helps them connect with you.
  • Email 4: Sell your coaching program or book consultation calls with potential clients.

This email sequence cadence gives your audience enough time to build a more personal connection with you before you introduce what you do and how you can help them.

Want to see it in action? Here is a follow-up email sequence example that you can use to model your own quiz email series after. Just replace the personality types with your own and change the subject matter of each email to match your coaching niche.

map of each quiz result and the follow-up emails

Now let’s talk about the elephant in the room: writing the actual content inside your email. If there’s one step that overwhelms most coaches, it’s this one.

Remember that if a quiz taker signs up for your email list, it means they want to hear more from you. That’s an amazing sign! Since you want to nurture this warm client lead while you’ve got their attention, it’s important to send emails that resonate with their quiz personality type.

The more you can share personal stories, case studies from past clients, additional resources, and tips you’ve picked up as a coach, the better. Use these first few emails to give value, teach your audience, and build trust.

We love how Habit House uses their email sequence to direct client leads toward their coaching services. After taking their quiz, client leads not only see their personality result right away but also receive it in their inbox.

house logo with quiz results

Here are some of the things we love about Habit House’s email content:

  • They reiterate what the personality type title is and what it means.
  • They immediately launch into how their potential clients can take action.
  • They give an easy exercise that potential clients can complete with little time commitment.
  • They add copy at the end that shows they understand where each potential client is at in their own journey to building habits.
  • They add a “PS” message at the end to schedule a discovery call with a coach that feels informative and helpful without coming off as too pushy for the first email.

Now that you have a guide to help you create your email sequence, you’re ready to start writing.

In the future, you’ll want to test your email subject lines to see which one gets the highest open rate over time. Don’t forget to check your email marketing analytics to see how your email sequence is performing.

Your follow-up email sequence doesn’t have to be perfect to be effective. Launch what you have, experiment with different email types, and start measuring for success!

Attract clients with your own coaching personality quiz

Armed with other coaching quiz examples, you have everything you need to get started with building your own quiz in Interact.

Here is a review of the necessary steps you need to take to create a quiz that attracts clients:

  1. Choose a quiz topic and title
  2. Create your personality result descriptions
  3. Write engaging quiz questions and answers
  4. Follow up with an email sequence

Ready to start building? Sign up for your Interact account today!

Kayla Hollatz

Kayla Hollatz is a copywriter and website strategist for entrepreneurs and content creators who want their words to connect and convert. Few things make her happier than ghostwriting for her clients or dreaming up her next conversion experiment in her studio, aka a three-season porch with a lake view.

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