How to make a Skin Type Quiz for your Shopify Store

Here are the steps to creating a skin type quiz.

  1. Choose your skin type quiz title
  2. Create result collections in Shopify for each skin type
  3. Choose 5-7 questions for your skin type quiz
  4. Build your skin type quiz in interact quiz builder
  5. Connect your skin type quiz to your email marketing program for list building
  6. Embed your skin type quiz in Shopify and promote

Prefer to watch a video? Here’s the video version of this post.

Give your skin type quiz a catchy title

Below are the three most common titles used for skin type quizzes. Feel free to add your own variation and flair to any of these titles. Think of them as the general shape of what will work and use your creativity to mold the exact title.

skin type quiz

What is Your Skin Type?

Obvious, to the point. This is the classic title that is used successfully over and over again.

What is your true skin type?

For a slightly different take on the title format this quiz title presents a slight challenge to the quiz taker to see if the skin type they think they have is the one they actually have.

What is your body skin type?

For products that don’t just work on your face, this title is more versatile in terms of how it can be used.

Create result collections in Shopify for each skin type

We create the results of the skin type quiz first because once you have the results set up you can choose from the question bank below to determine which skin type result someone should get.

Best practice: Redirect your quiz results to product collections that you’ll create in Shopify (or other store platform.) On those collections pages include a result description and three product recommendations based on the person’s skin type. There’s a screenshot below of how that will look, here is the text.

Skin Type Quiz Result Best Practices:

  1. Write two paragraphs of text for each result. 3-4 sentences per paragraph. The first paragraph tells the quiz taker why they got the skin type recommendation they got, and what it means. The second paragraph gives tips on how to care for their skin type and talks about which products they can use to take care of their skin and beautify it.
  2. Recommend 3-4 products in each result. This will give options but not overwhelm. Make sure to weave in explanations of why each product is useful to the skin type in your second paragraph of text.

Here is the content to put on each result page, you can customize as you’d like. See screenshots below for how each collection page looks in shopify.

Action Step: Build your quiz results page collections in Shopify and add 3-5 products to each collection for each skin type. Here is the guide on creating Shopify collections pages

Your Result: Dry Skin

Result Description: You wash your face and expect to feel fresh and clean, but instead it feels irritated and tight. And during the dryer months like winter and fall, your skin is extra flaky and can peel easily, causing you to look red and feel itchy. Dry skin struggles to retain natural moisture needed as a protective shield against external influences. Because of this, your skin may feel rough and look on the duller side. You may not be prone to acne, but the dehydrated feeling might seem just as difficult to manage.

quiz result dry skin on store

Your Result: Oily Skin

Result Description: Even after washing your face, you notice your skin is still shiny. No matter how much you blot and powder, your skin looks like a bright pearl gleaming in the sea.This can cause breakouts, especially in the T zone. Even your pores look huge to you in certain light! Don’t worry. This is normal, especially for teenagers and young adults.You may even struggle to even keep makeup on. After a long day your makeup might start just sliding off your skin. An upside? Extra moisture can help protect your skin from other external factors. “Beautiful skin requires commitment, not a miracle” — Erno LazloReady

quiz result oily skin on store

Your Skin Type: Combination Skin

Result Description: Guess what! You are perfectly normal. Combination skin is the most common skin type out there, but knowing how to take care of your skin’s particular needs in certain areas can seem daunting.You’re probably oily around your T zone, which is where you’re most likely to break out. And the rest of your skin can feel tight and dry. By focusing on a specific routine to allow your skin to balance itself out, you can find a happy medium!“Beauty to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin.” — Gwyneth Paltrow

combination skin type on site final

Choose 5-7 questions for your skin type quiz (Skin Type Quiz Questions)

To build your skin type quiz, choose 5-7 of these questions and add them into your quiz inside of interact. You can also make up your own questions or add a few that are just for fun that don’t correlate to the results. 

Skin Type Quiz Question Best Practices:

  1. 5-7 questions is ideal for skin type quizzes
  2. Use a combination of text or image questions, text or image answer choices. You are okay if everything is text.
  3. Have 3-4 questions for the logic of the quiz, 1-2 questions for fun, and 1-2 questions for information about the quiz taker
  4. The more you write like you talk the better, so long as the quiz questions are still clear
  5. Keep each question and answer choices less than two lines of text (ideally a single line) for clarity when people are taking the quiz

Does your skin ever feel dry?

  1. Yes – most of the time (Dry)
  2. Sometimes – during the dryer months of the year (Combination)
  3. No – my skin is usually combination or oily (Oily)
  4. Yes – but only when I use products that dry my skin (Combination)

Which of these defines your skin? (Choose all that apply)

  1. Patches of oily places (Combination/Oily)
  2. Skin feels tight and dry (Dry)
  3. I’m prone to rashes and skin gets irritated easily (Dry)

Does your skin get irritated from sun exposure, cold weather or low humidity?

  1. Yes, every time (Dry)
  2. Occasionally, it depends on how extreme the conditions are (Combination)
  3. Rarely, I’m usually okay (Combination)

Which of these are you most likely to experience? (Choose all that apply)

  1. Breakouts or random blemishes appearing (Oily)
  2. Dry spots and itchiness (Dry)
  3. Redness (Dry)
  4. Blotchiness (Combination)

Tell me about your skin when you wake up in the morning

  1. It’s usually pretty oily (Oily)
  2. It’s dry and feels tight to my body/face (Dry)
  3. I get a little oily in the T-zones but can also have dry areas (Combination)
  4. Pretty much feels good when I wake up (Combination)

What are your skin goals?

  1. Clear up acne or blackheads (Oily)
  2. Smooth out rough or dry patches (Dry)
  3. Brighten and tighten up my skin (Combination)
  4. Moisturize my skin (Dry)

Which of these product categories have you found most beneficial to your skin in the past?

  1. A deep moisturizing cream (Dry)
  2. A peel that refreshes my skin (Combination)
  3. An oil-removing face wash (Oily)

Do skin care products like peels and microdermabrasion irritate your skin?

  1. Yes, I have to stay away from harsher treatments (Dry)
  2. Occasionally, as long as I’m gentler it’s pretty much okay (Combination)
  3. Not really, I can use most treatments without risking irritation (Combination/Oily)

On winter/dry days, how does your skin feel?

  1. Pretty much normal, unaffected (Oily)
  2. It can get dry in some places (Combination)
  3. Very dry, bring on the lotion! (Dry)

You go out for a night with a full face of makeup, how does your face look at the end of the night?

  1. Makeup gets cake-y and can even start sliding off (Oily)
  2. Give me some face mist! it’s dry dry dry (Dry)
  3. Face can be blotchy in some places but dry in others (Combination)

How many times a day do you feel the need to moisturize your skin?

  1. Just the usual morning and night routine (Combination)
  2. Constantly, my skin can’t get enough (Dry)
  3. Moisturizer? my skin is way too oily for that (Oily)

How would you describe your skin? (Choose all that apply)

  1. Can be dry or flaky (Dry)
  2. Gets oily and has large pores (Oily)
  3. Dull, lacks luminosity (Dry)
  4. Sensitive with a propensity for rashes (Dry)
  5. Radiant and rarely gets rashes or breakouts (Combination)
  6. Shiny, can reflect like a beacon (Oily)

Fun Questions to sprinkle in for a more engaging quiz (don’t add to the logic of the skin type, but can help if recommending products)

What scents do you enjoy?

  1. Spicy scents (Vanilla, Cardamom, Cinnamon, etc.)
  2. Floral scents (Lavender, Peony, Rose, etc.)
  3. Woodsy scents (Pine, Sandalwood, Eucalyptus)

Do you have a skin care routine?

  1. Does taking a shower count?
  2. Somewhat, I use lotion and a few other products
  3. Yup, full routine, morning and night + mid-day add-ons

What matters most to you when it comes to skin care?

  1. Sustainability and renewability, I want to support initiatives for those things
  2. Quality of ingredients, I really care about what I put on my face
  3. Integrity of the brands I work with, I want to know what’s going into my products

What’s the bigger WHY behind your desire for all-over glowing skin?

  1. I just want to know I’m taking care of my skin
  2. I want to build confidence and great skin is a piece of that for me
  3. I want to improve my mood and stress, taking care of my skin can help with that
  4. I like the idea of having a morning and evening routine around skin care

Customer information questions: These questions help you learn about your audience but don’t necessarily inform skin type, although you can add correlations if that makes sense in your quiz.

How old are you?

  1. 18-24
  2. 25-32
  3. 33-45
  4. 46-55
  5. 56+

How much do you currently spend on skin care products?

  1. Nothing, just getting started
  2. $50-200 a month on my full routine
  3. $200-$500 a month, I’m all in on skin care!

Building your Skin Type quiz in interact quiz builder

Customizing quiz cover page. Once you are ready with your quiz content it’s time to load it into Interact quiz builder. The first step is the cover page where you’ll put in your quiz title and description, then customize the look and feel of your quiz.

On this step I’m going to:

  1. Choose my font: Pick from hundreds of pre-loaded fonts or connect Typekit to add your own custom fonts.
  2. Match my brand colors: Add your hex colors to your quiz so it matches your brand
  3. Choose a cover photo: Pick from photos directly on Unsplash or upload your own
  4. Add my logo: Upload your logo for a branded experience.

Here’s what my finished product looks like for my brand, Cozy Cosmetics.

Cozy cosmetics cover page

Add questions to your quiz. Choose 5-7 questions from the list above and add them to your quiz. You can do text or image answer choices. You can also customize the color of the background for each answer choice.

skin care quiz question

For each question, click the “Edit Result Correlations” button and set the correlations where each answer choice links to the corresponding outcome as outline in the questions above. You’ll click on the answer choice and then connect it to the results (skin types) it matches up with.

These correlations are +1’s for the results. So whichever result has the most +1’s based on someone’s answer choices throughout the quiz is the one that gets shown as that person’s result.

product quiz questions
product quiz questions

Create results in interact + redirect them to your Shopify collections pages

You’ll be redirecting your results to the collections pages you created in Shopify so no need to build anything in interact, just create the three results and redirect them to your Shopify URLs.


  1. How to redirect quiz results from interact
  2. How to create product collections in Shopify
results redirect interact

Set up the quiz opt-in form and connect it to Klaviyo (or whatever email software you use).

You can choose which types of information you want to ask for and customize the text on the opt-in form of your quiz. For E-Commerce, quizzes convert at 37.6% on average so it’s a great way to build your list!

Skin Type Opt-in Form Best Practices:

  1. Offer the quiz taker personalized skin care advice + tips based on their skin type. Follow through on this by sending personalized emails based on which outcome the person got.
  2. Show your personality on the opt-in form copy. This is a preview of what the person can expect if they do subscribe.
  3. Consult your legal counsel for privacy and data consent compliance.


  1. Connecting Interact to Klaviyo
  2. Quizzes + Klaviyo complete guide
skin type quiz opt in form

The new leads go straight into your Klaviyo list and you can update a custom field so you can create segments and set up a unique flow for each of the skin types people can get.

klaviyo add to list from quiz

Then in Klaviyo I have a flow that gets triggered for each unique result so there is a personalized follow-up for each skin type. Here’s what that looks like.

klaviyo flows for quiz results

Embedding + Promoting your Skin Type Quiz

You’ll be embedding your quiz into a page on Shopify using a page template. We have a full guide on that so no worries it’s step-by-step.

Resource: How to embed your quiz on Shopify

embedded skin type quiz

You can also promote the quiz as a popup on your Shopify store.

Shopify popup

Josh Haynam

Hi I'm Josh, CEO and Co-Founder at Interact. My Co-Founders and I started interact with the idea that it should be easy for any business to create recommendation systems and benefit from the value of personalization for every customer interaction.

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