Ellen Yin’s Quiz Evolution to a 75% Conversion Rate

ellen yin

Ellen Yin is the founder and host of Cubicle to CEO®, a top 100 business podcast and free weekly newsletter asking successful founders the business questions you can’t Google. Her own Cubicle to CEO® journey began with quitting her corporate job without a backup plan, leading to bootstrapping a $300 freelance project into millions in revenue by age twenty-nine. Ellen’s work has been featured in Times Square, Forbes, Yahoo! Finance, the Today Show, and more. Ellen is also an angel investor and advisor for buzzy consumer brands like Soursop Nutrition, Lotza, and the Fintech platform Cherub, which connects founders with funders. 

Have you ever wondered how a killer personality quiz could boost engagement and skyrocket your leads organically? Below, Ellen Yin takes us on her game-changing quiz-making journey, turning a simple idea into a lead-generating powerhouse. Ellen is the brains behind Cubicle to CEO, where she delivers unfiltered business wisdom straight from top entrepreneurs. 

In this article, Ellen breaks down her three phases of quiz building—Build, Launch, and Impact. Discover how you can use Interact’s AI-powered quiz maker to follow in her footsteps!

Phase 1: Build 

You’ve heard me rave about personality quizzes for a while now—specifically how they’re more shareable than any other type of lead magnet AND help you auto-segment your audience by personality type to better tailor your offers. 

I knew I had to test this underrated strategy in our business this year and report back on my findings, so I immediately called my friend Linda Sidhu (the quiz queen) to help me develop my quiz. 

We created my quiz, “What’s Your CEO Style?” where participants answer ten quick questions to discover which of the four CEO types they are. 

We created this quiz to serve two goals: 

1) Identify who is in your audience, then help them understand their unique challenges and strengths as a CEO.

2) Match each CEO type with episodes from our podcast specific to their personality. 

Pro tip: Quiz results are ideal for repurposing your best free content or recommending paid offers as next steps for quiz-takers to apply their newfound knowledge. Keep reading to see how this method boosted my podcast to the top 100 on Apple Podcast Charts.) 

Best of all? Once I’d written my quiz, I simply passed it off to the team at Interact (my preferred builder/platform), and they built my quiz FOR ME at zero charge. It’s a no-brainer to add a quiz to your business when Interact makes it so easy. You can try out Interact’s AI-powered quiz maker to have your quiz fully built out OR EVEN WRITTEN FOR YOU!

Phase 2: Launch

Here’s my live quiz to reveal your unique genius as a business leader and potential blind spots for your leadership style. 

Click HERE and answer ten quick questions (all multiple choice!) to uncover your CEO style advantage—and how to use it to gain more clarity, confidence, and visibility in your biz. 

Almost two hundred people completed the quiz in its first twenty-four hours. I was surprised that half of them shared the same signature CEO style (The Magnetic Connector). As for me, I’m The Change Maker…along with 20% of you so far! 

As you can tell, I’ve already been nerding out over the in-depth analytics provided by our quiz platform, Interact; I’ll share more insights with you in the Phase 3 (Impact) update in the next section! Initially, my launch plan was to record an evergreen podcast plug for the quiz, share a behind-the-scenes recap of this quiz project on the pod, set up newsletter swaps and promos for the quiz with peers and podcast guests featured in the result page episode playlists, and do a test ad run to see how this quiz performs with paid traffic.

Thanks again to the Interact team for making it SO easy with their done-for-you tech setup to get my quiz onto their platform and out into the world without a hitch! Their CEO, Josh, was even among the first to take my quiz. He’s The Peacekeeper ✌️

How many software companies show that level of human connection and investment in their customers? 

Phase 3: Impact

After only two weeks since we launched our first personality quiz (What’s your CEO Style?) on Interact, the impact had already exceeded my expectations. 

In the first fourteen days, our quiz had generated over five hundred leads, ALL ORGANIC. For comparison, we’re currently averaging $2/lead on Facebook ads on our only other lead magnet (a worksheet), so that’s $1,000 in equivalent value added back to our business. In addition… 

  • Fifty+ people have tagged me in their stories or social media posts showing their quiz result.
  • Four people volunteered—unprompted—to share the quiz with their own email list because they loved it so much. 
  • Our quiz was chosen as the group activity for an in-person networking event; all attendees brought their CEO-style quiz results to discuss and learn from one another. 
  • We’re averaging a 76% conversion rate from quiz page view >> to email opt-in. 

Here’s a look at my quiz results: 

Newsletter swaps using a quiz 

Our case study has delivered a clear verdict: quizzes are more shareable and higher converting than any other lead magnet we’ve tested before; they naturally spark conversation and connection; and they’re assets that pay for themselves! 

And the best news? Interact makes it so easy to add a quiz to your marketing strategy with their AI-powered quiz maker

Don’t sleep on this mega-generous opportunity! 

P.S. In case you’re curious about what the CEO makeup of our community is so far: 

  • 49.6% The Magnetic Connector 
  • 18% The Change Maker (that’s me!) 
  • 17.1% The Peacekeeper 
  • 15.3% The Whip-Smart Achiever 


If you still haven’t taken the quiz, click HERE and answer ten quick questions (all multiple choice!) to uncover your CEO style advantage. You’ll also learn how to use it to gain clarity, confidence, and visibility in your biz. 


Ellen’s personality-quiz adventure isn’t just a success story; it’s a masterclass in leveraging the magic of quizzes. With over 5,000 organic leads in just two weeks and an extremely high 76% conversion rate, the impact speaks for itself. 

And let’s not forget: her quiz helped her Cubicle to CEO podcast land a spot in the Apple Top 100 Podcast Charts

Ready to take your quiz game to the next level? Head over to ai.tryinteract.com to get started!

Sophia Stone

Sophia Stone is the Marketing Intern at Interact Quiz Maker. She is currently a student at San Diego State University as a Business Administration major with an emphasis in Management. She loves to go hiking and go to San Francisco Giants games!

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