How to Make a Quiz on Pinterest

Quizzes are a great way to drive traffic to your site from Pinterest. A quiz is also good for lead generation, engagement, and recommending products. In this post we will look at three examples of how you can create a quiz for Pinterest. If you don’t have your quiz built yet, you can make one in a minute with Interact.

Note: it is possible to create a quiz directly as a Pinterest ad pin. However there are  drawbacks.

  1. you can’t collect leads
  2. The quiz does not live on your site
  3. The on is an ad only not organic

Here are instructions for how to make a quiz pin ad.

Make a primary quiz for Pinterest

A primary quiz is a quiz that applies to your whole business. It addresses the biggest problem your customers face or it leads to the goal your customers want to reach. Amy Porterfield uses a primary quiz on Pinterest to drive traffic and leads.

Here is what the quiz pin looks like. It follows the Pinterest best practices and is very clear in its intention.

amy porterfield primary quiz pin

When someone clicks this pin they are taken to to take the quiz on Amy’s website.

amy porterfield pinterest quiz cover page

This quiz has 8 questions which follows quiz best practices.

amy porterfield pinterest quiz question

After the 8 questions, the quiz has an opt-in form that appears before the quiz results are shown.

amy porterfield pinterest quiz opt in form

After the opt-in form the quiz results are shown to the quiz taker.

amy porterfield pinterest quiz result

Amy also sends the quiz results by email, cementing the conversion from Pinterest viewer to warm lead.

amy porterfield pinterest quiz result email

Want to create your own primary quiz? Use Interact and create your quiz in 1 minute.

Make a topic-specific quiz for Pinterest

A topic-specific quiz is one that doesn’t apply to your whole business but one part of what you do. Nutrition Stripped does a great job of creating topic-specific quizzes for Pinterest, let’s look at one.

Nutrition stripped quiz pin

When someone clicks through to the quiz they are greeted by a well designed cover page that is optimized for conversions.

Nutrition stripped quiz cover

Then the quiz takers answers a series of thoughtful questions to find their quiz result.

Nutrition stripped quiz question

Then the quiz shows an opt-in form so people can move from Pinterest followers to email subscribers should they so choose. These forms convert at a rate of 40.8% on average.

Nutrition stripped quiz opt in form

And finally the quiz result is shown, with plenty of detail and explanation for the person who gets this result to take action and learn from.

Nutrition stripped quiz result

Make a product quiz for Pinterest

If you are in Ecommerce, then product quizzes are your go-to. You can recommend the right products to each person who takes your quiz, and Pinterest is the perfect place to promote a product quiz. Here’s an example from Esker Beauty.

Esker beauty quiz pin

When someone clicks on the pin on the Pinterest platform, they are taken to the Esker beauty website to take the quiz.

Esker beauty quiz cover

This quiz has 6 questions which is right in line with product quiz best practices.

Esker beauty quiz question

At the end of the quiz the quiz takers has an opportunity to opt-in for Esker’s email list. Moving them from Pinterest follower into motivated subscriber.

Esker beauty quiz opt in form

The quiz taker is then shown their product quiz result, with a button to view products for their profile. You can set up your quiz in this way, or auto-redirect to product pages.

Esker beauty quiz result

Here are the list of products recommended for the quiz taker after taking this Pinterest quiz.

Esker beauty quiz product recommendations

Conclusion: Make your Pinterest Quiz

Whether you choose a primary quiz, a topic-specific quiz, or a product quiz. Quizzes are a great way to get traffic from Pinterest and convert those people into leads and sales. Create your quiz now!

Josh Haynam

Josh Haynam is the co-founder of Interact, the ai-powered personalization platform where brands create experiences to make every customer interaction unique. Josh is a student of psychology and interaction design, striving to build a platform that connects businesses and customers for a mutually beneficial collaboration.

Make a quiz for your business with AI

Use our AI quiz maker to create a beautiful quiz for your brand in a minute.

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