Use public domain content to create quizzes for your business

One of the most beautiful thins about AI is the ability to bring old works to new life. What I mean is, anything created before 1928 it’s in the public domain. That means you can use it without needing to obtain permission.

Only problem is, a lot of work produced before 1928 is pretty hard to ready by today’s standards. But that does not mean there isn’t immense wisdom there.

To bring these old works to life, you can put them through Interact’s AI Quiz Maker and turn old written content into quizzes. Quizzes make learning personal and fun, so the ancient wisdom can take on new life.

Let’s get started. For this run-through we’re going to use “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius. It’s one of my favorite old books, and much of modern psychology pulls from this text. However, it’s not an easy read and most people won’t read it.

So we’re going to turn chapter 2 of the book into a quiz.

I’m going to go in cold and select the option for no quiz idea.

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I’m going to paste in chapter 2 of Meditations from Marcus Aurelius as the source for this quiz. Think of this as the memory that InteractAI will use when constructing the quiz.

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Then InteractAI will ask me about what my business does. I’m going to emulate a mindset coach here, since that’s a prime use-case for repurposing public domain content. So if you were a mindset coach you could say what you do, then cross that up with Marcus Aurelius’ writing and make yourself a great quiz.

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Now the AI will ask me what the biggest problem is that I help customers with. This will help refine the quiz title suggestions to address the problems that are most likely to be on my customers’ minds when they come to me.

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Now I get some quiz titles to choose from. The AI is going to suggest these based on a combination of my inputs as well as the text from Meditations. Such a cool melding of old and new.

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I picked the one titled “What is the root cause of your mental roadblocks?” since that’s a question I know many people would have when coming to a mindset coach, you are seeking some answers as to why things feel hard to accomplish, so a quiz that helps you find the root cause is perfect.

After I pick that title the AI will ask me to select how I want the quiz to function, I’m going to let the AI choose since I’m not sure.

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Now I can select how many questions I want. Typically I use 5 questions but since this quiz is a little more intense as far as subject matter, I’m going to choose 7.

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Now I can input my own focus areas. This is where I can make sure the AI keys in on areas that I can help with as a coach (I’m playing a mindset coach still). I’m going to give it a few specific topics I want to focus on.

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Now we start generating, this quiz took about 75 seconds to generate once I clicked to start.

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Now my quiz is ready and I can add images! You can modify any of the content and integrate with your email software if you want to use your quiz to generate leads.

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The quiz has all the questions, which are pretty spot-on honestly, and the results at the end as well.

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Here’s a result of the quiz, it pulls from the Meditations text and my own inputs. So cool. I can use the call to action button to point people to a coaching page or course page that’s relevant to this quiz result.

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If this all seemed cool to you (personally I think this is the untapped genius of this AI revolution). Then you can make your own quiz with InteractAI. It’s free to create a quiz and you can modify/edit anything once you create your first quiz.

What is the best quiz for you business?

Quizzes are super effective for lead generation and selling products. Find the best quiz for your business by answering a few questions.

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