In recent years, chatbots have evolved from being a simple gadget used to help customer support teams to powerful tools employed by thousands of organizations to automate their marketing and sales.
Perhaps one of the most interesting trends we’ve noticed though is the emergence of the quizbot, a match-made-in-heaven combination between interactive quizzes and chatbots.
A quizbot, as the name suggests, is a standard chatbot that asks the user a couple of questions and, based on their answers, will be able to hold a conversation personalized to the user. It all sounds pretty basic, and it really is, but when used correctly they can allow your business to automate everything from your customer support, acquiring new leads, and even help you convert your prospects into paying customers!
In this article, I’ll be walking through with you how quizbots can help you take your business to the next level and five different ways you can start integrating quizbots into your business strategy.
How Quizbots are changing sales
What makes chatbots so powerful are their ability to offer a personalized experience tailored to each individual user.
Through a mixture of machine learning, conditional logic, and asking the right questions, a chatbot is able to gather the data it needs to ensure that it’s only sending through relevant information. In a world where the customer is king, being able to offer a personalized customer experience can be the differentiating factor between your business and your competitors.
You can even make a chatbot using Interact.
Ready to create a quizbot of your own? Get started here!
According to Accenture, 75% of consumers stated that they’re more likely to purchase if the business can remember their name, recommend options based on past preferences, or know their purchase history.
Even something as simple as having a chatbot greet a visitor with their name has shown to drastically reduce a website’s bounce rate.
However, gathering that crucial information from your audience can be tricky, which is exactly where quizbots come in.
As we’ve already discussed in previous articles, quizzes are one of the most effective ways to better understand your customers and audience. With a quizbot you can now make sure that you’re actively interacting and engaging with every person that visits your website.
Here are five different methods businesses are already using quizbots to streamline and automate their sales process.
Use Case #1 – Generating and segment new leads
Perhaps the most popular way that forward-thinking businesses have been incorporating quizbots into their sales cycle is in acquiring and segmenting new leads. According to Instabot, businesses that use chatbot generate, on average, 33% more leads than those who still rely on traditional contact forms.
By turning your chatbot into a quizbot, not only can you greatly increase the number of leads you attract but also the overall quality of your leads.
While everyone that visits your website or social media page is a potential customer, not every one of them will necessarily be a good fit for your business. Instead of going through the laborious and time-consuming task of qualifying each individual lead that comes your way, you can automate that entire process by using a quizbot.
Instead of having your chatbot give a simple welcome message and leaving it at that, take it up a notch by greeting every single visitor with a few questions.
In the following example you can see how the in a couple of lines Convene’s chatbot is already starting to gather information by asking a question and presenting a number of answers the visitor can choose. Take a look at how the conversation flows naturally, with the quizbot continuing to ask questions and presenting options for answers, until it has enough information to present a relevant offer.
Beyond just asking the same basic qualifying questions over and over again though, you can even take this a step further by incorporating a scored quiz to help you further segment any leads that come your way.
Instead of just promoting your quiz through the typical social media channels, you can set it up so that you can retarget warm or cold leads on Facebook and ensuring that the first thing they see is a message from you with a link to your quiz.
Use Case #2 – Product recommendation engine
Once again, perhaps the most powerful attribute of a chatbot is its ability to offer a personalized customer experience. According to Adlucent, up to 71% of consumers prefer advertised tailored to their shopping interests and habits.
The great news is that you don’t have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars into web developers and software engineers to build you a product recommendation engine. You can easily achieve the same effect by using a quizbot.
Use your quizbot to help your customers navigate through your catalogue and find the product that’s just right for them. You can do this by treating your quizbot as if it’s a friendly store attendant and asking number of questions designed to gain information about the shopper’s lifestyle, their needs, and what they’re looking to achieve.
Fashion retailer Spring does this in a very straightforward and direct manner. Their quizbot begins by asking broad category-related questions before digging deeper until they have enough information to make an offer, which they do directly through Facebook messenger.
Instead of having to navigate through the entire site, Spring reduces friction in the overall online shopping experience by simply asking a handful of questions.
Don’t feel like you have to be restricted in using your quizbot in the same way as Spring’s though. Nordstrom takes a slightly different approach by injecting their quizbot with some more personality and asking more personality-related questions for their product recommendation quiz.
Something else to keep in mind is also how these businesses take advantage of their chatbot’s near-infinite ability to store and record information. Allowing them to continue to make recommendations based on the customer’s previous answers and how future quizzes are just there to continue refining their marketing approach.
Use Case #3 – Driving Direct Sales and Conversions
Besides gathering information and nurturing a lead, businesses have also been looking at how they can use quizbots to make direct sales. According to Ubisend, the average customer is willing to spend close to $500 with a business via chatbot.
What this means is that, when used strategically, quizbots have the potential to help businesses generate even more sales and revenue completely on automation. Already some businesses have begun taking advantage of this, such as the lingerie brand Aerie who uses their quizbot to simplify the shopping experience even further by simply asking one question.
Aerie’s quizbot presents users with two pictures, each one showing different body types and fashion styles, and asks the user to choose between the two. After going for a few rounds Aerie’s quizbot will have gathered enough information to make product recommendations unique to the user.
Depending on what platform your quizbot is hosted on, you can either sell directly through your chatbot or send them a link to a dedicated landing page.
For businesses that have high-ticket items though selling through a quizbot be tricky, after all most people would rather speak to a person when making large financial decisions.
As we’ve mentioned before, a quizbot can be perfect in helping a business gather essential information and qualify a prospect before they ever speak with a salesperson. In the case of this real estate developer, he used his quizbot to sell three luxury apartments in just 10 days.
After using their quizbot to gather information about the prospect, their chatbot will then help the agent book in an appointment or collect the prospect’s contact details so the agent can get in touch with them later.
The quizbot will then follow up and provide even more value to the prospect by giving the prospect an opportunity to check out more pictures of the property, sending them relevant links to other properties for sale, and provide information like different financing options.
This incredibly simple flow demonstrate how all you need to do is program your quizbot to ask the right handful of questions and you can automate what was once a time-consuming sales process.
Use Case #4 – Re-engaging Cold Leads
Not every lead that comes your way is going to be the right fit, but just because they’re not ready to be a customer now doesn’t mean that they can’t be customers later. When it comes to re-engaging with cold leads the standard strategy is to keep on providing them with valuable content and opportunities to become a customer.
In the following example you can see how the chatbot re-engages with a cold lead by offering a coupon code.
Notice how the quizbot only offers one option for the user, in this case claiming their free coupon, and how it continues to interact with the user by presenting an option to take another quiz.
Another way that businesses are using chatbots to re-engage their cold leads is to take their previously captured customer information and sending them information relevant to their interests.
Much like how the product recommendation works, you can use your quizbot to gain insight into the customer and, instead of recommending a product, you can offer a lead magnet or piece of content that you know they’ll find valuable. Much like with an automated email campaign, once a lead has opted into your chatbot sequence you can then continuously send them messages and information until they decide to opt out.
As you can see from this example by LearnMate, an Australian platform that connects tutors and high school students, they continuously send their leads content that they know they find valuable in order to keep their brand top-of-mind.
One other tactic you can re-engage a lead is to use the quizbot itself. While coupon codes and lead magnets are certainly effective, they don’t offer the same level of engagement that a chatbot can.
Not only does sending over a quizbot make you more likely to stand out from the competition, but it also gives your cold lead a fun way to re-engage themselves with your brand. In this example by Tars, they structured their quizbot so that it has a gameshow theme and conversational tone, making it much more engaging for the quiz taker overall.
Use Case #5 – Gather Feedback
Finally, one last tactic you can use with your quizbot is to help you conduct customer experience surveys and help you father feedback and suggestions on how to improve.
Unlike a traditional survey form which can often be quite daunting to customers, you can repackage those questions into your quizbot and give your customers a more natural and friendly alternative to giving feedback. This can be as easy as polling your audience and asking them one or two questions, or as complex as creating a whole customer experience survey.
For the product design conference DesignUp, after gathering everyone’s social media handles, they reached out to attendees with a quizbot via Facebook Messenger.
By asking their audience to complete their survey over a quizbot, DesignUp was able to gather a far higher response rate than they would have using email.
At the very end of the day, chatbots and quizbots are still in their infancy and the industry still has much room to grow.
Ready to create a quizbot of your own? Get started here!
As the chatbot revolution continues to grow by leaps and bounds, you can be sure to start seeing more and more businesses taking advantage of quizbots in new and exciting ways.
Are you currently using a quizbot? How do you see your business using quizbots to streamline the sales process? Let us know in the comments below!