How Bethany From Primally Pure Generated $100,000+ from an eCommerce Quiz

It’s safe to say eCommerce brands have completely changed the way we shop.

Since there are 2.05 billion digital buyers globally, it means 25% of the world’s population is already purchasing products online.

In past decades, customers were looking for a personal touch in retail store locations.

Now, they prioritize convenience, lightning-fast shipping, and user-friendly online shopping experiences. The good news is that eCommerce brands don’t have to sacrifice their personal touch when they use quizzes in their marketing strategy.

As an eCommerce brand, you may not be able to personally recommend products to each one of your potential customers, but you can use quizzes to automatically recommend best-selling products based on the person’s quiz results.

It’s less of a hassle and time investment for you as the business owner and your potential customers still get all of the information they need to make an educated purchase.

That’s what we call a win-win.

If you run an eCommerce business and are looking to better inform your customers, an eCommerce quiz might be your answer.

It was for Bethany McDaniel, founder of the fast-growing Primally Pure skincare brand. She created a personality quiz that effectively pairs each potential customer with one of her “pure-fect” fit products through a fun quiz-taking experience.

The quiz has helped her generate over $100,000 in deodorant sales, not to mention that she’s grown her email list by over 30,000 leads.

Do you want to see similar success with your own eCommerce quiz? Then you’ll need to read this interview with Bethany on what it takes to create a lead generating quiz.

You’ll also learn:

  • what inspired her quiz, and what changes she’s made to it since its start.
  • what elements she included in her quiz result landing pages to make them stand out.
  • how she’s promoted the quiz and which strategies have been most effective.
  • her biggest advice for new eCommerce quiz creators, and more!

Let’s kick off the interview with our first question…

What inspired you to start your quiz?

Our deodorant quiz started as an opportunity to engage our potential deodorant customers in a fun and interactive way while building our email list at the same time!

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The quiz brings a light-hearted approach to finding your “Pure-fect Deodorant Match” while simultaneously gathering contact information for future communications from Primally Pure that will help our business grow.

Key Takeaway: You can create a fun online shopping experience for virtually any product with a quiz, even one that promotes personal hygiene! Most people would say personal hygiene isn’t the most fun topic to talk about, but Primally Pure still found a way to offer product recommendations through a quiz their audience absolutely loves.
Think about how you might want to add more personality to your eCommerce quiz, especially if it’s in a not-so-sexy product category. This can be done by tapping into your unique brand voice, writing quiz content, and choosing graphics or imagery that make your quiz stand out.

Did you have any goals in mind when you created the quiz?

Our deodorant is typically the first product that our customers ever purchase from us. It’s a huge opportunity to convert new customers to future promoters of the brand!

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Building our email list was definitely a priority, but hearing stories from our customers has been so heartwarming. We love hearing about the positive impressions our quiz has made on their shopping experience.

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Key Takeaway: If you offer multiple products in your eCommerce shop, you might want to highlight your bestseller through the quiz. It’s smart to lead with what you know is already selling well.
Like Bethany, if you know what product is typically purchased first in the customer’s journey, you could also create a clear call-to-action (CTA) on your quiz result landing pages with a CTA button. When clicked, it will lead potential customers to the shop listing where they can add it to their shopping cart.
Try not to give too many product recommendations for each quiz result. Offering a wide variety of options could lead to decision paralysis, causing quiz takers to exit out of the quiz before taking any direct action because they’re overwhelmed by all of the options. It’s best to choose one clear CTA per quiz result when possible.

Your quiz result landing pages are some of our favorites! How did you decide what information you wanted to include?

Thank you! We tried to use the landing pages as an educational opportunity for those customers who may be new to our deodorant or the natural deodorant space in general.

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We took what information we thought would be most helpful and then tied it back into the creative persona piece in a very thoughtful way.

For the personality result descriptions, we tried to identify common themes around what emotions each scent invokes. We chose our most popular scents for the quiz and worked from there. Then we translated that into unique customer personas to help to bring life to our deodorants!

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Key Takeaway: We see from Bethany’s response that the team at Primally Pure understood their potential customers were in the “awareness” stage of the customer journey. In this stage, people are generally gathering relevant information and learning about the company’s differentiators. Each quiz result landing page was created with them in mind.
If you’re struggling to create landing pages and personality descriptions for each quiz result, revisit your customer personas and market research to see what your audience wants to know. You might also want to use surveys and personal interviews as a way to learn more about your ideal customer. The more you know about their needs, the better your eCommerce quiz will perform.

Your landing pages are unique in that they include customer testimonials and comparison charts. How have these elements helped you convert more quiz takers into buyers?

There are SO many natural deodorants on the market but not all of them work or contain clean ingredients.

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Our deodorant is different, and we strive to provide our customers with transparency and the information necessary to make an educated decision. This includes the comparison chart and testimonials you previously mentioned.

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The results really do speak for themselves!

Key Takeaway: As an eCommerce brand, you might want to think outside of the box when creating your quiz result landing pages. How can you do a better job of educating your potential customer about your product, its benefits, its features, and why it matters to them? 
Once you answer that question, you can structure your landing pages in a way that promotes your product while giving all the information your customers need to make a confident purchasing decision. Make sure that you lead with the personality-driven descriptions of each quiz result before you launch into more information about your product. That way, it feels more like a recommendation than an obvious sales pitch.

Your quiz almost feels like an online personal shopper. How did you make sure to create a delightful online shopping experience through the quiz?

Our goal is to create a clean, simple, and user-friendly experience for our customers across all aspects of our website.

We only provide customers with relevant information in order to not distract them from completing a purchase while still incorporating fun and engaging elements as we see fit!

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Key Takeaway: Before you publish your eCommerce quiz, test it out by pretending you are a potential customer visiting your website for the first time.
Is there any information that is distracting you from the main offer? Can your written content be shortened? Are your visuals organized in a thoughtful way? Is it clear what someone should do after completing the quiz?
If you need an extra pair of eyes, ask people in your community who fit your ideal customer description or friends who you trust to give you valuable feedback.

Tell us how you promoted your quiz.

How didn’t we promote the quiz would probably be a shorter answer!

We’ve talked about it in our Instagram Stories, social media ads, Pinterest pins, pop-ups on our Pure Life Blog, and more. It’s also featured in the header of our website and the quiz link is in every team member’s email signature.

Primally Pure Instagram image promoting quizInstagram image promoting Primally Pure deodorant quiz with black deodorants

We wanted to make sure our potential customers wouldn’t miss it!

This marketing strategy has worked, too, since we’ve generated over $100,000 in deodorant product sales directly from our Interact quiz.

We also recently added a quiz pop-up on our homepage and it’s been wildly successful! In its first month, we’ve generated over 4,000 new leads for our email list with a 15% conversion rate.

Key Takeaway: Keep an eye on your website analytics as well as your Interact analytics to ensure you get the full picture of how well your quiz is performing. It might be a good idea to create goals inside Google Analytics to track the progress of your quiz growth and sales.
Also, make a list of all the different ways you can promote your quiz. People can’t take a quiz they don’t know about. Your first job is to increase traffic to your quiz, but once people are there, you want to offer them an enjoyable quiz experience so they can’t wait to complete the quiz and quickly receive their results.
Here are a few ways you might want to promote your quiz: Instagram Stories, IGTV, Instagram Live videos, and posts in your feed. Facebook Stories, Facebook Live videos, Facebook groups, and posts in your feed. Twitter polls, Twitter chats, and tweets on Twitter. Pinterest group boards, Pinterest tribes, and other pins on Pinterest. Social media ads on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and more. Mention the quiz in a YouTube video, vlog, or tutorial. Link to the quiz on your website, blog, and any other content platform. List the quiz as an opt-in on guest blog posts, your business card, email signature, etc. Host a live or recorded webinar that leads people to the quiz. Send an email newsletter with a link to your quiz.

What advice would you give other content creators who want to make their own quiz from scratch? 

Any business has an opportunity to implement a quiz feature if you just think outside the box a bit. We think that our customers have ultimately enjoyed finding their “pure-fect match,” and with a little creativity, the possibilities are limitless!

Key Takeaway: After reading through Bethany’s responses and experiencing her eCommerce quiz firsthand, how have you been inspired to think outside of the box?
It’s great to take inspiration from quizzes like this one from Primally Pure, but ultimately, you’ll want to create a completely unique quiz experience for your audience that is unlike anyone else. Try not to pull inspiration from competitor brands as you don’t want to create confusion in the marketplace, but you can look at quiz examples from other industries here.

So, are you ready to get started with your own eCommerce quiz?

Click the button below to sign up for your Interact account!

Kayla Hollatz

Kayla Hollatz is a copywriter and website strategist for entrepreneurs and content creators who want their words to connect and convert. Few things make her happier than ghostwriting for her clients or dreaming up her next conversion experiment in her studio, aka a three-season porch with a lake view.

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