Tools like polls and giveaways provide a great opportunity to interact with your audience. They can increase activity and communication, promoting visibility and brand recognition. Let’s get started and create some exciting interactions for your audience!
If you’ve been an Interact customer for a while, then you’ve probably seen these polls and giveaway tabs at the top of your Interact account:
If you’re a newer customer, you’ve probably seen the above notice that we’re no longer supporting these features. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t offer your audience polls and giveaways!
All it takes is three easy steps:
- Choose to create either a poll or a giveaway
- Create the poll or giveaway
- Set up lead generation
Let’s get started!
Creating a Poll
Let’s take a look at how to make polls.
Below is a sample travel poll that asks poll-takers where we should go next:
You can recreate this same poll in Interact! To do so, click “Create New Quiz” and then “Start from Scratch”:
Step 1: Click “Create New Quiz”
Step 2: Click “Start From Scratch”
We recommend creating a personality quiz if you’re making a poll because the goal is just to collect feedback from people. There’s no specific result page for somebody answering a poll, so the type of quiz you make is not super important. However, if you want to send poll-takers to a results page, you’re probably trying to make a quiz.
Once you get into the quiz builder, don’t worry about designing the quiz cover page because you’re going to turn it off in a bit. Simply skip right to the questions:
For this specific travel poll, you would type “Where should we travel next?” in the Question 1 heading. You can have poll-takers answer your question in either text format or image answers. Let’s take a look at each:
Text format:
Image answers:
For image answers, all you have to do is select the image placeholder and then search our directory of Unsplash images or GIFs to find what you’re looking for.
Again, it shouldn’t matter which answer someone picks. Because this is a poll, we’re not sending them to any specific quiz result page. If you send people to a result page, you would set up quiz correlations.
Setting Up Lead Generation
If you want to collect emails from a poll, make sure to turn on lead generation:
This allows you to create an opt-in form so people can subscribe after taking your poll.
Next, choose your integration from the list:
After you choose your integration, confirm where you want your subscribers to go in your email system:
Finally, when you’ve completed the integration, either test out the poll or publish it to test it live.
We’re almost done—only a couple of steps to go!
Before you grab the link to your quiz, go into the embed code section:
Choose the “Disable cover page on quiz” option.
To grab the link to your poll, select the following section:
Once the code is copied, poll-takers can click it and subscribe to your email list.
Pro tip: You can also add your quiz link to a QR code generator and offer your poll from speaker stages, on community boards, or in other print materials.
Creating a Giveaway
If you want to make a giveaway, you can set it up just like a poll, or you can write a full quiz. The only difference is you should write your viewers a message on the opt-in form about what they’re subscribing to and what they are entering to win.
Below is what your opt-in form would look like for a giveaway:
The opt-in form for giveaways tells subscribers what they are subscribing to and what they are entering to win. Making a poll versus a giveaway is as simple as changing the opt-in form!
Final Thoughts
Audience engagement is a significant pillar of any successful online presence. By incorporating polls and giveaways, you can bridge the gap with your audience while generating leads for your business!