How Jessie Golden Generates 100+ Quality Email Leads Each Week with a Quiz

Q&A with Jessie Golden

What inspired you to create a quiz?

I wanted to take advantage of one of the best lead magnet options out there, but I also wanted to provide customized feedback to each quiz-taker. I primarily do this through follow-up email sequences that are completely automated. They deliver personalized emails based on each quiz-taker’s result.

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Key Takeaway: There are dozens of lead magnets to choose from for your email marketing strategy, including e-books, PDF guides, evergreen webinars, email courses, and more. Quizzes are great because they provide a unique opportunity to personally connect with your audience while automating the entire quiz experience. Quizzes are more interactive and delightful than the typical freebie; they increase audience engagement and make a memorable impression.
When you personalize marketing for each person in your audience through your quiz, they feel like they’re more than just a number. You’ll create a stronger connection with them, leading to trust and understanding. As a result, conversions will increase and you’ll continue building your business.

How did you decide on the eating styles quiz topic?

Everyone has a different reason for eating the way they do, yet we can find many similarities when we look at audience groups as a whole. Getting this kind of data from my quiz has been really valuable! It has allowed me to provide women in my community with more insight into their eating habits in a more specific way.

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Key Takeaway: Of course, your audience will benefit from your quiz—but you will too. You can learn a LOT about a person’s mindsets and habits by looking at how they answer each of your quiz questions!
It’s important to strategically choose the right questions and answers while creating interesting, dynamic quiz result types. These two elements are essential in crafting a quiz that guides your audience step-by-step to their destination: personalized results! As the quiz creator, you’ll find value in the data you collect from the quiz.
You can start by keeping an eye on your Interact analytics: monitor the result breakdowns and the most (and least) popular answer selections. Consider this data when you revisit your marketing plan.

How does your quiz relate to the work you do as a health coach and course creator?

I created my quiz to help women heal their relationship with food and understand WHY they behave the way they do with food. Once someone takes my quiz and reads through the follow-up emails, they will be primed and ready for my masterclass. The masterclass then leads to my signature course, Food Freedom Evolution, which is the main way to work with me. 

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Key Takeaway: When you’re creating a quiz, consider your end goal. Do you want to lead people to your course, like Jessie, or would you rather increase your affiliate revenue? Maybe you’d like to sell more e-commerce products or gain high-quality leads for your freelancing business
No matter what goal you choose, keep it in mind when making your quiz. Most entrepreneurs select one of their core offers and use their follow-up sequence to engage with new subscribers before giving their best pitch. However, if you create a product recommendations quiz, it might make sense to choose multiple products and tailor your pitch to each quiz result type. Get creative!

We love how your quiz results lead to your Facebook group, Normalized Eating! What made you decide on this call-to-action?

I wanted another place to build a community for women while directly connecting with my audience through personalized communication, which email can’t always provide. A Facebook group seemed to be the perfect fit.

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Right now, I make several posts per week in my Facebook group to facilitate conversation and provide educational information so that each woman can better understand her relationship with food.

The quiz has been great in helping me grow the group to nearly 2,000 members. So many of the people who opt in to the group are already really interested in the topic since they completed the quiz. The Facebook community is a good fit.

Key Takeaway: With a sensitive quiz topic that revolves around eating habits, it makes sense that Jessie’s Facebook group has been successful. By providing her audience with a private, safe space to have open conversations about their struggles with healthy living positions, Jessie becomes a trusted resource and coach. If one of your core values is community building or you have a more serious quiz topic, consider following a similar strategy.

We like how signing up for your email list is offered but not required. What was your reasoning for keeping this optional? 

I wanted to ensure that my email list was filled with legitimate leads rather than just fluff. At the end of the day, I care about conversions more than vanity metrics.

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Key Takeaway: We love Jessie’s mindset on this! To keep a healthy email list, it’s best to focus on attracting the highest quality leads. You can do this by including the “Skip this step” button in your Interact dashboard. This allows quiz-takers to quickly see their result without being required to sign up for your email list. Jessie doesn’t generate as many leads for her email list, but she knows that everyone who signs up really wants to hear from her!

Is there anything you wish you’d known before creating your quiz?

I wish I knew to put a disclaimer to choose the *best* answer before someone takes my quiz. Everyone thinks a quiz should speak to their exact circumstances, when in fact it’s better to just choose the answer that fits the most.

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Key Takeaway: When someone takes the quiz, they may get tripped up if they feel like none of the (or multiple!) answers ring true to their exact situation. Consider adding a disclaimer like Jessie suggests. 
The quiz description on the main quiz cover page is the perfect place to put this. That way, anyone who takes the quiz will see the instructions before they begin. 

What are some of the best results you’ve seen from the quiz?

My quiz now funnels leads into my email automations to warm them up for my masterclass, so I no longer make sales directly from the quiz. 

However, I quickly grew my email list by hundreds every week with this quiz and continue to do so! I’ve also reached a 56.9% completion rate, which I’m really happy with.

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Key Takeaway: Consider how you want your quiz to fit into your long-term marketing strategy. Do you want to use your quiz differently in time-based launch periods or do you want to sell evergreen products? Is your main goal to increase your email subscribers but your future goal is to position yourself as a thought leader?
It’s never too early to think through your goals as a business owner. Once you create the quiz content, you can make strategic tweaks over time so it performs well and accomplishes your goals. Yes, even when they evolve!

What’s your best piece of advice for new quiz creators?

Try to find the balance between being specific enough for quiz-takers to self-identify with your quiz topic, yet broad enough to capture enough people. I found this balance to be tricky, but it’s worth the research and testing it takes to get there!

Key Takeaway: This is a hard balance to find! If you find yourself struggling with this, send the quiz to a few business friends or audience members who you already have a relationship with. By having them go through your quiz before you publish it, you can get feedback based on how relevant their results were. 
Did the results feel spot-on for everyone? Then you’ll be confident moving forward with your quiz as is. Did the results feel like they were missing something? If so, ask a few follow-up questions to dig into the “why” behind their confusion so you can strengthen your quiz content. 
Be specific enough with your quiz so people feel like you totally “get” them, but not so specific that it alienates people in your audience. To look at more examples of quiz creators who have done this well, check out more case studies in our archive.
Kayla Hollatz

Kayla Hollatz is a copywriter and website strategist for entrepreneurs and content creators who want their words to connect and convert. Few things make her happier than ghostwriting for her clients or dreaming up her next conversion experiment in her studio, aka a three-season porch with a lake view.

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