What’s the Best Quiz Idea for Your Business?

Have you ever asked yourself, What is the best quiz for my business? If so, you’re not alone. Our customers often ask us to help them figure out what type of quiz they should publish to grow their business. 

Let’s jump right in and find the best quiz for your business!

Magic Quiz Idea Quadrant

First, let’s look at the magic quiz quadrant: 

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People almost always come into this question with the mindset of, What do I want as a business? This belongs in the “What you want” section on the Venn diagram. But what you want might not necessarily align with what your customer wants, which is the question on the other side of the diagram. And so, your perfect quiz idea is in the middle of what you want and what your customer wants. 

Let’s discuss how to find the middle ground between what you want and what your customer wants so that you create the best quiz for your business.

Let’s get to work! 

What Everyone Wants from a Quiz

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As shown above, you (quiz-creator) and your customer (quiz-taker) have different goals when it comes to quizzes. Let’s look at some examples for each of the goals. 

What you want: 

  • Point people to products/services—you have a variety of products, and you want to direct customers to the best product for them. 
  • Get leads from websites/social—this is a want from just about every quiz-creator.  
  • Stand out from the competition—you want to do something unique and engage people, ultimately getting them on your list.  

What your customers want: 

  • Have fun—customers want the quiz-taking experience to be enjoyable. 
  • Get excited—customers want to find products and services they’re excited about.  
  • Learn about themselves—customers love the understanding and self-actualization that comes with quiz results. 
  • Find a solution to their problem—customers want a product or service that will solve their immediate problems and needs.

So, how do we connect these different goals while building a quiz? 

Connecting the Different Quiz Goals

Now, check out the middle ground between you and your customer: 

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You have four main questions to connect both sides of the diagram

  • What is your personality? 
  • What is your product match?
  • What is your level? 
  • What is your score?

These questions represent four distinct quiz types: personality quizzes, product recommendation quizzes, assessments, and trivia/knowledge tests.

Keep reading to learn how they meld together.

How the Best Quiz Gives You What You Want

Below is how each of these four options will get you what you want:

Personality Quizzes

Let’s start with the personality quiz in the “Point people to products/service” section: 


You first want to ask, “What is your personality?” and then, give the quiz-taker their personality type. You can recommend the right products and services based on their result. 

This is how you connect all your goals and options. In this example, you took a question from the middle of the diagram, and from the customer side, you helped them learn about themselves and have fun (right side of the Venn diagram). This points them to a product or service you have as a business (left side of the Venn diagram). 

Moving on to the “Get leads from website/social” section, your opt-in form should say, “Want to learn more about (quiz subject)? Opt-in for more.” 

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If you have a personality quiz about chakras and your customer wants to learn more about how to use chakras to better their life, they can fill in your opt-in form. A personalized opt-in form has an average opt-in rate of 40.8%. No other opt-in form or lead magnet has the same type of success. 

Next, in the “Stand out from the competition” section, note that personality quizzes are twice as engaging as static website content. 

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This means that if your website has a quiz and your competitor’s doesn’t, you are twice as likely to get someone to engage and stay on your site. 

Product Recommendation Quizzes 

So, how will a product recommendation quiz get you closer to your business goals? 

Under the “Points people to products/services” section, it says, “Here’s the best product or service for your needs.” 

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This quiz type is very straightforward and lets customers know exactly what they should buy after taking your quiz. 

For the opt-in form under the “Get leads from website/social” section, you’ll ask your customer, “Want more product suggestions for (quiz subject)? Opt-in for more.” 

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Below is what you should ask under the “Stand out from the competition” section: 

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60% of people say they always or very likely follow personalized recommendations from product recommendation engines. This means that you’ll get 60% of people to follow what you recommend in your quiz results, making you stand out. Rather than landing on a skincare website with hundreds of products, customers will land on a skincare website that says, “Find the right products for you.”  

Let’s take a look at Assessments!


For assessments, we will pose this question: What is your level?

In the “Point people to products/services” category, this is what you will tell your customers: 


For generating leads (Get leads from website/social category), use this question: 

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Let’s say it’s an assessment of your knowledge of astrology. If your customer has middle-range knowledge and wants to learn how to be in the advanced range, tell them to opt-in!

Similar to personality quizzes, assessments are twice as engaging as static pages (Stand out from the competition category): 

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If your business has a blog post about learning astrology with a quiz embedded, you’ll have twice as much engagement than if you just had the blog post. With Interact’s new AI tool, you can make that quiz instantly after just plugging in the blog post!

Finally, let’s discuss trivia/knowledge tests! 

Trivia/Knowledge Tests

This is the most straightforward test to build because every question has a correct answer.

These tests are consistently the most shared content on every social media platform. 

This is what you would ask to point people to a product or service: 

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For example, if your customer learns he is a beginner in golf, you can tell them the best products for them based on the depth of their knowledge. 

For generating leads, this is how you would present the quiz question to customers: 

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We recently helped a museum create a quiz around Women’s History Month. They wanted their customers to learn more about it and had them opt-in. 

To stand out from the competition, note the below: 

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This is how a quiz gives you what you want as a company. However, we have to discuss how we keep the customer happy because, as we all know, that’s extremely important. 

Let’s go into how you will give customers what they want!

Giving Customers What They Want

This is key to remember when creating a quiz: Customers want fun and excitement!

Customers also want solutions to their problems and to learn about themselves. 

First, let’s discuss personality quizzes and how they satisfy all three of these categories for customers.

Personality Quizzes 

How are personality quizzes fun and exciting for customers? Well, people like to learn about themselves. We are our number one favorite topic of all time, and that’s a fact. Learning about yourself triggers a dopamine release in your brain (a fun fact from a Time Inc. study). 

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Customers also want solutions to their problems. Once they know who they are, they can find the right solution from your quiz. For example, once a quiz-taker knows their marketing personality, they will know whether to use TikTok or YouTube as their main marketing channel. 

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Customers want to learn about themselves and have people tell them who they are. People love attention. This is very simply explained in a blog Google published 2017 called Attention is All You Need. This is especially relevant today, because it all ties into ChatGPT. 

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Next, let’s discuss product recommendation quizzes!

Product Recommendation Quizzes 

Quick side note about product match quizzes: The anticipation of finding out what product the quiz will show you is fun and exciting, which keeps your customers engaged.  

69% of customers say they want a personalized shopping experience, and that holds steady

every year. We can’t stress enough that if you were to go to a skincare website and there were several different products, you would not have the ideal experience.

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Product match quizzes tell customers which product they should buy and why. Customers don’t want to search around and do endless research. If you tell customers what exact product to buy, they are much more likely to act.  

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By knowing which products suit the customer, the customer learns more about themselves. To take an example from a high-performing quiz: customers want to know what sofa matches their personality. 

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Let’s jump into the assessments and learn why they are what customers want. Everyone wants to know where they stand on a particular topic. Are they a beginner, intermediate, or an expert?

We are all competitive by nature and compare ourselves to each other all the time—that’s just how human beings are. 

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Customers need solutions for their assessment level. If a customer is a beginner and they’re jumping into something brand new—let’s say business accounting—they don’t want you to recommend advanced systems for streamlining their accounting setup. They want beginner’s information. If they already have all their basic accounting knowledge set up, they don’t want the quiz telling them they should sign up for QuickBooks. 

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The assessments also tell the customer their level so they can compare themselves to others, which also applies to people wanting to learn about themselves. The assessment is used as a measuring stick as they take a quiz to learn how to improve.

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Trivia/Knowledge Tests

Everybody likes to see how smart they are or how much they know. A score from a trivia or knowledge quiz satisfies this.  

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Trivia quizzes also pinpoint where customers can improve. Quiz-takers can see which questions they got wrong and if something is missing that they need to improve. 

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To reiterate this critical point, customers want these knowledge quizzes to help them see how smart they are. 

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The magic quadrant will help you develop the best quiz idea for your business. If you can

connect a quiz to where it gives customers what they want while also giving you what you want, that’s the best quiz for your business.

Editor’s note: This article was originally a transcript reworked by Sophia Stone, Interact Marketing Intern.

What is the best quiz for you business?

Quizzes are super effective for lead generation and selling products. Find the best quiz for your business by answering a few questions.

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