How to Make a Career Quiz

Until recently, pursuing a career meant going to school, graduating, and working a 9-to-5 job until retirement. There was no other way around it. 

Nowadays, millions of people are working from home, freelancing, and building online businesses. Unless you want to be a doctor or lawyer, you don’t have to go through years of schooling anymore. 

With more options, though, come more decisions, and now many of us don’t know what career to choose. 

So why not take a career quiz? 

Educational institutions, coaches, and counselors use career quizzes to guide students and adults to their dream job. If you’re new to building quizzes, don’t worry. I’ll go over everything you need to know, like: 

What is a career quiz? 

A career quiz helps students and young professionals figure out their future occupations. 

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Think back to when you were figuring out your dream job. You probably felt anxious, right? Choosing a full-time career isn’t easy, but a career quiz can help by finding options that best fit the quiz-taker’s personality. 

The most popular career quiz is “What type of career is right for me?” But you’ll also find quizzes like: 

  • What should I major in? 
  • What’s your dream job? 
  • What type of STEM career should you pursue? 

We have a list of career quiz templates to choose from. Look through them for inspiration.

Why make a career quiz?

Career quizzes are great for educational institutions, business coaches, and career coaches. Any industry that helps others find their path is a candidate for career quizzes. 

But what’s in it for you? Why should you make a career quiz? 

Our clients love making quizzes because they boost leads. If you’re a business owner, you know how hard it can be to find interested customers—an interactive quiz is the ultimate lead magnet. People invest their time in your business when they take your quiz. Plus, they get something in return—their quiz results! 

Shaina Leis, a life coach, generated 600 new leads from her “What career mindset is keeping you stuck?” quiz. 

In addition to leads, quizzes attract email subscribers, too! They funnel users right to your email list, which will open the gate to better relationships with future customers. 

Amber Harper tripled her email list with a “What’s your teacher burnout type?” quiz.

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Not to mention, she retained 1,202 leads at a 72.4% conversion rate. Not too shabby. As you get more leads and email subscribers, you’ll spread your mission to more people. 

I bet you’re wondering what different career quizzes look like at this point. I’ll show you!

6 examples of career quizzes 

Since there are so many types of career quizzes out there, I’ll show you a variety of possibilities. Take a look at the below six career quizzes for major inspiration. 

1. What job best fits your life? 

If you’ve ever searched for a job online, you’ve probably come across Glassdoor. Glassdoor is one of the top job sites people use to read through company ratings, figure out salaries, and find careers they love. 

They built a “What job best fits your life?” quiz to help web visitors find their path. 

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Notice how they ask, “What job fits you best?” Now that millions of people are working from home, they’re starting to choose careers that fit THEIR schedules—not the other way around.

Another win for this quiz is Glassdoor’s questions. 

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Their question, “What motivates you in your day-to-day at work?” spins the question back to the user. Remember, choosing a job isn’t about what makes society happy; it’s about what makes YOU happy. 

Some other questions they ask are: 

What is your biggest strength at work? 

  1. Innovation. Coming up with fresh ways to get things done is my specialty. 
  2. I’m really good about not getting too bogged down by work stress. I find it easy to separate my work-life from my real life. 
  3. Empathy. I find it easy to connect with others. 
  4. Translating information into action. I’m usually praised for my efficiency and laser-like focus. 

What’s the one thing you’d change about your current job if you could? 

  1. I’d like to have more concrete rewards for my success. 
  2. I wish my schedule and job were more reliable. 
  3. I’d prefer not to have a boss. The idea of being accountable is appealing to me. 
  4. I wish my job made a more positive difference in the world.  

2. Career strengths quiz 

Good&Co uses psychological testing to study how people and companies thrive in the workplace. They use a career strengths quiz to promote their findings. 

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Good&Co has conducted several studies about team dynamics, diversity, and salespeople. Their backed-up claims add credibility to their career quiz. 

Not to mention, their design is user-friendly. One, there’s a “rephrase” option for people who might not have understood a question. Two, quiz-takers don’t have to choose “yes” or “no.” They get to choose their answer based on a spectrum. 

User-friendly quizzes are crucial to getting more quiz conversions. Avoid cookie-cutter questions and add fun colors and images. Check out our complete guide to quiz design, which is chock-full of tips and tricks. 

3. What do you want to study in college?  

Adults aren’t the only ones freaking out about their careers. High school students are also deciding what they want to pursue in college. 

Marquette University uses “What do you want to study in college?” as a student’s career quiz. 

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If you work at an educational center, then a quiz is up your alley. There’s nothing high school students love more than taking quizzes (Hello, Buzzfeed!). Plus, if you help them choose a major, they could end up choosing your school. 

The win for Marquette’s quiz is the quiz results. 

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They promote their list of majors with a link to each page. Students will get lost in the website and fall in love with the school. If a student is ready to take action, they can click “Talk to a counselor” and get the ball rolling. 

If you want to build a career quiz for students, give them an inside look at your educational options on the results page. 

4. Princeton Review career quiz 

Princeton’s career quiz is one of the most popular ones online, probably because—let’s face it— it’s Princeton. 

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I love how they use the “Would you rather do X or X?” question format. It’s a unique way to narrow down a quiz-taker’s choices. 

They also add a hefty list of recommended careers at the end. 

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This is a great way to get users interested in their results and ready to learn about them. 

5. What career mindset is keeping you stuck? 

Shaina Leis’s quiz differs from the rest of our examples because she’s a life coach. Yes, you can offer career advice as a life coach, too! 

Her quiz, “Which career mindset is keeping you stuck?” focuses on the beliefs we have around careers. Her goal is to open her client’s eyes to possibilities they never thought of before. 

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And yes! Shaina uses Interact to run her quiz, as well as her email opt-in. 

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Once users finish Shaina’s quiz, they can exchange an email to see their results. All they have to do is submit their name and email address. 

Plus, notice how Shaina adds, “We’ll send you personalized solutions on how to get unstuck.” Along with the results, Shaina includes a freebie to jumpstart her audience’s journey. 

As I mentioned earlier, Shaina generated 600 leads using a quiz and email opt-in! We highly recommend using an email marketing strategy along with your quiz. 

6. 25-question aptitude career test 

If you’ve ever been on Buzzfeed, you know how addicting their quizzes are. Their “25-question aptitude career test” is another winner. 

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Notice how they use “Scientifically proven” to reel in users. Who wouldn’t want to take a “proven” test to find out their career destiny? But the best part of any Buzzfeed quiz is the pop-culture references. 

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Celebrities, memes, and pop culture references can be fun additions to your quiz. Don’t forget, quizzes are supposed to be fun! Zone in on your intent as you build your quiz. Do you want it to be funny? Thought-provoking? Light-hearted? 

There are a ton of ways to build a career quiz. Now that you have a few examples, it’s time to make one yourself! 

How to create a career quiz with Interact 

Building a quiz might sound intimidating, but it’s easy to do with Interact. Most people design their quiz in a day or less! What matters most is building and executing a quiz strategy, which I’ll show you how to do in the below six steps.

You can also check out our 6-part course for launching your first quiz. 

1. Choose a topic 

First things first, choose a topic. A career quiz doesn’t always mean using “What type of career is best for you?” Your audience might be interested in something else. 

When choosing a topic, ask yourself: 

  • What question does my audience need answered about their career? 

If you’re a business coach, your users might have questions about refining their online business path. Or, if you’re a career counselor, your students may need help with choosing a major. 

  • How does my expertise come into play? 

Shaina used a “What career mindset is keeping you stuck?” quiz because she specializes in mindset and life coaching. Good&Co, on the other hand, specializes in career research. Their career-strength quiz highlights their findings. 

  • Can I add a spin to the generic “What career should I pursue?” question? 

Quizzes are fun—sprinkle in your personality! For example, Tonic Site Shop used a “What’s your brand cocktail?” quiz to enhance their cocktail-themed branding biz. 

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  • How can I look for inspiration? 

If you’re stuck on creating a topic, look at our career quiz templates for ideas. We built each template for free use. Have at it! 

2. Make your results 

We suggest creating your results before your questions. This way, you’ll know what direction your quiz is taking. 

There are two ways to go about creating results in a career quiz. First, you can use occupations as your results, like: 

  • Teacher
  • PR strategist 
  • Biochemist 
  • Human resources specialist 

Going back to Princeton Review’s career quiz, notice how they divide users into four styles—communicating, expediting, planning, and administrating. 

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From here, they offer a list of career recommendations based on your style. 

You can also use archetypes as your results. Good&Co used archetypes like “The strategist” and “The go-getter” to define their results. 

A few common archetypes include: 

The researcher—Researchers love getting to the bottom of things. They pay attention to detail, rely on logic for answers, and make objective decisions. 

The visionary—This archetype thrives off of envisioning their plans coming to life. They want to make the world a better place with their innovative ideas. 

The teacher—Teachers love to, well, teach! They excel at explaining complex topics and know how to lead a crowd. Teachers care deeply about changing others’ lives for the better. 

The strategist—Strategists use tried and tested concepts to bring ideas to life. They have no problem focusing on the nitty-gritty and can lead a team through a situation like it’s nothing. 

These are just a few archetypes you can use for your quiz. Take a look at this list for more ideas. 

3. Build a results page

Using the results you just created, you can build a results page!

Your results page is key to: 

  • Funneling users to your email list 
  • Providing invaluable results 
  • Getting users excited about your quiz 

I’ll show you what a converting results page looks like using our quiz template, “What entrepreneur archetype are you?”

The top of any results page should include the results and an image to go along with it. 

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Use encouraging language to make your results exciting. As for the image, you can choose one from our gallery by clicking Edit or upload one of your own photos. 

Add a one-sentence description of the result under your image. This way, users will have an idea of what they are within ten seconds. 

Next, write a deep dive about your user’s type. 

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Make this section as relatable as possible. Tell your audience how they thrive in a work environment, why clients love them, and any challenges they may face. Your goal is to get users thinking, How did they know this about me? 

Now that you’ve revealed their strengths and weaknesses, offer a few ways to make the most of their result. 

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Use your expertise to offer a few pieces of advice. You can follow a similar structure to the above and add a customized plan to bring out the user’s strengths in the workplace. 

Once your audience knows about their result, they’ll be curious to learn about you and your business. 

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Introduce yourself with a headshot and quick bio. Let the quiz-taker know what you do and why you do it. What can you say about yourself to get users interested in learning more? 

As you get to the end of the results page, offer resources from your website. 

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Resources can be a: 

  • Podcast 
  • Community 
  • Consultation call 
  • Blog post 
  • Audio recording 
  • Video 

Just make sure the resources are free and easy to access! Last is your call to action. 

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Your CTA can be anything you want, but we recommend promoting your email list. Tell users what they can expect from you and add a freebie for more value. 

Speaking of freebies… 

4. Create a freebie 

You might think of your career quiz as a freebie, and it sort of is. But you’ll need another freebie for your email strategy. 

When a user finishes your quiz, they’ll want more info about their results. This is where your next freebie comes in. Along with their results, email them a piece of content with their next steps. 

All freebies should be unique to the user, insightful, and backed up by your expertise. 

Unique to the user—Avoid sending a generic blog post or podcast episode. Personalize your freebie with info about their results and how they can strengthen their type. 

Insightful—Give your audience thought-provoking takeaways about their results. You can do this with research, archetypes, a video, etc. 

Backed up by your expertise—Guide users to your business with your expert advice. Let’s say you’re a Yogi master and spiritual coach. You could record a meditation to help users zone in on their purpose. 

Let’s take a look at Good&Co’s freebie. After taking their quiz, quiz-takers receive a PDF explaining their career style and personality.  

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The PDF starts with a refresh of the user’s three career archetypes and highlights their core strengths. 

Next, Good&Co uses visuals to show how quiz-takers differ from the general population. I love how they implement graphs and charts to make the research look fun. 

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Then Good&Co gets into the deets and defines quiz-takers’ organizational, thinking, leadership, and motivation styles. 

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This freebie is valuable because it’s unique. Unless I conducted a research study on the population’s career style, I could never get this information on my own! 

5. Write questions and answers 

I’ll share with you 30 career quiz questions and answers later in the post. But for now, let’s talk about how to write career quiz questions. 

The best way to write good questions is by putting yourself in your audience’s shoes. Make them relatable, different, and easy to understand. 

Relatable—Imagine answering questions that have nothing to do with you. Talk about boring. You’d probably exit the page and never think about that business again. 

Instead of generic questions, dig deep into your audience’s desires, strengths, and fears. And relate to them with your awesome personality! 

Take a look at one of Glassdoor’s questions. 

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If you read through each answer, you’ll notice how Glassdoor reached out to every type of worker—achiever, helper, delegator, and entrepreneur. This question is relatable to all kinds of people, rather than just one. 

Different—Your questions don’t always need to relate to a career or the workplace. Add another perspective and include other topics. 

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This Good&Co question is off-topic, but it reveals whether quiz-takers prefer spending their free time alone or with people. The level of extraversion you bring to work is important when choosing a career. 

Another way to ask different questions is with conditional logic. When a user answers a question, the next question is based on how they answered the previous one. 

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Check out our guide on how to create a conditional logic quiz using Interact: How to Make a Conditional Logic Quiz (It’s Easy!). 

Easy to understand—Avoid complicated vocabulary and wordy questions. Keep questions simple, using straightforward formats, like: 

  • True-or-false 
  • This-or-that 
  • Would you rather… 
  • What would you do if…  
  • How do you… 
  • Let’s say you… 

6. Add an email opt-in 

If you have an email list, you should integrate your email software with a quiz. An email opt-in asks users to exchange their email for their quiz results. 

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The best part about this opt-in is the sentence, “PS: I’ll also send you a free customized guide + fun content.” 

A user won’t question what your email holds because you already told them! Now they know what they’re getting and can be excited about it. 

From here, you can: 

  • Build relationships with future customers 
  • Promote your service or product 
  • Offer more value with helpful content 
  • Improve your website traffic by promoting content through email 

To create an email opt-in, head to your quiz and toggle on the Lead generation button. 

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Let’s go through the first few steps of integrating your software. First, select what contact fields you need on your form. 

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Most businesses don’t need anything more than a name and email address. 

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Under the form settings, you can decide to let quiz-takers skip your opt-in form. You can also display your privacy policy and enable a consent checkbox. 

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Now you can edit your opt-in however you’d like! Change the copy and add another CTA color. From here, finish the remaining steps and integrate your email software to Interact. 

Check out our email list building guides:  

Promoting your career quiz 

Imagine putting hours into making a quiz, only to watch it sit on your website with no engagement. 

It doesn’t sound like fun, does it? 

Marketing tactics go unused if people don’t know about them. This is why you should promote your quiz as much as possible. But how? 

1. Social media 

The first way is with social media. Social media and quizzes are best friends—social media makes quizzes go viral, and quizzes make social media more fun! 

It’s easy to share your quiz on all social media channels, like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. 

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All you have to do is head to your quiz dashboard page. Click Share and Embed next to the quiz you want to share. 

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Under Share Link, pick any social media channel logo. 

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From there, you can change your status and click share! See how easy that was?

2. A landing page 

A landing page is an entire page built around your quiz. Let’s look at Good&Co’s career quiz landing page as an example. 

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There are a few convert-worthy features at the top of the page. First, they mention how little time it takes to finish their quiz: “Take our 3-minute quiz…” People love short quizzes. 

Next, they show how many questions they’ve answered, personalities they’ve uncovered, and jobs they’ve matched with a metric dashboard. Data appeals to the logical part of our brain—if others have taken this quiz, for example, then we should too. 

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In the next section, Good&Co highlights the benefits: a free in-depth personality report and an answer to “What career is right for me?” 

They also noted how many people have taken their quiz (three million!), and they repeat how little time it takes to finish. 

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The best part is how they add their quiz to the landing page. Users won’t have to jump through hoops to take the quiz when it’s right in front of them. 

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Their last section speaks to anyone feeling unsure about the quiz. It’s a good idea to include extra benefits for the hesitant folks. 

You can learn more about landing pages and how to make one with our guide: How to Create a Quiz Landing Page that Actually Works. 

3. Your website 

The most obvious place to promote your quiz is on your website. As your target audience will probably visit your site, it’d be silly to leave your quiz out of the picture. 

You can add your quiz to your menu. 

And to your homepage. 

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Or, why not add a popup? 

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Check out the following tutorials to add your quiz to your site: 

30 career quiz questions and answers 

If you’re struggling to think of career questions, use our questions below! Our career questions are a mix of true-or-false and scenario questions. Feel free to use as many as you’d like. 

What career is right for you? 

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1. When I discover my dream job, I’ll feel… 

  1. Fired up 
  2. Safe and sound 
  3. Nourished and excited 
  4. Like dancing 

2. Your coworkers are always raving about how you… 

  1. Get everything done on time (or early!) 
  2. Can start a conversation with anyone 
  3. Effortlessly run meetings 
  4. Can think of new ideas on the spot 

3. You’re on a cruise ship, and it gets stranded by a remote island. What do you do? 

  1. Build a “HELP” sign in the sand as fast as possible. You won’t get out of there by standing around! 
  2. Start chopping wood and scavenging for food. You need resources. 
  3. Calm everyone down with an inspiring speech on how you’ll all make it through. 

4. If you were your own boss, you would… 

  1. Give yourself a month of vacation! Two weeks is too short. 
  2. Change your schedule from 9-to-5 to something more flexible. You have a social life to plan around! 
  3. Travel and work at the same time. First stop, Bali! 
  4. Cut your hours to part-time, so you can be with family more. 

5. True or false: My passion aligns with my career. 

  1. True—I couldn’t pursue a career I didn’t care about. 
  2. False—I don’t need to pursue my passion. As long as I have time for family and friends, I’m happy. 

6. Your teachers always told your parents about how you… 

  1. Participated in class and shared great ideas. 
  2. Thrived with hands-on projects. Art class was your thing! 
  3. Loved to work with groups and take the lead. 
  4. Happily read during recess and lunch. You loved being in your own world. 

7. Your friend group jokingly calls you the: 

  1. Mom—I’m always prepared and ready to take care of anyone. 
  2. Party animal—I love being where the people are. 
  3. Jokester—I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but I make everything hilarious. 
  4. Guru—I’m always droppin’ the advice I learned from my personal development books. 
  5. Daredevil—Skydiving? Bungee jumping? I’m so there! 

8. During your free time, people can find you… 

  1. Going downtown and meeting with friends. 
  2. Working on your side project. 
  3. Playing sports, working out—whatever gets you moving! 
  4. Reading your favorite book and dreaming about your future novel. 

9. Your favorite part about your workday is… 

  1. Lunchtime! I love chatting with my coworkers. 
  2. Strategizing and building a plan. 
  3. Reviewing my goals and reaching them as fast as I can! 
  4. Brainstorming ideas with my coworkers. 

10. You feel your best when… 

  1. You’re solving problems. 
  2. You’re connecting with people over coffee. 
  3. You’re thinking of ideas and making them happen. 
  4. You’re experiencing something brand new. 

11. Why did you choose your current job? 

  1. It makes the most money. 
  2. It has an excellent work-life balance. 
  3. It allows me to be as creative as I want. 
  4. I feel passionate about what I’m doing. 

12. What outfit best expresses your power suit? 

  1. Something simple yet graceful. The perfect pair of jeans and a flowy top. 
  2. Um… a power suit. 
  3. One chic coat and a delightful Chelsea boot. 
  4. Does my flannel or hoodie count? 

What is your dream job? 

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13. What do you want most out of your career? 

  1. I want to use my brain in a way that lights me up. In an environment where I can be independent. 
  2. I want variety, excitement, buzz, cool people in my network, and a creative outlet. 
  3. I want to call the shots, inspire action, and hold a big vision. 
  4. I want to help others grow and change. Community is my #1. 

14. What rattles you the most about job interviews? 

  1. Because I’m super determined and focused, I can come off a little cold. 
  2. Sometimes I get carried away and say “YES” way too fast. 
  3. I tend to feel shy. I get all tongue-tied and frazzled. 
  4. I can feel uncomfortable speaking about my accomplishments. Being assertive isn’t always my thing. 

15. Fill in the blank: I will feel free when  _______. 

  1. I can rely on myself entirely for my needs. 
  2. I am officially out of debt! 
  3. I’m finally my own boss and making more than I did at my 9-to-5. 
  4. A raise and that corner office are all mine, baby! 

16. Congrats! You just landed your dream job. And you’re getting paid to boot! What’s your ideal vacation situation? 

  1. Salsa dancing on the beach in Tulum with my BFFs, a live band, and the best margaritas of my life! I’m committed to PAR-TAY. 
  2. Taking a historical tour of Ireland with my partner in crime. Did you know they’ve got monuments older than the Egyptian pyramids? 
  3. Clinking champagne with a few friends at the best hotel in Paris. With a view overlooking the Eiffel Tower. Then, it’s a spa day! 
  4. A peaceful and healing retreat center in the mountains. With ample opportunities to connect with others or take some quiet time. 

17. I’ve waved my magic wand to bring clarity to your career path. What are you now crystal clear about? 

  1. I know exactly what career is right for me. I feel confident. I’m finally moving forward. 
  2. I’ve switched careers without looking back. It’s so good to be doing the work I love. 
  3. I have a foolproof system in place to boost my revenue. I’m bringing in new leads all day. 
  4. I’m more productive and on top of my schedule than ever before. I even have time for my home-brew Kombucha project. 

18. I’m most concerned about… 

  1. Having a good work-life balance. I don’t care to work all hours. 
  2. Finding a job that energizes me and makes me feel ALIVE! 
  3. Reaching my goals on time. 
  4. Doing work that does something good in the world! 

19. When I start work, the first thing I ask myself is… 

  1. When can I leave? 
  2. Am I making a difference? 
  3. What do I get to accomplish today? 
  4. What do I have to finish today? 
how do you want to feel at the end of the day question

20. How do you want to feel at the end of the day? 

  1. Fulfilled—like I accomplished something important. 
  2. Excited—like I can’t wait to come back tomorrow. 
  3. Ready to do all the fun things I have planned for my free time! 
  4. Successful—like I’m one step closer to my goals. 

What should you major in? 

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21. What class have you always looked forward to? 

  1. Math—Numbers are my favorite thing to crunch. Save the popcorn for movie time! 
  2. English—Writing an A+ essay is basically calculus with words. 
  3. History—I’m a memorization wiz. 
  4. Science—I love experimenting. 

22. Which would you rather… 

  1. Solve a problem using the knowledge you already have. 
  2. Learn about a new concept through online videos and readings. 

23. You’re mulling over a big problem. What’s your go-to solution? 

  1. Journaling everything out—writing is my thang. 
  2. Going on a run or to a kickboxing class. I need to get my mind off of it before solving it. 
  3. Calling my best friend and hashing it out. 
  4. Making a pros and cons list and choosing the most logical answer. 

24. What sounds like your worst nightmare? 

  1. Being asked to give a speech without having time to prepare. I HATE talking in front of crowds. 
  2. Taking a math test without a calculator. Numbers aren’t my thing. 
  3. Solving a problem under pressure. The thought makes me antsy. 
  4. Leading a group through a project. I’d rather work alone. 

25. You loved it when your teacher assigned… 

  1. A list of math problems! Plugging in formulas is so fun. 
  2. A personal essay. I communicate best through writing. 
  3. A group project! Working together makes time fly. 
  4. Nothing? I was never about homework. 

26. Which word best describes you? 

  1. Leader 
  2. Prepared
  3. Daydreamer 
  4. Social 

27. What makes you most excited about going to college? 

  1. The parties! I love meeting new people. 
  2. My classes. I can’t wait to work with awesome professors. 
  3. The dorms. I finally get to be independent. 
  4. The sports. I want to join intramural soccer! 

28. If you had to join a school club, it would be… 

  1. The debate team. I can argue ALL day long. 
  2. The yearbook crew. Writing and photography? I’m there. 
  3. The hiking club. I thrive in the outdoors. 
  4. The math squad. Sure, it’s nerdy, but I love it. 

29. How do you go about learning something new? 

  1. I get hands-on. 
  2. I research as much as I can about it. 
  3. I practice, practice, practice! 
  4. I call my friends over for a brainstorming session. 

30. What’s your go-to movie genre? 

  1. Documentaries
  2. Thrillers! 
  3. Comedies 
  4. Science Fiction 
  5. An animated kids movie 

Your next steps 

Now that you’ve read through this guide, you know how to: 

  • Choose a career quiz topic 
  • Write amazing questions and answers 
  • Build a freebie 
  • Create a results page
  • Add an email opt-in 
  • Promote your quiz 

You also have 30 career quiz questions to choose from. So what’s next? You might be interested in learning how to create an entrepreneur quiz and 30 tips to creating a lead generation quiz. 

If you haven’t already created an Interact account, what are you waiting for? 

Make a quiz for your business with AI

Use our AI quiz maker to create a beautiful quiz for your brand in a minute.

Make a quiz - for free